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“It was such a feeling of power. But, I still don’t think anyone should be allowed to have one of their own.” – Keigo Takizawa in No guns at home, so Japanese shoot ’em up in Guam [via]

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  1. Alternate title “People from a culture dedicated to submission are submissive to government authority”.

    • I don’t really disagree with that, I would just offer that maybe the more descriptive term is ‘submersion’.

      ‘Go along to get along’ is the culture. Hiding individual feeling or thoughts which do not reflect the accepted views of the group is pretty much required. Broad brush – very orderly, very much a ‘things are done this way’.

      Didn’t stop them from doing a number on the South Pacific, or taking over a good chunk of China.

    • Damn near 3/4 of Americans of asian descent voted for our dear leader the Kenyan Commie in the last election. A disturbing number given the high grades, work/study ethic, and family closeness. Such a belief in the tender mercies of the state combined with shared feelings of racial distrust in the majority (cant believe they dont see that they share far more values with that very majority).

  2. Couldn’t agree more. No one in post-fascist Japan should be trusted with private firearms ownership.

    Thanks for visiting.

    • Hard to argue for an inalienable human right here and then say an entire people can’t be trusted because of what happened 5 generations ago. Unless you are making a statement about their humanity in general…

        • Some people clearly can’ t handle freedom. Some of them (sadly) are Americans, most are from elsewhere. By their own admission and free choice, they choose limitations on their liberty. Who am I to deny them that security blanket?

      • I’m not ‘denying’ the Japanese anything. As you can plainly see from the article, Japanese people don’t consider themselves trustworthy or responsible enough to have privately owned firearms. So be it.

        And they, along with every euro-trash douchebag conformist, are welcome to take their flaccid, pathetic ideas with them when they leave.

      • FIVE? Don’t think so. What’s a generation now, fifteen years?
        My FATHER was in WWII. I have a daughter, grandson. That’s four, and the grandson’s only 7, a little too young to be a father.

        • Silent generation – those alive during WWII but to young to fight.

          The boomers

          Gen X

          Gen Y

          The millennial

          5 generations

        • Depends on who’s definition of ‘generation’ gets used. Bio sciences use 35 years as a human generation.

          Boomer/X/Y/millenial are generally considered to be marketing terms, not a real generation. Or, at most generous, a sociology term for norming folks born around the same time. Which could be every 5 years or so at the current rate of change.

          My father, slightly too young for WWII. But he did Korea. Me. That’s two by my count. Mid 1940s till 20teens. That’s also roughly 2 x 35.

  3. I think the quote about the only people in Japan who have guns are the police, the military and THE MOB, says it all.
    When guns are outlawed… you know the rest.

    • The ‘relationship’ between the police and the Yakuza is fascinating stuff – sorta like the mob and the cops during Prohibition.

      I’d post a couple of links, but apparently they wreak havoc on the mobile platform. google something like ‘gangs in japan’ or ‘Yakuza and the NPA’ if anyone is interested.

  4. i said before, we had some gentlemen from Taiwan visiting at work, and one guy was too scared to TOUCH a Cabelas catalog, because it had firearms on the cover. The other gentlemen were like kids in a candy store, however.

    They could not understand why we didn’t have a ‘wild west’ situation, and why everyone did not wear helmets 24/7. When i told them how many rifles i own, they thought it was some kind of joke, and completely preposterous that i could own firearms similar to the military.

    • I know a friend who wants to move there. But he’s amassed an arsenal collection here. It’s either personal freedom or authentic food lol.

  5. I guess when you weigh,what, 60 lbs a 12ga will sock you back a bit. He should have tried my 870 pistol grip with slugs, lol, Randy

  6. “should be allowed to have one of their own”

    I agree. I think gunpowder and other destructive technologies have caused vast harm in this world. However, time machines don’t exist. (And these same technologies have provided many good things also.)

    Anyway, if a time machine did exist, the person hypothetically using it to undo the inventions of dangerous things could first save current weapon technologies, steel, etc., and then be the only one with them in the modified time line. Then he would be ruler of the world. He’s have to hire people to make his weapons, and leave them to keep traveling around time to stop the invention of gunpowder.

    The point is that the phrase “should not be allowed” does not imply that the fantasy of universal elimination of the thing is possible, but rather that the employees of state corporations have the right to violently take the things away from individuals and employees of other corporations. One should say what he really means.

    • In 1258 the Mongols did for Baghdad just fine without the aid of “evil gunpowder and other destructive technologies.” Remember it is the hard heart that kills not the tool in the hand.

      • True, although I didn’t say “evil gunpowder”, and gunpowder could have helped, but true enough I guess.

    • Firearms also made the peasant and tradesman the equal of the knight and lord.

      Swords and bows require years of practice and conditioning to use effectively, which is why only the rich and powerful generally could seriously train at use of arms, or pay people to.

      And whatever the weapon, being unarmed before people who are armed and desire you harm is a bad equation. Disarming the common people is never the answer.

      Humans are safer from each other now than they have ever been throughout history, and the firearm is one of several reasons why.

  7. Hey, don’t knock the Asians. I’m sure there are American gun owners on this forum whose ancestors come from the British Isles. Americans of Asian ancestry also like their guns. Most countries do not grant their citizens the same rights that we have in the USA. It’s a shame that there are those in power that are pissing all over the Bill of Rights.

    • I knew several Asian Americans (mostly Chinese) in California who owned guns and deeply appreciated their 2A rights. The men I knew primarily owned guns to protect their families should the need arise.

    • It’s true. Out here in Washington you see Asian families at shooting ranges all the time. Heck, I’m from India.

  8. There are two weak men: One seeks to gain more power while the other seeks protection from the powerful. Whereas a sheep will always be a sheep, man is free to choose his fate; he is constrained only by his mind.

  9. Bad stance. Not surprising he’d say that when he lives in a culture based on samurai swords and computers. Giving a Japanese man a gun works as well as giving an Englishmen a voice, no real concept of its value.

  10. The mindset and attitude for Americans (especially American men) to submit to the rule of government (forget the rule of ethical law as it is not the same thing) just as have most Japanese and Englishmen is what the advocates for the modern American police-nanny fascist state desire.

  11. A Japanese kid on vacation firing a weapon is not a threat to civil liberties. Many people from foreign countries – regardless of background – will never understand the concepts of marksmanship or gun ownership, especially if it’s not in their culture. The threat to civil liberties is coming from both wealthy American politicians and the mainstream media. Pejorative statements that are perceived as condescending will not win over the voting public that is neutral on the issue of gun rights.

  12. I notice that KOMO is no maintaining a “Data Base” on all those who post a comment on their site.
    Also noted the “11,000 gun related killings” in a single year in the USA. So much for KOMO’s Integerty

  13. I try to respect the societies of other countries and when I am in someone else’s country I do so.If the Japanese or anyone else are OK with not being allowed to own firearms,that’s their business.I just wish people like Piers Morgan and Martin Bashir who aren’t US citizens would learn the same thing.

  14. I see that in Japan, the Samuri class has been destroyed, but the vast majority of the population still consider themselves to be serfs.

    Interesting, but sad.

  15. Well not the best weapon to train a small Asian boy with on his first shot a .22lr is best for kids to learn how to shoot. A 12ga not so much.

  16. The last year I lived in Japan the Mayor of Nagasaki was shot in the back three times by a low level Yakuza thug who was upset because his car was damaged on public property due to construction… the Mayor died.

    Yakuza crime is a part of Japanese life, they see the Yakuza everyday, they even have publications dedicated to the who’s who in the underworld. Many restaurants have signs requesting the Yakuza not go there and many spa’s have signs prohibiting tattoos as a backdoor way of excluding the Yakuza without offending them.

    I was told to avoid looking too closely at Yakuza owned buildings (everyone knows where they hang out) because, if offended, they might come to your home and kill everyone, women and children included. If you are being attacked by the Yakuza and call the police, they simply will not show up until well after you and your family have been murdered.

    You see them in the streets, in their tacky clothes acting like they own the place… and in a way they do. Even I learned to step aside form these dangerous thugs.

    Most Japanese avoid them and hope to evade their interest.

    Occasionally they can’t, like the drunkard (public drunkenness and urination are both legal in Japan) who was beaten to death by a Yakuza for peeing near his car. ( Yaks’s are very touchy about their cars).

    Some cities even have a special fund to compensate innocent victims who are hurt or suffer property damage due to Yakuza violence.

    In short, Japan is a great study in what happens to a culture once only bad guys have guns. The cops are afraid, the people are afraid, the only people not fearful are the gangsters who don’t have much of a problem getting all the guns they want.

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