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“If we take a look at the infamous shootings of the last 20 years that occur on college and school campuses, it becomes clear why a change in policy is needed. While it seems intuitive for anti-gun laws to be in place, the only thing they really succeed at is keeping hundreds of students helplessly locked in a room. The people who committed those atrocities certainly were not following the law and did not care whether or not guns were allowed on campus.” – Bryan Perissutti

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  1. Nice piece. I was spent the weekend volunteering at a high school campus this weekend, and the thought of how foolish a policy gun free zones are did cross my mind several times. It was good to see a well reasoned piece in a college newspaper.

  2. regardless of the “duh…” factor, it does look like Louisiana is on the right path, legislatively speaking.

  3. “It was good to see a well reasoned piece in a college newspaper.”

    “Good”? More like flat-out amazing. As far as nut-case mass-killing types are concerned, school “gun free zones” might as well post signs saying “Target-Rich Environment”. Guaranteed supply of helpless victims.

    We are working on the Idaho legislature this year to get the law changed to prohibit state colleges/universities from disarming the adults who are students at those locations. Fortunately, the recent re-districting is going to give us a more conservative legislature, so some of the RINO roadblocks will be tossed out. There will be endless weeping and gnashing of the teeth amongst the liberal faculties of the “institutions of higher learning”. Should be fun.

    • There will be endless weeping and gnashing of the teeth amongst the liberal faculties of the “institutions of higher learning”.

      That alone make it worth it.

  4. Crazy isn’t it, someone who is going to be a college gradimatate is using their brain!
    I hate to hear about the tragedies these gun free zones create, but if there are a couple of cases where an armed student actually stops it, I think it will make everyone re-evaluate themselves.

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