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No apologies: We support the Second Amendment — especially the “well-regulated” part that so many politicians and gun-rights activists ignore.

We don’t support the Republican purge, at the NRA’s command, of reasonable restrictions that provide us all with some measure of safety, which leads to more deaths, for which these officials are never held to account. We don’t support the obfuscation, the misdirection, the bumper-sticker slogans and fear-mongering used to keep guns too readily available.

This makes 532 mass shootings so far in 2022, according to the Gun Violence Archive.

We all sit up and pay attention when mass shootings like this occur. They get a lot of publicity and generate a lot of talk.

But gun violence, often involving young people, occurs every day in America. And attempts to mitigate the resultant deaths — to regulate gun ownership and institute safety measures — are portrayed by Republican officials as intrusions on personal liberties.

Never mind the dead children — we’ve got to get the price of gas down.

— Winston-Salem Journal in Our View: Expect More Gun Violence

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  1. Liberals-just twist the meanings of words to fit what you want to happen.”Well Regulated” does not mean regulated by the government. I know the liberals worship government and government regulations, but that is not what that term means. Well Regulated is the military term for well equipped with arms and ammunition and prepared for battle.

    • “Well regulated” was a general term meaning well functioning fit for purpose. A well regulated clock keeps correct time. Training practice obedience to officers were not an end in themselves. The end is declared to be the security of a free state. The subordination of government to the consent of the people. To this end the means chosen was to secure the right of the people as individuals to keep and bear their own arms. This was obviously necessary before the age of cell phones to summon help. It remains necessary so long as when seconds count police remain a lifetime away

      • “A well regulated clock keeps correct time.”

        Look at books from that period (late 1700s) dealing with clock repair.

        The name of the nut that raises or lowers the clock’s pendulum (that slows or speeds up the clock’s speed) is named “the regulator”.

        Class dismissed. 🙂

    • Gun Control made regulating defenseless freed slaves easy peasy. Gun Control regulated defenseless Jews on their way to concentration camps and gas chambers, etc. Abolish Gun Control, to play games with Gun Control after history tells us not to ever do is insane.

    • They take the lawyer approach. Keep rephrasing the question until you get the answer you want.

    • The 18th century term well regulated meant trained in close order drill. If you can recall fourth grade history General Von Steuben, a Prussian general came to Valley Forge and drilled the troops in close order drill. He is just a footnote in most history books but his was a very important contribution to the success of the Continental Army. Troop movement on the battlefield was an essential part of victory in the 18th century. A unit commander and his NCOs had to know how to order the troops to move to provide maximum firepower on enemy forces. Marching cross country is best done in column formation, however on the 18th century battlefield, a column of troops was at a distinct disadvantage when facing troops on line.

      Imagine getting a battalion in columns into ranks on line where a column has transformed itself into a line formation four rows deep so that the first row, after firing, retires to the rear and the second row moves into position and the process is repeated until the first rank is again on line and in firing position. That requires significant practice. Not only do the troops have to know how to perform the maneuver, the officers have to know when to give the commands and which commands to give. The NCOs have to know how to “adjust” those members of the rank who always fail to remember which is left and which is right. If you want to see the old drill performed with precision, you need to watch the Marine Baracks in their summer performances at the Sunset Parade. I was in boot camp when the Marine Corps was transitioning from one form of close order drill to another and we spent an awful lot of time learning two forms of close order drill.

      That is the true meaning of well regulated — the British “regulars” were greatly feared and highly successful in most campaigns because they were very well regulated. Too much so in the eyes of some British generals so that they fell apart when confronted by “irregulars” who did not fight according to the rules of 18th century warfare.

      You haven’t really done close order drill until your company can perform “Squads, right front onto line” without stumbling all over each other. The company formation moves from a column four men wide into four ranks of the company on line and still marching. All that maneuvering done while under canon fire requires a lot of drilling. That is a well regulated militia which is not the National Guard which has been federalized.

  2. There’s a giant, freaking, invisible…”BUT” in their statement.

    A whole lotta anti-gun hate and rhetoric in one short statement masquerading as “News”.

    Quoting the Gun Violence Archive is like using Wiki to source your PhD dissertation in Astrophysics.

    • Quoting the gun violence archive is more like using Jeffery Dahmer’s recipe for your dissertation at the Sorbonne.

  3. “Well regulated” in late 18th- early 19th century language simply meant properly equipped and in good working order. Thus, the use of “well regulated” with regard to the militia, as applied to the 2nd amendment, meant that the Gov’t wanted to ASSURE that the militia, who were the men of the general public between 15-70 years of age, possessed FIREARMS (and those other items a military man would need) when they were called to arms.

    • I would argue that some level of combat training should be made readily available if not provided as part of secondary education.

      • One could say some inner-city kids get practical (albeit rudimentary) small-unit tactics training without being aware of it… 🙂

  4. Tell you what, lets see you start one of those “well regulated” militias and see if the glowies actually let you do it.

      • Mn. governor Walz during the Mpls/St. Paul riots….”why would I call out the National Guard – they’re 19 year old cooks!”
        He would know, he was one for 24 years. For the other 50 weeks a year he was a frickin teacher.

    • Also why you don’t join militia’s, at least not until the fight starts in earnest. Pointing out the obvious, the glowies that infiltrated will not be fighting against their allies, a self purge of the ranks in effect.

  5. A couple of questions on this issue.
    First, in regard to the recent (this year) school shootings, Exactly what changes in the law, short of prohibiting young adults from purchasing firearms, would have stopped the shooters? Allegedly, they purchased their weapons legally. Next question is just what law would somehow prevent those who are now in possession of weapons they obtained illegally from either using their weapons in a criminal act, or compel them to turn in their weapons?
    The only thing I know of that prevents someone from committing a crime is the fear of possible consequences. Since few if any criminals believe they will be caught or punished, they happily continue with their endeavors.
    Should it not be anyone can own whatever firearm they choose and can afford with the understanding that criminal misuse will bring swift and severe punishment? Instead of seeking to punish and restrict those who have not committed a crime?

    • To guess at the answers from those seeking power I will use what I observed here in NY.

      First question: None, we just want you controllable

      Second question: Tax all known owners to death for the privilege of ownership and use jail as necessary and constantly observe you until we are sure you are disarmed. Criminals are fine as long as they are useful then we will use your outrage at crime to crack down on them when they are no longer useful in keeping you under control. Repeat cycle as needed.

    • Hit the nail on the head in the last paragraph. Up the ante on the penalties to the point where none would be willing to risk them.

      However, it would have to be written in such a way that there is an airtight prevention of feature creep into other law. Give an inch, they take a mile if you give them an avenue. Think Civil Asset Forfeiture laws, and you get my point.

      Remember their promise that CAF law would “only” apply to the cartels, mafia, and large scale traffickers? How’d that work out?

    • Many expect to be caught at some time or other. They look at that as going “home” and getting “well”(off of drugs). When they get out, they end up using a drug of choice and they jump on the merry go round for a repeat performance.

  6. LoL there is a bit in there that makes sense. I support the 2nd amendment but I am concerned it does not go far enough in guaranteeing unfettered access to arms useful for keeping would be tyrants on the fearful defensive. As to the purge of I support the second amendment but anything else, good we are better off without spineless representatives that will bitch out when things get hard.

  7. I posted the following on the article’s comments:

    So you want “common sense” regulations of firearms? In other words, you and your fellows alone get to determine what the 2nd Amendment actually means or applies when you decide? Nope. The mistake you and the rest of the disarmament movement make is that the 2nd is not absolute. It is, period. The “well regulated militia” phrase is the one that folks like the author focus on, is the wrong one. The appropriate phrase is “a free state”. This does not refer to any political entity but the state of being free. Free to live as we choose. Free from government dictators like the Biden administration and his democrat fellow travelers, like Roy Cooper. As has been pointed out millions of times, criminals and other mentally ill humans do not obey the laws. The solution is sure, swift and certain punishment, including the death penalty or incarceration for life with no parole. It was a deterrent before. It can work again.”

    • Free state can also apply to Republican policies also, like forcing a Sabbath Day, limiting alcohol sales on voting days, curfews, closing of bars on work nights. All these things were done in the 60s and were supported by the religious right.
      Freedom takes all these restrictions and shreds them. Americans should be free to do as they please as long as it hurts no one else.

    • MICHAEL,

      PLEASE stop with this nonsense. That is NOT what “a free state” means, in the Constitution or elsewhere. Cite me ONE reputable historian, or ONE peer-reviewed article, that supports that (frankly ungrammatical, and totally illogical) view. Find ONE.

      Otherwise, stop spreading nonsense. You sound like MajorStupidity when you write that crap.

  8. “No apologies: We support the Second Amendment — especially the “well-regulated” part that so many politicians and gun-rights activists ignore.”


    This is an old false self-serving argument in the form of a statement disingenuously claiming support for the second amendment.

    The politicians and gun-rights activists don’t ignore that. They know its there and do in fact acknowledge it by correctly recognizing it as a prefatory clause and not the only condition just like the SCOTUS recognizes it. But the part you ignore is where the SCOTUS has ruled, a few different times now, for the operative clause that the individual right belongs to the people and is not connected to service in a “well-regulated” ‘militia’.

    The prefatory clause of the Second Amendment explains that a well-regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state, while the operative clause says the individual right to bear arms belongs to the people.

    “We don’t support the Republican purge, at the NRA’s command, of reasonable restrictions that provide us all with some measure of safety, which leads to more deaths, for which these officials are never held to account. We don’t support the obfuscation, the misdirection, the bumper-sticker slogans and fear-mongering used to keep guns too readily available.”

    Are you sure this was from a an article written by an actual journalist?

    This is so much BS its difficult to not think its from some conspiracy fan fiction written by someone after a hit from the crack pipe.

    There was and is no ‘Republican purge’ of ‘of reasonable restrictions ‘. There were and are republicans who have actually read and understand and recognized the danger that lies in claiming ‘safety’ as an excuse to infringe and remove what is a first class right just like the first amendment. Those republicans do what they can to block and stop this tyrannical oppression.

    Maybe you don’t realize it, but your so called “reasonable restrictions that provide us all with some measure of safety, which leads to more deaths” only do one thing and that is infringe the 2A rights of the law abiding and do absolutely zero to prevent those ‘more deaths’. And why is that? Its because there are two categories, one is accidents and the other is crime, which causes these deaths. Accidents are accidents, there has never been in the history of mankind where a law prevented an accident when the accident happened – never, not one documented case ever. Crime; well, crime – less than 1/6th of 1% of legal gun owners (meaning legally purchased or acquired) end up committing crimes with a gun – 100% of all criminals with a illegally acquired gun that have committed a crime with a gun have committed crime with a gun and that’s about 15% of criminals. So, overall, ~15% of the population is committing crimes with a gun, and in over 60% of crimes (all crimes with gun or not) overall they are committed by black males which are ~6% of the population which also so happens to commit murder at a rate three times that of other races. So you want to know where your deaths are primarily coming from? Well, now you know.

    So, every law abiding person who wants to exercise the fundamental constitutional first class right of the second amendment should be penalized, have their rights infringed or removed and subjected to oppressive laws and regulation, because ~15% of the population are criminals and 6% of the population commits over 60% of the crime? Ya ever heard the thing that criminals don’t obey laws? Well, its true and even less so now with the liberal and democrat ‘justice reforms’ where its just become, at best and then only maybe sometimes, a ‘catch and release’ program which just so happens to be the very ‘programs’ your rag and you support so your rag and you are, by your support, aiding and facilitating the criminals that are causing the deaths and now you want a cookie and a merit badge by blaming it on guns? You hypocrite.

    And the rest of your delusional writings are just more of the same old attempts to make false, disingenuous, and failed arguments and fill space with false misdirection and tripe in the form of a temper tantrum tug on the heart strings.

    So why don’t you devote your ire in the direction it needs to go and use that rag you write for to point out that if criminals were treated like criminals and removed from society things would be much better. And also, accidents, why don’t you bother to point out that of all the things that can result in an accident that guns represent less than 1/25th of 1% of those and society is overall literally 1,500 times safer around law abiding gun owners (collectively) than that are from being near a road with cars operating on the roads. (all things from car accidents to poisonings to drug overdose to ladder falls to defective products).

    So none of this is complete though, for the deaths, until, apparently, suicides are mentioned. Suicides are a result of mental illness present at the time of suicide. The method chosen is not a result ‘owning’ something, its just a matter choice. ~60% of deaths ruled as suicides initially are later found to have been either accidents or homicide, so the number of suicides attributed to the access to a gun is vastly overinflated to begin with. But what about that ~60%? They are never removed from suicide stats, which means the suicide by gun stats are also vastly over inflated. But in the mean time I notice that you did not mention that there are over 100,000 suicides by drug overdose annually in the U.S. and that over 80% of those had access to a gun but chose drug overdose instead and guess where over 70% of those got their drugs to overdose on? They got them from the drug dealing criminals you and your rag help set free by your support of the liberal and democrat ‘justice reforms’ where its just become, at best and then only maybe sometimes, a ‘catch and release’ program – so you are your rag aided and facilitated those drug overdose suicides.

    I notice no one is trying to infringe your first amendment rights, and oppress you, because your rag publishes slanted and disingenuous and incomplete statements that actually, granted indirectly, lead to death and injury but that’s for another time to point those out.

    • “Are you sure this was from a an article written by an actual journalist?”

      99.9% sure written by a ‘journalist’ trained in the last 30 years at a major university, *YES*.

      They call it ‘journalism’, what it actually is, is biased propaganda. ‘Truth’ is secondary, if a particular (read, Leftist Scum ™) talking point can be pushed…

      • “99.9% sure written by a ‘journalist’ trained in the last 30 years at a major university, *YES*.”

        a real journalist publication is objective, this one isn’t. Its clear they started with a ‘personal’ emotional agenda and did not intend to be objective but rather to write another slanted and disingenuous propaganda piece.

        Heck, they start out, without saying it directly, that the 2A only applies to the ‘well regulated’ implying militia and completely ignore the SCOTUS decisions that say its an individual right by accusing that politicians (republicans its implied later) and pro-gun ignore that part and that simply is not true and is a blatant lie. If they actually supported the Second Amendment they would also support the SCOTUS decisions that’s it is an individual right and acknowledge the operative clause that the individual right to bear arms belongs to the people – and thus not to the government or the anti-gun like they want to treat it by calling the anti-gun infringement ‘reasonable restrictions’. Its clear they do not support the second amendment, and they should not be trying to re-frame ‘well regulated’ into a context of gun-control that only suits their viewpoint.

        • “a real journalist publication is objective”

          Not sure there is historical evidence to support the statement. If one reviews history, “news” outlets were very partisan…and often vicious.

          It is alleged that Wm. Hearst said, “The power of the press is in the hands of he who owns one.”

          If there are any actual facts reported by media, like television and radio advertisements, those facts are there to get you to read the partisan viewpoints.

    • correction: “So, overall, ~15% of the population is committing crimes with a gun…”

      should have been

      So, overall, ~15% of the criminal population is committing crimes with a gun…

      correction: “And also, accidents, why don’t you bother to point out that of all the things that can result in an accident that guns represent less than 1/25th of 1% of those and society is overall literally 1,500 times safer around law abiding gun owners (collectively) than that are from being near a road with cars operating on the roads.”

      should have been…

      And also, accidents, why don’t you bother to point out that of all the things that can result in an accident that guns represent less than 1/25th of 1% of those and society is overall literally 1,500 times safer around law abiding gun owners (collectively) than they are from being near a road with cars operating on the roads.

      Correction: “Suicides are a result of mental illness present at the time of suicide. The method chosen is not a result ‘owning’ something, its just a matter choice. ~60% of deaths ruled as suicides initially are later found to have been either accidents or homicide, so the number of suicides attributed to the access to a gun is vastly overinflated to begin with.”

      should have been…

      Suicides are a result of mental illness present at the time of suicide. The method chosen is not a result of ‘owning’ something or having access to something including a gun, its just a matter choice. ~60% of deaths ruled as suicides initially are later found to have been either accidents or homicide, so the number of suicides attributed to the access to a gun is vastly overinflated to begin with.

      correction: “…so you are your rag aided and facilitated those drug overdose suicides. …”

      should have been …

      … so you and your rag aided and facilitated those drug overdose suicides. …

  9. The government is causing the school shootings in order to justify taking guns. It’s not that some people got past the nics, the government used them to do what they wanted to do. Justify taking guns, turning us from citizens to slaves.

  10. Anyone who looks at the method of the murder instead of the murder doesn’t care about the murder, they only care about their agenda.

    Example: A killer has a desire to kill kids. That killer decides to use a gun. The people who want to have government control the people point to the gun instead of the killer. They don’t care about those poor dead children, they only care about the gun.

    Nothing will be done to stop the mass killings until you stat focusing on the killer instead of the method.

  11. A very truthful article. I agree with it totally.

    No other civilized nation on earth permits nut cases and criminals to buy all the second hand guns and ammo they could ever want at flea markets, gun shows, bars and even internet chat rooms and the horrific fact is that its quasi legal. All one has to do in most states is flash a drivers license and the seller can then legally sell his gun to anyone not knowing if the guy who just bought your gun is a felon, nut case or a Trumpite insurrectionist. Blind greed rules and with a wink and a nod guns change hands in the middle of the fog and night on street corners, bars, gun shows and even ladies rest rooms.

    Its all pure insanity, but hey, when you live in Capitalvania life is considered cheap and expendable and money talks and common sense walks.

    “The U.S. hit a new level of insanity today” by gun toting crazed Rednecks.

    I read this morning an article (that will never appear in T tag) of a nut case Father and Son in Florida who got a doorbell warning of intrusion when a neighbor put a package that was sent to him by mistake on their doorstep because it was actually supposed to be delivered to them.

    The Redneck father and son then ran out the door and saw an innocent women in a parked car on her cell phone parked in the street and opened fire on her thinking she had tried to break into their home.

    No other country in the world permits such gun crazed madness.|2

    • But when a collector wants to buy a pre WWII pocket pistol, he is forced to go through an expensive process to purchase what should be a low cost collectable. My FFL collector’s license should be enough, but Nooooo, not in Ca.
      The FFLs know this, they are forced to keep the paperwork, so they earn it, but the point is, that it should not be this way.

    • “No other civilized…”

      Sorry Johnson, Too Loony, Didn’t Read. You’re wasting otherwise perfectly serviceable electrons.

    • dacian the demented dips***,

      I no longer bother to even read your nonsense. You are a deluded lunatic, with less than half a functional brain. NO ONE on this site likes you, as anything other than a target for ridicule. You will NOT be missed if you exit this site, permanently. Go expire in an excavation.

  12. The 2nd Amendment itself is also “well regulated”.
    It ends in the regulation stating “shall not be infringed”.

  13. I love how the Winston Salem Urinal harps on the intentionally misrepresented “well-regulated militia” part yet continues to dodge the “right of the people” not being infringed part. Just serves as further proof that it was witless weasels that killed print and not the innerwebs.

  14. Any educated person who has studied American History realizes that the Second Amendment was written as vaguely as possible to give the illusion that the individual had a right to own firearms. This was don by the criminals who seized power in America and because they knew they could not outright restrict or ban firearms from the people and remain long in power, they therefore wrote the amendment in such a way as the courts could and have continued to restrict the right to own arms right up to this very day.

    There were anti-gun laws on the books even before the revolution, especially in the bigger cities where crime was a problem. None of these laws were rescinded after 2A was written and in fact they became more numerous after 2A was passed and they continued to become more numerous right up to the present day which is exactly what the criminals who founded the U.S intended to happen.

    The Second Amendment was originally written to cajole the states into joining the Federal Government by letting them control their own private armies (the militia) to be used to murder slaves that might revolt. Surviving letters by both Jefferson and Madison prove they were intensely worried about the Haiti slave revolt spreading to the U.S. because the Haiti white slave owners were fleeing the country and many took some of their slaves with them.

    When studying the Second Amendment two things become abundantly clear, especially when one considers the Amendment in the context of the times in which it was written. The Second Amendment was never meant to be unlimited and no other Constitutional Right was meant to be unlimited either. The Second Amendment was deliberately written in the vaguest of terms possible to leave room for the criminals in power via the corrupt courts to ban or restrict firearms. And that is exactly what the criminals in power and the corrupt courts have been doing right up to the present day.

    U.S. History does not lie rather it is the Far Right who deliberately ignore it or try and sweep it under the rug or distort it for their own personal and political gain and their own far right propaganda. This has all resulted in the highest homicide rate and highest mass murder rate in the industrialized world and no amount of lying by the Far Right can cover that up.

    As the bodies of the dead continue to mount higher and higher the Far Right gaze out from their balconies in Capitalvania while wearing rose colored spectacles and play their harps and give nothing but prayers and thoughts, they are really a sick and paranoid and a delusional group of deraigned mentally ill people.

    • Dacian, you wouldn’t make a zit on a redneck’s ass. Like my daddy used to say “ boy you think you somethin, but a stiff drink and a shot of leg would kill you. Know what you’re talking about when you call someone a redneck.

    • dacian the demented dips***,

      “Any educated person who has studied American History . . . ”

      Which excludes you on TWO grounds: (i) you aren’t even REMOTELY “educated”, and (ii) you’ve NEVER studied, or learned, any US History. I didn’t bother to read the rest of your word vomit.

      Go fornicate yourself.

  15. “We don’t support the obfuscation, the … fear-mongering used to keep guns too readily available.

    This makes 532 mass shootings so far in 2022, according to the Gun Violence Archive.”

    In citing GVA, they clearly support the fear-mongering used to try to prevent guns from being readily available.

  16. Last year we lost 100,000 people to drug overdoses. Constitution and Bruen say people are entitled to firearms period. People die in all sorts of ways and whether there are laws designed to protect them they still die. Drugs, car accidents, muggings, thefts, all kinds of things kill people. 2/3 of firearm deaths are suicides not homicides. That means less than 20,000 a year are from other means which is low compared to other forms of deaths. If we had a better mental health care system, it would identify some of these deranged folks before they have a chance to kill people. However, when Democrats condone defunding the police, allowing unvetted immigration, and allow arrested and convicted criminals back on the street which has increased violence dramatically particularly in Blue cities it is rather hypocriitical to simply focus on firearms. Their policies have only made matter much worse.

  17. The US Supreme Court declared several times that “No amendment is absolute”. Thus, the highest court in the land reads the Second Amendment as stating “….shall not be infringed, except for….”. This puts Winston-Salem Journal inline with SCOTUS.

  18. Congratulations to the Winston-Salem Journal on being awarded the Captain Obtuse Award of 2022 as well the award for lack of reading and understanding the verbiage as used in 1792 America. These progressive bird cage liner manufacturers always want to apply today’s definition of words to the document known as the US Constitution which was written in 1792 so they can attempt to obfuscate the true meaning of the words in our Constitution.

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