“We’re telling these battered women: If the government won’t protect you, learn to protect yourselves. Self-defense is a legitimate right. Carry pepper spray, learn martial arts, and yes, go to the range and learn to shoot a gun. It amazes me that people think it’s fine for a shop owner to have a gun to protect his money, but a woman can’t have one to save her life.” Hayrettin Bulan, an advocate of self defense training for Turkish women


  1. My real reaction was that this guy is really progressive for being in a Muslim Country. Far more progressive than Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan. I was always amazed that a guy could rape a woman and then they stone the woman for improper sexual conduct. I think the Koran or Haddith proscribes the Husband beat his Wife. It always seemed that Abrahamic Religions were rather Male Sexist Biased.

  2. “It amazes me that people think it’s fine for a shop owner to have a gun to protect his money, but a woman can’t have one to save her life.”

    He’s 100% right, and that fact is glaring evidence that so-called “feminists” are nothing of the kind, but simply advocates of absolute state power over the individual.

    • You’re 100% correct too. Feminism is not about ‘equality’ though they attempt to market it is such. It is about special class group status based on one’s sex and in practical terms only a portion of the female sex really benefit. America has never before known an authoritarian political movement like feminism. One leading men’s rights advocate defines feminism as a lesbian-marxist ideology. I define it a bit differently. IMO, feminism is more of a fascist-sexist ideology that wants men treated increasingly as second-class to women with the bulk of societies resources devoted to women. While the feminists are politically savvy, manipulative, and effective, the misandry (hatred of males) bubble will pop since it is not socially and economically tenable.

      • That’s not what feminism really is, even if some have re-interpreted it that way. Feminism advocates equality with men in the political, economic and social spheres. Lesbian separatist man-hater feminists do not define feminism any more than Jared Loughner defines the gun-rights argument.

    • You’re 100% correct too. Feminism is not about ‘equality’ though they attempt to market it is such. It is about special class group status based on one’s sex and in practical terms only a portion of the female sex really benefit. America has never before known an authoritarian political movement like feminism. IMO, feminism is more of a fascist-sexist ideology that wants men treated increasingly as second-class to women with the bulk of societies resources devoted to women. While the feminists are politically savvy, manipulative, and effective, the misandry (hatred of males) bubble will pop since it is not socially and economically tenable. Unfortunately, it has devastated our society the past forty-five years.

      • I agree 100%. I’ll take it a step further and say that any and all government interference in the social realm has the same effect, whether the preferences are sexuality-based, race-based, gender-based or what have you.

        Looked at another way, it’s not even so much as “empowering” minorities or women or sexual deviants, it’s about disenfranchising white men. The government can claim it treats us all equally when it treats us all like shit.

        • All true. Men are increasingly waking up to the reality that we are considered a disposable commodity by government, society, and sadly by many women too. The truth is those three need us more than we need them.

  3. the whole reason the conflict had ever even started was because the dude felt he needed a son so bad he was gonna sleep around til he got one. Millennia of religious based hatred later and no sign of slowing.

  4. “It amazes me that people think it’s fine for a shop owner to have a gun to protect his money, but a woman can’t have one to save her life.”

    Everyone has the self-evident right to defend themselves, whether they are a shopkeeper or a spouse. Historically, the first genocide of the 20th Century occurred in Turkey. The Armenian population was initially required to register their guns and then had them confiscated. Afterwards, the Ottoman Turks started the genocide.

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