That’s not third among women. Thats’ third among all shooters in the production division. So what did you do over the holiday weekend?

HOUSTON, Texas – In her fifth time competing in the National Rifle Association’s famed Bianchi Cup Action Pistol National Championships, Comp-Tac Victory Gear‘s Randi Rogers made history as the first woman to ever finish in the top three overall within a division with her production division finish this past weekend in Columbia, Mo. . . .

With a final score of 1863-117x, Rogers’ third place overall finish, out of 71 production division shooters, earned her the Ladies Production Division Championship. Roger’s championship run was fueled in part by her commanding performance in Event 4, The Olin C. Barjenbruch Falling Plate Event, where she claimed an outright win defeating such greats as Rob Leatham and the eventual 2013 Production Division Champion Enoch Smith with a perfect score of 48 out of 48 plates. Rogers ended the competition weekend with a thrid place finish in the Colt Speed Event Production Shoot-Off.

“The Bianchi Cup is one of my favorite events of the season. I enjoy shooting the production division because I have the opportunity to shoot the same gun I compete with all year long, but it is challenging to compete with such a basic piece of equipment. I was honored to share the podium with great shooters like Rob Leatham and Enoch Smith, and I look forward to returning next year to defend the title, hopefuly with even more practice,” explained Rogers.

Rogers’ Bianchi Cup win is the latest to a long line of championship wins in Single Action Shooting Society, U.S. Practical Shooting Association, International Defensive Pistol Association, International Practical Shooting Confederation and Steel Challenge Shooting Association competitions, and ranks her among the most accomplished competitors in the shooting sports.

In addition to sending Rogers to compete, Comp-Tac also sponsored the Ladies Production and Ladies Metallic Division awards. Comp-Tac General Manager Gordon Carrell was on hand to present the awards and honor the accomplishments of the Bianchi Cup’s women shooters.

“The NRA has done a phenomenal job in helping the Bianchi Cup grow, and Comp-Tac Victory Gear is honored to support their efforts as a major sponsor of this year’s match. Since female shooters are a huge part of our business, we felt the best way to contribute to the Bianchi Cup’s growth was to recognize and honor the accomplishments of the many talented women competing,” said Carrell, who also competes on behalf of the company as a member of Team Comp-Tac.

In addition to Rogers shooting the Bianchi Cup, Team Comp-Tac member Gordon Carrell arrived in Missouri fresh off his own clean sweep at the Comp-Tac Republic of Texas IDPA Championship where he won the Enhanced Service Pistol division title, High Industry and Most Accurate, all while posting the top overall score among all shooters in all divisions.

“Since I first started making holsters competition has been a vital part of the Comp-Tac business. Having employees who use the gear in local, state, regional, national and world competitions has helped us to create and maintain the best holsters on the market. I am proud and honored to work with and sponsor Gordon and Randi,” commented Gregg Garret president and owner of Comp-Tac Victory Gear.

Next up for Team Comp-Tac, Rogers and Carrell will compete in the USPSA Double Tap Championship in Wichita Falls, Texas, June 4-6.

For more information on Team Comp-Tac and the full line of Comp-Tac Victory Gear holsters and accessories, visit, like Comp-Tac on Facebook at, or follow <a href=>@CompTac</a> on Twitter.


    • What’s your point? That he shouldn’t post it because it happened more than a couple days ago? For many readers of this site, if they didn’t see it here, they wouldn’t see it anywhere.

      • First time I’ve seen it, and I thought it was an interesting story. And I do follow competitive shooting news.

        So there.

      • Simply that the news is almost a week old, I would think it would’ve come up in some other feed that the staff here reads by now.

        And neglects to mention that Enoch put a damn impressive score of 1,904, and that was with leaving a plate up. The first production to break 1,900, and the first to get a perfect score on the mover.

        The women’s title was exciting also, it went back and forth between Tiffany Piper and Jessie Duff.

        From a spectator perspective this was probably the best Bianchi Cup to attend yet. Granted I have a different perspective since I am also a competitor and know the people, but it was exciting to me.

    • And now it’s posted here where I will see it. Even though it’s really, really, really, old, old news – not.

  1. You do know this is a gun blog? How about at least a nod in the direction of what gun in what caliber she was using in the story.

    • Given the amount of time I’ve spent looking over the IDPA Gear Survey lists from recent years, I could’ve guessed “Glock 34/35” and had a pretty good chance of being right even if I hadn’t seen the picture… and sure enough, that looks like a Glock 34 in 9mm.

      Interestingly enough, S&W is strongly gaining ground with their M&P line. They had nearly as many championship entrants running M&Ps as Glock had using Gaston’s toys.

      • Production division. I’m not into competeing, but that sounds like factory stock guns. Am I right?

        • Close. You can change over to target-style sights. With semi-autos you can swap in an aftermarket barrel. Last but not least, you can get the action reworked as long as trigger pull is 3.5lbs or greater.

          If you’re starting with a pistol that’s already accurate out to 25m, the only thing that’s an absolute must-have, IMHO, is getting the action reworked.

      • She was shooting a Glock 34 with Dawson sights IIRC.

        M&Ps have virtually no representation in NRA Action Pistol, due to their accuracy issues (still waiting on Apex for my two). And unlike the other shooting sports the Springfield XDM 9 5.25″ has the majority showing among production pistols.

        I didn’t count but among the 80 or so production shooters it was overwhelming XDMs, with a few Glocks, a couple of M&Ps and a smattering of other pistols like CZs, Sigs, and FNS.

  2. And wow. Is Doug Koenig superhuman? Fifteen titles, including the last four in a row and 13 of the last 16? Just wow.

  3. Cool. It was only a matter of time until someone got there. If more women keep joining the shooting sports, we’re going to see a lot more of this.

    Maybe a couple years from now there’ll be an article not just on the first woman to take home a national match championship, but the first podium that belongs entirely to women.

  4. I went to the range for the first time in months and proceeded to shoot like crap. But it felt good to just go. I ran out of ammo in December of last year and finally just got some again.

    Awesome story.

    • Cool story bro. Everyone knows there is no ammo. Troll harder, noob.

      *not at all the least bit jealous*

      • By “awesome story” I was referring to Randi’s accomplishments. The other stuff was just answering Dan’s question.

        By the way, about the ammo, for Seattle area folks, Surplus Ammo & Arms down in Lakewood has decent stock again, and while prices are still high by normal standards, they don’t have any box limits or anything like that. So if you have $600 or so, you can totally get that case of 9mm.

        • Eh, I was being silly anyway.

          Also, the Pacific Northwest is sounding nicer and nicer.

  5. Randi R. also is perhaps the top female shooter in SASS (cowboy action shooting), using the alias Holy Terror. She, her granddad and gmom are terrific people.

  6. Congrats Randi!
    I shot a SASS match with her a couple of years ago. As great a shooter as she is, she is perhaps an even nicer person. Very humble, down to earth lady. Great ambassador for all shooting sports.

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