Every single news outlet reporting on the RI GOP’s rifle raffle mentioned the fact that the AR-15 in question—which raised $20k for the party—was “similar to the one used at Sandy Hook.” Perhaps they should have attributed the description to one of the raffle’s detractors. Small point. Big controversy. One that has the GOP [now] expressing regret at their choice of firearm. Weasel words from a party that has nothing—nothing—to lose. Glad I’m in Texas. Oh, and you don’t have to wait seven days to take delivery of a firearm in Rhode Island if you have a city or town-issued concealed carry permit.


  1. Not completely correct. Only town-issued carry permits remove the waiting period, not permits issued by the AG–which is the majority of permits

    • Oh no, it’s the Tea Party that is pushing the Republican party off a cliff! All the leftist pundits say so, so it must be true!

      • I have to defend my adopted home state here.

        Yep, its kind of quiet, but I like living here. Very little crime, decent weather. Sure, taxes suck here and the gun climate isn’t *the best*, but for the most part its a pretty decent place to live.

  2. This is complete crap and yellow journalism. Basically not real or similar to space aliens stole my toe nail clippings. Every single AR15 is similar to the new town shooing one. So is every shotgun is similar to the one used at he navy yard shooting, along with every riffle is similar to the one used to kill Kennedy. This is just a bunch of gun natzis trying to do anything to disarm the American puplic like the Germans did the Jews. Yes I think its that bad and for the same reason. I am so sick of this, I wish they would be called out on this.

  3. Why don’t we give our ground,and our families,and our dignity and our wallets and our homes and our children and our pride and our belongings and our cars and our……..,FU go to hell.
    Stupid f…ing liberal idiots,Idealizing a worthless thug,drug dealer/ user,punk,bully,crook burglar,thief,hood(hoodie).

  4. Well at least they didn’t raffle off a pressure cooker similar to the one used in the Boston marathon bombing.

  5. RF, you forgot to mention the Projo Poll. Projo, or the Providence Journal for the non-natives, ran a poll asking its readership if they were bothered about the RIGOP raffling off the AR. 81% of people said no problem, and 19% were concerned. That’s some good pro-gun results, however Projo took down the poll so I can’t provide the link.

    • AHHHH! The outcome doesnt fit our propaganda! Kill the poll! KILL IT! I’m sure that these ‘journalists’ would have no issue obtaining their free speech liscense if DiFi’s turd of a bill had any remote chance of passing.

      • The funniest thing is that Projo.com revamped their website into this awful, hard to navigate mess and kept putting polls about this thing up, and everytime the numbers kept coming up Pro-gun (like 90% or something ridiculous), and the articles kept getting shoved into the back pages so you couldn’t find them.

    • Probably because its a good deal colder and gets more snow than Texas. Then again, summer only lasts for about 4 months in NH versus 11 and a half in Texas.

  6. I’m confused. I keep re-reading the article and it keeps talking about a GOP and Republicans in Rhode Island. I am not aware of any GOP or Republicans in Rhode Island. In Texas? Sure. Rhode Island? Um, no.

    • You have to look on the state level, and then in rural towns. The previous governor and Buddy Cianci were Republicans.

    • If you are not from the Northeast (or if you are and grew up in a city) you don’t understand. Once you are outside of the confines of the many concrete Hells, there are no liberals. The New England Liberal exists almost exclusively in the cities and suburbs. Once they are outside the shiney walls and have some property and family to protect, they stop being lefties. The problem is, that they congregate together in flocks, like the sheep they are, and do nothing all day but chatter amongst themselves about how great they could make the world. New England would be the perfect place to live (or go back to, in my case) if only all the cities would get wiped off the map….

      • The real problem is that in most Northeast states, anywhere from 60% – 85% of the total population of the state lives in the cities, so city people set the rules for the rest of the state. This is why, for example, that the three counties that include and surround New York City dictate politics for the rest of the state.

        • This isn’t just an issue in the NE, it works that way most everywhere you go. In WA, Seattle and Tacoma are the tail that wags the dog.

    • The GOP is rare in RI, and we might have 5 or 6 of them in the General Assembly. If you’re not a Democrat, don’t even bother running.

  7. What the GOP should have done is have an all AR-15 raffle and gotten one of those ones with the cute pink stock. Perhaps if they offered a rifle that would go with the Fembot reporter’s shoes or something, she would have been more amenable.

  8. The reason that there’s no Republican party in Rhode Island is that the GOP there is highly elitist, but its natural base of conservative voters are what they call “Swamp Yankees” — in other words, hicks.

    On top of that, the GOP’s leading financer, a Newport heiress, died a few years ago. So now the GOP has no base and no top.

  9. My state rep is a Democrat and a pro 2A legislator-he’s also pro-life and in favor of enforcing immigration laws.My neighbor is a Republican and doesn’t think anyone should own a gun.Go figure..The worst thing i heard was the Attorney General of RI,a retired cop,state that “some unknown person”might gate an “assault rifle”for $5.He damn well knows that the winner must get the gun from an FFL and pass a federal and state background check and a 7 day waiting period.He just flat out lied to the public.He is a Democrat named Peter Kilmartin.The best AG we ever had on issuing permits was a Jewish Republican(!!) named Jeff Pine.

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