Swiss Miss switzerland Rifles on Bikes

Switzerland has long been one of the safest and best-governed countries in the world. The landlocked country has historically very few firearms restrictions and high rates of gun ownership. Until 1996, the firearms laws in Switzerland were entirely up to the local cantons.

Gun laws in Switzerland were generally less restrictive than in much of the United States. Most firearms weren’t registered. It was easy to purchase handguns and automatic rifles. Cannons required a $5 registration which could be obtained at the local police office. If you owned a cannon, the breech blocks were required to be stored separately. Before 1998, pistols could be carried most places. Some cantons required an easily obtainable permit.

As the push for European Union gun control intensified, a push was made for more restrictions to bring Swiss laws in line with the highly restrictive laws in the rest of the EU.

In 1999 the Swiss passed a referendum that imposed severe firearm restrictions (by historical standards). Additional tightening of controls were imposed in 2007. Full auto firearms and cannons are now difficult to obtain. Semi-auto rifles of military caliber and semi-automatic pistols are required to be registered.

It doesn’t matter how low the crime rate is to those who wish to disarm civilian populations. Even though the Swiss have world class low crime rates, those pushing for ever more restrictive laws use suicides and the rare gun crime to demand more restrictions.


A new platform composed of left-wing politicians, police officers and psychiatrists is pushing for Switzerland to follow the European Union in tightening controls on guns.

Representatives of the Social Democratic Party (SP), the Swiss police officers association VSPB/FSFP and the Swiss federation of psychiatrists and psychotherapists FMPP joined forces on Thursday ahead of a debate on the issue in parliament, the Tribune de Genève reported.

The EU parliament approved a revised gun law last year designed to close security loopholes and introduce tighter controls on blank-firing and inadequately deactivated weapons like those used in the Paris terror attacks.

On March 2nd the Federal Council issued a message on a “pragmatic implementation” of the EU legislation in Switzerland in response to the terror attacks in Europe.

The use of fraudulent “studies” by disarmament groups isn’t limited to the United States. In pushing for more restrictions on the Swiss, the use of militia weapons in a few suicides per year, is often cited as a reason to restrict all the Swiss.  In 2009, there were 241 deaths in Switzerland associated with a firearm.

About 85% of those were suicides. Of suicides committed with guns in Switzerland, about 9% are committed with a military weapon. That puts the number committed with a military weapon in 2009 at about 19. Assisted suicide in Switzerland is legal. No reason need be given. There were 300 assisted suicides in Switzerland in 2009.

Apparently, the only problem disarmament advocates have with suicides is when someone uses a gun to do it.

In 2009 there were only 24 homicides with firearms in Switzerland, for a firearms homicide rate of an astonishing low .31 per 100,000. But firearms homicides is a misleading number. The number that should be compared is the overall homicide rate. In 2009 in Switzerland, it was .7 per 100,000.  In England and Wales the homicide rate for 2009 was 1.08. In France, the homicide rate for 2009 was 1.3.

An obvious reasons for imposing restrictive gun laws on the Swiss is that Switzerland serves as a shining counterexample of a prosperous country with considerable firearms freedom and a very low crime rate. People in England and France who look too closely might get the idea that their gun laws are too restrictive.

Statistics and death rates don’t matter to those who would disarm populations. The fact that citizens legally own firearms is the problem, not crimes or suicides.

If the Swiss federal government enacts a law, the Swiss people can call for a referendum to keep it from going into effect. If a restrictive firearms law is passed, it will likely face a referendum.


©2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

Gun Watch 


  1. The EU and the unelected cabal that actually runs it has never been – and never will be – friends of freedom.

    • A coven of prewar leftist retreads. French commies and German national socialists.

      As I recall, recently the Swiss citizens shut down the EU/Swiss prog scheme to radically expand the intake of same islamist trash polluting the rest of eurp. Still some intelligence in one island.

  2. Switzerland is not one of the safest countries in Europe. That would belong to Norway and the Scandinavian nations of Europe. Japan and Australia are far safer than Switzerland.

    Again it’s easier to fight back against a nut armed with a knife, baseball, a section of pipe or even a box-cutter than some nut with a gun.

    These types of incidents that happen in this country do not happen in the rest of the world on a daily basis.

    The problem here is gotten bad that even your children and families have had enough and are fighting for the rights for this country to be safe and prosperous and not turn into some Darwinist hellhole that people like you espouses.

      • Ok big mouth how about you sharing your name with us too. ha ha. It would be cold day in hell that a paranoid nut case like you would do that. Yes you stepped right into that one didn’t you.

        • Hey, JW. I’ve read the whole thread and I can say that cisco has at least dropped that lie that he’s a gun owner.

          With his supposed hatred of Trump I’m surprised that he advocates giving the .gov control of who can buy a gun.

          Or is he secretly pro Trump?

          and that whole Dripping Springs thing. Maybe an antibiotic will help that.

        • “…but with no address your info is worthless and you know it…”

          Wrong again.

          Dripping Springs has a population of 1,700.

          Put “Jon Wayne Taylor, Dripping Springs, Texas” on the envelope, it will get to him.

          A town that small, everybody knows *everybody*…

        • Jon Wayne Taylor
          3000 Martin Road, Dripping Springs Texas
          But Geoff PR was right. Everybody knows me.
          Now your turn.

        • You shouldn’t post your address online.
          Come on people, fake address or not… this is absurd.

        • Chris, that’s not a fake address. That’s my real address. Anyone searching tax records can find it. Anyone with even the tiny amount of Google- Fu can find it. Anyone could drive to my town, go to a church, The Visitor Center, any County office, and most businesses and ask where I live and that’s what you will be told.
          I’m not hiding. I never have. Never found the need to. Why would I?

        • He’s right JWT

          Dont, I know your just saying, “Hey, I stand behind what I say, so bite me”. But the hard reality is that guys like
          are trolls that only post on sites like this to try and poke the good guys in the eye. He’s the same kind of looser that would go for a “doxing” or “swating” or other horrible acts and laugh all the way to his basement.

          Better to just ignore them and move along.

    • Once again. You’re a liar and not a very good one.

    • “…it’s easier to fight back against a nut armed with a knife, baseball, a section of pipe or even a box-cutter than some nut with a gun.”

      Guess how some of us can tell you’ve absolutely _never_ been through the training that demonstrates how that’s utterly false?

      Of course, real-world facts aren’t the strong suit of your ilk, so this surprises no one.

      • This chugnut has NEVER treated anything more severe than a papercut, if even that. He is a lying sack of crap that would sooner see every POTG shipped off in a boxcar than admit he has absolutely no idea what he is blathering about.

      • except for the fact that you do not know what the hell you are talking about. Places like Japan have proved you wrong for decades. They have nut cases in Japan too but no mass murders like we do here on a weekly basis. Now lets see you lie your way out of this one.

        • “Places like Japan”? You mean homogeneous oppressive rape cultures?
          Ever lived in Japan, spent much time there? I have. I’d take the US any day.

        • “mass murders on a weekly basis”? Ok kiddo… [CITATION NEEDED]

          Japan is probably the most racist country on earth. I thought you hated racists?

        • @Anonymous

          They won’t let him in. They have a thing about keeping crazy gaijin out of their country.

        • Soros pays his trollminions per post. Even crisco’s mommy is going to want some bandwidth reimbursement. Living in the basement isn’t free. Got to keep at least a few $ cominging for that and the pot.

    • His name is Adolph Leftard , he is also a shit spouting moron , and a liar. He probably believes his rhetoric wholeheartedly. This is the wrong place to spout that Nazi shit so keep it to yourself. I for one do not care to hear it. Or waste my time reading it.

      • The only retard is you as Hitler was a right wing populous, nationalist, racist , maniac. His book espouses all of the racist right wing paranoia and twisted beliefs so popular with Herr Drumpf and his mindless followers. Its been said the Herr Drumpf could tell his Moron followers that “the wall” is now complete and they would believe him. And this is not in any way trying to be facetious. Yes the far right Nazi’s carrying torches at North Carolina proved beyond all doubt what Hitler was and what Herr Drumpf is as both played the race card and the mindless, paranoid, racists worshiped them both. But when did a Right Wing Racist (like you) ever know anything about History.

        • Hey kid,

          Hitler’s political party was the National SOCIALISTS party. He was a socialist.

        • Hey Mike,

          Expecting an illiterate commie moron like Cisco to know his left from his right is asking a bit much… He only has the dozen braincells to spread around. Must have lost the rest in the “Los Ageless” massacre.

        • Your 7th grade socialists studies teacher just tell you all about their left/right politics fiction? You silly little sponge.

          The only significant difference between euro communism and national socialism is who had title (on paper) to the means of production and which thug where on top of the entire joint. Not 2% difference between Stalin and Hitler. Russians/Stalin was just a bigger/”better” at mass murder and genocide thus he “won”. Thus the left’s love of Russia. They love a winner.

    • Don’t like it? Feel free to leave. The reality is that Switzerland has the lowest homicide rate of any major country in Europe. It’s actually one of the few countries in Europe NOT overrun by third world savages… funny that.

      • The worlds real savages are Hitlerite racist ignoramuses like you.

        Immigration going all the way back to the Roman Empire has consistently improved the economies of the host countries as well as bringing in new ideas and innovation. Immigration made America great not some Hitler copy cat like Herr Drumpf.

        The racist pig Benjamin Franklin railed against the millions of Germans that came to America after the revolutionary war. The Irish were hated when they came here in the late 1890’s simply because they were Catholic which the Protestants thought would destroy their religion and the hate still lingers to this very day. Harry Truman and the racist KKK passed laws stopping East European Immigrants from coming here in the early part of the 20th Century and at the time when the auto industry and the steel mills were hiring immigrants as fast as they got off the boat and when the immigration was cut off it hurt the U.S. economy.

        Yes the biggest danger to the U.S. is people like you and your beloved racist Nazi leader Herr Drump. We would do well to deport you all as America was meant for civilized people not Nazi’s like you and Herr Drumpf.

        • Yeah… that’s hilarious… you just insulted one of the founding fathers of this country. You are the lowest form of vermin. Since you don’t like America, feel free to get out.

        • I don’t know Herr Drumph is and don’t care, but it seems this debate has gotten way off track. It seems Cisco Kid has tried to hijack it into some diatribe on immigration when the original article was on firearms death in Switzerland. For the record I am Scots/Irish. Ancestors immigrated before the revolution. One was traced to Jamestown, VA. We were Torries. After the war we went south for obvious reasons settling in south Georgia. During the Civil War we were confederate. I guess we couldn’t pick a winner. I take no offense of the United States policy concerning the Irish, or the discrimination we faced. We don’t whine. Keep your argument on point, or shut the fuck up. Signed a pro gun veteran law enforcement officer and someone who lives in.the real world.

    • It’s easier to fight back against a violent nut when you have a better weapon than he does. FIFY.

      In the countries you mentioned, far more people are murdered by means of knives and blunt objects than by firearms…and some people are still murdered with guns anyway.

      What that tells me is that violent criminals are happily raping, robbing, and murdering with whatever they have at hand. Whereas peaceful people like you and me…well, we’re only going to have what the law lets us have, and in most countries that aren’t the US, that’s an ever-shrinking list. Not to mention the fact that in most of your socialist utopias, self-defense is forbidden. Fight back against an attacker, and you’ll be treated like a criminal — talk about turning things backward.

      Here’s a fact for you: The Breivik shooting rampage in Norway killed more Norwegians, percentage-wise, than 10 years of “mass shootings” in the US. Maybe they’d have been better off with more guns in the hands of normal people instead of a single homicidal maniac.

      • quote—————————Here’s a fact for you: The Breivik shooting rampage in Norway killed more Norwegians, percentage-wise, than 10 years of “mass shootings” in the US. Maybe they’d have been better off with more guns in the hands of normal people instead of a single homicidal maniac.—————–quote——————-

        You must be on drugs. 77 people were killed while just at the Los Ageless massacure killed 59 people, Orlando 50 some people, I could go on and on. As they happen weekly anymore. Per just one incident yes but total over 10 years the Murderous Uncivilized U.S. tops out.

        • Might want to learn math commie. He said PERCENTAGE. Oh… and “Los Ageless Massacre”? Now I know you’re an illiterate commie troll.

        • You don’t seem to understand per capita. Norway has a much higher rate of mass murder per capita than the US has. The EU has nearly double the rate what the EU calls large mass murder (60+ people) than the US has had. Andreas Lubitz killed 150 in one go in france just a couple of years ago.

    • Gun control obviously works. Look at Mexico.

      Perhaps the RealAmericanPatriot should move there to set an example.

    • The homicide rate in Australia (1 per 100,000) is higher than that of Switzerland.

      The current rate of homicide in Switzerland is .5 per 100,000.

      The rate of homicide in Norway is .56 per 100,000.

      Both countries numbers are so low as to become statistically indistinguishable. And Norway has relatively loose firearms laws for a European country.

      Sweden’s Homicide rate is 1.14 per 100,000, more than double that of Switzerland.

      Finland’s homicide rate is 1.28 per 100,000, even higher than Sweden’s.

      Where are these “safer than Switzerland” countries in Europe?

    • Japan is a little bit safer than Switzerland. Japan’s murder rate is .3 per 100k, vs Switzerland’s .5 per 100k. So in Japan, for every half million people, one more will be murdered than in Switzerland.

      Put that in perspective. In Brazil, for every half million people (Brazil has extremely restrictive gun control laws) 201 more people will be murdered than in Japan. Clearly, it is not gun control laws that make the difference.

      • The real truth is that in Japan they succeeded with their laws as guns are indeed very scarce and restricted while in Brazil the laws are just plain ignored and not enforced nor are any preventive measures done to keep out illegal importation either. Just passing a law is meaningless unless the laws are enforced.

        It is interesting to note that you can own both shotguns and rifles in Japan but not pistols. But their vetting system is strict and very thorough, they even interview your neighbors and co-workers which when you think about it would have prevented the Florida mass murder from ever getting a new gun but not a used one which again shows yet another loop hole in the system as many U.S. States do not vet used private gun purchases.

        The myriad of State laws in the U.S. are ineffective as well because States with lax laws just funnel in 10’s of thousands of guns into States with restrictive laws.

        As you can see just quoting statistics often does not show you the entire picture.

        • The gun laws make no difference in Japan.

          If you have the level of social cohesion that Japan has, the laws about guns have no consequence. The laws against murder are followed.

          It is social cohesion and the expectation that the rule of law will be followed that reduce the homicide rate, not the prohibition of guns.

          People who have carry permits in the U.S. have about the same murder rate as the population of Japan.

        • @Dean

          Far lower, actually. Oh… and Japan is hardly the model of “social cohesion”… they are just better at papering over the unpleasant parts of their society… Go look up the Yakuza (no lack of guns with those guys) and the Burakumin… The latter is actually rather interesting from a cultural anthropology point of view.

        • Cisco kid; have you ever seen a homicide? Actually know anything about one first hand? I have. Outlaw firearms in the United States today. They only become another form contraband. Like cocaine. That’s been illegal for decades in all states. How’s that worked out for you? The contraband will only end up in the hands of felons. And you will be their mercy. Here’s a hint; they don’t have any. As an L.E.O. my job was an historian and a janitor. I wrote down what happened and cleaned up the mess. If you need a firearm to defend yourself, anything else is is a poor substitute. I am usually pretty tolerant, but you should sit down and shut up.

        • Even the licenses for rifles and shotguns are highly restricted in Japan. So much I heard, but unconfirmed, that no new licenses have been issued in decades.

          And now feral animals are at epidemic levels in the rural areas. It is now so desperate women are being encouraged to take up hunting to control the feral animals

      • There are more murders with handguns in Japan than reported. Even though a weapon is not found it will be attributed to suicide, far less the paperwork, and very little stigma.

      • If we would have had less brainwashed mindless Patriots we would never have had the Vietnam war or all the other senseless expensive wars that followed it.

        • Yes… and then the entire world would be living in your dictatorial communist paradise… Pity about the hundreds of millions of people you would have to kill along the may. Move your commie ass to North Korea and get it over with. They love worthless braindead vermin like you.

    • You know little of which you speak. I have seen homicides committed with any number of instruments. More than a few of the victims would have been well served by a firearm and a modacom of training. And I post my name.

    • ah the anti liberty, pro communist rule trolls strike again. how many times will you have to be beaten by your overlords if they get their way i wonder will it take before you realize we were right all along. hope you enjoy abject slavery cos if we who love liberty fail then you will deal with what you have sown

    • “RealAmericansPatraiotsAgainstAntiAmericanProgunTraitorsToFreedoandLiberty”
      What the Hayoll is a “Patraiot”, and whut in God’s name is “Freedoandliberty”?
      Are we trying to communicate with an EANSA (English as Not Spoken Anywhere) mental patient? Are you trying to dis-prove Pavlov?
      How DID you pass your Citizenship Test? Stunt Double? Crash Test Dummy?

    • “Again it’s easier to fight back against a nut armed with a knife, baseball, a section of pipe or even a box-cutter than some nut with a gun.”

      No thanks, I think I’ll just keep my firearm with its 30 round magazines. Further, the kind of gun-ban you talk about here is a naive fantasy. Despite our decades long “war on drugs” it would take me about 30 minutes to find all manner illicit drugs which would be sold to me by someone who has little concern about being caught. The same smuggling networks that bring in drugs to this country are equally able to bring in guns. During the height of government anti-drug efforts, the street price of drugs often actually drops. Similar things would happen if guns were banned. Given the proclivity of criminals to ignore laws and purchase what they need to do their “work”, it would be the hapless citizens who would bring the knife or bat to a gunfight. But, of course, gun-control arguments are never about logic now are they?

    • Japan? You mean the country where they count mass murders as ONE murder? The country where when father kills his whole family and then himself, it’s counted as all suicides? That one? Oh, we can only aspire to once get as great as they are.

    • Australia has a higher murder rate than US jurisdictions with virtually no gun control and similar demographics to Australia. you don’t compare Australia to the US including all the left wing murder holes like Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, but Australia to new Hampshire.

      Same murder rate and Australia has had way more mass murder (raw or per capita) in the past ten years than new Hampshire

  3. As usual the concerns over suicide only translate to one instrument and never to real care for the symptons or the disease.

  4. Unsafe ’cause you off yourself..Mr.troll tell those Swedish gals how “safe” they are as they’re raped by Moose-lims…by any measure the Swiss “were” safe.

    • Um… Switzerland has nowhere NEAR the migrant problem that the rest of Europe does. Sweden, however, is rapidly becoming a third world hellhole with weekly grenade attacks. Very different counties.

      • Or weekly mass shootings in the U.S. the majority committed by White Right Wing Racist Confederate Flag waving nut cases with the poster boy being Dillon Roof.

        And by the way Moron the few attacks in Europe were and are committed by terrorists or mentally ill people not the average hard working immigrant of which there are now over 2 million. Of course to the “unwashed” like yourself you lump them all into one category i.e. everyone not considered white christian is automatically guilty by association or race or religion. Just as when Herr Drumpf called all Latino immigrants rapists and murders when Statistics show that they commit far fewer crimes than indigenous white racist hill jacks. Of course this is way over your head.

        And of course if all 2 million immigrants in Europe or the millions of illegals in this country were all as you and Herr Drump say they are then we would be knee deep in blood and bullets from them instead of the current reality of most crime being committed by natural born U.S. Citizens. Is this getting too truthful for you twisted mind?

        • You do realize that there is a big difference between the illegals that come from South America and the vermin swarming up from Africa? Right? Here’s a hint: It starts with IS and ends in LAM.

          Oh… and do you REALLY want to talk about the “hard working” migrants in Europe? You know, the ones who have a less than 1% employment rate and ~60% are illiterate in their native language?

        • Ok. That’s it. Enough is enough. It has been at least three posts now of the same vein. Anonymous, you are drumpfing cracking me up!

      • to pwrserge i.e. Power Brain

        Quote———————–You do realize that there is a big difference between the illegals that come from South America and the vermin swarming up from Africa? Right? Here’s a hint: It starts with IS and ends in LAM.

        Oh… and do you REALLY want to talk about the “hard working” migrants in Europe? You know, the ones who have a less than 1% employment rate and ~60% are illiterate in their native language?—————————-Quote

        You have been listening to Rush Limbhead to much. In Nova Scotia only 30 per cent of refugees could not read or write and in 3 years their children in all of Canada were doing as well in school as natural born children. Adults Refugees were just as successful in Canada which has educational classes for immigrants just as most European Countries also do. As one Canadian Teacher said we learned quickly to modify the way we teach reading and writing to people who are illiterate. Its not a permanent disability by any means. I might add that most immigrants to the U.S. in the early 20th century either could not speak a word of English or write it or read it but educational classes taught them all they needed to know to get a job and make America Great not some racist Moron in a Red tie screaming racist epitaphs

        Yea Power Brain you can spout all the Nazi Racist garbage you want but History has and continues to prove you wrong on the worth of refugees in any country.

        The greatest danger to a country is Right Wing Nazi’s like you Power Brain as you divide a country and try and keep out the very people who make a country greater as history has proven down through the years.

        • What kind of crack are you smoking, and where can I buy some?

          Btdubs, Nazis (as in NATIONAL SOCIALISTS, as in Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. Ich weiß es vielleicht, weil ich Deutsch kann.) were not right-wing.

        • Elevated murder rate among illegal Latin Americans immigrants in Canada:360%
          Elevated murder rate among illegal latin American immigrants in the US: 320%

          Australia keeps their illegals in third sh1thole countries, like if the US shipped every illegal to Haiti. You want us to copy Australia?

    • former water walker, Switzerland closed their borders to muslim “immigrants” and have started deporting those who are citizens and will not conform. do some research first before spouting off like a liberal

      • How did you manage to translate his comment about Sweden into Switzerland? In the same paragraph, sure…but I don’t think migrant hordes were referenced regarding the Swiss.

        • Well I see you “get it”…sorry my phone was plugged in. Everyone else gets a DUH…irony/sarcasm.

    • One world government. Well when you think about it that is the best thing that could ever happen to the worlds people. With representatives from every country that would just about eliminate wars as no one nation could risk having the rest of the world going to war with them. Is this to far over your head.

      • The worst rates of homicide occur within governments, not from wars.

        Consider Cambodia, China, the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany(most murdered were non-combatants), King Leopold’s Congo, Armenian Genocide.

        A world government without checks and balances, such as the United States has, is a great opportunity for the killing fields of Cambodia, without the potential of Vietnam to invade and stop the killing.

      • Sounds like 1984 or brave new world is the perfect place for you. You should read them. Or perhaps Fahrenheit 451, or gulag archipelago. Definitely gulag archipelago. It’s about a people who became complacent while their own majority of people passively endorsed a governmental murderous system. They were disarmed and unorganized, so those of differing opinions than the majority all died. There was about 100 million of them. So it was an epic governing victory! Right up your alley.

      • hitler wanted one world .gov. As did the Roman Empire. As did many bloodthirsty maniacs thru history.

        Now you’re making your stand clear. Just another blood thirsty maniac, cisco.

      • Left wing globalist says ” With representatives from every country that would just about eliminate wars as no one nation could risk having the rest of the world going to war with them.”

        I say…. “bwahahahaha!!!!” Really? If you honestly believe this, as soon as the people of the gun refuse to protect you (and that I’m afraid is imminent) , you can reach around, plant your lips firmly on your posterior, and kiss your pansy ass goodbye.

        Also, who is going to volunteer to disarm us? You, cupcake? Nah… I didn’t think so.

        • Nah Cisco is a cowardly b****.

          He would have someone else do his enforcing for him risking their lives. People like cisco are literal scum of the earth just like other leftists like him. Too bad his ilk of morons outnumber us.

      • One government would stop the wars? What color is the sky on your planet? Have you ever heard about civil wars?
        Governments are the biggest killers of people. Usually of their own people.

  5. It’s never too early to learn “FU” in neighboring languages.

    Speak . . .sof. . . not at all, and shroud your optics.

  6. As long as the Swiss filter visitors through their country they will be ok. Allowing people into your country that don’t support your values, one of which is firearms ownership, will destroy the Swiss way of life.

    • It is INSANELY hard to get Swiss citizenship. In Switzerland, the only real way to get citizenship is to inherit it or marry into it. (Even then, the procedure is just easier, not automatic.)

      • Wow, I think the Swiss will be ok!
        The socialist in Europe real hate the regular citizen with guns.

  7. Pro Tell the Swiss the “society for liberal gun laws” and the land of my ancestors) version of the NRA is fighting hard to stop this gobbledegook. Interesting to hear it put that way.
    The cantons quick;y voted down taking firearms away from the military at home about 5 years ago.
    Zusammen sind wir stark PROTELL wahrt überparteilich die Interessen aller waffenbesitzenden und waffentragenden Bürgerinnen und Bürger. PROTELL wehrt sich gegen Einschränkungen des Waffenbesitzes der verantwortungsbewussten Bürgerinnen und Bürger.

    • Based on the Swiss citizens I know… this thing has about as much chance of passing as any other EU bullshit. (Practically zero.) Switzerland is the one shining beacon of relative liberty left on the continent. Given that they are a few generations away from becoming Israel 2.0 thanks to their neighbors importing millions of third world savages, I don’t see them being willing to disarm any time soon.

      • My teenage child had a three-week trip to extreme southern Germany last Summer. (The host family lived about 15 miles from Switzerland.) I instructed my teenage child, in the event of some cataclysmic upheaval, to walk to Switzerland and hope for the best.

        • Quote———————————-uncommon_sense says:
          April 11, 2018 at 21:13
          My teenage child had a three-week trip to extreme southern Germany last Summer. (The host family lived about 15 miles from Switzerland.) I instructed my teenage child, in the event of some cataclysmic upheaval, to walk to Switzerland and hope for the best.——————————————-quote———————-

          Its amazing you were dumb enough to let her go. Not that anything would happen to her rather she would learn by visiting other countries that all of your racism was such pure bullshit.

        • Yeah… It’s not like Europe has a rape epidemic or anything… Oh… and terrorist attacks on a weekly basis.

          I hear Londinistan is nice this time of year. You can practically smell the acid from all the “cultural enrichment” going on.

        • @cisco kid

          Uh … just a friendly polite reminder – that Islam is actually not a “race.”

        • Cisco Kid,

          First of all, who said that my teenager was a female? I certainly did not.

          Second of all, where did I indicate that I treated someone without respect due to their ancestry? Nowhere that I can see or recall.

          At any rate I will spell it out for you: a cataclysmic upheaval could happen because of any number of human or natural disasters. In the event that southern Germany descended into unsafe conditions because of such a disaster, my teenager’s backup plan was to go to Switzerland where many people at least have a rifle to maintain some semblance of “order” if the unthinkable happens.

      • pwrserge says:
        April 11, 2018 at 22:00
        Quote————————–Yeah… It’s not like Europe has a rape epidemic or anything… Oh… and terrorist attacks on a weekly basis.

        I hear Londinistan is nice this time of year. You can practically smell the acid from all the “cultural enrichment” going on.—————————-quote

        If you ever engaged in any “culture enrichment” you just might become educated. But that might overload your racist circuits.

        • Just another quick friendly reminder that “racist” and “racism” stems from the word “race.” And culture and religion are not in fact “races.”

        • Crisco, another post by you demonstrating your deep misogyny in dismissing the huge increase in rape in Europe

  8. Freedoandliberty Wtf is that ? If you can’t spell it correctly , you certainly should shut your piehole as you obviously have no clue and are certainly no patriot !!

  9. While you may have a better chance to be shot and killed or find a victim of suicide by gun in Switzerland or the US, I think that you know and realize that your chances of being attacked and killed or finding a suicide victim are much greater in your home country than in the US or Switzerland. Lets get rid of the qualifiers here and call fatal violence by what it is, homicide or suicide.
    The weapon is not reason, it was only a choice of the offender.

  10. “If a restrictive firearms law is passed, it will likely face a referendum…”

    It sounds like previous referendum(s) to INCREASE restrictions have passed, so it doesn’t sound good for Swiss gun owners.

    • not my under-standing of it;
      the gun-grabbers “tried-it-on” back in 2010/2011, IIRC, but they were beaten back;
      AFAIK, that was the last major attempt to impose really restrictive gun laws;
      what the actual on-the-ground situation with the registration laws are and how or even if they got past a referendum, i don’t know;
      we would probably need a Swiss national or an expat thoroughly familiar with the situation to comment;
      my ‘educated guess’ would be that a referendum is not some-thing that can be organised over-night and that the gun-grabbers may well utilise the same sort(s) of tactics that they do in the US….get gun-grab laws passed even though they know that, eventually, they may well be ‘tossed’ in the SCotUS….
      they know that it will take a good, few years for a SCotUS challenge to be mounted so….they just go ahead with it regardless knowing that there will be no, real repercussions;
      a recent docco’ that i viewed on gun rights devoted a fairly large segment to Switzerland;
      my under-standing of it was that, if you were a member of a sporting club or a military-rifle-type club (which are ‘tied in’ with the Swiss military), then, you are, pretty much, good-to-go;
      and: that such member-ship involved merely a nominal-type fee and sporadic attendance …… maybe once or twice a year, if that….

  11. If the Swiss federal government enacts a law, the Swiss people can call for a referendum to keep it from going into effect. If a restrictive firearms law is passed, it will likely face a referendum

    now…. that is what you call “a democracy” as opposed to the control-freak, cultural marxist crap-holes like, for instance, the UK and AUstralia ……or….. dare i even say it! ……. even the US……which, of course, has your actual Second Amendment but…what good is it when it is continually ignored, deliberately and egregiously mis-interpreted and blocked/stymied by a leftist/activist SCotUS …?… all aided & abetted by a bunch of corrupt, low-life shills calling them-selfs “politicians”;

    • Well what do you know we actually for once agree on something. The U.S. has about as much Democracy as Putin’s Russia does and I am not being facetious.

      • Well yeah… we’ve let you commie vermin cheat too many of your insurgents into public office via ballot box stuffing. Fortunately, that’s pretty much over. After the next census when only citizens will get representation at the federal level, the DNC won’t win another national election.

        • Your even dumber than I thought. Why do you think so many Republicans are retiring and not running for re-election. Simple, they only spend money and stay in the race for re-election when they know they can win. Of course this is way over your head.

        • Yeah… and Hitlary was going to win in a landslide… How did that work out… HINT: the metrics for a generic GOP ballot today are better than the Hillary vs Trump polling last time. How did that work out for you?

        • Quote———————-Yeah… and Hitlary was going to win in a landslide… How did that work out… HINT: the metrics for a generic GOP ballot today are better than the Hillary vs Trump polling last time. How did that work out for you?———————-quote

          If you ever bothered to watch “the real news” instead of Foxy News Propaganda you would see every survey taken recently puts the Republicans in deep shit and they all know it and many have admitted it. Why do you think they are all jumping ship on the gun issue and the rest retiring and not even bothering to run. Is all this getting to complicated for you.

        • @cisco kid

          Super quick friendly reminder that a rash of retirements doesn’t necessarily signal a wave election. There we’re actually more republicans retiring in 2014 than democrats and republicans took the house and senate. In 2008, a whopping 27 republicans retired and the next midterm election republicans secured both houses. So just FYI on that.

        • Crisco,

          You posted that in April. It is June and the Democrat lead has gone from 14 point to 3 points IE LESS than the typical point lead for either party midterms when out of the white house!

      • but…. i didn’t say that was a better system of government;
        a constitutional republic is better but US citz have let a bunch of cultural marxists take control in the courts and in the legislature….
        if that could be reversed, then, the US would be a better place;
        how could that occur?
        repeal ALL laws that are unConstitutional and make the Constitution and Common Law the ultimate ‘law-of-the-land’ ……

    • This has to have become the most hilarious, school playground thread ever to play out on TTAG… Wasn’t it great before the internet when you could just go out back and settle arguments? 🙂

      Oh, and not to be too technical but

      “that is what you call “a democracy” as opposed to the control-freak, cultural marxist crap-holes like, for instance, the UK and AUstralia ……or….. dare i even say it! ……. even the US……which, of course, has your actual Second Amendment but…what good is it when it is continually ignored, deliberately and egregiously mis-interpreted and blocked/stymied by a leftist/activist SCotUS …?”

      Last time I checked, the US was not a democracy, it is a republic. Democracies only work in gangs, maybe sometimes in hippie communes, etc.

      Hey Cisco, any chance you’d let us know your age? It might help some of us put things in better perspective.

      • yeh…that’s what I said, squire….
        the US is a constitutional republic;
        I also said that it was, technically, a better form of government…
        but….you can’t deny that the SCotUS has been ‘taken over’ by marxist bastards and that the US is top-heavy with gun-grabbing politician bastards…
        of course: not living in the US, i’m mainly going by TTaG articles which I assume are accurate….

    • Mob rule sounds good when the mob is on your side. Not so good when it’s not. You want to try direct democracy and live in California?

      Do you want NY and CA to decide national policy? Have you forgotten that Hillary won the popular votes by millions mostly thanks to CA?

      • Direct democracy works very very well when you have an ideologically homogenous nation with virtually no naturalization and inherited citizenship. That’s why it works in Switzerland.

        • quote:pwrserge says:
          April 13, 2018 at 09:19
          Direct democracy works very very well when you have an ideologically homogenous nation with virtually no naturalization and inherited citizenship. That’s why it works in Switzerland.——————quote—————

          Yea sure tell me some more of complete ignorance on foreign countries and immigration there. Your a joke Power Head

        • Crisco, you are the one that is ignorant, Japan has the most restrictive immigration policies and japan has a much higher violent death rate than the US.

          It is YOU who included US gun suicide with gun homicide why wont you put suicide plus homicide by all means? Japan, S. korea and bunch of other countries have WAY more lethal violence than the US.

          The Us has a lot of criminal killing criminals. If you are not in a gang or selling meth or engaged in crime you are MUCH safer from homicide risk in the US than you are in Australia, Canada, or Europe.

          • completely agree with you CC. per capita australias rate of violent crime is higher than that of the US. why? we technically have the right to self defense but we are not allowed the means….. therefore technically defenseless

  12. I like how concernedamericanmoron conveniently left out England, which he used to mention.

  13. Cisco Kid, please scroll back and read some of replys to your comments. I can tell by your comments that you are intelligent, but if you will not take offense, I find your opinions nieve. Have you have actually ever been out there on the “mean streets?” No? Try it for a couple of nights. First weekend of the month is best. The hard part of town. Let us know what you think then.

    • Paul, cisco is a well know soros paid troll here. We just slap him around for the entertainment value.

      Nobody takes him seriously.

      We used to get better trolls here. Now we get last string rejects like cisco.

      • Ah! I’m new to this website. I’m old school. I had to ask my 22 year old son what a troll is. Last I heard they lived under bridges in fairytales. Wait, maybe they still do!

        • Old school also. Never played a video game and I learned how to use google search which led me here. It’s still the only site I comment on.

          We have regular trolls. I guess it’s a sign that we’re doing well as a site.

          cisco will sometimes try to play himself off as a gun owner but he supports common sense things like ubc’s and federal safe storage laws. He’s a liar and not good at it.

          5-6 years ago we used to get good quality trolls here. Now we just get the dregs like cisco.

  14. I’ll just comment that if every country had the morals of Switzerland our fathers and grandfathers personal weapons would have long ago been swept up by the Gestapo.

    The Swiss fvckers don’t give a dime to NATO.

  15. Such interesting language: “Swiss to debate…”

    They don’t have to get it passed this time. By talking about it, they push it toward acceptability. You become what is repeated at you.

  16. “Fake “Debate” Astroturfed by EU-crats, Immediately Stifled in Swiss Cantons By People They Are Trying To Disarm”

    There, fify.

    BTW, among the things the EU-crats don’t want you to realize … is the *several* levels of participation in their German-run, pan-European hegemony. Brexit could, if the student government in Brussels can control their snit, put Britian right into any one of several less integrated arrangements, already in place. EU and the Swiss have one such.

    It’s not the arrangement, but someone saying to them “This isn’t working for me.” And they’re blatant that they are having a snit – looking to “punish” the Brits, rather than do what’s best for anybody, including people still in the E U.

  17. @ Cisco Kid>>>>. Opossums are ugly too but they make a good a pet and after awhile they are kinda cute. I don’t care much for raccoons, they are all right , but they get irony because they get smart. I get a kick out of them though. We had a coyote once, but I was pretty young, I rember it’d catch rabbits and snap at me if I tried to take the rabbit away.

  18. Wow! This Cisco guy is a piece of work. How does some one get that bad of a case of cranial rectumitus? Does he not understand the reason for the 2nd amendment? It is there to keep our government from becoming tyranical and oppressive. Also for the ability to defend home and country. The minute you disarm the population you open the doors for that government to do just that. We need a government that fears and respects it people. Does Cisco want to see this country become a socialist “utopia”? Does he long for days of standing in line for a loaf of bread or roll of toilet paper? He really needs to look a little closer at past history. Look at modern Germany , overrun with Muslim gangs that do what they want because they know no one can stop them. Pull your head out and look around.

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