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“Nelson pointed to the AK-47 and the Bushmaster AR-15 rifle that deputies confiscated — an AR-15 was one of the weapons used to kill 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut last month — and said people are buying those guns to kill others, not to hunt. ‘And when assault rifles are used to kill children, Nelson said, ‘then it’s time for America to act.'”

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  1. Sigh, I need a Red Bull to revitalize my will to keep countering these inane arguments and overly simplified rhetoric. It’s getting old. Still can’t give up the fight.

  2. The same argument this guy has is the same that can be applied to any object used to murder anybody, let alone children. Hammers, knives, cars, fists. You can have an AR to hunt, I know plenty of people who do, but that isn’t the point. We have ARs for a plethora of reasons but mainly because I wanted an AR and it’s a Constitutionally protected right. At least it’s supposed to be.

    • of course we bought an ‘assault rifle’ to kill others ……in a defensive situation where i was in immediate danger and could not retreat, and was in fear of my life and had no other choice. They forgot the last part.

      God, is it weird that i feel that i have to be careful what i say, for fear of being put on the ‘mentally unstable’ list? Have we really come to that?

      • I agree and I hear you. You should be peoples’ faces after I tell them, “That’s one of the reasons I want my AR.” to their statement of, “But it makes it easier to kill.” Takes quite the explaining what I actually mean by that. We all know what that means. Then I have to counter the counter by also explaining that the .223/5.56 is not the laser beam of death.

      • Claire Wolf: “America is at that awkward stage. It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.”

  3. They are useful in defending against wild mobs of pissed off people looking to harm you but TPTB don’t want that.They want obidiance,control,and your demise.

        • Willing to be Mitt Romney’s cheap date?

          • Romney supported the Clinton Gun Ban in 1994.

          • Romney told The Boston Herald “that’s not going to make me the hero of the NRA. I don’t line up with a lot of special interest groups.”

          • Romney told Tim Russert on “Meet the Press” he would have signed a renewal of the failed gun control law.

          • In 2002, Governor Romney signed into law what was described as “one of the toughest assault weapons laws in the country.”

        • Nope. The reason is because people on both “sides” did the lesser of two evils dance, which is about as productive as the peepee dance, ie it is actually counterproductive. If Repugs had listened to common sense and nominated an actual freedom candidate like Ron Paul, he would have jacked enough votes from Barry W Bush to yank his sorry ass out of office. Instead we picked a flip flopper who nobody could read for fear he would change the script right in the middle of the attempt and had no appeal to anyone that hasn’t been inbred since the Mayflower landed.

        • no the reason why we have “the one” is because the republican party lost touch with its constituents to independent candidates.

          sorry repubs; the imperialist, neo-conservative bullshit didn’t pan out last time with bush and potential president mccain. time to get a different set of values.

    • Romney is the reason I had to move out of MA. He signed an AWB here and he’d do the same as president. Conspiracy theories and politics – you have no idea what you’re talking about.

      • I keep hearing that but Romney doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would ram through legislation Americans would not want. MA probably wanted the AWB, and as governor he complied. On a Federal level, a whole different ball of wax.

        Sorry, I call bull$#!t on the constant and unsubstantiated claim Romney would do the same.

        • Why, because he’s a MORMON? I don’t know if you’ve researched the LDS, but it’s essentially a UFO cult. Look up how Jos. Smith got his tablets.

        • Romney said many times that semi-auto’s only exist to murder children and that no one needs them and they should all be banned.

      • What do you expect in Massachusetts? Romney was as conservative as was possible and still get elected in an ultra blue state. Same thing with Scott Brown. Everybody thought he would be as conservative as someone from Wyoming when he got elected only to be disillusioned later because he didn’t vote like he was from Wyoming. Even so he was too conservative to beat an inarticulate and obviously phoney ultra leftist.

    • Do you think we can all stop arguing over Romney? Obama is the POTUS. PERIOD! We need to cut out the what ifs and work together.

      • You better have voted for Johnson, and all other libertarians, if you care one bit about our rights. Romney had as much character as a scarecrow. He would have said and done anything to get elected, and would have said and done anything to stay elected. Same thing for all of the republicans. They care about big businesses that give them money, and they’ll vote for anything they can find a way to make money on. Remember the Hughes Amendment? Machine guns skyrocketing in price and all the collectors making a “killing” off of them? You sure do.

  4. From the article: “Why in the world would we not want to check to see if a person buying a weapon has a criminal record?” Nelson said.


    Someone want to “clue” in Nelson in regards to what the obama regime did with “Fast and Furious”?

    What a POS..

    • No, no, those Mexican cartels were hunters! They told the agents they didn’t need assault rifles but they didn’t listen and told them to go read “the most dangerous game”… The next person who argues that he is a hunter and therefore supports the second amendment (while screwing with it) needs to be told that he sounds like the racist who says he has black friends…

  5. Bill Nelson looks like an old lady more and more every day now. Time for the old queen to retire.

  6. I live in FL and sent Nelson the following email:
    Your comments with Sheriff Jennings were deliberately misleading and inflammatory. Guns were not the cause of the Connecticut shooting; mental illness was. You said people are buying these guns to kill each other. Lanza’s mother certainly did not buy them with that in mind. Gun owners are generally law-abiding citizens with no wish to kill anyone. Why are you contributing to the hysteria? A Senator should be more responsible.

    Now I will be on a watch list, I’m sure.

    • even better, maybe you’ll be sent to the Genetic Health Court:
      1) Any person suffering from a hereditary disease may be rendered incapable of procreation by means of a surgical operation (sterilization), if the experience of medical science shows that it is highly probable that his descendants would suffer from some serious physical or mental hereditary defect.

      • Not necessary, TP. Got the sterilization years ago, but not before the wife and I had five who think as little of Bill Nelson as we do. They are doing their best to keep the gene pool stocked with, currently, three grandchildren.

  7. “The senator was quick to note he is a hunter, has always owned guns, and will be hunting pythons in the Everglades this week.

    “This is not an assault on the Second Amendment,” he said.”

    Someone needs to remind him that it’s not about hunting…

  8. People of Florida, you need to spend your time and resources to have this person removed from office. Even if you are not in his district, your funds should go to support the opposition. Consider you campaign contribution an investment such that you will be able to purchase your next AR in the future.

    Imagine for a moment the money spent hoarding ammo is spent to unseat all these idiots what a better place it would be.

    • The problem was his GOP opponent was the Connie Mack IV, a non conservative coat-tailing on his father’s name.

    • He’s a senator. Everyone in FL is in his “district”.

      But like the others said, Connie Mack IV wasn’t a worthwhile opponent. It’s a shame he was the best the GOP could offer.

  9. Keep voting democrat Florida and you will end up the PA of the South……thats not a good thing. It makes me sick to think that my former home of Florida is slowly sliding in the wrong direction, hopefully the people can take it back and out this ahole.

    • That’s because most of the people who live in Florida now are snowbirds from the Frozen North (like PA, NY, MA). Hardcore old liberal Democrats who only moved South because the cold makes their arthritis flare up. They’ve voted Democrat all their lives because their daddy voted Democrat all his life from working in the mill, or the yard, or wherever.

      Same thing they do here.

  10. Let’s see – these are millions of AR-15s in private hands, fewer than 400 long arms of any kind are used for murder every year, and this asshat thinks they’re used only to kill people? I guess math isn’t his strong suit.

    • He knows better, considering his constituents (myself included) have been flooding his inbox and voicemails with this tidbit of knowledge. Also, FL is home to more than a handful of AR manufacturers who probably aren’t too keen on having their products slammed by their own politicians.

  11. It is utterly terrifying to me that there are millions of people buying up these rifles with no intent other than to kill people….

    /sarcasm off

  12. Simple Solution: “Increase, the Background Check, on Gun Buyers, Stiffen the Penalty, [Straw Purchase, Act]; on those buying, than selling to Criminals! … Leaving the Rest alone!… Why should Law-Abiding Americans, have their Rights, infringed on, Because of a few Incompitant, Non-Complying, “Jerks”?…
    Personally Believing, Any Gun Ban, Will cause problems with the American Public!….

  13. He can FOAD. I vote against him every time he’s up for re-election but it never does any damn good.

  14. I don’t want to give the gun banners any ideas but I think maybe we ouught to start talking more about the military origins of “hunting” rifles instead of keeping the focus on ARs alone. A Remington Model 700 or Winchester Model 70 in 30-06 are basicly the same thing as a 1903 Springfield. This would be useful to solidify the support of those hunters who might be inclined to not care about banning semiautomatics. All it will take is some deranged person doing a Charles Whitman or DC sniper routine with a bolt action gun for the gun grabbers to start a campaign to ban these dangerous military weapons.

  15. Ok I will just throw this out there.
    20 white kids die and his pink panties are in a wad.
    Many Latinos die each day in Dade County alone from gang and drug violence but that it ok?? He needs his head amended!

  16. What is the real reason they want to take away guns. I don’t fully understand why they want them as they already know it will not help decrease violence.

    • You really need to ask that, John?

      The Second Amendment was intended as a vaccine against tyranny. Gun Control is the virus of tyranny trying to develop a resistance to it.

      (Yeah, I know, that makes it even easier to argue against the second amendment if its use breeds resistant strains, but it’s the best I could come up with before coffee.)

      • Almost just as scary, I think some that are actually are naive idealists who drink the koolaid and think that this will somehow actually make them safer. That’s why 1) they’re so easily whipped into a fervor who know better and want to push their agenda and 2) They’re so damn difficult to argue with.

      • I appreciate the answers.I support freedom of choice and allowing gun ownership. They want control, I can see that but I guess I am trying to see the end game. What is their end game? What are they going try to force upon us?

      • Actually the 2A was intended to prevent[1] a Standing Army, the engine of oppression[2] that you now fear, with a Swiss-model[3] citizen-soldier Militia.

        Yet the “gun nuts” (including the NRA) cravenly support the Troops Standing Army.

        Left with a trace of all that was
        And all that could have been

        [1] “What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty….” ~Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, spoken during floor debate over the Second Amendment, I Annals of Congress at 750, August 17, 1789
        [2] “…no such engine of oppression as a standing army.” ~Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 1814
        [3] “The inhabitants of Switzerland emancipated themselves by the establishment of a Militia, which finally delivered them from the tyranny of their lords.” ~Representative Jackson, first U.S. Congress, when it met and turned to defense measures in 1791

  17. I wrote our fearless leader and the response I got back was akin to Governor William J. Le Petomane: We’ve gotta protect our phony baloney jobs, gentlemen!

  18. This is the reason I’m a single issue voter. Any decent politician would have absolutely no problem with a well-armed public. Only tyrants abhor a well-armed public, because they know damn well why the 2A was created and who these guns are intended to be used against.

    Damn right these guns were created to kill. And it ain’t children.

  19. This is my senator. I did not vote for him. Why should I bother writing to this guy? He obviously doesn’t give a crap about me and my rights.

  20. An AR-15 WAS NOT used to kill the people at Sandy Hook. This is a lie perpetrated by the left. The people were killed by HANDGUNS. The AR-15 was discovered in they guy’s trunk UNFIRED. The left has fabricated so many lies about REALLY happened there is it mind numbing. They have used this tragedy to further their gun grabbing agendas. It is beyond the pale.

    And Nelson, you are an asshole. You don’t even know what an “assault rifle” is. By definition, and “assault rifle” must be SELECT FIRE.

  21. We are witnessing the most organized, comprehensive attack on the Constitution since the War Between the States. The level of propaganda rivals WW2 and I sure haven’t seen anything like it in my lifetime. All this rhetoric is carefully rehearsed; all this sturm und drang is carefully planned and plotted. I’m surprised they’re not carrying the kids’ dead bodies through the streets.

    • B. Hussein Obama using flown-in kids (who paid for that?) earlier today as props for the debut of his incremental citizen disarmament campaign was close enough — he was deliberately invoking the dead kids in CT.

  22. We all need to sniff Anthrax spores and Zyklon-B gas………In the name of the children.
    Stupid libtards.

  23. Here’s a different link to the same story:
    (Turn your volume down a little, it’s kinda hot)

    It opens with the newsbabe saying that Nelson and Demings are “calling for a ban on assault rifles and high magazine clips.” Watch the whole 3 minutes (there’s a nice little bit where the owner of one of my local ranges attempts to educate the reporter), or simply skip to 1:47 to see my esteemed sheriff attempt to mate an AK mag to an AR receiver.

    Needless to say, my CLEO doesn’t sign off on jack.

  24. I just wrote Bill Nelson. And I plan on doing tk regularly and then trying my hardest to get his ass out of office. I know a lot of people who vote for him that won’t after this showing. My only hope is that there are people throughout Florida that feel this way too.

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