TTAG’s in-house one-liner machine—Ralph—has reviewed the SIG SAUER P290. Less good news: I didn’t get outside with the gun and my Nikon until I’d lost the sun (as we artsy fartsy photography types are wont to say). Prose as biting as Ralph’s requires snaps of equal caliber. Meanwhile, I had a pleasant afternoon’s shooting with TTAG commentator Patrick Brown at AFS, wherein we both marveled at the SIG P290’s accuracy, and a reset point that seemed at least two states over. Muzzle flip? Hand sting? Nope. But then Ralph’s the guy to give you the 411 on SIG’s pocket 9mm. So . . . stand by.


  1. I’m pretty sure you and me are watching a different video. The muzzle rise on that thing is a lot.

  2. Why wasn’t the shooter resetting the trigger? Very sloppy and not worthy of TTAG in my humble view. To control muzzle rise and get back to target, a clean trigger reset is key; but not in this video.

    Who is charge of editing this stuff anyway?


    • Huh?

      I was shooting the gun. As stated above, the P290’s trigger reset is out there, somewhere. It’s about as far from a Glock’s tight, precise trigger reset as you can get without leaving your gun in a sealed, locked container.

      As Ralph’s review will reveal (now that I’ve spoiled it), the P290’s reset isn’t an issue. It loves to be shot fast and put away wet. Or something like that. Ralph’s the word guy. I just carry his water.

      • Robert, I don’t mean to be disrespectful but you are not resetting your trigger in this video. I agree that the reset point is not as crisp as the Glock but, in the context of this conversation, that point is a non-sequitor.

        After the gun fires you completely release the trigger and then take up the creep. Simply put, taking up creep and a proper reset are two completely different things.



  3. I’m a middle-aged (and jealous (: >)) novice, but I also saw the muzzle flip when I watched the video in QuickTime Pro at 1/2 speed with “Play All Frames” on.

    Posted here are two screenshots from your video, the first right before (see the hammer back and the video time) and the next just after firing (same video time as no real time code in the posted video).

    Though the second image is blurred, you can certainly see some muzzle flip.

    Perhaps on range tests like these you could tape a temporary sheet of paper marked off in inches / degrees on the side wall behind the shooter’s hands, and that could give us all some idea of flip and recoil / grip control issues?

  4. PS – Here are the same images, stacked vertically and a little larger.

    My inexperience might be showing, but after reviewing the video 2-3 times, I definitely see the beginning of the muzzle flash while the hammer still appears to be back before the hammer goes forward, full firing of the round / muzzle blast / recoil.

    And it’s not just in that sequence. Can someone explain this? Is this a video or gun issue?

    • Its how a CMOS sensor works. It grabs light pixel by pixel. So essentially the hammer hit after the sensor grabbed light at that point for the frame and it caught the muzzle flash.

  5. Do what!?!
    I played with the pause button a couple of times and you can see the hammer back over 45 deg from striking the pin. Big mushroom of flame comming out of the barrel.
    Unless you are saying the camera can not catch the hammer fall at that speed, and low light.

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