Santa Monica College shooter John Zawahri's arms and ammo (courtesy

OK, he didn’t say that. The co-author of the “expanded background checks” gun control bill that died on the Senate floor actually said “We’re still working. I’m still working. I’m talking to senators every day. I’m at 50/50 to where we can pick up five more members. I think we can.” With American gun owners up in arms about State-sponsored civilian disarmament, with the United Nation Small Arms Treaty heading down the proverbial pike for a presidential pen stroke, there’s only one way Uncle Sam’s going to pass a new federal gun control regulation: if someone somewhere commits an armed atrocity of a particular sort. Although the Santa Monica shooter “planned to kill hundreds,” he didn’t. So, not that. I hesitate to decribe what kind of slaughter would re-enable the federal jackboot. Suffice it to say, the gun grabbers are ready to pounce. As should The People of the Gun (in a non-violent sort of way). ‘Cause it ain’t over until the bloody shirt stops waving. And that’s never going to happen.


  1. Its never over til its over
    Its never over. The other side will not ever rest in their attempts to strip us of our rights. Neither should we.

    Also, Joe is really going full retard over this gun control thing. Think he knows he already toasted his chance of ever getting re-elected in WV?

    • Also, Joe is really going full retard over this gun control thing. Think he knows he already toasted his chance of ever getting re-elected in WV?

      Yes. His actions over the last month are those of a senior politician who realizes he has burned his bridges with his constituency (but short of the point of being forced to leave office) and who instead has turned his energies towards supporting the power-brokers of his party while he is still in office.

      I’ve seen this happen on both sides of the aisle. Sometimes it’s because a Senator has announced his/her retirement with 2 years to go. Sometimes it’s because the internal (secret) polls show they are going to have a hard road to getting re-elected.

      And sometimes they’re arrogant bastards who believe that they’ll be proven right and will get re-elected no matter what. Manchin’s approval ratings have historically been high enough that he might feel safe pursuing this.

  2. Is that stuff in the picture for sale? cus I need a high cap revolver…. percussion cap that is….

    • LOL. Nobody needs six rounds! Plus, are those nipples? That’s sexiss! Paging Andy Cuomo, paging Andy Cuomo, please proceed to nearest NSA monitored courtesy phone–DiFi has an itch that only you or Joe Manchin can scratch!

  3. From the linked article:

    “20 magazines loaded with 1,300 rounds of ammunition” – Dem’s some big magazines. Unless he had a bunch of Surefires and Betamags. Gotta’ love the press.

    • Just once I’d like to see an accurate number. Did he have 1300 rounds, or did he just have enough magazines to hold 1300 rounds? 1300 rounds would weigh about 35-36 lbs. Was he toting 35# of ammo around with him? I’ve only seen photos of about 20 magazines. 1300 rounds is 65 magazines, so where are the rest?

      I wish I had the resources to get the exact police inventory, not the 37 different versions of it that I’ve seen published in various erroneous news reports.

      • I think we’re overthinking it. He was on a one way mission and vehicle mounted. 40 pounds of ammo would not have been a large burden for the short time he expected to live before being killed or turning the gun on himself.

        He wasn’t planning on scaling mountains.

    • I worked out the math the other day, but if he was carrying 1300 rounds of .223, just the ammunition itself would be 34.5 pounds. Plus 20 GI mags would be another 5.5 pounds. So we are being led to believe that this guy who, and Im one to talk, looks to be out of shape and was carrying an AR, a percussion cap revolver, a ballistic vest, and 40 pounds of mags and ammo?

    • I was just thinking that myself–first time I’ve heard how many mags he had, and the math doesn’t add up. Plus the Police Chief said his mags were [California legal] 5 and 10 rounders. 1600 rounds is 80 boxes–so adding in the boxes doesn’t add up either. And what the Chief really said was that IF all of his mags were loaded THEN he COULD have been carrying AS MANY AS 1300 or 1600 rounds. I note that the headline says that the shooter “planned to kill hundreds”–while what the Chief said was that he COULD have killed hundreds if he had not been stopped. A HUGE difference. And as far as I have seen, the police have no idea what his motive or intent was.

      The Remington, by the way, on close examination of a photo, appears to have (a) no percussion caps and (b) a cartridge conversion, so that it actually carried .45 LC.

      • “And what the Chief really said was that IF all of his mags were loaded THEN he COULD have been carrying AS MANY AS 1300 or 1600 rounds.”

        Right, but as I noted above, that still leaves questions, because that’d be 65 30 round AR magazines. I haven’t seen any photo or inventory that showed or listed that many. So where did he come up with that “1300” number?

    • Accuracy isn’t the press’s strong point, but my guess is he brought all the ammo he had and left most of it loose in his car. Mass murders/spree killers tend to have massive amounts of ammo (see the Aurora shooter) but bring and use a comparatively small amount. Mentioning the amount the killer had simply adds a more alarmist tone to further terrify John Q. Public.

      • 1300 rounds. I have a friend I’ve known for over 40 years, the past 30 of them in Santa Monica. He’s been trying to organize a pig shoot with friends; can’t even find *7* rounds to buy (7mm), nor can anyone else.

        He needs to hook up with the shooter’s armorer, it looks like.

        • Or maybe just check armslist or gunbroker, where both .223 and 7mm are quite available in California.

    • Yeah, they’re really stretching for scary stuff to show off when they’re exhibiting black hard-shell kneepads AND an incomplete rifle upper.

  4. So Mr. Santa Monica goes into this with an AR-15, 1300 .223/5.56 rounds, a second AR upper (wtf?) and a percussion cap SA revolver? Is this some strange Harry Turtledove alternate history sort of thing?

  5. He had a history of mental illness? If so the cap and ball revolver could have been purchased without a background check. I believe you can buy the cartridge conversion unit without a background check also. That gave him a potent, albeit slow to reload, handgun to kill his father and brother and procure the rifle and ammo.

    • “He had a history of mental illness?”

      Hmmm. That’s the part where they take his mind out and scan it with things that blink, buzz and twirdle, and we get a 3D color picture of the mind’s illness? You’ve seen those, you lucky dog!!!

    • Cartridge conversion cylinders must be processed through an FFL in California. But it doesn’t look like he fired it (you can see the bullets on the right side of the cylinder and none of the chambers are empty), so reload time is not relevant, and the death of the relatives unexplained. Also, that long white box on the table has no immediate reason for being there, unless he used it to transport the rifle from his mother’s apartment to the house.

      • My guess is that it’s the factory box for the working AR that he actually used before being neutralized.

  6. just out of curiosity, how long are we supposed to be “non-violent”? The government doesn’t take any “cards off the table” in its relationships with other nations on the planet. It uses its guns, tanks, and warplanes to enforce its will on the people (WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT), and it steadily infringes on our Constitutional rights while consistently whispering that it is not doing so.

    and for you boys eavesdropping over at the NSA, its just a question…

  7. Did he have a permit for that duffle bag? Was it properly registered? Did he purchase it without a background check?

  8. Hey! How’s it going? I’m all right.

    My job is so shitty I wish I could overthrow my boss. It’s like this oppressive regime where only true believers in his management techniques will stay around. I work marathon-length hours and he’s made all these changes that have made it the worst architecture firm to work at in Manhattan. Like he moved the office to the Financial District and fired my assistant. She was the only one who knew where the blueprints were! I need access to those blueprints to complete my job! F my life, right? And he keeps trying to start all these new initiatives to boost revenue, but seriously we just need to stick to what we do best. There’s only one true profit center. I seriously feel ready to go on strike at any second.

    I just read this article about how these free radical particles can cause the downfall of good health and accelerate aging. These could actually cause death to millions of Americans. If these particles are flying around undetected everywhere, does that mean we’re all radicalized?

    Have you seen the second season of Breaking Bad? I just finished it. I couldn’t believe that episode where they poison the guy with ricin! That was the bomb! I won’t say any more because I don’t want to reveal the earth-shattering events to come.

    Oh! So I’ve been planning a big trip for the summer. I’m thinking of visiting all of the most famous suspension bridges in the United States. So probably like the Golden Gate Bridge, The Brooklyn Bridge, and the Verrazano Narrows Bridge. I’m gonna bring my younger brother and I know he’ll want to go to bars, so I’m thinking of getting him a fake drivers license, but I hope that doesn’t blow up in my face.

    Okay, I gotta run! I’m late for flight school. I missed the last class where we learn how to land, so I really can’t miss another one. Talk to you later!Hey! How’s it going? I’m all right.

    My job is so shitty I wish I could overthrow my boss. It’s like this oppressive regime where only true believers in his management techniques will stay around. I work marathon-length hours and he’s made all these changes that have made it the worst architecture firm to work at in Manhattan. Like he moved the office to the Financial District and fired my assistant. She was the only one who knew where the blueprints were! I need access to those blueprints to complete my job! F my life, right? And he keeps trying to start all these new initiatives to boost revenue, but seriously we just need to stick to what we do best. There’s only one true profit center. I seriously feel ready to go on strike at any second.

    I just read this article about how these free radical particles can cause the downfall of good health and accelerate aging. These could actually cause death to millions of Americans. If these particles are flying around undetected everywhere, does that mean we’re all radicalized?

    Have you seen the second season of Breaking Bad? I just finished it. I couldn’t believe that episode where they poison the guy with ricin! That was the bomb! I won’t say any more because I don’t want to reveal the earth-shattering events to come.

    Oh! So I’ve been planning a big trip for the summer. I’m thinking of visiting all of the most famous suspension bridges in the United States. So probably like the Golden Gate Bridge, The Brooklyn Bridge, and the Verrazano Narrows Bridge. I’m gonna bring my younger brother and I know he’ll want to go to bars, so I’m thinking of getting him a fake drivers license, but I hope that doesn’t blow up in my face.

    Okay, I gotta run! I’m late for flight school. I missed the last class where we learn how to land, so I really can’t miss another one. Talk to you later!

    • It took me a second to catch on, but this is pretty clever. The NSA is going to be all over this, and it’ll be nothing but a ginormous wast of time. Haha. +1.

    • Fake driver’s license! True story: I’ve never owned a driver’s license, but I have owned a state ID (non-driver’s license all my adult life. I looked young for my age, so that ID was essential for scoring legal hooch.

      I was up for renewal a few months back. I went to the MVD/DMV etc, and was SHOCKED at how the fee had increased from $8 8 years ago to more than THIRTY today.

      When it came in the mail a while later, I was shocked to see I’d been issued a REAL, BONAFIDE DRIVER’S LICENSE!!!

      When you’re ready to bug out. I gots the backup ID.

      • You’ve never had a drivers license? And the only way you got one was a snafu at the dmv? What bug out plans did you have? A costco shopping cart?

      • I still don’t get that. Maybe he was planning to make like a WW2 machine gunner and swap out barrels when they overheated? In between reloading his 20 magazines with 1300 rounds of ammo?

        I would suggest that his selection of equipment alone speaks to mental illness.

        • Maybe he was planning on loading round by round into the upper, and using a nail to set them off.

  9. West Virginians, when does this man have to stand for reelection? Put that date on your calendar and start working now to boot him out of office. You now know who he REALLY is!

  10. There are two ways for them to “win” at civilian disarmament.

    1) kill/imprison/physically dominate objectors.

    2) Create a second-class citizenry based on the creation and and reinforcement of prejudice, targeting it with scorn and public shaming. To socially dominate objectors.

    You can usually judge the ethics of a position by thinking about what it would actually take to make it happen.

  11. I am still puzzled why there are zero pictures of the rifle, and no mentions anywhere of what kind it was other than witness statements that say it “looked like an AR-15”. I wonder if it was one of those ugly ‘California compliant’ rifles without a pistol grip or if it had a bullet button.


      Looks like .223, a spare AR upper, and an replica Remington 1858 cartridge conversion with .45 colt ammo. In another picture you can see that all the chambers are still full, so likely he didn’t fire that one. The guy was clearly insane bringing boxed ammo and spare uppers and stuff in a duffel bag.

      • And magazines laid out in three neat rows of eleven, a total of 33. We’re still only halfway to the 65 needed to hold 1300 rounds of ammunition.

        • Or what remains of the rifle after they shot the piss out of him. The rifle he was carrying when he entered the library had the same fore end and, as far as you can see in a very blurry photo, the same flash suppressor.

          Does anyone else think that it is strange that there is a loaded gun sitting there on the table?

        • The upper looks in rather nice condition for being shot-up. But I wonder if the lower (or complete) is being kept ‘secret’ either because it is so obviously California compliant (ugly no-pistol-grip stock) or otherwise doesn’t ‘fit the agenda’.

  12. they keep showing what looks to be a cheap/POS upper with no FCG/Lower or stock. Thats like carrying a pneumatic nail gun with no compressor. Worthless. Makes no sense, but neither does what this scumbag did.

    • You can see the media whores lining up to photograph an upper, the capgun, kneepads, a black bag, a few magazines and a few boxes of ammo, all on a pretty fuscia Santa Monica P.D. tablecloth.

      These clowns would freak out over what I lost on my last boat trip. Needless to say, but I capsized…again.

    • You can see all the media hookers lining up to photograph a bunch of harmless crap on the table.

      Oooooohhhhh, an upper, a cowboy gun, a black bag, KNEEPADS!!!, a few magazines and boxes of ammo. All on a gorgeous fuscia Santa Monica P.D. tablecloth.

      These clowns would crap their pants over what I lost in my last boating trip, which unfortunately was ruined by capsizing…again.

  13. So, which five (or more) Senators are considered the most likely candidates for changing their vote?

    • I wonder what had changed (if anything) in the proposed law to get those extra five senators.

    • Fortunately, Lautenberg will not get a vote this time. Given the history of the DNC however…

  14. God, I HATE the cynical opportunist Demosocialist scumbag pols. Ya know, eventually WE just cannot live with THEM any more. Ultimately, it will come down to a serious separatist movement or another civil war. I’m utterly FED UP with being demonized, oppressed, and talked down to by mentally-challenged, gun IMBECILE lefto careerist lawyer/pols. ALL of the infamous mass shooters of the last 13 years from the Columbine duo to Adam Lanza could & should have been placed into PC and INSTITUTIONALIZED in the first place, BEFORE they committed their violent sprees. But thanks to the 80’s Democoncept of ‘deinstitutionalization,’ there AREN’T any non-criminal state gov’t. mental institutions for isolation any more, nor is there any legal mechanism to commit the potentially violent mentally dysfunctional, either. A person has to COMMIT a violent act, and thus become a “criminal” BEFORE they can be put anywhere at all. Where’s the Obama/Biden/Demo ‘task force’ on THAT? We’ve trillion dollar budget deficits, yet we can’t afford ONE modern, well-administrated, non-criminal mental health security isolation facility for each of our 50 states? Instead, its just the same old knee-jerk cry for more ‘gun control’ crap from the Demos again – first, last, and always.

  15. That why we need to be vigilant and help the NRA and a progun groups and progun organizations defend our freedom.

    Plus I do find it Ironic that we started in December with a new AWB and mag ban . Then when we thwarted that plan Obama went to gun registration threw background checks. Now its just pass anything to make the fascist look good. We are working and keep it up.

  16. In the movie “The Frighteners” (1996) the homicidal psycho enters a hospital to ‘set a new record’. Recent mass shooters seem to have a thing against educational institutions, the quality of which have fallen in recent years. The scenario from the film might play out in real life once Obamacare is in effect.

  17. These idiot politicians who are against gun ownership and self-defense have no problem having their own 24/-365 armed guards.

    With the government out of control and spying on citizens now more than ever are gun rights and ownership as important as putting food on the table.

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