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A New Jersey State Trooper pulls a gun on undercover cops. The party gets started at 6:38. The tape shows the cops carpet bombing each other with f-bombs. “You don’t know what goes on out here,” the Trooper screams. Well, yes, now we do. At 8:14, the Statie says he arrested three police impersonators “ripping and stripping” in the last month (assuming the Trooper’s not pulling that one out of his you-know-what). So we have a gaggle of testosterone-crazed, adrenalin-infused cops hashing it out by the side of the highway and the possibility that there are faux cops cruising the same stretch of road robbing motorists. If there’s a reason why I didn’t drive my many guns and mucho ammo to Texas through Jersey this is it. If you know what I mean.

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    • And yet, they represent the “elite” who are the only ones outside the military that should have guns. Yeah, I totally feel sooo much safer.

  1. So the stereotypes (cops, jersey, steroid abusers, guidos) exist for what reason? I keep forgetting.

    Oh yeah. This explains it nicely.

  2. I was waiting for someone to pull a dog out of the car and shoot it.

    On the other hand, these guys need to chill the F out. This is beyond out of control.

  3. That video seems like it was made by someone who had a reference list of stereotypes.

    I like how when the plainclothes guys’ supervisor showed up he was calm and collected, and immediately defused the situation. Oh, wait, nevermind. He was worse than the guys who work for him.

    • Seems to me like the Statie over-reacted from the get go and then had to play all tough the rest of the time to cover up his embarrassment at being a jerk. Also seems to me that if he is that tense and wound that tight he needs a vacation somewhere VERY quiet.

      In the end, if he REALLY thought he was dealing with rogue cops or police impersonators why exactly did he re-holster his gun and then turn his back on the guy who went back to his car and reached into the front seat? Not exactly the behavior you would expect from someone who thought he had just interrupted a road-side robbery by a phony cop.

      • ^^^^ This! Everyone on police boards says that the guy in uniform is in charge, which is true, but that trooper is either full of it or he’s tactically retarted. That is NOT the way you deal with what you think are multiple armed and armored robbers. I’d be pissed if I were the other guys too. On the other hand, if the supervisor did his job from the start and acted the same way at the beginning as he did at the end, maybe this wouldn’t have been the COMPLETE embarrassment that it is.

  4. So much win.

    Guido cops raging on roids on the side of the turnpike. If only they’d had some jagerbombs.

    • I believe NJ State Police have jurisdiction over the Turnpike. The other cops are Bergen County Police (not to be confused with Bergen County Sheriff), which is useless, redundant, and everybody hates them. Apparently they never gave any heads up to the State cops about their undercover stunts, so it’s really no surprise that the State cop was pissed (obviously he could have done without the roid rage). The county cops were put on administrative leave and an apology was issued to the State cop, but I think that’s about it.

  5. NJ professionals at their finest. Just one of the many reasons I try to stay the f*** out of that “garden” state.

  6. I just had an interaction with local (village and county), literally just half an hour ago. I informed them that I had been drinking ( I was a witness to a domestic violence incident). Then I informed them that I was a permit holder and I was armed. Admittedly I was in my own yard and thus immune to both concealed carry law and the prohibition against drinking and carrying, but their reactions were priceless. They shrugged.
    Just that and only that. I informed them that I’d been drinking, had a permit, and was legally armed (not that I needed one on my own property) and they shrugged, as if they wondered why I’d told them that.

    I’d spent half an hour standing at the corner of my house first watching a single village cop deal with the duo who effected the call in the first place and then watching as a sheriff’s deputy showed up to back him in case they had to take the mountain of a man in question down. I don’t usually get involved but in these parts back up can be a long ways away and I was prepared to back these guys up.

    I’m probably pretty unpopular with the cited but un-arrested drunk and fighting duo, but hopefully that wont translate into a confrontation.

    I really love small towns. . . the realization of the officers that I wasn’t just a nosey neighbor but in fact had been standing by to back their play the whole time was palpable. The appreciations required less people skills to detect, they were glad to have me there. This is why I live in a place where cops have names and they know yours. . .freedom and dignity.

    • “I informed them that I’d been drinking, had a permit, and was legally armed (not that I needed one on my own property) and they shrugged, as if they wondered why I’d told them that.”

      Everyone who’s not an idiot wonders why you told them that too…

  7. A real bad guy would have killed this moron. I can’t imagine this fool dealing with a regular citizen. This dumb ass rookie should be fired. He’ll be lucky if he can get a job flipping burgers in some dive diner.

    • I’m sort of with you. . .if these guys had been fake cops and willing to shoot their way out this fool would have been dead.

      • An absolute and total disgrace. And he had to tell the undercover cops he was a rookie (“six months!”, what, SEVEN TIMES? Pathetic. He absolutely lost his head in what could have been an even uglier situation. FIRE THE BUM.

        • Not to defend any of the guys in this video but the trooper has 6 years on the job. The 6 months comment was sarcastic.

          • MEANING WHAT? If he’s been on the job SIX YEARS, his behavior is even LESS excusable, if that’s humanly possible.

    • He’ll be just fine at his $64K+ starting salary, that he will keep growing for a mere few decades till he retires with lux pay and benes.

  8. Talk about a power trip. I had the opposite experience.

    I once dialed the non-emergency line to report a police impersonator. The operator transferred me over to emergency dispatch without a second thought. It took me 5 min to get them to send a patrol car, as the operator refused to believe me. It then took them 20min to show up. And just two minutes before, the car finally arrived, I told them that the perps they were leaving the parking lot and what direction on what road. They ignored that completely.

  9. I’ve said it before, I’m saying it again. Gang bangers with guns. That’s all the police are. IMHO and not necessary the opinion of TTAG , it’s staff or readers. Just mine.

  10. These are the people that gravitate towards being police officers. I predict this is more common than we would all care to know about. I wish they would have all just shot each other. No business being police officers but rather should be working behind the counter at nutrition supplement store.

  11. Wow. None of those dumbfu¢ks could find their own asses with both hands and GPS.

    Your tax dollars wasted at work.

    • That’s always my perspective on these incidents: The taxpayer is paying for this incompetence. If someone gets shot, the taxpayer pays for the outcomes, if there’s a judgement against the LEO’s involved, the taxpayer is on the hook to fund the settlement.

      The brutal truth is that there are a whole lot of people in law enforcement that need to be summarily fired, without pension, benefits or severance package. It is long since past time that the taxpayers ceased being fleeced for this sort of thing.

  12. My favorite part of the video is the cute little Spring Time For Hitler outfit that the Jersey Staats Polizei is wearing. Very Kinky. I can imagine him strutting around in front of a mirror practicing the Nazi F-Bomb routine and singing Village People tunes.

  13. Can you imagine being pulled over by a cop and then watching this unfold? I couldn’t tell if the car pulled over was still there, but I would have been scared to death. What do you do? You can’t run away, but should you just sit around while waiting for them to start slinging lead around? Can you imagine if your family was in your car with you?

    • Yep. And what’s worse, is that even if you didn’t get hit in the crossfire between these clowns, when you’re called in as a material witness in the ensuing investigation, you’d a marked individual, because the cops would never allow the truth to come out.

  14. I found this to be highly hilarious. Disturbing, but hilarious. Full of both win and fail. If anyone ever needed yet another reason to avoid Jersey…jeeze.

  15. One bright side of the inevitable financial collapse of the USA is no more pricks like these being paid by tax dollars… Maybe…

  16. Grew up in California and lived for a year in and around Bergen & Passaic counties. I can tell you as bad as this got here it was typical East Coast bravado. Had this been Califus . . . cops or no cops, badges, undercover status, uniforms – it would not have mattered. It would have gotten physical less than a minute in and guns probably would have come out.

    California cops kill people face down w/ their hands behind their backs . . . had you F-bombed a uniformed cop you would have gotten tazed at the least – or your grandma killed for resisting arrest at the least. These meatheads at least asked questions first đŸ™‚

  17. wow! first, officers should have made the state police aware of the operation. 2nd, trooper needs some strong meds! Really guys, you made cops look like first graders!

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