The gun community’s response to the new $599 Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 seems to be generally positive. If this gun delivers the “light, crisp trigger” with a “tactile reset” expect heightened hosannahs. We’ll be sure to get some serious trigger time at the SHOT Show Media Day on the 16th. Meanwhile, you in?


  1. Eh. The people who are “in” to get a M&P 2.0 are either going to be folks who’ve decided to finally give M&P a try, or are the same folks who stand in line for the newest iPhone. I already have an M&P I’m happy with, I’d rather spend my money on something else.

    • Same here. I got an Apex kit for mine a few years ago so that negates any of the “updates” to the trigger this model would offer. Hey, at least it doesn’t say “Grip Zone” down the side of the frame.

    • You mean people who have never owned one but now want one and people who are fans and want the new model will buy one?????? It’s almost like this is designed to make more money.

      I’m speechless.

  2. It is about time they update this gun. It has been out for what ..over 10 years?
    Cant wait to see what the trigger is like.

    • Actually, th M&P currently available has had numerous changes and mods during that 10 years.

      From conversations I’ve read with S&W M&P armorers, there have been 2-3 changes in barrel rifling and lockup, three different trigger bars (blank, S, and the current H), a different slidelock shape that affects trigger reset, and a reshaped sear to name a few.

      The entire trigger pull and reset was changed significantly sometime after the Shield was released in 2012. Most pistols from after 2013 will have the new parts, but apparently you can still get brand new ones with older parts, as well.

      BTW, it was only the Full Size 9mm that ever had any of the problems with accuracy, and even then it was only around 10-15% of pistols, supposedly. Th 40s and compacts never had the issue.

  3. This sure is a good looking gun. Glad they got rid of the oversize beaver tail – not really needed in a striker fired pistol. The only S&W semi-auto I’ve shot is the Shield, and I was not impressed. Gritty when racking the slide, very low quality magazines (compared to my XDs) – couldn’t even get 8 rounds into the 8 rounder, gritty trigger, etc. “Gritty” would be the best way to describe the Shield I shot. If the new M&P is as smooth as my XDs and XD Mod.2 9mm, then I’d be interested next time I’m in the market for another semi-auto.

  4. It’s funny that they make it look like that blue light that highlights parts is on the fritz. Is that supposed to inspire more confidence in the gun?

  5. What’s with all these light trigger pulls now? I put a ghost edge on my glock because I hated the prestack two-staged feel, but I’ve found most triggers otherwise decent even if heavy. Even my beretta nano shot fine were it not for the extremely painful double feeds. I’d argue for lighter calibers, not lighter triggers.

    • One of the reasons I sold my LC9s (striker) was because I was not really comfortable with how light the trigger was after a few hundred rounds. I had previously sold my old DAO LC9 because I hated how heavy the trigger was. There is a Goldilocks zone, and unfortunately both guns were outside of it for me, albeit on opposite sides. It’s all subjective of course.

      I’ll take light and long (HK LEM), short and heavy, but not short and light without a safety on, and I don’t want a safety on. I understood trigger discipline before I had hair on my balls. Thirty plus years later, I’m self-aware enough to know I’m not always operating at 100% mentally when I have a gun on me, and a little extra weight in the trigger is not a bad thing at all.

  6. “Optimal grip angle.” LOL.

    Watch many shooters (including S&W ones) contort their support hands in order to achieve a higher wrist angle than is naturally built into the pistol.

    One has to wonder the extent to which thought fixated on M1911s dominates design even as many competition and defense shooters find ways to work around it.

    • I a big skeptic of the grip angle argument. Especially when it comes to the Glock. Mine points naturally because I shoot it 99% over other handguns. It’s what your used to, not the angle of the grip. But I think the “optimum angle” refferes to the shooting hand, not the support hand.

  7. I like it. The first modern handgun I ever shot when I joined the armed intelligentsia was the M&P40c. Then I bought the replica full size M&P air gun to play around with at the house. Ergonomically, it is wonderful. Then I stumbled across a deal on my Gen 3 Glock 19 and couldn’t pass it up. At the time, the Glock 19 was selling for $600 and was not in stock anywhere. I’m not trading in my G19 but I do like the M&P.

  8. Stoopid question for Smith fans – where’s the Hillary hole? Do they seriously put those abominations on $1500 performance center revolvers yet leave them off the $500 chunk of plastic?

    • Gov,

      The Saf-T-Hammer, ak “Hillary hole”, is for a hammer on a revolver. Not relevant for a striker.

      However, a rough equivalent on a pistol would be a magazine disconnect. S&W catalog has many M&P models available with said disconnect for those who want/require them, so there’s your answer.

      BTW, all standard model S&W 2nd and 3rd gen pistols had mag disconnects–way before the clinton deal went down. Only LE & a few Perf Ctr models lacked that ‘safety’ feature.

      • Magazine disconnect ‘safeties’ are not the equivalent of the S&W hammer lock, unless it requires a key to replace the magazine. The only difference between a hammer and a striker is that the former pivots and the latter moves in a straight line. Otherwise they perform the exact same function.

  9. And for those interested parties these are on sale on Slickguns for 449 right now…

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