Nikki Fried, Florida's newly-elected Democrat commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services, speaks at a reception during the Florida Democratic Party state conference, Friday, June 7, 2019, in Orlando, Fla. (AP Photo/John Raoux)
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This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. 

Florida Gas Pump Lady Suspends Carry Permits of Capitol ‘Insurrectionists’

Nicole “Nikki” Fried is known in Florida for three things: being the annoying narcissist who used taxpayer money to put her face on every gas pump in the state, persistent, hypocritical self-promotion, and being virulently anti-gun.

As the Commissioner of the Florida Department of Agriculture, Fried’s office oversees concealed carry permits in the state. Since she took office, we’ve seen erroneous delays and the number of denials skyrocket.

Now, trying to seize whatever scintilla of political capital is still left from the January 6 capital “insurrection” (her words, not mine), she has announced on Twitter that she was pulling the permits of Floridians who were involved in said affair.

Florida law allows or the suspension of licenses for anyone charged with felonies and other disqualifying offenses, but it is noteworthy that charges have not been filed in many of the cases of individuals arrested in connection to the capitol riot.

Rep. Hudson: ATF Is Attacking the 2A and Our Veterans

SB Tactical pistol stabilizing brace
Travis Pike for TTAG

North Carolina Representative Richard Hudson and Louisiana Representative Steve Scalise criticized the ATF’s push to make a mess of pistol braces, characterizing the push as an attack on both the Second Amendment and on disabled veterans.

The pair focused on ATF’s previous recognition of the pistol brace being originally designed for disabled combat veterans.

I sometimes wonder if focusing too intensely on that narrow use case for braces might pose problems down the line. The simple popularity and commonality of the accessories tells us all we need to know: that they are assuredly in common use and protected by the Second Amendment.

Nevada Ghost Gun Bill Avoids Slapdown

Ghost Guns
Sgt. Matthew Elseth with “ghost guns” on display at the headquarters of the San Francisco Police Department in San Francisco. (AP Photo/Haven Daley,File)

A motion for preliminary injunction to prevent enforcement of Nevada’s coming “ghost gun” ban was denied last week, as the judge was unconvinced the movants were likely to ultimately succeed on the merits.

With this, the ban will be allowed to take effect, significantly impacting the lives of an unknowable number of Americans.

NC Cops: The Gun Prank War Must Stop

James Swartz, director of World Against Toys Causing Harm, holds a realistic toy machine gun during a news conference unveiling the organization’s list of worst toys for the holidays, Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2019, in Boston. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)

According to local authorities, the scarcely populated town of Roxboro, North Carolina, has seen a “prank war” wage on, where young people point realistic toy guns at one another and at passing cars.

Police say they “stopped several cars to find young people who admit to playing this game.” Not amused, the police said in a post that “there is nothing funny about this game. We urge those playing to stop immediately before you are arrested or prank the wrong person ending in tragic consequences.”

We truly live in a society.

The Nation Laments Racial Unity Against Gun Control

In a thoroughly maligned article, The Nation‘s criminal justice correspondent, Elie Mystal, complains that black defense attorneys joined in the fight against New York’s preposterous gun control laws

Mystal complains that “in a decent world, upstate white people and downstate Black people would agree about, I don’t know, the fundamental equality of all peoples, or the dignity of labor, or WAP, or literally anything else. The fact that these two interest groups have found common cause in obliterating state gun regulations is just a depressing example of why we can’t have nice things.”

I don’t even have words for how preposterous this is. He agrees with the point of the brief of the Bronx Defenders – that gun control is historically and very much in practical effect racist. Still, by some brain magic, Mystal feels that people of color shouldn’t join together with other gun owners to fight the state on its abuses. Clownshoes.

Top 10 Reasons to Turn your Guns in to the Government TODAY!

Ever the arbiter of satire that’s almost too close to reality, the big brains at The Babylon Bee have put out a compelling piece on why we really ought stop all this nonsense and just turn our guns into the government TODAY.

It’s definitely worth a read.


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  1. “that these two interest groups have found common cause in obliterating state gun regulations is just a depressing example of why we can’t have nice things” …

    … that all the cattle pay for.

    • You seem to be first to comment on a lot of articles, Antman. With a ton of replies to other TTAG’ers down the pages.

      Nothing else to do? The other kids in the cul-de-sac don’t come a-knocking on your door to ride bikes anymore?

        • “too many notes”?

          Quantity has *zero* bearing on quality.

          I really hate to break it to you, but you are no Wolfgang Amadeus, son… 😉

        • “Quantity has *zero* bearing on quality”

          I’d agree, except most people seem to have the attitude that not responding to valid points equals rebuttal – so for them zero quantity is in fact their maximum quality.

  2. What I personally find amusing is these elected officials think we need permission from them to carry concealed weapons .

  3. “8) Now you can defend your home with a cool spiked mace and broadsword”

    … could go for that ….

    seriously, grid down quite a few old-style weapons will reappear, and some of them are quite a bit faster than guns from at-rest to on-target.

  4. I stopped watching the news when the news started sounding like the “headlines” from Babylon Bee.

  5. If you bothered to read the statement you linked to, “ Since charges began being filed, we are using our lawful authority to immediately suspend the licenses of 22 individuals involved in the storming of the U.S. Capitol. This is an ongoing effort, and as charges and sentences continue in the wake of this despicable attack, we will further suspend and revoke any additional licenses granted to insurrectionists.”

    • “…Mystal complains that “in a decent world, upstate white people and downstate Black people would agree about, I don’t know, the fundamental equality of all peoples, or the dignity of labor, or WAP…”

      What !! ? Seriously, WAP?

      Been listening to to much Cardi B, hmmm, Mystal?

  6. Are ghost guns frequently used in violent crime?
    Yes, ghost guns are increasing being used in shootings across the country:

    In July 2020, an individual who was prohibited from possessing guns allegedly murdered two people in Pennsylvania using a homemade 9mm handgun.9
    In November 2019, a 16-year-old shot five of his classmates at Saugus High School in California—two of them fatally—using a homemade handgun, before fatally shooting himself.10
    In August 2019, a shooter used a homemade gun kit to build a .223-caliber firearm that he later used to fire 41 shots in 32 seconds in a bar in Dayton, Ohio, shooting 26 people and killing nine.11
    In 2017, in Northern California, a man prohibited from possessing firearms ordered kits to build AR-15-style rifles. On November 13, he initiated a series of shootings that began with fatally shooting his wife at home, followed by a rampage the next day during which he fired at multiple people in several different locations, including an elementary school, killing five people and injuring dozens more.12
    In 2013, a shooter opened fire in Santa Monica, California, shooting 100 rounds, killing five people, and injuring several others at a community college using a homemade AR-15 rifle. Reporting indicates the shooter had previously tried to purchase a firearm from a licensed gun dealer and failed a background check, potentially indicating why he opted to order parts to build a gun instead.13
    Law enforcement officials around the country are sounding the alarm about the dramatic increase in the recovery of ghost guns at crime scenes in their communities. ATF reported that approximately 10,000 ghost guns were recovered across the country in 2019.14 Ghost guns have also been illegally trafficked to Mexico.15 In addition:

    In 2019, Washington, D.C., police recovered 115 ghost guns, a 360 percent increase from 2018, when they recovered 25 ghost guns, and a 3,733 percent increase from 2017, when only three such firearms were recovered.16
    In 2019, ATF reported recovering 117 ghost guns in Maryland with almost 25 percent recovered from Baltimore alone. Ghost gun recoveries in the state then tripled in 2020.17
    According to law enforcement in Philadelphia, ghost gun recoveries in that city rose 152 percent from 2019 to 2020.18
    The special agent in charge of the ATF Los Angeles Field Division reported in January 2021 that 41 percent of the division’s cases involve ghost guns, and a May 2019 statewide analysis in California found that 30 percent of all guns recovered in connection with a crime in the state did not have serial numbers.19
    In addition, an investigation by The Trace found that ghost guns are increasingly becoming the weapon of choice for violent white supremacists and anti-government extremists.20

    • “ghost guns are increasingly becoming the weapon of choice for violent white supremacists”

      sounds like the issue is not “ghost guns”, but whites. somebody’s afraid of them.

      “2020”, “2019”, “2017”, “2013”

      each of these sounds like a few hours of a weekend in chicago.

      • Most decent Americans of all races are indeed afraid of Nazi outfits like the Proud Boys, KKK, Oath Keepers and other various Nazi filth. Remember it was the Proud Boys (according to the FBI) that organized the attempt to overthrow the government and establish a Trump dictatorship, destruction of democracy and destruction of freedom of the press. if these Nazi’s had succeeded gas chambers would have followed immediately.

        • “are indeed afraid of Nazi outfits like the Proud Boys, KKK, Oath Keepers and other various Nazi filth”

          see? he cites the death toll, then tries to pin it on his COL. it’s not about the guns themselves at all, rather only boolshevik rulers will be allowed to have guns.

        • Add afraid to dacians long list of mental disorders.

          dacian, your projection is off the charts, get help soon, before we read about you going postal.

          Soon as in today, call a mental help authority.

        • SA-Mann dacian. You’re the nazi. I know it’s hard for you low iq types to concentrate which makes you the perfect brownshirt.

          But you, miner49er, ant7 and chris mallory are our resident fascists.

        • I maybe a troll, and snarky, a provocateur, and a liar.

          Maybe even a full on Marxist, who eats brown wilted lettuce, and loves chickens. (Like really loves them!)

          But no way am I as wacked out as that mental disorder wrapped in a nut job as dacian.

        • Hey dacian, I see you’re back banging away at the keyboard so the Soros deposit must have cleared…. did you brush your teeth yet ?

        • Fake Miner, I must tell you that I sympathize with your empty life.
          I wish there was someway I could bring a little light to your tortured soul, but I’m afraid the depths of your delusions are far too deep for me to plumb.

        • It was a riot, not an insurrection, on the same level as the looting and vandalism in several cities during the summer of 2020. If anything, the Capitol riot was of less consequence because it was put down within hours rather than allowed to continue.

      • “ATF reported that approximately 10,000 ghost guns were recovered across the country in 2019.14 Ghost guns have also been illegally trafficked to Mexico.”

        There are 2600 ATF agents spread out all across the country. I have a field office roughly 3 miles from my house, it’s actually a complex of federal office buildings that most are not supposed to know about. The BATFE has one floor in nine buildings.

        The ATF as you refer to them doesn’t give a care about a true “ghost gun” or a gun with it’s serial number removal which on polymer pistols is surprisingly easy. My FFL talks with the field agents on a regular basis and TO DATE FROM CHICAGO there have been 4 true “ghost guns” recovered from crime scenes. The other polymer guns were good old manufacturer made guns with the serial number plate removed and on certain guns sanded off of “hidden” places on the gun. Example: On certain S&W polymer pistols they micro-print the serial number on the slide rails on the frame.

        Do you have any citations to back up your rambling missive or actually more of a uncited diatribe?? You have a bunch of uncited “stories” and then you go on a Nazi rant. “If these Nazi’s had succeeded gas chambers would have followed immediately.”

        It was much easier to just shoot people in the head for the true Nazis. Why build gas chambers? The KKK routinely just shot people in the head, it’s very quick. Plus if you are in charge like the Nazis or KKK you just feed nonbelievers to your dogs. You are in charge, why go through the process of making gas chambers when you have all the guns? A .22 or two the head and the problem is solved.

        BTW: The scariest building in the that office complex of buildings is the IRS. In that building nobody had any rights, they are much scarier then any other 3 letter agency. Due process, The Bill of Rights or anything does not apply. “We are freezing and taking all of your possessions, if we turn out to be wrong then sue us”.
        Oh wait, we are immune from that so tough luck.

        • They found the Einsatzgrupen were suffering from the mental distress of having to kill so many people individually.

          And it wasn’t an efficient use of resources.

        • The whole gas chamber Nazi thing started off with going for a nice ride in the back of a truck. The thing was once it was loaded and the doors locked, the exhaust gassed the back were the people were going for a last ride.
          It was considered an inefficient use of gasoline.
          The SS had plenty of ammo and slave labor to make it.

    • I would like to know how many of these ghost guns they have recovered were actually not ghost guns but normal guns with the numbers removed. My guess is quite a few, but they will never say the real numbers. Doesn’t fit the narrative.

      • “Doesn’t fit the narrative”

        in their cosmology, they are the truth, therefore their narrative is the truth. their narrative could change tomorrow but for them nothing changed, it is the truth.

      • DC specifically identified them as Polymer 80 builds. They know the difference and if you did into court documents that are part of the fight between DC and Polymer 80 you can see the actual photos of each recovered guns. You will not find the information in the press as it would just let even more gang members know how easy it is to just buy the guns online.

        • That’s complete hearsay.
          Cite a true source or STFU.
          Gangs have a constant pipeline of guns,
          they don’t need to make them.

    • Ghost guns are guns without a serial number. Only called ‘ghost’ because they can’t be so easily traced.

      People have been removing these numbers for criminal purposes for as long as these numbers have been put there. None of this is new and has nothing to do with AR15 rifles. It does take much to file off that number from any stolen gun.

      It’s much a do about nothing. It’s just more fear mongering craziness.

    • Oh how cute you quoted the trace. Since law enforcement doesn’t differentiate home builds from those which have had the serial number removed your “ghost gun” stats are meaningless.

    • Each of those killings could have been just as easily performed using non-firearm weaponry. In 1914, Frank Lloyd Wright’s deranged butler killed 7 people and injured 3 using a can of gasoline and a hatchet.

      Nothing can stop the mayhem, Sorry.

      • “Nothing can stop the mayhem”

        they don’t want to stop the mayhem. they want you disarmed so they can pursue mayhem in the killing fields without fear to themselves.

  7. I might also add that pistol braces were a slick way to get around the short barrel rifle law and drug gangs went wild buying them up. In the past all short barreled rifles were heavily vetted under the machine gun act of the 1930’s and kept most of these weapons out of the hands of white right wing extremists (trying to overthrow the government or butcher minorities) as well as drug gangs because heavy vetting made getting machine guns and short barrel rifles far more difficult.

    60 Minutes showed a graphic video of the tissue damage that a high velocity rifle bullet does compared to a 9mm pistol bullet proving how dangerous these weapons are in the hands of drug gangs that can buy them now as easily as buying a gallon of gasoline. Second hand short barreled rifles are on every street corner as the streets run rivers of blood and have piles of dead bodies.

    • “Second hand short barreled rifles are on every street corner as the streets run rivers of blood and have piles of dead bodies”

      only in certain demographic locations.

      • Spoken like a true White Supremacist who like the German Nazi’s of WWII believed that minorities are all evil and should be sent to gas chambers. Tell me did your old man work at Auschwitz Herr Hauptman?????

        • (laugh) anyone can go stand on the street corners and see for themselves.

          “Spoken like a true White Supremacist”

          feel free to keep saying that.

    • Citation?

      If drug gangs can bring in narcotics by the hundreds of kilos to tonnes, it would be just as difficult to import REAL military weapons and crates of ammunition.

      • A citation from this idiot or Minor49er?
        Only if it’s from some far left wing source or Wikipedia.
        Other then that they have nothing of substance to say.
        Nazis, NRA, Trump dictatorship, Fox News, SBRs, Ghost guns.
        If I were to read this nonsense out loud, it would just be gibberish.
        If you try to read it and follow any kind of concise point, it’s gibberish.
        Mental illness and street drugs make for a bad combo, these two prove that.

    • Bringing that far left blinded view of firearms to the wrong place man.

      Aint nobody here cares about all that jibber jabber.

      For example, I don’t want my defensive weapon I will be using to defend my life with to be less lethal because some yuppy Dwad wants less tissue damage when they’re shot with it.

      Thats “shoot them in the knee” kind of bull crap thinking.

      You can take that pile of garbage and pound sand with it……

  8. Nikki and other people in power are seeing their power and influence evaporate on an almost daily basis, and they are panicking about it and lashing out at every possible target of opportunity. This is to be expected. This can, and will be, dealt with. Gently, perhaps; but ruthlessly if necessary.

  9. quote—————Florida law allows or the suspension of licenses for anyone charged with felonies and other disqualifying offenses, but it is noteworthy that charges have not been filed in many of the cases of individuals arrested in connection to the capitol riot.———-quote

    The Gas Pump Lady may have jumped the gun on this one but charges will certainly be filed and her actions set a shock wave through the Trumpite Racist Nazi White Supremacists that tried to overthrow the U.S. Government and establish a Trump dictatorship and destroy American Democracy and freedom of the press.

    • If Trump supporters were truly right wing radicals as you say, and were going to overthrow the government there would have been WAY more shooting victims than one woman, killed by an unnamed “officer”.

    • Resorting to name calling means you have already lost the argument. There is a field report filed with the FBI detailing the actions of a BLM activist (John Sullivan) who was present inciting people to riot. Much like cockroaches when you see one there are likely many more hiding in the cracks.

      • “you have already lost the argument”

        he’s not arguing a case. he’s posturing his superiority.

      • Your a true white supremacist. What a joke. Your still pushing the laughable right wing propaganda that BLM stormed the Capital. Next you will be telling us they all painted their faces white. Give us all a break your post reeks with propaganda and racism. Strange that the only people arrested were far right wing white Nazi’s like the Proud Boys. How did all the BLM get away???? did they suddenly wash all the white paint off of their faces (sarcasm). Sorry sane people do not watch Fox News.

        • Retard. Once again. You’re the nazi. I know you have a very low iq, it shows. But. You. Are. The. Nazi.

          You’ve claimed to be antifa, which are just brown shirts. How minority owned shops did you and your jack booted thugs loot and burn during the mostly peaceful protests?

        • You will have to excuse dacians behavior, he has a form of OCD very similar to a hoarder. He cant control himself and is obsessed with Nazis. He isn’t legally allowed to be alone with sharp objects let alone guns. We cannot force him to take his medication.
          Just feel sorry for him, he has a diagnosed mental disease.

          He has been sniffing spray pant as of late, before he took many bath salts.
          We cannot fix him and only suggest medication for him. I cannot give out his real name, doctor patient confidentiality. When the government takes away his rights then we can forcefully medicate him so the best for the time being is to just ignore him.

        • CWT, We have seen hundreds of violent, right wing insurrectionists arrested, but no BLM activists.
          And John Sullivan is one of yours:

          “Sullivan was treated with suspicion in left-wing activist circles. Labor activist Talia Jane said he is “reviled throughout the activist space”, noting he had been escorted from a December 12 event at Black Lives Matter Plaza after he was identified.[3] Many suspected him to be a double agent working for law enforcement. An activist from Portland warned people not to trust him, after he got local activists arrested in September 2020 by leading them down a wrong route and into a police kettle. Anonymous activists from Seattle published a memo in November 2020 accusing him of being an agent provocateur, pointing to his getting activists arrested or exposing their identities. Activists noted that his brother is a pro-Trump supporter, a supporter of the “Blexit” movement and speaking at a Proud Boys rally. After a man was shot in Provo during the protests in summer 2020, a right-wing militia started appearing to police Sullivan’s group. During one of his rallies, Sullivan handed the microphone to a Proud Boys member. According to Lex Scott, he told them that his group wanted to work with them, which led to other left-wing activists refusing to work with him. He later got his group firearms training. As he began carrying assault rifles to protest, this invited hostility from both the right and the left.“

        • “CWT, We have seen hundreds of violent, right wing insurrectionists arrested, but no BLM activists. And John Sullivan is one of yours:”

          That’s 2020 and 2021 in a nutshell.
          Never place blame where it really is such as antifa or BLM.
          “An activist from Portland warned people not to trust him, after he got local activists arrested in September 2020 by leading them down a wrong route and into a police kettle.”
          The “Proud Boys” didn’t make my business insurance almost double, it was BLM and antifa burning cities. Someone has to pay for all the damage they caused and insurance companies aren’t in business to lose money.

          Substitute the word rioter for activist and you’ll be on the right path.
          The BLM and antifa “rioters” were arrested because John Sullivan led them right to the police where they should have been shot but were arrested instead.
          There FIFY. Sealioning and strawman Minor, you can do better.

    • If you thought Trump was trying to destroy Democracy, you would have been the first to show support. Dictators begin as fascists then merge into Socialists and Communists with great ease. That is a shortcut for you.

    • If you met a REAL Nazi such as late Klaus Barbie, you would spoil yourself both ways very quickly. Even modern skinheads and neo-nazies are pathetic wannabes compared to the real thing. Most wouldn’t even qualify for the Dirlewanger Brigade who were truly the worst of the worst.

      Labeling everyone you disagree with, which must be almost everyone, a Nazi is an infantile effort to shut down the conversation and allegedly “win”.

      Are you still waiting on the next episode of “Reds” to appear on the fanfic site?

  10. Prank war huh?!? Dumb as rocks vying for a Darwin Award…am I the only one who doesn’t have a dam about the idiots who trespassed in DC on Jan. 6?

    • Pretty much, nobody on this website really cares except Minor.
      Besides with your cataracts what could you see?
      I could have done it under Medicare and Humana but
      once you started making excuses about your felonious son,
      I made the decision to let someone else do the surgery.
      Let them deal with you, you seem like a real whackjob.
      Your 40 something year old son is lucky to be alive.
      Good luck on your other eye.

  11. I started blacking out some of her teeth on those gas pump stickers. I’m bothered that she thinks it’s acceptable to use our tax dollars for self promotion, but I guess when you’re a democrat you can do whatever you want.

  12. From the article cited :

    “The public defenders assume, uncritically, that Republicans have been right all along, and the Second Amendment confers a proactive right to private gun ownership for self-defense. This is ground that I would not cede, even in the name of racial equality and fairness. The government must have some authority to regulate private arsenals in order to carry out its essential function of keeping people safe.”

    Careful, Eli –

    The SJWs will over-rule you on that one.

    Read the article at ‘The Nation’, it’s worth it.

    You have to be a paid subscriber to comment, but not to up-or-downvote the individual comments…

    • “The government must have some authority to regulate private arsenals in order to carry out its essential function of keeping people safe.”

      sure. except by “people” he means “certain people”, and those “certain people” do not include you.

  13. I will tell the gas lady this if the vote is kept honest she doesn’t has a snowball’s chance in hell of becoming Gov. of the state of Florida

  14. I thought republicans have been mostly in charge of the Florida legislature, and governorship for the most of 20 years. Why don’t they move the gun license department out of the agriculture office? But then again the republicans in Florida don’t care about hun owners or their rights. Because they know they will still vote for them. It’s time to let democrats win everything everywhere, and pass all their garbage. Then we can start the fix that’s needed. Why keep dragging out what’s needed?

    • “republicans have been mostly in charge of the Florida legislature, and governorship for the most of 20 years. Why don’t they move the gun license department out of the agriculture office?“

      Because Republicans talk a good game about supporting the Second Amendment but they pass more gun control than the Democrats.

      It was the Obama/Biden administration that approved both bump stocks and pistol braces. And now we all watched Republican Donald Trump’s administration ban your bump stock and begin the process of banning pistol braces.

      • and now theBiden wants the gunms that the bumpstocks and pistol braces go on.
        You blew it on that one Miner49er.

  15. Not fair to include playing Monopoly. My sons, my wife, and I have really nice memories of wasting many a rainy Sunday afternoon playing Monopoly and sharing snacks.


    • Is it lonely where you are? To be so far disconnected from reality to believe any of that?
      Honestly. It must be awful to be that far deranged and out of touch with society and to live in fear of something that has no recourse to yourself.
      The outcries like this sound as though someone living in Nebraska is afraid to leave their home for fear of drowning and being eaten alive by sharks.

      Yes, it is a thing, but you are so far removed from the possibility you are allowing fear in of itself to control your life.

      Sorry you have to live like this, trapped in your own mental prison. I hope you one day receive the help you need.

  17. If the left truly think the capitol riots were the darkest days in American history and the blood rained from the heavens…… I am not sure any of those people are qualified to fill the positions they are in.
    It’s like hearing a military General complain that because they forgot sugar in his coffee that he was triggered so bad he cried for days and thought about suicide because it was the most extreme act of violence he has witnessed in his lifetime.

    Theres a “real world” out there and its obvious some of you arent living in it.

    If “armed insurrectionists” really wanted to storm the capitol the death toll would be in the thousands.

    In reality, all this is, is the Democrats and radical left trying to convince the rest of the country that the orange man is so bad he organized a coup to topple the American government by using right wing pro gun white christian extreme evil and that because they hardly escaped this immense tragedy that we MUST make new laws and enforce them to save babies and the elderly.
    Put your faith and trust in me and I shall save you from the wicked orange man! Bow before me and kiss my feet and I shall make sure you are safe.
    Lock in and ensure my millions of dollars a year are justified by me creating laws that do not affect myself but do everything to protect my position of power.

    Darkest days in American history……. May God have mercy on your soul if you ever have to experience true horror……

    • “If “armed insurrectionists” really wanted to storm the capitol the death toll would be in the thousands.”
      The 100,000 or more “armed insurrectionists” would actually still be holding the Capitol.
      With a strategy that building is tough enough to be held unless the government burnt it like Waco.
      Which is exactly what antifa or BLM would have done if they attacked it.
      What happened on 1/6 was pretty much just a party, even most of the Capitol PD didn’t care.
      A few did because they wanted early retirement, nobody was in any real danger.
      The few Capitol PD who did have either retired or killed themselves, they didn’t want to work.
      The “armed insurrectionists” weren’t even armed unless you count an iPhone as being armed.
      If the government has nothing to hide then name the cop who decided to shoot someone.
      Also release the 2000+ hours of video that were taken, a Taco Bell would have more footage.
      Instead we see the same old 10 minutes of some people getting a little rowdy.
      The fact is and was that it was basically a protected right to insure a fair election.
      Since that didn’t happen and the the election was fixed, the truth cannot come out.

      There was never any “True Horror” there. The people who are charged should fight the charges,
      they shouldn’t be intimidated by Big Brother and inflated charges.

    • “If the left truly think the capitol riots were the darkest days in American history and the blood rained from the heavens”

      they do.

      “I am not sure any of those people are qualified to fill the positions they are in”

      they don’t have to be. that’s your job. their job is to tell you what to think and what to do and how to do it, and to judge your results. “they will plow, they will sow, they will reap. we will sit like an effendi and eat.”

    • She joins a long list of democrats who want your guns. But they will be keeping THEIRS.

  18. “Upstate white people and downstate black people” …. what?, never heard of this elie mystal before,…. but what happened To people just being people? This person sounds more like a racist “DIVIDER”, Than a journalist, Oh well Idiots be Idiots, haters be haters, and journalists ?, well they all died a long time ago….

  19. Nicole “Nikki” Fried is known in Florida for three things: being the annoying narcissist who used taxpayer money to put her face on every gas pump in the state, persistent, hypocritical self-promotion, and being virulently anti-gun

    As the Commissioner of the Florida Department of Agriculture, Fried’s office oversees concealed carry permits in the state. Since she took office, we’ve seen erroneous delays and the number of denials skyrocket.

    Now, trying to seize whatever scintilla of political capital is still left from the January 6 capital “insurrection” (her words, not mine), she has announced on Twitter that she was pulling the permits of Floridians who were involved in said affair.

    Florida law allows or the suspension of licenses for anyone charged with felonies and other disqualifying offenses, but it is noteworthy that charges have not been filed in many of the cases of individuals arrested in connection to the capitol riot.

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