It’s wild how many pistol-into-carbine chassis/body/receiver systems were at SHOT Show this year. It seems like everyone is getting into the space, but all approach their solution in slightly different ways, which is cool to see.

Meandering through the new products center while avoiding the trade show security folks assigned to COVID mask harassment duty (I had my magic hat on, I don’t know why I’d also need a magic mask), I saw this clamshell thing eating a GLOCK like “Bird One” from You Only Live Twice.

Upon closer inspection (apologies for the window glare), that spaceship, which at this point I’ve learned through my impressive sign-reading skills, is called the P-IX from Recover Tactical. It closes up to conceal a complete GLOCK pistol inside. What looks like the magazine well of an AR-15 is, indeed, the GLOCK’s magazine well.

Recover Tactical has done a good job providing AR-style ergonomics and control locations where possible. The P-IX may well be the closest a GLOCK carbine conversion kit has come to turning a GLOCK into a 9mm AR.

Ranging in MSRP from $199.95 to $274.95 depending on options, I’m surprised to find myself saying that I think this looks to be a pretty cool piece of kit (generally looking down, as I do, at these sorts of conversion-type thingies like the snooty gun bunny diva I am).

It’s massively easier to shoot a carbine accurately, quickly, and competently than it is a pistol, and the P-IX allows for the quick and simple transition of a single GLOCK between those two “modes.”

Perhaps that means your GLOCK is a home/vehicle defense gun when it’s in the P-IX and a concealed carry gun when it’s out of the P-IX. Regardless, the Recover Tactical P-IX adds extra utility from a single pistol and that’s pretty cool.




  1. Not mentioned is that this thing had a terrible trigger pull due to the meh plastic linkage. Yeah, it’s only $200, but it was bad enough I wasn’t sure if it was worth it.

      • I was at SHOT Show and pulled the trigger. Several times, in fact. I’m not sure I’d say it was unusable, but it was definitely a let-down.

        • In all fairness the trigger mechanism at SHOT Show was not final, it was a 3D print and at that time no one actually shot the gun and the guns we had at the show were missing pins so the trigger feel was not accurate at all. We have the final version completed and we are heading to the range with it on Sunday, stay tuned for more in depth videos that we will be dropping in the coming days but so far no one has complained about about the final trigger feel on the final prototypes.

    • Without the stock its not an NFA item. The stock is optional. But normally adding a stock to a pistol results in the manufacture of a short-barreled rifle (SBR) which falls within the classification of firearms subject to NFA. I know there are glock carbine conversion kits with stocks integrated which are not subject to the NFA, but would this be an NFA item if the stock was added?

      • But there is nothing added to the pistol here, so i’m gonna say it would not be an NFA item if a stock was added to the frame holding the pistol.

        • Your second thought is correct. The only non-NFA Glock carbine kits with stocks are the ones with 16″ barrels. Some chassis offer the alternative between a brace (non-NFA) and stock (SBR).

          The only real difference is that this looks much more like a rifle.

        • Why would anyone want to stick their pistol inside that big boxy hunk of plastic unless you planned to put a stock or brace on it? What possible benefit is there to the thing without a stock? I have a 1970’s-vintage attache case that looks sleeker than that contraption.

        • The addition of a stock, being specifically designed to be fired from the shoulder, makes this a SBR more clearly than present hot topic of adding a pistol brace to a pistol. Better buy a bullet proof vest for your dog, a replacement front door for your house, and prepare to make new, not particularly friendly acquaintances.

        • Adding a brace to a pistol makes one play the new and exciting ATF “Brace or Nay Score Sheet Game”. Adding the stock merely gives the player a max score with a “Go Directly To Jail” count on the score sheet. And, with that, your new friend, Bubba, begins singing “….bend over let me see you shake your tail feather….”

      • OK, I emailed Recover Tactical about their ‘Recover Tactical P-IX Modular AR Platform for Pistols – For Glock’

        I asked three questions, these were.

        1. Is this an NFA item either with or without the stock?

        2. If it is an NFA item then what makes it an NFA item?

        3. If it IS NOT and NFA item them what makes it NOT an NFA item?

        (yes, I know there were typos. I was trying to eat a sandwich at the time and typing one handed)

        The reply was:

        “Unfortunately we are unable to provide legal advice more than what is offered on our disclaimer here

        Thank you
        Mike R
        ReCover Tactical”

        I guess I will not be purchasing from Recover Tactical. It is neither legal advice or a sin to say if its an NFA item or not so I’m not really enthused about the evasive answer. I’ve purchased a lot of stuff from them over the years, not any more.

        • but to be fair their disclaimer does have this:

          “The BATFE has not classified any of the Recover Stabilizer Kits, Brace Kits, Stock Kits, Buttstocks, Forward Grips, or the P-IX, however they may, at some future time, classify those products such that they alone or in combination become governed or regulated by the NFA or other applicable federal law. ”

          But it does not say if with the optional stock the P-IX is an NFA item or not. However below that section under the “NFA WARNING:
          THE INSTALLATION OF THE FOLLOWING:” section it says


          so the answer for ‘AR Libertarian’, according to the disclaimer, is the ‘Recover Tactical P-IX Modular AR Platform for Pistols – For Glock’ is an NFA item if it has either the “ANGLED FORWARD GRIP OR BUTTSTOCK” – — which I might add makes it basically useless as a carbine without the stock ’cause carbines kinda need stocks to be a carbine.

          I still think the answer from Recover tactical was evasive even though it pointed me to the answer. A straight “lookie here” would have been fine instead of bringing this into ‘legal’ territory with that reply making it seem evasive to me. They need to work on their customer relations. If its in legal territory enough not to simply answer it sort of indicates to me there is something they are not willing to say outright as they point to a disclaimer that may or may not be correct at this time.

        • Ummm…..and someone thinks it’s a great life decision to take “jail or no jail” advice from someone who can’t eat a sandwich and type at the same time???? Me, thinks NOT………

    • It’s a hunk of plastic with a stock. If you attach a brace, then a pistol (in that order), then it is not subject to the NFA. Unless both the pistol and the stock are attached at the same point in time, then it is not an SBR, nor subject to the NFA

    • There is no legal question here and this isn’t a gray zone or anything. If you put a stock on the back of the P-IX and put a pistol with a barrel shorter than 16 inches into it, it is an SBR. The default form of the P-IX doesn’t have anything attached to the back. Use a pistol brace or keep it with nothing on the rear to be NFA compliant. You could use a stock if you’ve registered your GLOCK as an SBR or if you install a 16-inch barrel into it first (yes, they exist).

      In pistol form, installing a vertical forward grip onto the P-IX would also be an NFA violation as it would create an AOW. Angled forward hand rests are okay.

  2. For anyone who thinks the Biden admin BATFE isn’t going to rule that this is an SBR if you add a Glock to it (especially in the arrangement shown, which clearly has a stock), I have some waterfront property you may be interested in . . . .

    Playing chicken with the NFA, given the length of even the minimum sentences for violations and the nutjobs currently in the DOJ who will be making the prosecution decisions, is HUGELY unwise, especially for what amounts to a range toy. The fact that the manufacturer won’t take a position on it should be all you need to know.

    • Soon enough attending a completely peaceful political rally or voting for the wrong person will get you thrown in the gulag. They have digital dirt on everyone anyway.

  3. Skinning a Glock is a neat idea and certainly fits into a modern role…I guess

    For me though, I’d rather buy a CZ Scorpion.

  4. It still doesn’t have enough of a barrel to bring it into my conception of a carbine, and although more stable than a pistol alone, it adds nothing to range or MV. I’d opt for a 9mm carbine conversion over this, and the price isn’t enough to change my mind.

  5. If they had found a way to allow a slide mounted red dot stick out the top I would have just pre-ordered one. Removing my red dot to use what is mostly a fun toy might not be worth it. Or maybe it’s an excuse to buy another Glock?

  6. I have seen some “hater” comments saying why would anyone want to wrap plastic in plastic. Or this is pointless without a stock or brace. I would like to point out the H&K MP5K pistol. This pistol comes standard with a sling, which when used correctly is designed to be stretched out in front of you putting tension on the sling which produces a stabilizing effect. Given that this platform has rails running along the top, one could mount a red dot sight for better accuracy as well as lights and lasers. This platform with its clam shell design makes the use of higher-than-normal capacity magazines less gangly. I could go on all day on the advantages that PDW’s have, especially in the hands of small stature police officers and military personnel. Personally, if I had to search a darkened building and I had a choice between a Glock 22 or a Glock 22 inside of this platform along with all of the tactical upgrades this can provide, I would choose this all day long even without the stabilizing brace. But that’s just me. Guns and shooting are not as black and white as they used to be. Whatever works best for the shooter. This is why tier 1 operators can use whatever they want to get the job done.

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