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  1. Atleast he had the disclaimer at the end, saying use for your Target guns…. interesting idea, but almost zero real world usage.

  2. At least he acknowledges it to be useless for self-defense. I see no harm in the invention, unless someone mandates I put it on my EDC. Until then, let the kid play with his toy and maybe make a few bucks selling to those poor souls too wary of NDs to actually purchase a gun.

  3. Pardon me, Mr. Bad Guy, could you take a few steps back? Perfect. Thanks!

    • Did you even watch the video? At all?

      At the end he makes it clear – this has nothing whatsoever to do with “Mr. Bad Guy”. It has everything to do with accidental shootings when you’re at the range. He specifically says it has NOTHING to do with self-defense, and would not be used for self defense, and if the government ever mandated that it had to be used, then he said he’d publish detailed instructions on how to disable it.

      As I was watching this video, all I could think of was this guy:

      • Then the “505” deaths of children all took place at a gun range? Be realistic. Most of the deaths were inside homes when unsecured guns got into the hands of kids.

  4. Gotta go against the grain here and say that’s a pretty cool direction for research. Imagine a setup like that for training novices that buzzes them if they muzzle anyone, or maybe something to use at a busy range. There are new gun owners being minted every day after all.

    • That is actually a surprisingly good point. It may actually be something viable for a “trainer” gun with an alarm of some kind.

      In terms of stopping NDs, I think that the impact of most smart gun platforms would be dubious honestly. If a person slips with a gun something like a plain, mechanical grip safety is likely one of the best bets. Not only that but I suspect a lot of the people killed in NDs (that aren’t really suicides) were doing something stupid and pulled the trigger AKA the “The chamber is empty” effect.

    • Anybody training a 1st time shooter needs to pay absolute attention to that shooter and be “the buzzer” if that muzzle isnt pointed in the right direction. A new shooter who flags something/someone on the line needs to be paused…. A loud “buzzer” on a gun and a nervous 1st time shooter = ND with some people.

      Guns carry with them moral and attentive responsibility. You have to condition that in to people and especially children if you live in gun family. You absolutely cannot substitute or out source those two concepts to a machine. And if someone is that concerned and needs a device to make up for laziness, then they should download said gun and attach a $5 cable lock to it.

  5. 505 accidental deaths by guns in a country of how many tens of millions of guns? Me-shells lunch program has a higher fatality rate than that.

  6. I know for a fact that ultra sonic sensors can get wierd too. I have a Evil(tm) Drone that has ultra sonic sensors for low level height detection. It also wigs out when its below freezing, and tries to make the drone climb like a rocket. Relying on Tech instead of your brain for firearms safety is a bad idea.

  7. Another useless solution in searching for a problem.

    I can see problems in support shooting or melee combat.

  8. Hold me beer. I bet if I hold it this close to me hand it won’t fire…I bet of I hold it This close to my hand it won’t fire…I bet if I hold out THIS close to my hand it won’t awefuck!

  9. I looked at another video where the inventor goes into more detail.

    The concept of the invention is based on math that shows that if a gun is randomly discharged your odds of being hit rapidly decrease with distance from the weapon. Basically treating a gun firing a bullet like a fragmentation grenade explosion with a single fragment, the farther you are the better. I am not sure his model would hold up based on the real life conditions of the actual ~500 gun accidents he cites. Did he research how close those victims were to the gun that killed them or is this all based on a physics equation? Also one concern is that his invention will have its own on and off switch, will people remember or choose to turn it on? Many people don’t use or like the manual safeties many guns already have.

  10. Hell no, my guns not muzzle safe. It’s to protect me and mine.

    People need to always be aware that a gun is a deadly instrument and handle it accordingly.

    Brings to mind the cop I saw in the 80’s draw his Beretta 92 to show his friends.

    When people yelled at him cause he had covered all of them in a 2 second period, he said “it’s ok, the safety’s on”.

    More of what we don’t need.

  11. He shows how stupid he is by placing his hand in front of the gun and pulling the trigger.
    Never place any part of your body in the path and pull a trigger.
    Never rely on a safety instead of safe handling.
    And on top of that it’s not going to work on most guns anyway.

    More than 500 people were killed in Chicago this year so far, work on a solution to that kid.

  12. Laughably stupid, of course. However, with a few generations of evolution of this technology it might become useful. If the gun could, for example, instantly tell me if the muzzle was pointed in the general direction of a communist sympathizer.

    Then I might be interested.

  13. Reminds me of the movie hunt for red October. Connery steers his sub towards the torpedo at full speed, knowing he can close the distance before the torpedo arms itself.

  14. I said it before… Just don’t force it on people. You like smart guns, that’s fine. You don’t, should be fine too.

  15. Pro-tip: try a standoff device. It will be cheaper and no tape on elctronics.

    Also Honor Guard has them on some models

  16. Nothing replaces basic training, practice and repeat. Break a rule you could kill sombody.
    This gimmick is only a partial backup, won’t stop a ND from killing someone out of sensor range. If relied on it would provide a false sense of security for sloppy and dangerous handling. It got some positive comments here but if it was on the market today at a reasonable price: would you buy it?

  17. My trigger finger is my ‘muzzle safe’ control switch. With this ‘wunderdevice’, I can just see trying to fend off a mugger that has gotten within arms reach and my effing gun won’t fire.

  18. Actually, this is pretty great, for it’s intended purpose, which no one seems to be considering it for.

    Which is preventing TRAINING accidents, and acting as a secondary manual safety for objects within a certain distance.

    For TRAINING guns. Not self defense guns. TRAINING. It says that, in big bold letters during the credits. Pay attention, goddang.

    He further goes on to say that if it’s ever made mandatory he’ll tell everyone how to turn it off. That works fine with me.

  19. It amazes me how many people either
    1. Didn’t watch the video properly before commenting, or
    2. Didn’t bother to apply a ounce of critical thinking before spouting off “EGHerrghmmmgosh not on my guns, my guns are to shoot people with”
    As some commenters have said, this or something like this would be great for teaching new shooters.
    Yes for self defense this is stupid.
    But we don’t need to be stomping on innovation.

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