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“As this issue plays out in each state and town, the only certainty is that there will continue to be thousands of shootings, mass or individual, accidental or on purpose, each year. The one thing Europeans should not expect as a result of the New Mexico, Idaho or any American gun tragedy is that it will bridge this cultural divide and lead to legislative change.” – Simon Hankinson in Why Some Americans Will Never Give Up Their Guns [at]

[h/t Jeff the Griz]

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  1. Well, this American will never give up his guns. And can give a phuck what some metrosexual male or the whole of Europe “feels” about it.

    • Yeah pretty much. The eu has made its choices and will have to deal with the consequences. Gee I wonder why Islamic guys would want to attack somebody who has an irrational fear of guns and probably won’t have one ready to go? That is the billion dollar question.

      • The sad part is after one half of Europe becomes Putin’s Playhouse, and the other lays under the realm of the black flag, the Euros will still wonder why we retain our Right to Keep and Bear Arms and continue to view our behavior as outdated.

        • @JWM–Well stated. The simple and honest truth about guns as it relates to trying to take them from American Citizens is Take our guns we will take your tyrannically indoctrinated lives as intended by the Second Amendment.

          @Allamerican- Please at least be honest about our American history if you are going to blame another nation’s leader who is just protecting his people. There would be American flags planted all across the mideast, africa, and ukraine, if the locals didn’t have a proclivity for burning them in the regions we have destabilized. I wish in America we could have a leader that does not bow to international pressure, especially when all that leader is doing is protecting his people and their nation from the greedy wolves at their door. A nations leader that wants sovereignty and is willing to defend that nation’s allies and its borders with the full might of their national military is most definitely a shocking surprise to the sheeple amongst us Americans, ask Israel about that one. It is not an international military like we have and we most definitely have not had a leader for sometime who loves his people or country enough to proclaim we are exceptional and we are taking our toys and coming home to defend We the People.
          We don’t fight war to win anymore so what is the point? WW2 Mess with the best die like the rest, instead of currently mess with anybody and we will sacrifice being the best in the name of spreading democracy, when we happen to live in a Constitutional Republic. I most certainly don’t want any of my tax dollars going to Ukraine or to fight Isis because they are not American problems. International invaders violating American law coming in from the open borders and then being rewarded by government representatives for breaking the law and knowingly endangering We the People is more of a threat to my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness than a foreign nations proud Leader like Putin. The resident of America is trying to get authorization to fight combatants anywhere in the world, and the purpose behind that is for including gun loving small government Americans, what a great leader we have.

  2. Meh. A semi-analytical, rather dry and innocuous pile of words. Wallows about, shows the leanings, but never comes to an actual point. Looks like the tripe published by someone seeking a job at a think-tank.

  3. Why is it so hard to understand. If the 2nd amendment is repealed or diluted, the 1st, 4th, and 5th follow it, and it a short walk to a dictatorship that will end up leading the most powerful military in the world. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, so if the US slides toward a dictatorship, it will come for Europe. You would think that Europe would support the sane, law abiding citizens in the US retaining their 2nd amendment rights.

    • Very true.
      When perps are “read their rights” in the UK, they are told that they have the right to remain silent but anything they do not say in the way of an alibi or defense may not be brought up as a defense at trial. So sure, don’t talk. But you can’t defend yourself against a government frame job unless you say something now that we will twist later on the make you look guilty.

    • I can’t figure out how people don’t know that the Bill of Rights were written and added to the Constitution to protect the people from government, not for the government to allow people those rights.

    • We have a President who illegally accepted a UN title (UN Security Council chair) and keeps trying to cede our sovereignty and military strategy to the UN. The end game is not a dictator in charge of the US military, its the US military completely controlled by the UN.

    • If you actually think about what it would take – logistically – to confiscate all firearms in this country, you’d quickly see that the 4th and 5th would be immediate victims (presuming that the 2nd was already eviscerated).

  4. One thing the guy got right…
    “but the truth is that for a significant percentage of intelligent, vocal and politically active Americans, guns are part of a lifestyle worth defending at high cost, and the positives of guns simply outweigh the risks”.

    • The positives outweigh the risks for everyone, though. It’s not just an opinion held by some, it’s a statistical reality for the whole country.

  5. “What Europeans should expect”? I’ll take “disarmed populace facing a medieval army massing in North Africa” for $1000, Alex

  6. Given the fact that Europe is busy bowing the the femi-nazis, (don’t believe me? go look at the current government of Sweden) I somehow doubt any member of the pro-freedom representation of Europe will have his balls drop any time soon.

  7. This is not the worst article I’ve seen. He actually explains our position pretty clearly for the most part. There is this lament, though; ” Does the 10 th Amendment ever trump the Second?”. Maybe I’ve forgotten too much since school, but isn’t that backwards?

    • The tenth amendment can only ever reinforce the second since both deny authority to the government.

    • He was simply asking the question, since it is beyond his modest capability to think for himself. No reason to overexplain, the answer is a simple “No,”

    • In the absence of incorporation vis-a-vis the 14th, the 10th CAN trump the 2nd. But the matter of incorporation was settled in McDonald, so in regards to the 2nd, the 10th can’t trump the 2nd. Don’t tell that to the dozen or so states that believe otherwise.

  8. When he was talking about thousands of shootings and what Europe shouldn’t expect, I thought he was talking about Europe’s new terrorism normal and that Europe would continue to ensure their citizenry are helpless to stop it.

  9. From the article…. “These incidents are hard to explain to foreigners not only for how they happened, but for how they changed nothing.”

    What part of Europe makes changes to its system of laws based on a few tragic accidents?

    And then specifically to the US…. why would you expect us to make sweeping changes to our founding documents based on a statistically insignificant series of events? And why should we listen to your suggestions with they won’t change those statistically insignificant (tragic to be sure, but still statistically insignificant) events even slightly?

    • I wonder why he chose not to explain how recent incidents in Paris, or Copenhagen, could possibly have happened, with Europe’s ever-so-sensible laws, unlike wild west America? How did that happen?

      There is a shitstorm on the horizon in Europe, I am glad the bride and I toured there some years back, I won’t be returning. They are completely and deliberately blind, and seem to enjoy making fun of America’s more sensible posture.

  10. The author writes Europeans don’t understand us. I don’t understand Europeans. Europe is littered with the bodies of people who were first disarmed and then killed by their own governments. Any population that surrenders to disarmament is at risk. This is one of the great lessons of the 20th Century. It is amazing to me Europeans do not understand this.

  11. Don’t really detect a pro or con position on American Gun Culture, refreshing
    Off topic:Regardless, it did contain a link to article New Bill Would Radically Change Concealed Carry Gun Limits, essentially a Constitutional Carry introduced by Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) link: NOTICE OF INTENT has been issued so believe a vote on open carry will be forth coming this session

  12. There is gun culture and crime culture. Gun culture is not crime culture. We could ban guns and confiscate them all and our murder rate will likely remain the same because criminals will still have guns.

    So, why should I disarm if my ownership of firearms is not contributing to crime, murder, and other mayhem? My ownership of guns is not making anyone else unsafe So yeah, I’m not giving up my guns bud.

    • The murder rate would likely increase, like it did in the UK and Australia after strict gun control passed.

  13. Ok, so does anyone ever look at the comments to these anti-gun articles? Because on each of these articles I’ve seen that allow comments, 90-95% of the time, the comments are pro-gun, pro-2A. Are we winning despite the number of anti-gun articles that come out?

    • Winning in the comments section is not the same as winning in the legislature which is one sided to the Left in many states. The comments section does not sway public opinion nor law makers.

      Right now most American’s see the ISIS attacks as far away places that have nothing to do with us. A few well planned and successful attacks in the USA could finally wake people up.

      • Comments are not indicative of effective action on the Legislative level, but if at least five percent of those same people take some sort of action talking to their Representative or contributing to pro 2a organizations, it’s a least a good start.

  14. There is a cultural impasse on both sides of the pond. Even if a million Europeans are killed by Muslim extremists, the Europeans and their government will still hold to the fantasy that the government can protect the people and guns do not belong in society. There were protests after the mayor of some town in France wanted to arm the police *gasp*!

    We have polarized societies all over the world. Whatever middle ground has long been lost and it is now a matter to see if the Left or the Right will ideology will win. One thing for certain, the people will lose. Whatever great experiment we are in today, let us hope it happens harshly and quickly.

    • Well, I am from Denmark, a country with Strict Gun control laws, How ever the Resent attack in Copenhagen was carried out with an Automatic Gun stolen from a Private home, The same gun is in about 4000 Homes and in total more than 100.000 People hold Military automatic Weapons in there Homes, They are members of the Home Guard, Weekend warrios. Denmark has a population of about 5 Million, Dont go arround thinking that people in Europe is ¨scared¨ of Guns or there are no guns arround, The Politicians in Europe, Incl. Denmark dont trust in their own people, Governments like to control everything, But this has come about over a developement over hundreds of years. America is a Great country, with Great People, Dont Change it too much!

      • No, I know there are guns in Europe and not everyone is scared. My family is from Italy I learned to shoot on my family farm. Outside of the cities, there are plenty of guns of the AR-15 pattern. There is always a small percent of the people who understand — God Bless people like yourself that do

        “America is a Great country, with Great People, Dont Change it too much!”

        I believe that is why there are places like this, to help spread the word to fight the stupid changes.

  15. I’ve been all over Europe, and enjoyed my visit, but I’m not chomping at the bit to be like those folks.

    People say Americans are arrogant, but with all due respect, those people can go f*ck themselves.

  16. Before I bother to read it, is there anything in the article to indicate why I should give a tinker’s damn what Europeans expect?

    • Nah. It’s the same twaddle we’ve been hearing from the snaggle-toothed, jug-eared, inbred, cousin-humping Brits who had neither the wits nor the work ethic to hie their behinds out of there 200 years ago.

      Same crap, different century.

      • Many exceptional and revered Americans throughout history were European immigrants…

        People come here to achieve greatness or in search of a better life for a damn good reason.

        • Let’s be honest. A lot of people came to America because they had no choice. A lot were the sweepings of Europe and the countries they left were glad to be rid of them.

          It’s what those people did AFTER they got here that matters. They manned up or died trying. They became a new country. Better in all ways than the countries they left behind.

        • They were the sweepings of Europe because they were born into a lower class, not because they weren’t hard working, smart, determined, etc.

          In America you can make something of yourself based on your own merit, unlike Europe where you only have what your daddy bequeathed you.

    • @Robert–Yes you should read it, but you will be a little upset that you will never get that wasted time back when you reach the comment section. The most important part of the article is not the opinion of europeans towards American Citizens, but the opinion of the tax-payer funded employee who wishes to disarm the disgusting, self-reliable, tax paying citizens, that believe the second amendment is to protect us from people like him.

  17. There’s nothing to explain to us, foreigners. Americans have their RIGHT to keep and bear arms. In Europe it’s merely a privilege. That’s the only difference. Hasty legislative changes in Europe (UK for example) were possible because goverments here were able to do it. The privilege may be revoked at any time. The right cannot. I suppose we and you have stupid politicians. Who do everything to stay in power. So if your goverment could disarm US citizens, to gain votes, they would do it without a second thought. But you have your 2nd Amendment…

    Banning the firearms because of some tragic accidents or psychos killing people is as reasonable as banning cars after a drunk driver kills somebody. It won’t solve anything. I mean really, isn’t that obvious?

  18. We must bear in mind that in the past century there were two world wars in Europe/England. Most of the ‘real’ men were killed in those wars. This is an example of what Europe has left over.

    • “We must bear in mind that in the past century there were two world wars in Europe/England. Most of the ‘real’ men were killed in those wars”–Too bad we Americans can’t use that excuse to explain why America has become a nation of greedy cowards. Who willingly sacrifice Liberty of themselves and others for the illusion of state sponsored security, and security isn’t usually the word following state sponsored.

      Our excuse is I’m too comfortable with what I have and it is better for only me to prosper than thee. Having no men is better than having a bunch of neutered ones.

  19. Like I’m going to actually read anything this weapons-grade selfie-taking boob wrote…could someone just tell me how intensely I should roll my eyes and despair for humanity?

  20. You’re damn right we won’t give them up. Pry ’em out of my cold dead hands, baby! (and I’d say that about any amendment, not just the second.) You don’t get to pick and choose what part of the bill of rights you support or don’t support. An infringement of one amendment is an infringement of all.

  21. Here’s the irony, Europe put up many tough gun laws and disarmed the populace. However, they still have pretty significant problems with bad guys still getting highly illegal guns. And the guns these bad guys are using aren’t like the relatively minor .22, .25, .380, .38SPC, and 9×19 subcompact handguns and the odd 12 gauge pump, they’re equipping themselves with the baddest guns they can get — modern combat handguns, real AK-47’s, and the like. Since they have to deal with the hassle of tracking down and then feeding and transporting scarce, highly illegal weapons, they aren’t bothering with the cheapo pocket pieces American criminals favor — they’re going for the best hardware they can get their hands on. An illegal weapon is an illegal weapon, might as well get the most you can for your trouble.The axiom is proven. When guns are outlawed, only oulaws have guns.

  22. Here’s the irony, Europe put up many tough gun laws and disarmed the populace. However, they still have pretty significant problems with bad guys still getting highly illegal guns. And the guns these bad guys are using aren’t like the relatively minor .22, .25, .380, .38SPC, and 9×19 subcompact handguns and the odd 12 gauge pump, they’re equipping themselves with the baddest guns they can get — modern combat handguns, real AK-47’s, and the like. Since they have to deal with the hassle of tracking down and then feeding and transporting scarce, highly illegal weapons, they aren’t bothering with the cheapo pocket pieces American criminals favor — they’re going for the best hardware they can get their hands on. An illegal weapon is an illegal weapon, might as well get the most you can for your trouble.The axiom is proven. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns.

  23. Hi. This is a picture of me Simon Hankinson.
    However these comments were not made by me, but by my name sake. Please remove the picture.

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