Sara Tipton (courtesy Sara Tipton for The Truth About Guns)

I am officially a Wyomingite. It’s a huge change from being a Californian. I moved from the most conservative part of California to the most liberal part of Wyoming, and it’s still more conservative than what I dealt with in the socialist Golden State. The most important thing that I have realized since my move, is that freedom means not having to ask the state for permission . . .

It really is as simple as getting a Wyoming driver’s license. My California license came with more restrictions than anything, not to mention they had my eye color wrong on there. But nonetheless, the feeling of holding that Wyoming license in my hands for the first time felt like freedom.

This might be hard to explain to a person who has not experienced this, but there was a rush.

There was a knowing that I could literally drive to a pawn shop or gun store or call the guy with the ad in the local paper selling a gun and buy one. Buy it. Like, buy the gun, without paying the around $80 in taxes, fees, and registering it and waiting ten days to  have an item I literally already own in my possession. I could go buy a gun and drive home with it loaded with more than ten round in the magazine without risking jail time. B

ut that’s not all…

I can now conceal any gun I want whenever I want and I don’t need to ask the state for permission.  I can just put on whatever gun is best concealed in my outfit, and I have been.

Wyoming has Constitutional carry, but in order to legally open carry, according to the local sheriff’s office in Lincoln county, I was told that I need to be a resident for six months. But she also told me to “conceal what you want.  You don’t even have to do that good of a job here. No one cares.”

Although I still try to make sure I am not printing (old habits die hard) and check myself out thoroughly in the mirror before going out, it still feels incredible. I have only been a legitimate Wyomingite for three days, and I have concealed three different guns, one of which I carried more than ten rounds in.

That is the most freeing feeling I think I could have ever felt. My California concealed carry permit is also null and void now that I am a resident of the state of Wyoming, and since open carrying in that socialist utopia is largely illegal, I will have to have a damn good reason to go back to that state.

Not only do I get to do yoga with the view of the Tetons in the background, I get to be free, and not have my income taxed, and I can buy any handgun I want. There is no special approved list. I literally have more freedom than my friends I left behind in California and I don’t have to beg for it.

Freedom.  It means not having to ask for permission, and it feels incredible.


  1. Good for you Sara. Us living in the free states do welcome such sincere refugees with open arms. Congrads on your knew found freedom, the way God and our Founders intended.

    • Sara and all you other goof balls, please stop with the “literally” non-sense. you all sound like a 13 year old girl from the suburbs.

      Congrats on your move, hope this one sticks

      • Wow. You are literally harshing my Sara Tipton mellow with all this grammar cop meanishnessitude!

        Congrats, Sara! You are literally a free citizen! Literally.

      • When used by 13 yo girls it is often used improperly. ‘I literally, froze to death’

        In this case, she uses it properly ‘she could literally buy any gun she wanted and take it home that day’.

        Maybe you should be gripping at 13 year old girls who use it 7x in a conversation improperly and not here…

        Go away, find something more useful to grow about troll.

        • To riff on a theme, I think it would be better to gripe on 13 year old girls than grip them.

        • “When used by 13 yo girls it is often used improperly. ‘I literally, froze to death’” That’s called hyperbole and different than Sara’s use. The problem I have is the proliferation and over use of “literally”. Sara uses it (3x) and it was unnecessary.

          To you “my Sara Tipton” knights in shining armor; Sara doesn’t need you to defend her she can take care of herself. She most certainly doesn’t need your help with a criticism of her post.

          Illinoisshooter. I’m not a troll and I’ve been on TTAG for years. Why don’t you worry about moving out of that slave state, or maybe you stay cuz like it.

        • @jiz: Can you appreciate the irony of you telling people to back off defending Sara because she can defend herself?

          Even literally?

        • This is for Jizz, I just cant reply to the last post a couple above.

          I have moved from Illinois, you troll. I LITERALLY moved to Texas as of my last duty station. Illinois is where I was born. So I am LITERALLY in a better place as far as gun laws and my recognition of my 2A rights.

          You are LITERALLY an annoying person that likes to go off topic when called out on a BS post.

        • Hey Jake, thanks for chiming in. Yes it maybe be grammatically correct but for me that’s not the point. It’s the unnecessary, overuse of the word (think “like”, “super” and now “literally”). In my opinion, she could have gotten her point across similarly without using it 3x. And because she did, it was annoying to me so I commented on it. Then some, like Illinoisshooter, responded by resorting to ad hominem attacks.

          This is to Illinoisshooter (who is not really in Illinois but in Texas); Born in a slave state and now he’s free! if you moved then good for you. It could be seen as a little dishonest though if you’re not literally in Illinois, shooting right? More like TexASShooter. Oh yeah and I “like” to go off topic. How do you know what I like? Stalker much? Your last comment suggests you might be in the military so for the sake of argument I’ll assume you are/were. Might I suggest that you check the oath you made, I’m pretty sure it was to uphold the the Constitution. That would include the 1a, not just 2a. Even if you not military and made no such oath, it’s funny how you want me to “go away” because you don’t like my comment on a pro 2a blog. So let’s review, 1a is the most important, that’s why it’s first and 2a protects it. Got it? Good. BTW, you know Hillary’s was born in Illinois, maybe there’s something in the water that causes an aversion to other peoples rights. OMG Twinsies! Have a nice day 😉

          P.S. While I may not like Sara’s use of the word literally, I never told her to go away or not speak. She made the move, she appears to like it and I’m glad for her.

  2. I moved to Nevada and had the same experience. But if Bloomshit gets his way some of that freedom might be ebbing this election season in the Silver State.

    • All of the folks fleeing from CA, NY, NJ, etc. that are moving here are the ones that are likely to carry the vote on Question #1 this fall.

  3. But, you do have to deal with the weather and for that, nothing beats California!

    • A free state with any form of crappy weather beats any beautiful day in Commiefornia.

      • I don’t miss the taxes, cost of housing, the commutes (depending on the destination that day), the anti-gun insanity, the PC of some people, the liberal government.

        I do miss the weather (especially in San Fran), the beach, the restaurants, Chinatown, surfing the Cruz, The French Laundry (really miss that), blasting down 9 and Skyline, seeing a classic Lambo on the road almost every day that I went to the office in Campbell, and weird people. Bay-to-Breakers was a splendid freakshow, Burning Man had not turned into the Coachella for 20-something tech millionaires, there were always more lectures from important figures than I had free time to attend.

        If one has never lived in The Bay Area, one can be forgiven for not appreciating it, or missing it (a little bit) when one leaves.

        • Oh God, I hated living in San Francisco. Every. Single. Minute. Could not wait to leave. If there’s a hard way to do something, SF will find it, and then double down on that, especially if doing so will burnish your “good progressive” credentials. I’m no conservative, but that crap got nauseating as all hell. That and paying almost $1,800 for a 300 sq ft studio got super old, super fast. Nothing short of severe criminal penalties could induce me to live in California again.

        • (Talkin’ bout San Fran…)

          “I do miss the weather (especially in San Fran)”

          Only been once, back in ’98. It was August. I wore a sweatshirt every day. I kinda liked the foggy vibe, and really enjoyed wandering the weird, narrow streets.

          I really liked the drive up through Petaluma and the surrounding area, quite picturesque.

          “The French Laundry (really miss that)…”

          I’ve always wanted to go, until I found out how much it cost. (About $250, *each*)

          That cooled my interest *fast*

        • “I’m no conservative, but”….I hope that doesn’t mean that you moved to some nice conservative area, and are now working to, and voting to get liberals elected. I live in a really nice majority “R” town, and lib Dems keep moving here to escape the sh!thole Dem run cities in the area…and then want to elect the same kind of people that run those places. At least there are still way more ‘Trump’ signs, than for the other two Morons.

        • “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” – Mark Twain.

          “Climate is what you expect – weather is what you get.” – Mark Twain.

        • Carlos. I’ve been gone for 15 years, you could still get a 2br/1ba with garage parking for $1500 in Twin Peaks or buy a new condo top of Market for $140K (god I shoulda bought one). I know it’s insane these days.

          Geoff, I only had two standing reservations there per year – one with gf’s parents and they paid, once was a company thing so I expensed it, and I might get there once more per year on my own dime. It didn’t used to be quite so pricey, and most folks had never heard of it back then outside SF foodies anyway.

          It was nice after a long day out in the Central Valley or San Jose when it was pushing 100 to go home and sleep with the windows open, Microclimates are fun. I never had the money to fully appreciate it (which takes millions to start) but it is a unique place – Stanford, Lawrence Livermore, Berkely…

          Oh well, things change.

      • Just because she has a Wyoming drivers license doesn’t make her a Wyoming. We don’t brag our gun rights or take kindly to the east infection and Californians infiltrating our state.I hope you stay in Jackson Hole California!

        • Be nice, please; a convincing argument can be made that Wyoming is also a state of mind much as much of America used to be, and in some places still is. I grew up in Riverton and Jackson Hole for a part of my childhood and can attest to this. Sara clearly wants to assimilate; why would one criticize that?
          If you honestly don’t want folks from California moving to your locale, stop selling them land and services.

          @Sara: You are apparently just a bit south of where I spent a fun part of my youth. I hope you and your family have an overall excellent time there.

    • But, you do have to deal with the weather and for that, nothing beats Indiana!
      Note the words have to deal with the weather.

    • Meh, weather is a personal preference thing. I’m actually not a fan of sunny days, because I’m very sensitive to light. Overcast days in northern latitudes are great for me, so California with its “great” weather and passion for gun control doesn’t hold any appeal whatsoever.

    • I spent a couple of years in the LA area. Most of the year, vegetation comes in only two forms — artificially watered or brown. I really appreciated getting back to someplace green.

    • Not being in California beats the weather in California, unless you are in New Jersey, or New York, or Massachusetts, or…….

    • The only thing I will miss about California is my kids (who plan on staying here and starting families), and lane sharing on a motorcycle. That’s it.

    • My wife is a native Californian from the San Diego area. She prefers the Colorado weather by far. She likes the seasons being Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, not drought, fires, and mud slides.

      And seriously, weather is not a good reason to live in a state that is socialist, broke, and demanding US citizens pay for the education of an illegal.

  4. If more Californians were like you we wouldn’t mind when they came to Montana. Congratulations, and welcome to the land of the free.

    • Not so fast my friend, Tipton will be bringing her transgender bathroom support from California. Good luck with that.

    • True. Puget Sound and Denver were GREAT places 30yrs ago. They the escaping Komiforninians arrived and immediately had to change their new homes to match what they had just left.

      • Yeah, Denver and the Front Range is really starting to annoy me now. I lived in Wyoming as a kid, and would be really happy to be able to move back.

      • Has anyone asked the former Californians who have moved to Colorado, Wyoming or Montana why they moved and whether it has occurred to them that the things they object to are what makes those states better places to live than the one they left?

        • Doesn’t matter. You can always tell a Californian here…you just can’t tell them much.

        • Sean has it right.

          We actually have a handout in this county we give to new residents to ‘splain how things work around here. Hay is baled at night. Cows and horses attract flies in the summer. Yes, we spray for mosquitoes and weeds, no we don’t live the hippy-dip “organic” lifestyle. We hunt, and some businesses will close for a week or two in the fall for big game seasons.

          Get used to it, or get gone.

        • Dys, what county, and why did you move there?
          Been passing through WYO lately on trips home, homing in on retirement locations.

          I forgive Jackson Hole for becoming californicated by money, for its a tourist location, after all-
          the question is where to live the next 20 years.

    • Jackson Hole has been Komifornina of the mountains for at least 25yr. Since the Hollywierdos fell in love with the place. I guess when you’re at the bottom of the sewer pipe everything up looks better. MIght as well be at Lake Tahoe (or the Castro).

      • I think you mean Aspen, CO. Aspen has owned that title, and I would bet on Aspen in the regards of Capitol of Communist and Liberal Ideals.

      • It’s been Banksterstan (just another county in Kommiefornia) since Rockefeller. Hollycommies and Yellen, all piled together like a big, dysfunctional family of parasitic rabble.

  5. I moved from Ventura county to Southern Utah. Don’ miss So California except for the ocean. Especially don’t miss the illegals or the graffiti.

  6. Commiefornia is going to have their Gun Apocalypse soon, so things will get worse.

  7. While visiting Montana I was advised that it was ok to leave the 12 gauge on the back floorboard, nobody would steal it…everybody already has one or seven.

    • When she stops cheating on her husband and he decides to shell out the cash for them as a reward for staying faithful for 20 minutes.

  8. “Wyoming has Constitutional carry, but in order to legally open carry, according to the local sheriff’s office in Lincoln county I was told that I need to be a resident for six months.”

    I believe this is BS (don’t take legal advice from law enforcement). My understanding is anyone (resident or not) can open carry with no permit.

    I did so in 2009 on a hunting trip (as a NJ resident), and both park Rangers and game wardens had zip to say about it. I just couldn’t conceal it.

    • No she is correct.
      “Is a resident of the United States and has been a resident of Wyoming for not less than six (6) months prior to filing the application. The Wyoming residency requirements of this paragraph do not apply to any person who holds a valid permit authorizing him to carry a concealed firearm authorized and issued by a governmental agency or entity in another state that recognizes Wyoming permits, is a valid statewide permit, and the state has laws similar to the provisions of this section, as determined by the attorney general, including a proper background check of the permit holder”

      If Wyoming has reciprocity with your state, we will recognize out of state permits. Even though permit-less carry here is legal, the law basically says that for a Wyoming resident to carry, they must essentially meet the conditions of the permitting process. Having the permit has 2 advantages. The first is that it gives us reciprocity with about 34 states, and the 2nd is that it allows me to bypass NICS when purchasing a firearm because I have already been *vetted* by my local sheriff and the FBI.

  9. Sara, as usual? LEO’s not knowing what the laws are is alive and well in Wyoming. There are zero restrictions on open carry in Wyoming other than being able to possess a firearm under state law.

    Beware of OC in Wyoming. A goon highway patrol officer stopped a motorists at gun point, assaulted him, and when the guy sued, the 10th circuit court said he didn’t have a case because the 2nd and 4th amendments don’t apply in the 10th circuit.

    • Yes, the LEO she spoke to didn’t know what he was talking about. Open carry is legal and pretty much unremarkable everywhere in Wyoming – if you can legally own a gun, you can carry it anywhere except for “federal property.” We still have all the silly restrictions for CC, and it isn’t “legal” until a person has been a resident for 6 months, but nobody really cares most of the time.

      Except in the big city: there is only one – Cheyenne. And the few other liberal dominated places like Jackson Hole, Laramie and Casper… Stay away from the high population centers and the liberal cesspools, and nobody is going to bother you unless you do something stupid.

      I’ve carried both OC and CC for ten years here in NE Wyoming, and have never had a problem. I won’t OC in Cheyenne, any more than I would in Denver, simply because I don’t want the attention of the liberal “goons.”

      • Denver, unfortunately, can-and-will arrest you for OC, not just give you attention.

  10. God bless Sara. Wyoming is one of the last redoubts of our Founders republic. You chose wisely and your family will be rewarded. The Tetons are a reward in themselves. Spend as much time as you can with your children in them. You won’t regret it. And your children will have magnificent memories to share with their offspring.

  11. Well, we have plenty of work left to do in Wyoming.

    You still can’t carry on a school ground, or on a college campus. Or in an establishment that makes the majority of their revenue from alcohol.

    All of these restrictions are still in place because the women in the legislature of Wyoming are still a bunch of buttinski types, hyperventilating about their fevered imaginations.

    • I’ve never understood the restriction on carry in bars and establishments that serve alcohol. I get what they’re going for, that they don’t want people carrying while intoxicated. Fine, so legislate on that behavior. Otherwise, it’s like saying you can’t drive after being in a bar. The important thing isn’t whether you were in a bar, it’s whether you’re intoxicated. If I go to a bar with friends, and drink Diet Coke all night, then I’m safe to drive. That’s the premise behind designated drivers, after all. The same logic should apply to carry. If I’m in that bar drinking non-alcoholic drinks all night, then my judgment is completely unimpaired, so why should my right to carry be affected?

      • You need to understand something about the Rocky Mountain states and booze: We’re the last vestiges of our national stupidity of such specious nonsense and meddlesome ranting by women known as the “Women’s Christian Temperance Union” and other temperance movement types. Colorado has “near beer” in supermarkets, with real beer, wine and liquor requiring going to a liquor store, Wyoming has bizarre liquor licensing laws and Montana has state-run liquor stores. Wyoming controls liquor licenses by population density – so in a small town, if there are two bars, a restaurant might not be able to get a particular type of liquor license without petitioning the state legislature for an expansion in the number of licenses allowed.

        Coming into Wyoming from Nevada as I did, where you can buy any booze you want, 24/365, in any grocery store that wishes to retail alcohol, Wyoming’s liquor laws are idiotic, but well defended by a constituency of women who wail and rend their garments at the prospect of a new brewery or bar opening in their community.

        Most here are familiar with the meddlesome band of women known as “Mothers Demand Action,” Bloomberg’s bunch of useful idiots. What most don’t realize is that we’ve seen this sort of meddlesome twaddle before – almost exactly 100 years ago. The female hobby horse back then were booze. The same “mothers demanding action” nonsense was in full display back then.

        To this day, when the subject of CCW in establishments that serve booze – or even CCW at events where there is booze served comes up, you’ll hear women in the Wyoming legislature start hopping up off their chairs in the legislature as tho their bloomers were on fire when someone points out that CCW in bars or on college campuses might be a good idea.

        • The liquor thing may change, as I would bet it’s going on the ballot here soon. There are so many people out with petitions to get it on the ballot, and so much money being dumped in advertisements, it would be a shock to see it not even hit the ballot. Whether it passes or not, that’s up for debate.

        • Arkansas is much the same. Restrictions on Sunday sales. Dry counties. Population limited #’s of liquor licenses per wet county. It’s really strange.

        • Jon beat me to it.

          Haven’t seen the petition yet. I’ll sure sign it if it’s as advertised. (And I am a complete non-drinker, but laws like this are just *stupid*.)

        • WVA had state owned liqour stores when last I lived there, about 30 years ago now. And no booze on Sundays laws. It was a southern baptist thing. Dry counties also.

          The old saying was 2 types wanted to see booze illegal. The preachers and the bootleggers.

      • CarlosT,

        I think the objections to concealed/open carry in bars is actually quite different from Dyspetic’s explanation. Ever hear of the term “bar fight”? So have lawmakers. They expect a heightened frequency of fights in bars. And they wouldn’t want all those fights, fought with fists, escalating into gunfights. So they criminalize the possession of firearms in bars.

        In other words, lawmakers are protecting violent hot-heads who like to drink at bars and start fights. Isn’t it good to know whose side lawmakers are on?

        • When our female legislators start warbling and lecturing us about bar fights, these silly twits don’t seem to understand that those of us who pack a piece would not react as tho we were cast extras on the set of Blazing Saddles. Never mind that these pearl-clutching harridans have never seen a bar fight, and have never been in the company of a man who has actually been in a fistfight, (much less a gunfight)… these women have these bizarre, yet vivid imaginations of how men act in such situations.

          You can tell females in a legislature, but you can’t tell them much. Regardless of their party affiliation, elected women have their minds made up. Don’t confuse them with facts.

        • With all due respect to Sarah, that’s kind of what you get for electing women to legislatures. Or put women in the position to elect legislatures, for that matter.

          And, again Sarah, not all women and all men. Thatcher trumps Mao any day in any universe, both as a voter and as an elected representative.

          But on average, men vote (and, for example, perform front line war fighting duties) better than women. Leading to better total outcomes if men do those jobs, while women do ones where they have the edge. As in, better outcomes for both men and women.

    • The restrictions are for concealed carry, not open carry. There is not a single word in the Wyoming statutes regarding open carry. None. All federal laws do apply, to both OC and CC, and that is often confusing to people, even Wyomingites. All of the silly restrictions on CC remain in place, except for the requirement to obtain a “permit.” People still do, of course. Their problem.

      There is no “law” against OC in any bar or place where alcohol is sold. Your common sense about drinking and bearing arms is still the only actual restriction, since nobody is going to search to find your CC gun. We don’t seem to have problems with that anyway.

      Most of us don’t much care how you carry, just would like to see even more people do so… responsibly, of course.

  12. I was driving through Wyoming shopping for land two weeks ago. I looked for you on the streets of Cody, apparently my guess about where you were was just a little off;-) I am working on my 4th escape from oh so progressive MN.

  13. “the feeling of holding that Wyoming license in my hands for the first time felt like freedom”

    Not to rain on your parade but the irony and oxymoron…

  14. She seems reasonable, but generally I support walling off California and letting the people there deal with their own nonsense.

    In just the last five years Colorado has gone so far downhill thanks to Californians coming here that I’m more than read to move as soon as the wife finishes vet school.

    • Colorado is hardly the next California. In fact, we enjoy more personal liberties than most other states, including everybody’s darling Texas. I CC on my college campus in downtown Denver and OC almost everywhere else. The state doesn’t act like Archie Bunker if I want to buy some weed (#liberty), the local beer scene is incredible and the hunting is some of the best in the nation. The job market for STEM majors is great, the Springs is very pro-Military, I could go on and on bit I’m just tired of people always bashing CO because of 1 silly law – the mag limit – that cost 3 people their jobs. We’re hardly rolling over and accepting our liberal overlords.

  15. Congratulations on moving to a free state. Kentucky would welcome you also but Wyoming might actually be better. Enjoy your new freedoms.

  16. I’ve always liked Wyoming. During a business trip to Green River twenty five years ago, one of the locals informed me, “We don’t worry about drive by shootings here. They wouldn’t dare. They know we would return fire.”

    The mountains of western Montana would have been an attractive place to retire until they wimped out and imposed a fixed highway speed limits. Previously, the “limit” was reasonable and prudent. In several cases, judges dismissed tickets for 100 mph when the state trooper admitted that the people charged were driving well and not endangering anyone.

    • Many Rocky Mountain states had signs of the sort “Please drive a safe and reasonable speed” or “reasonable and prudent” until Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter imposed the national 55 MPH limit. When this was done, many western states would ticket you up to 15 or 25 MPH over the limit, and if you were driving in a reasonable and competent manner, the cop would issue you a $5 to $20 ticket for “wasting a precious natural resource,” with no moving violation or points on your license.

      When, in 1995, the 55 MPH national limit was removed and control returned to the states, Montana resumed their prior “reasonable and prudent” speed standard. This stood as their daytime speed limit outside of cities and towns until a court case found that this was “unconstitutionally vague” and required the state to impose objective speed limits.

      In Wyoming, we’ve upped our limits on major roads to 80 MPH.

      • 2003; in Phoenix I was issued a $25 ticket for speeding on my motorcycle. 94 in a 55 zone. “Excessive use of a natural resource” was written in the comment section. I thought it was f-ing cool.

  17. I also miss the weather in San Diego. Learned to surf next to the Huntington Beach pier.
    But I’d never go back.
    Congrats Sara.

    • I hear San Diego is near perfect weather, fairly dry air and moderate temps.

      If it just wasn’t the fact it was permanently anchored to California…


      • Near the beach, it is one of the most perfect microclimates in the world. Never too hot, never too cold, rarely do they have intense thunderstorms, high winds or problems of any sort.

        Once you get east of the interstate, the weather can become rather hot in the summer.

    • I don’t miss the weather in San Diego. I moved last year to Corpus Christi, Texas. Live on The Island with a mortgage a fraction of what I had in Kalifornia. I can actually afford to retire here and walk to the beach and our private boat ramps. SD was too cold in the summer and water was too cold all the time. CC is hot and humid in the summer, but a steady breeze keeps it liveable. Oh, open and conceal carry good to go. All guns and mags just fine. Big outdoor gun range nearby with bays where you can do real defensive gun practice. Proud Texan.

  18. Can’t wait until I move to a state that’s less encumbered by regulation. The best on the move, it sounds like you’ve made a good choice! I lived in Montana many years ago and loved the area. I don’t think you went wrong!

  19. Good. Now please, just don’t suddenly start voting for all the things that made you flee communusm. I don’t mean to insult, but we see it time and again in red states. And throughout history. Look at all those that flee persecution under Islamic fascist societies, only to begin to demand the same rules start to be applied in their new found land. Just like in many former red and purple states, people flea there to get away from communism then suddenly start to vote for the same policies that made them leave.

  20. “not have my income taxed”

    Sorry, it’s still post 1913.

    You can however call Enzi, Barrasso, whoever your congressman is AND their opponents in the primary telling them you want them to support the Fair Tax.

    • Their is no such thing as a fair tax on activity. Just a different dialect of newspeak.

  21. A different government permitted you to do something another didn’t? Sounds cool. I made a similar move myself.

  22. Moving from Illinois to Indiana a while back, I have to admit I felt similarly as Sarah did the first time I bought a gun and actually took it home the same day.

    “I can take it with me? Right now? Seriously?”

    Kinda thought they were trying to trick me or something. I hadn’t even brought a case with me!

    • +1 ^^^

      When I moved to Wyoming from Illinois I gleefully fed my FOID card through a paper shredder, it was glorious. No FOID, no waiting period.

  23. I had a taste of this sort of freedom when I trained with VT Tactical in 2010 and Cope Reynolds in AZ in 2012. Borrowed handguns (rather than deal with transporting), carried them both openly and concealed, with no permit. Totally impossible in my home state.

  24. Welcome to the(somewhat) free world! Asking for permission is the very definition of “infringed”. Too bad more city folk don’t ‘get it’.

  25. Did sara move to wyoming *only* because she can openly carry around a gun or am i missing something? However if you have the money to move to lincoln county…

  26. But what will Tipton have to write about if she can’t complain about California? I guess she’ll just have to focus on complaining about her friends and relatives in Colorado (my state) and yoga pants reviews.

  27. Why do I get the feeling of visiting someone’s facebook page when reading Sara’s articles? Going back through Sara’s posts, about 80% of them show Sara in various states of dress or undress. I’m not suggesting that I’d like to see ‘more’ of Dan, Robert, Nick, Tyler, etc. But, their articles are more about something other than themselves so I guess that is reflected in the photography.

  28. You know what else is nice about Wyoming? Pretty decent abortion laws; so you don’t trade the lack of gun rights for the lack of reproductive freedom.

    Now if only they would also ditch their drug laws, and they might actually become the first truly free state in the Union.

  29. You make me hunger to return to Wyoming even more, Sara. Enjoy your new life.

  30. Mrs. Tipton, you inspire me in my yearning to leave California. I have grown hesitant to leave and reading your articles has been a salve when a new affront to our 2nd Amendment rights passes into law here.

    Thank you for writing this, and every piece you write.

    I envy your freedom and one day soon I will know what it feels like as well.

  31. Just think, the hospitals and schools in Wyoming are not being overrun by illegals draining off of the taxpayers.

    P.S. I sure hope you are not carrying your gun with a round in the chamber inside of that belly band. Unless of course your gun is a DA with a heavy first trigger pull.

  32. There’s nothing “hot” about this “author.” Maybe look at her face. Ugly as sin.

  33. Isn’t this site supposed to be dedicated to learning learning about firearms? This isn’t at all educational, it’s a pitiful cry for attention.

    I might suggest perhaps hiring someone who knows a bit about guns instead of someone who is only seeking popularity.


  34. I am also working on my exit strategy from the Golden Socialist State (According to recent data, 34% of silicon valley inhabitants are also hot to get out of here). My gateway to glory will open as soon as my kids finish high school and they are off to college. I would love to hear from folks as to what they think is the best destination for folks like me who want to get out of California – and NOT bring the policies with me (I promise). I was leaning toward Arizona (Prescott looks kinda good), but I am open to considering just about anything – as long as I stay west of the Mississippi.

  35. Well I’m stuck in NY State….I’m heading down to NC to see a buddy soon and then off to Wisconsin later for my yearly family trip….I can’t wait to taste the freedom if only for a moment! The steps to get a permit in NY are just as stupid. Glad to hear someone got out of the soviet bloc of states! Here in the eastern bloc coast its often bad, luckily freedom isn’t too far, Vermont, PA, Ohio, and then for Virginia and NC I just take I-81 south, hold my breath through freaking Maryland (tiny land bridge between PA and VA is aggravating for people from NY or PA who carry, I know some people who drive through West Virginia just to avoid the “flash backs” of being restricted again lol) I think I remember reading about MD State Police camping on I-81 and of course parts of I-95 looking to try and grab anyone with a gun.

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