R.K. Campbell Publishes ‘The Millennial’s Guide Personal Defense’


TTAG readers are probably familiar with R.K. Campbell’s byline, which has appeared for many years, at the TheGunMag.com, along with other periodicals including Concealed Carry Magazine, Police Magazine, Gun Tests, Law and Order, SWAT Magazine Gun Tests Magazine, American Gunsmith, and Black Belt.

A prolific gun writer, Campbell has published 16 books and more than 6,000 magazine articles, reviews and columns, and now he’s penned a new book, available on Kindle, titled “The Millennial’s Guide Personal Defense: A Guide to The Gun, The Knife, the Open Hand and Avoiding Trouble.

Campbell’s new book includes chapters on handguns, holsters, combat shooting, knives, open hand defense and escalation of force (the “force continuum”). It is definitely not just another “gun book.”

Readers will also find a chapter on the adversary, his background and who he is likely to be, plus chapters on handling and treating gunshot wounds and home defense. As Campbell says, “The gun isn’t there to keep you from getting your ass whipped. It is a last resort.”

He further maintains that if you’re using a real firearm instead of a Ring’s or ASP fake gun during retention training, “you are a damn idiot.”

“It is pretty interesting,” says Campbell, “to see articles by those who have no fighting experience, no experience in emergency situations, who have never felt the slap of a fist, felt a kick or suffered an attack tell you how to save your life.”

Product details

Millennial’s Guide Personal Defense   
A Guide To The Gun The Knife The Open Hand And Avoiding Trouble
$4.99 Kindle
  • Publication date : March 20, 2021
  • Language : English
  • File size : 143974 KB
  • Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
  • Text-to-Speech : Enabled
  • Screen Reader : Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
  • X-Ray : Not Enabled
  • Word Wise : Enabled
  • Print length : 276 pages
  • Lending : Enabled


  1. At my age(67 next month) I sure as he!! WILL use a gat to save my azz. OK millennial😏😏😏

    • The author is probably used to participation trophies, after a life on easy-mode.

    • I was expecting the book to be about an EDM band, “The Millenials,” who use social justice powers to guide their mental health-afflicted #cancelculture allies to defensive safe spaces in exchange for hugs, Instagram likes, bottles of blue hair dye, skinny jeans, and women’s shoes for boys.

      Instead, I got grammatically questionable advice about how to use pump shotguns and bolt-action rifles to – I presume – defend one’s turn-of-the-century colonial mission station from being overrun by a determined force of Zulu warriors.

      Five stars, probably.

    • Heck, there’s a misspelling and grammar error *in the title*.

      Millennials (two Ns), “Guide *to*”

  2. ‘“It is pretty interesting,” says Campbell, “to see articles by those who have no fighting experience, no experience in emergency situations, who have never felt the slap of a fist, felt a kick or suffered an attack tell you how to save your life.”’

    Eh, finding that happy medium in trainers is difficult when it comes to personal defense. There are a lot of people out there running training that’s based on lessons learned in the GWoT too.

    The tactics work and work extremely well. They’re also something that’s overly aggressive for 99% of civilian context and will very likely get you locked up if you use them.

    You see some of this in MSR courses. If you’re engaging someone at 200 yards or more you’re going to have a lot of explaining to do with the police and the DA. The number of situations where you can legally defend having done it is vanishingly small. That doesn’t make it a useless skillset but it needs to come with the context of when/where this is acceptable and the training also needs to divide time based on realistic statistical probability of using the training under discussion.

    You run into this with pistols as well. The nasty truth is that a lot of robbery boys know how to legally close distance with you before springing the attack (ask me how I know). These people present the problem that if you deal with them at a safe distance you’re the criminal. OTOH if you let them close distance then you’re at a large disadvantage if you’ve limited your training to a gun and/or knife because it’s unlikely in many instances that you’ll be able to deploy the tool at this range without running a high risk of losing it. A boxing/grappling/MMA match that started 15 seconds ago with an aggressor pressing any advantage they have is not the time to drop a hand to try to draw a gun or a knife. You need to know how to make space first or tie them up long enough for you to get to that tool safely.

    Trading “I almost got my gun into the fight” for getting stabbed in the neck or punched into being out on your feet isn’t a useful trade to make, at that point you’ve probably already lost. Knives are particularly problematic in this regard as the attacks tend to be wild and uncontrolled. A guy isn’t going to walk up to you in the Kwikie-Mart parking lot and start some sort of formal kata involving a blade.

    • I was talking to a miscreant just the other night, he was explaining how close his fights start and I wouldn’t have a chance to pull my shooter before he got me with his” sticky sticky “(knife). I probably would have fought him , just for shits and grins, but this busted off tooth hurts like hell and I dont want to get hit in the mouth. Kinda like a broke nose, the second punch damn near makes you pass out.

    • I could see that, I mean it’s one of the reasons that the idea of a j-frame blowing a hole through a jacket pocket is somewhat interesting and also why situational awareness and sense of timing are required as well.

      • Yeah we went over that too. Not the shooting threw the pocket thing, but a lot about the use of weapons

    • That’s a Jimmy Webb song, along with ‘Galveston’, ‘Phoenix’, etc.

      Great guy, he also wrote ‘The Highwayman’.

      Of course, ‘Gentle on my Mind’ was penned by John Hartford, another great talent and nice guy…

      • I did not no that. I thought it was a Glenn Campbell song, I guess he’s just a cover band. LOL

        • One year Glenn Campbell was one of the Beach Boys, covering for one who was in rehab. He could play anything if he heard it once but couldn’t read music at all.

  3. Probably should’ve wrote it for generation Z. Millennial has mistakenly become an all round insult for anyone young as boomer has for the old. Many millennials are pushing 40 and planning they’re retirements right now.

    • I think if you’re 40, you’re Gen X right? A true Millennial, born at or around the turn of the millennium, would be around 20 or so, maybe 30 at the outside. You are right though, it has certainly become an enjoyable shorthand for “lazy, self-entitled, know-it-all crybully.”

      (I know a lot of Millennials who are, in fact, none of those things… but the insult is still fun)

      • No. It’s a confusion and stupid definition, because for some reason, the definition of millennial is people born from 81-96 or something like that. Most of those born in the 80s have none of the attributes associated with the term millennial.

      • “I think if you’re 40, you’re Gen X right”

        Surprising maybe only to me, apparently the youngest gen Xers are currently 39… X is after the baby boom so ~1964-1982

  4. “The gun isn’t there to keep you from getting your Ass Whipped. It’s a last resort”. Think not It’s my first resort when be accosted/attacked by anyone. I’m to old and wise enough to know fighting is for the young and foolish. Been there Done That. Whether I Shoot said attacker is solely up to them. Their actions dictate my actions. My actions are to survive with as little damage as possible.

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