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Dr. Meredith Clark (courtesy

The Trace doesn’t get much traffic and it has no advertising revenue. But don’t worry about the anti-gun agitprop machine’s finances. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is funding The Trace’s cacophonous cadre of pseudo-journalists — as well as the anti-gun jihadis beavering away at Everytown for Gun Control and Moms Demand Disarmament. In a way, I’m glad The Trace hasn’t [yet] disappeared without one. They provide great links and really, really dumb gun editorial content. Check out this one . . .

When I return to the University of North Texas for the fall semester, I’ll have no way of knowing who is carrying a firearm. As of August 1, students, faculty, and staff with concealed weapon permits may carry guns on public university campuses, under a law approved last year.

I’m a black female professor working in a Texas town with a prominent Confederate memorial. I teach journalism courses that spark debate about race, gender, and nationality. I have serious reservations about campus carry.

Ba-bam! University of North Texas Journalism Professor Meredith Clark [above] waits exactly one paragraph before playing the race card in her editorial. A Confederate memorial! In Texas! Lynchings to follow!

Actually, Professor Clark’s benefactors play the race card before publishing a single word of her anti-campus cary rant, with the headline: I’m A Black Female College Professor in Texas. Should I Get a Gun? 

Do I need to point out that The People of The Gun would answer the question in the affirmative without deviation, hesitation or reservation? Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, professor, doctor, factory worker, man, woman, transgender…buy and carry a gun if you wish to defend yourself. Next question? What IS your problem?

Proponents of the new law claim that if more people are armed at institutions of higher learning, we will all be safer. Days after he signed the bill, Governor Greg Abbott declared that would-be shooters in Texas would now understand that “somebody is going to be watching them and have the ability to do something about it” if they open fire on a college campus.

But I don’t feel safer. The idea of working in an environment where anyone may have a gun makes me feel perpetually under threat. I’m afraid of accidents, mostly, but also of misplaced anger and emotional distress. I’m afraid that situations that occur every day on college campuses, like a classroom debate or an office visit about grades, will escalate into deadly shooting.

Just like it has in Utah lo these last ten years or so. Or not. Perhaps we should cut Ms. Clark some slack on the actual facts of the matter, seeing as she’s a journalism professor. One who shelters from inconvenient truths behind a miasma of feelings.

Well, one in particular: fear. Informed by willful ignorance, Texas’ campus carry law doesn’t change the fact that all of Professor Clark’s fears could be realized right now. The current firearms ban doesn’t protect her from “gun violence” any more than a restraining order protects a victim of domestic violence.

At the same time, I’d like to know how many classroom debates and office visits have devolved into violence — any kind of violence — before campus carry? As TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia point out, universities these days are hotbeds of blind conformity.

The odds of a debate on, say, journalists’ inability to avoid bias and present factual information, turning into a shooting are about as high as the odds that the University of North Texas would fire her for promoting a liberal agenda to the impressionable youths in her charge. More’s the pity . . .

My mother wants me to quit. Friends send me job ads in other states. A few high-profile academics — including a University of Texas deanand a professor emeritus — have already made a public show of leaving. But the job market makes it hard for me to consider leaving my first tenure-track position. Even now, while guns are still technically banned from campus, they often show up in campus crime reports. It would be naive to think those incidents won’t increase when more permit holders can legally bring their guns to campus.

Campus crime reports citation, please. How many of these incidents involved permit holders? *crickets chirping* Meanwhile, the idea that gun rights advocates are naive is the best example of unintentional anti-gun irony I’ve come across in, I dunno, days. As for mom’s advice . . . take it! For the children!

And now things get weird . . .

To be absolutely clear: I am not anti-gun. I have never touched a firearm, though I’ve long been interested in obtaining a license to own and carry one. I live alone, and I’m often on the road. Having a tool that would allow me an extra measure of protection is attractive. I’ve also considered carrying a gun as matter of liberation — the kind preached by black militants like Malcolm X and Fred Hampton, who advocated for gun ownership as a means of protecting black bodies like mine from all types of threats.

I’m not anti-gun — but I’m writing an anti-gun editorial. I want to carry one for self-defense and liberation — but I want to keep a ban on guns on campus that would prevent me from protecting myself and asserting my natural, civil and Constitutionally protected rights as an African American. To be absolutely clear, that’s F’d-up.

But wait! Professor Clark is spiraling down the rabbit hole.

But I’m unsettled by the notion of entire university communities being motivated by fear to take up arms. I also wonder how people will react to black students, staff, and faculty who choose to arm themselves. It’s clear not everyone is so keen on black folks using guns for self defense. I’m mindful of Marissa Alexander, a black woman who fired a warning shot in her own garage to ward off an attack from her abusive ex-husband. That shot – which injured no one – earned her a 20-year jail sentence in Florida, a state that allows people to “stand their ground” when they cannot escape imminent threat.

The lesson I took from her case? Black women do not enjoy the same privilege of self defense as others.

We are in major WTF territory here. I want to carry a gun because of the possibility of racist attack, but if I carry to defend myself against it I’m stoking racism. I don’t want anyone to be able to carry a gun on campus. And here’s a black woman who was wrongly treated for defending herself with a gun, proving . . . she lost me. Because she’s really, really lost.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any weirder . . .

While I remain ambivalent about guns, I fear that gun violence on campus isn’t a matter of what if. It’s a matter of when.

Earlier this semester, I thought that day had come.

I’d stepped out of my office for a moment, and when I returned, a student I’d never seen before was perched in one of my chairs. She was a waif with lavender hair and headphones shaped like cat’s ears looped around her neck.

“Dr. Clark?” she said.

Her eyes struck me immediately. I can’t recall their color, but I remember the jolt of panic I felt when I noticed that her pupils were huge. Dilated. At 8 in the morning.

“I’ve read about your work, and I wanted to ask you some questions,” she said.

She wanted to talk about “what the black community wants,” and the protests linked to Black Lives Matter.

I felt the familiar heart palpitations I’d had during my days as a newspaper columnist, when readers from God-knows-where would call and offer their critiques sweetly enough, only to devolve into screaming and swearing, threatening to stop me from writing about all that “black shit.”

Any time a stranger — from any background — seeks to engage me about my positions of black existence, I am on guard and prepared to defend myself.

I invited her to sit down.

She was hard to follow. At one point she asked me about racial inequalities then offered her thoughts before I could answer her question.

I began to worry that this young, erratic woman might become violent, and I scanned the room to see what I could grab to defend myself. A picture frame? My computer monitor? Then I felt silly. I was twice her size, but fear of what could happen kept me on edge. As I sat, cornered in my own office, I realized that I’d never been so glad to be unarmed. If I were, I’d have had one hand on my gun.

When she finally left, I felt relief, then a flood of guilt. Had I been carrying a weapon, and had she made too sudden a move, what would have happened? I am still unsure of her motivation for seeking me out, but it seems likely she was simply a confused young woman, under the influence of drugs. If I’d had a gun, I might have overreacted that day, brandishing it out of a heightened sense of fear. I might have caused irreparable harm, even if I never fired a shot.

And that’s what frightens me most.

And there you have it: Professor Clark’s motivation. She’s afraid of herself. And you know what? She has good reason to be. As do we all.

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  1. Even before the law in question took effect, she had no idea who was carrying a gun…

  2. I was all in favor of her getting a gun until that last part. A girl half her size came to her office to ask her questions and that terrified her?! Someone get her the hell out of that job and into a padded cell.

    Here’s the truth: If the exact same sized, gendered, and dressed black girl had come into her office asking the exact same questions she would not have been phased one bit.

    When people ask about racism, show them this woman. She is the textbook embodiment of it.

    • A student asking questions is a terrifying thing to a college professor trying to get tenure. Or a liberal. Why don’t they just accept what you tell them? Can’t they see you are terrified? Thank goodness she didn’t have a gun, she’d probably waste anyone who failed to stare blankly at the board.

      This woman has serious problems, and I don’t think she should be anywhere near students.

    • The dilated pupils thing really got me. There are so very many reasons a person’s pupils could be dilated, and yes at eight in the morning. For starters, how about consumption of one of those giant sized, sugar flavored milkshakes that a person fitting the description she provides thinks is “coffee.” Or, you know, let’s forgo any foreign substances and just think about the effects of adrenaline on an individual confronting, one-on-one, an authority figure they have not interacted with before, who describes herself as potentially physically intimidating, about a potentially heated topic.

      • “There are so very many reasons a person’s pupils could be dilated,”

        Indeed. Another reason pupils dilate is sexual attraction.

        She well could have had the hots for teacher…

  3. Here’s a fun little tidbit for her to consider… she already doesn’t know who might be carrying a gun, knife, hammer, screwdriver, etc. Or what their intentions are. I guess some people prefer to shelter themselves from reality.

  4. Headline…

    Crazy Racist University “Professor” Doesn’t Understand How Self-Defense Works.

    • ..or people.
      Or guns.
      Or crime.
      Or racism.

      Or pretty much the rest of this thing we call “Reality”.

  5. “I’d like to know how many classroom debates and office visits have devolved into violence — any kind of violence…”

    This is a good question. How does a rational person all of a sudden believe there’s going to be shootouts due to classroom debate when physical violence of any sort happens…how often? Never? Has she ever experienced this or even heard of it happening first-hand? We’re now supposed to think that it’s more likely to skip straight to shooting than expect that only a minuscule percentage of classroom and office debate violence would reach that level of escalation? Among a group of people (CCW holders), by the way, who commit crimes at like 1/25th the rate of the general populous? What is a minuscule percentage of zero, anyway?

    • “…Devolved,” implying that it started with a civil disagreement and escalated to bloodshed. It takes two parties to escalate an argument (Fight Club aside) to that point. And so we get to the crux of most politically left arguments, abdication of personal responsibility.

    • Well lets see, zero plus zero, carry the zero, aaaand yeah its still zero.

  6. I am also glad she does not have a firearm. She sounds paranoid and unhinged.

    • Indeed. She wants to believe that she’s [at least] mentally normal though, as any person would of course, and thinking normal people are just like her (or worse) makes her rightly scared that people own and carry firearms.

      I have acquaintances that match this description, too. We like to talk about “projection” a whole lot but sometimes you really do see it. Most recently it was an extremely liberal acquaintance of mine who’s done some really weird stuff getting more and more rabidly anti-gun and saying things like “humans aren’t anywhere near stable or responsible enough to own firearms.” Well, yeah, that’s easy for him to say if he thinks he represents humans, a guy who “sleep walked” into a girl’s bed for the night, got drunk and rolled his car and fled from the scene, forgets his wallet and other personal stuff everywhere he goes, etc, and is just mentally “odd” in general. Yeah, dude, you’re the perfect representation of a normal, rational adult.

      • ^^^This so much.
        “I grew up sheltered in a leftist indoctrination enclave, which caused me to so utterly fail to develop into a mature adult that the only way I can sleep at night is to convince myself that everyone else is as F’d up as me.”

  7. This woman probably shouldn’t be around other people, let alone teach. And she wants to stay so she can get tenure?!?

    • Tenure track positions are increasingly hard to find and it still takes quite a while to achieve tenure… but as a professor of the softer social sciences, and her being the correct skin color (not white), I’m sure she could find other tenure tracked positions in other states.

  8. At least she can say she maintains situational awareness, but good night! She could always come out here to Colorado and teach. Oh wait, we’ve had campus carry for over a decade; without issue. She might be safer in a hole somewhere.

  9. “But I don’t feel safer.”

    I wouldn’t feel safer, either, if I sent a child to be “educated” by this human carbuncle.

    Guns on campus may serve the most salutary purpose of all — chasing leftist, socialist, Marxist and assorted loonie professors and administrators off college campuses. Now that would be the greatest gift to education since the invention of movable type.

  10. As I recall, wasn’t the woman she talked of going to jail found guilty of leaving the room where the husband was, going to her car to get a gun, then going BACK to the husband and shooting at him? At his head as I recall.

    I don’t think Stand Your Ground involves leaving the threat, getting a gun, going back to the threat of your own volition and then shooting at said threat.

    But then what do I know. I’m not a journalism professor.

    • Warning shot or miss, she fired toward him and his children. Also, she’s out on house arrest which will be over in a year or so.

    • Yeah… that “black woman shooting in self defense” she’s reffering to was really more like this:

    • It’s a shame we can’t say retard anymore, because this professor would meet the definition to a T.

      Ah what the heck. I’ll just come out and say it. She went full retard, man. Never go full retard.

      • No dave…your incorrect.
        Retardation is not by choice.
        She developed this over the years.
        Never go full retard is just medical bigotry…….l believe your better than that.
        Don’t be a bigot. Just say what she is, a paranoid racist.
        She is not afflicted with retardation.

    • From my recollection, Alexander was at her ex husband’s house when he threatened to kill her.
      She then went out into the garage, and claims she tried to leave but couldn’t get the door open.

      When she went back inside, holding (not brandishing, or at least she claims she wasn’t) her gun, he yelled that he was going to kill her before running at her.

      The only question in my mind is, did she have the right to walk into his house holding a gun, or did he have reason to fear she was threatening her life and rushed her to prevent her from shooting him?

      If she was the assaulter, all bets are off. If he was the attacker, she had every right to shoot.

      At trial, she was convicted after the judge erroneously instructed the jury that the burden of proof was on the defendant.

      After she was victorious in getting that improper verdict throw out on appeal, the vindictive witch prosecutor, Angela Corey of George Zimmerman fame, increased the charges, attempting to get a 60 year sentence to punish her for getting her 20 year sentence overturned. Alexander then cut a plea deal for time already served (three years in prison without a fair trial, I think the trial judge should serve 3 years to repay that).

      • Just like real news showed video of Gentle Mike Brown beating up the little Asian liquor store clerk with all of the “hands up” witnesses participating in the robbery just 10 min before Officer Wilson shot him, but it took over a week for lame stream media to show an edited tape instead of going with the narrative he was going from church to his grandma’s.

        “Do I need to point out that The People of The Gun would answer the question in the affirmative without deviation”

        Since she is black I actually support a background check for her, after all Eric Holder said 1out of 3 voting age black males are felons when he fought against Florida’s Felon No Vote Law

  11. Ahh she is one of those. She surrounds herself with a sense of fall security and imagines that no one would illegally be carrying a firearm prior to the law and she is safe behind the doors of academia. What a loon. As a security officer myself I can tell you right now most security is just theater. Whether it be a security guard or police officer anyone with the slightest bit of creativity could cause some mayhem. Very few institutions want to put any serious money into securing facilities. They figure a few scarecrows will do the job and just insure everything heavily.

  12. ‘I’m a black female professor working in a Texas town with a prominent Confederate memorial. I teach journalism courses that spark debate about race, gender, and nationality. I have serious reservations about campus carry.’

    Sounds like an caucasophobic bigot with an exaggerated sense of her own worth and an agenda. Blacks commit over 90% of all interracial violent crime involving blacks and whites, and probably 98% of violent crime against blacks. It would be valid, but forbidden, for a white person to express a fear of being attacked by a black person. It’s the epitome of racial arrogance for a black person to whine about being worried that a white person might attack her, let alone, that her ignorant bias against whites means white people shouldn’t be allowed to carry on campus. She should lose her job for this little caucasophobic outburst. Would love to see a Twitter campaign or petition against her racist retard moment.

  13. How do you get out of bed in the morning? It seems, miss, the you have a paralyzing fear of EVERYTHING!

    Seriously… I…

    …..words. The words are gone. All of them.

  14. “My mother wants me to quit. Friends send me job ads in other states….”

    Well? What are you waiting for?

  15. I don’t have a problem with black people, but this one is a special kind of stupid. She deserves a seat at the table with The Irrelevant Jesse Jackson, Al Not-so-Sharpton, and Spike “#Oscarssowhite” Lee.

    Blaming modern day whites for racism and slavery is like blaming modern day Germans for the holocaust in WW2. Slavery ended over 150 years ago, and the Jim Crow laws ended in 1965. Any white person under the age of 51 wasn’t even alive during the Jim Crow laws.

    Lastly, black people commit over 50 percent of the nation’s homicides, most of which are black on black. There is very little white on black crime by comparison. She shouldn’t be afraid of whites who are licensed carriers of legally owned firearms. They are statistically the most law-abiding citizens in the country, and most of them would risk their own lives to protect her, no matter how stupid she may be.

  16. How this woman draws a paycheck at anything other than washing dishes is a mystery to me.

  17. Couple things that are far too common;
    1. Afraid of what she might of done if she had a gun. So now she assumes that no one is capable of being armed and not overreacting. If she can barely control herself, no one can, right?
    2. In addition to that, she is BEYOND paranoid. She is a journalist professor and has done work on many hot topics, what does she expect to happen? No one ever tries to have a conversation with her about her opinions? Thats what her profession is about. This poor lady in her office is trying to have a discussion with her but she is too busy picking out a weapons to defend her self with? Seriously?
    But conservatives are the paranoid black chopper fearing racists.

  18. Prozac……stat!!!
    I think everyone else at school should be very concerned about….”her”!

  19. [email protected]
    Professor Meredith Clark
    Don’t you know that gun control has it’s roots in disarming blacks. Free People have guns. Slaves don’t. Harriet Taubman had a gun. Even Martin Luther King had a gun. Bass Reeves, a former slave and then the first black US Marshall, had a gun. The gun control positions you espouse are fundamentally racist.

    Frederick Douglass said it best way back in 1867
    “A man’s rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.”

    You need to re-read the Dread Scot decision. Especially:
    More especially, it cannot be believed that the large slave holding States regarded them as included in the word citizens, or would have consented to a Constitution which might compel them to receive them in that character from another State. For if they were so received, and entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens, it would exempt them from the operation of the special laws and from the police *417 regulations which they considered to be necessary for their own safety. It would give to persons of the negro race, who were recognized as citizens in any one State of the Union, the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, singly or in companies, without pass or passport, and without obstruction, to sojourn there as long as they pleased, to go where they pleased at every hour of the day or night without molestation, unless they committed some violation of law for which a white man would be punished; and it would give them the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went.
    Dred Scott v Sandford, 60 US 393, 416-17; 15 L Ed 691 (1856), superseded (1868)

    The true remedy for the Fugitive Slave Bill is a good revolver, a steady hand, and a determination to shoot down any man attempting to enforce it.
    Frederick Douglass in “The North Star”, 1860

    The need for a “ a good revolver” was true in 1860 and it’s still true today. You need to get a handle on your fears and stop trying strip freedoms and rights from others.
    Senior Gun Owner 1950

  20. yeah, i’m thinking those last few paragraphs should be included in a NICS file somewhere. Sounds a little too unhinged to own a weapon

  21. Doc, get a damn gun. You live alone, you travel… reason enough. Mostly my favorite fallacy is the notion NOT being allowed to carry on campus would stop a shooting. Seems to me a killer is unconcerned with the sign saying no guns. As far as the issue of race, guns don’t care. Your life is just as valuable as mine, and worth preparing to defend. Get a gun, Doc. Don’t be victim. Be an opponent.

  22. Hello:
    Summer is here, and I’m heeding the words of a wise woman as I concentrate on my research for a few weeks:

    “When we let our minds wander, we set our brains free. Our brains are most productive when there is no demand that they be reactive,” writes Sherry Turkle, an MIT researcher and author of Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age.

    That said, I’m checking email once a week through Aug. 22. Meanwhile, I can be reached at 940.437.0059.

    Kind regards,
    Meredith D. Clark, Ph.D.

  23. I’m always amused by college faculty that are terrified of legally armed students, whose possession of CCW permits proves that they have no record of violent behavior, yet are comfortable in the presence of linemen from the football team who are big enough and strong enough to rip their heads off in a fit of rage.

    • Not to mention, a significant percentage of those football players do have a history of violent behavior…

  24. Well, Professor Fearful’s rambling amounts to the anti-gun justification that dare not speak its name:

    “Because I do not trust myself to wield that terrible, or really, any, power wisely, I should have & wield the power to deny that agency to others.”

    “I’m incompetent, so that gives me the prerogative to say what others may do.”

    Huh. That’s remarkable.

    Well, reading Professor Fearful it’s clear why the products of higher education are so damaged. This stuff is literally insane: illogical, inconsistent, detached from reality, and full of over-reaction. If she’s shaping minds, we’re lucky we get graduates who can tell which way is up 3 times out of 5.

    /Breaking Down Some Bits, Because I am a Masochist, Apparently…

    “When I return to the University of North Texas for the fall semester, I’ll have no way of knowing who is carrying a firearm. As of August 1, students, faculty, and staff with concealed weapon permits may carry guns on public university campuses, under a law approved last year.”

    You already have no way of knowing who is carrying concealed. Indeed, people not limited by following the law are the only ones carrying on campus before this change.

    Your confusion that a *law* robustly prevents something is concerning. A *law* encourages people inclined to follow it, to do, or not do, something. *People* do things, or not. *People* bring arms onto campus or not. If arms are disallowed by law, the people bringing arms onto campus are pre-selected to have limited regard for the law … for example against murder.

    What Professor Fearful just said is literally insane: illogical, inconsistent with empirical reality, mis-assigns volition and agency, and more.

    “I have serious reservations about campus carry.”

    About carry on campus at all, or about legalizing carry on campus? Indeed, if laws were sufficient, we’d not need those lovely TSA folks screening everybody to keep all the guns (except the ones they miss) off of airplanes. It’s illegal, with or without the screening.

    Given the fallacy that “no legal carry on campus” means “no carry on campus”, indeed these things follow: that law is allowing all this risk. Except that a law does nothing to reduce illegal carry.

    “I’m A Black Female College Professor in Texas. Should I Get a Gun?”

    Well, that’s an individual choice for any human. Black & female bear on the decision a little. Texas argues “yes” as they have a robust gun culture there, so you can get training, advice and so on. BUT the fact that you are a College Professor argues a strong “No.” Your essay argues “No” even more strongly. I’m not in favor of the insane arming themselves.

    Here’s the proper response to that:

    “The questions are: Do you think you might need to protect yourself? Do you want to? and Do you think yo could,? Answer those “Yes” and you might have reason to get a gun. You might have ample competing reason not to, even if those are “Yes.”

    Fortunately, you are no longer legally prohibited from defending yourself if you choose, because you are black. Fortunately for all of us, many black people defended themselves with guns, though it was legally prohibited at the time, helping bring about that and other changes to the law.”

    “But I don’t feel safer. The idea of working in an environment where anyone may have a gun…”

    You already work in an environment where anyone may have a gun. Just not legally. Many, perhaps most, don’t. You also work in an environment where anyone might attack you at any time. Most don’t. Statistically, legal gun owners are less violent than the general population.

    “I’m afraid of accidents, mostly, but also of misplaced anger and emotional distress. I’m afraid that situations that occur every day on college campuses, like a classroom debate or an office visit about grades, will escalate into deadly shooting.”

    Who do you know, who are so negligent, so angry, so quick to escalate? From this I’m concluding that your campus is host to a parade of ambulance visits, from dropped chairs, fingers slammed in doors, and all manner of other damaging accident. Also assaults, which is the only way to resolve differences of opinion at a College.

    “…I began to worry that this young, erratic woman might become violent, and I scanned the room to see what I could grab to defend myself…”

    Ah, well, there it is. So, someone doesn’t make sense to you, and you’re looking for a weapon, preparing to escalate. All she did is talk.

    “I was twice her size, but fear of what could happen kept me on edge. As I sat, cornered in my own office, I realized that I’d never been so glad to be unarmed. If I were, I’d have had one hand on my gun.”

    I do wonder how your office guest felt, you being twice her size, looking for weapons as she talked.

    That’s the rest of it. For most of us, along with not getting more agitated than the agitation in front of us, “Hand on my gun.” doesn’t mean we’re going to, inevitably, shoot, any more than we inevitably bean anyone near to hand every time we grasp a picture frame. For most of us, the world is full of objects that could be used to do harm, yet we and the people around us never use them that way. Myself, I have never, yet, beaned anyone with a picture frame.

    “When she finally left, I felt relief, then a flood of guilt.”

    Well, the guilt is probably healthy. Had she not left, what escalation would you have brought?

    “If I’d had a gun, I might have overreacted that day, brandishing it out of a heightened sense of fear. I might have caused irreparable harm, even if I never fired a shot.

    And that’s what frightens me most.”

    Oh, that escalation. Well, good. You probably ought to be frightened of that. The thing is many, perhaps most, people are not like you in this way.

    But your lack of control doesn’t mean “no guns for anyone else!” Because you don’t trust yourself to wield that terrible, or it looks like any, power wisely, doesn’t mean you should wield the even greater power to deny that agency to others.

    You, aren’t to be trusted, so you get to tell everybody else what they can’t do. Got it. I’m nearsighted. So no stargazing for anyone, I have decreed. I get to do that, because I do it badly.

    (Really, the non-logic here is remarkable. What do they teach in schools these days.)

  25. So right off the bat I’ll make a sciencey joke at this lady’s expense and using twisting her words a bit.

    She’s a classic case of a black body radiator… of idiocy! Oh, I slay myself sometimes.

    Secondly, some tiny girl with dilated pupils scares the crap out of you? Two things: first off most serious racists don’t start the day off with a couple hits of acid or a pizza topped with magic mushrooms. Hippies do that. Secondly, there are other reasons her eyes could be dilated. Ever heard of allergies? Something like Opcon-A will dilate most people’s pupils.

    This lady is freaking paranoid and likely a hardcore anti-gunner trying to claim she’s interested in a gun because she thinks it lends her credibility. I’ll say this: If you’re half as paranoid as your writing suggests do not buy a gun. Seek professional mental help immediately.

  26. What an insane story. So, this little hipster gets hopped up on doofballs and wants to discuss intersectional feminism at 8:00 a.m…, obviously she must be Dylan Roof. Isn’t it odd that they can’t even tell the difference between the monsters they fear, and the monsters they rear?

  27. I now fully understand previous posters, in different threads of course, who admit to being ashamed of their Alma Mater. I think I’ll go back to telling folks I dropped out of college rather than admit to having a Bachelor’s degree from UNT… it ain’t making me any money anyway!

    • I managed to make it through a bachelor of science at the University of Colorado (Boulder), a/k/a “Berkely By The Mountains” without ONCE being subjected to a leftist hack of a “professor” spewing propaganda. It was part being an engineering major, and part judicious selection of my “social humanistic electives” of which, twenty four credit hours were required. I’m actually still rather proud of that.

  28. How does she make it through the day, she seems so conflicted? I think she needs to put her hands on a few guns, learn how to handle them safely, how to shoot them, etc. They are just hunks of metal, lady.

    And she already doesn’t know who is packing. There are a million Texans who have a cc permit and many more who carry without one.

  29. Holy shit! Are you afraid of guns, or being black, or little students? This is the most convoluted “reasoning” I’ve ever read. I hope prospective journalism students at that university have access to this…thing she wrote before deciding if they want to attend one of her “classes”.

  30. “….in Florida, a state that allows people to ‘stand their ground’ when they cannot escape imminent threat.”

    Uh… That’s not quite what SYG laws do. And this is a journalism professor?
    Any chance this is the same journalism professor who taught journalism to Katie Couric? ‘Cause that would explain a lot.

  31. “Friends send me job ads in other states.”

    Please pursue those opportunities. Texas wasn’t settled by crybabies, and we could sure do with a few less these days.

  32. The best way to get rid of a fear of the unknown is to get educated about the subject. But, I guess a college professor wouldn’t know that.

  33. When I decided to get a concealed permit, I worried about my behavior, too. I had a few incidents of road rage in my past (nothing bad enough to scare anyone or damage any property, but enough to fill me with rage). I hesitated to get the permit for that reason. Once I had the permit and the gun, however, I was happy to find that I no longer allowed myself to get upset on the road, no matter what the other driver(s) did, because I didn’t want any trouble. I’ve heard the same thing from others many times over. This professer would likely be the same – get to a range on “ladies night”, get some instruction and some trigger time, and watch her irrational fears melt away…

    At work, I’m surrounded by middle-aged black ladies who fear guns like she does. I’ve heard them say things just like the professer. “Only weirdos carry guns”, “there’s no reason to ever carry a gun”, “thank god nobody here has one, we’d all be in danger”. I just sit there and smile, knowing I’ve been carrying every day for almost a decade now – they don’t know, they don’t need to know, they won’t ever know – and how much danger have they been in? NONE. God forbid I’d ever have to use that gun to defend them, they probably wouldn’t be able to comprehend it.

  34. Like most people, she can’t grasp the idea that some else could be a “better” person than she is. This is why liars always thing they’re being lied to and cheaters also think someone is cheating them. It the professer can’t control her fear and emotions, then, to her, nobody can.

  35. Classic example of “projection” by a problem with mental health problems. SHE cannot trust herself to respond without violence, so NO ONE should be trusted. The woman needs to see psychiatrist.

  36. So why doesn’t she get her CCW? It is a way to be certain you have options you wouldn’t have otherwise.

    If she feels that threatened she really needs to seek professional counseling. Stat.

  37. To me, this article explains why the media in general is so hopelessly biased. Rambling logic-less thoughts punctuated by an obvious lack of self-discipline. I long have suspected that liberalism in most forms is based on emotion and a lack of clear thinking. The original editorial certainly supports that premise, i.e. decide on a position because it is trendy or easy to uphold and then try to justify it, rather than build logically from facts and conclude a rational position from which to take action. Yes, exercising 2d Amendement rights takes discipline and practice to do so properly. No warning shots and only drawing your weapon when your senses tell you that there is imminent danger to life. A weapon is not a persuader to win an esoteric arguement. It is a tool to protect life and liberty. Perhaps Ms Clark should read som pre-revolutionary American history and learn how private ownership of firearms led to the founding of this nation and eventually the abolition of slavery. It is a right to embrace, not eschew.

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