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Secret Service (courtesy

Press release [via]

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today called on the Democratic National Committee to show its commitment to gun control by giving up armed security at the national convention in Philadelphia July 25-28 2016 . . .

CCRKBA launched a national petition drive [text below] aimed at pressuring Democrats to gather at the Wells Fargo Center without the protection of armed police, Secret Service or private security personnel. The building is already a so-called “gun-free zone.”

“Democrats have become known as the party of gun control,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Virtually all recent gun control proposals at the federal and state levels have been launched and championed by Democrats. It’s time for the party to ‘put up or shut up’ about guns. The best way to do that is to forsake armed security during the convention.”

He noted the “overwhelming hypocrisy” of privileged liberal elitists who have traditionally opposed expanded concealed carry rights for average citizens while they continue to enjoy the protection of armed security. Front runner Hillary Clinton has stated that the Supreme Court was “wrong” in its 2008 Heller ruling about the Second Amendment. She has pushed gun control for average citizens, yet she enjoys Secret Service protection.

“If a political party believes that guns do not make us safer,” Gottlieb observed, “they should set an example by rejecting any and all forms of armed security at their national convention. A party that does not believe in the right of individual citizens to keep and bear arms should not benefit from the safety provided by others who bear arms.

“No group, organization or political party that makes erosion of a constitutionally delineated fundamental civil right part of its agenda should benefit in any way from the existence of that right,” Gottlieb stated.



SUMMARY: Second Amendment activists across the United States have long considered Democrats to be “the party of gun control.” Their front-runner, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has gone out of her way to demonize gun rights organizations. Members of the Democratic Party, from Congress down to state legislatures, county governments and municipal city and town councils, have advocated for all manner of gun control, insisting that restricting the public’s exercise of their Second Amendment rights makes us all safer.

While elitist liberals have traditionally opposed expanded concealed carry rights for average citizens, these same privileged anti-gunners enjoy the protection of armed security. The hypocrisy is overwhelming.

Hillary Clinton has stated that she thinks the U.S. Supreme Court “was wrong” on the Second Amendment in its landmark rulings in the 2008 Heller and 2010 McDonald decisions. That’s easy to say when she enjoys Secret Service protection.

Virtually all recent gun control proposals at the federal and state level have been launched and championed by Democrats.

The Wells Fargo Center is a GUN-FREE ZONE.

Gun owners are demanding that the Democratic Party practice what it preaches. The party must “put up or shut up” about guns and police. They should stop depending upon police, the Secret Service, or other armed law enforcement agencies or armed private security to provide protection during the four-day national convention this summer.

If a political party believes that guns do not make us safer, they should set an example by rejecting any and all forms of armed security at their convention. A party that does not believe in the right of individual citizens to keep and bear arms should not benefit from the safety provided by others who bear arms.


1. There shall be no armed security allowed at the Wells Fargo Center, for the duration of the Democratic National Convention. No police or sheriff’s deputies, state troopers, federal law enforcement in or out of uniform will be allowed.

2. In the event of protests within the immediate vicinity of the Wells Fargo Center, police should not be asked or expected to respond.

No group, organization or political party that makes erosion of a constitutionally delineated fundamental civil right part of its agenda should benefit in any way from the existence of that right.

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  1. that crew? without their armed guards?
    haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. yeah right.

  2. An obvious response to the Democrats’ little stunt “petition” to allow guns at their convention.

    I do think it’s time for the Republicans to “put up or shut up” and hold their conventions in firearms-friendly venues.

    • I meant
      An obvious response to the Democrats’ little stunt “petition” to allow guns at the Republican convention.

  3. The biggest mistake these guys made with this petition is putting their real name on it. If they had made it look like it was from black lives matter or MDA or some other liberal organization people would have jumped on it. They’ve shot themselves in the foot by being honest.

    • They obviously do not know much about gun safety. Be sure of your target and whats behind it springs to mind.


    • Is there a petition to ban armed security at the DNC?

      One should really be started – that site being the Progressives echo chamber and all.

  4. It’s amazing, I’ve heard about this on all the gun oriented sites, but not in the mainstream media like I heard about the petition to carry at the RNC. It’s almost like the media is biased or something… (that was sarcasm. )

    • Yea that is the thing there… this is precious, but until CNN blasts this day and night, like they do the antics of the anti 2a crowd, it might as well have not even happened.

      None of the slow thinking voters out there will ever even hear about it.

  5. A brilliant turning of the tables on the gun grabbers.
    Make ’em walk their talk !
    But while we’re on that. Why must private, not-for-sale defensive arms be unloaded at gun shows ?
    Tad hypocritical, if you ask me.

    • I’m okay with that one simply because there are literally hundreds of people picking up guns, assuming they are unloaded, and dry firing them. If someone were to accidentally set down their concealed carry piece on a table it could be catastrophic. We had a guy shot with a tokarev at the last gun show here in Phoenix, and that happened even with the no loaded guns rule.

      • I think you nailed it.
        I was at a show in ’83 where there was an AD. It was right after that that they started insisting on zip ties for the guns.
        Yet, if it were required that all loaded firearms remain holstered, wouldn’t it be possible ?
        I speak at the AL state open carry (Bama Carry) county chapter meetings all the time. Everyone is armed, most OC. In 3 years of the statewide organization’s existence, they’ve never had an ND.

  6. The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today called on the Democratic National Committee to show its commitment to gun control by giving up armed security at the national convention
    Let’s take it one step further and have all of the Donkeycraps give up armed security in all places and at all times.

  7. You’ll have to pry those guns from Hillary’s (security detail’s) cold dead hands.

  8. I’m cool with no guns for dumb-ocrats…it’s what you do. That’s NO guns period.

  9. Here’s the think … The Dems aren’t inconsistent at all. They only want people who have power to have guns, be it direct ownership or in the form of a security detail. Everyone else is free to hope for the best.

  10. Signed. The police, SS and renta cops can have wet noodles, clubs and tasers. Let them do it Gimme Shelter style perhaps.

  11. Honestly, America would be better off giving away free guns and banning Democrats.

  12. No armed security at all for Politicians Period, Wages are 10K above poverty line! have to buy Obama Care themselves, subject to same rules as the little people! got to pay real prices for meals, haircuts, laundry, housekeeping, sanitation, Water , Electricity, rent out of their pocket, absolutely no perks unless they Pay it and have receipts, no gifts , election fund contributions, publicized tax records for every year in office, no special retirement fund, rich politicians make no salary or perks, public agency’s cap pay at 75k max,
    will it happen Never!

  13. Funny how this comes up. I have been telling all I speak with on firearms that the first to give up guns should be all politicians security…forever.
    Now this comes out in the open. I guess I am behind the curve a bit but I agree completely with the post and petition and do not care if they know my full name and address.
    I will not give up what few guns I have and leave my, my wife’s and loved ones protection to the complete mercy of our law enforcement no matter how good they may or may not be.
    If the gun grabbers had ANY intelligence at all they would know that most law enforcement welcome responsible armed citizens.
    This whole debate they use is toddler tactics denying the truth and plugging their ears and screaming ” I don’t want to hear it”.
    Definitely want them running the United States of America..( sarcasm) my country, my home.

  14. Wait, the same Alan Gottlieb that continues to push for universal gun registration in the form of universal background checks – and helped WRITE Manchin-Toomey – is calling out the Democrats on gun control?

    That’s rich.

  15. The shoe fits liberal Democratic feet as well as conservative feet put up or shut up

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