More firms ban guns at work as violent outbreaks continue the headline at announces. Donna Mahoney’s article cites a bunch of stats supposedly proving that “mass public shootings have become more frequent with larger casualty numbers.” Debunk them, we have. Anyway, Ms. Mahoney proclaims the “ultimate solution elusive.” She mentions the possibility of “allowing” employees to arm themselves to protect their own lives, the lives of fellow employees and innocent customers exactly no times. Including precisely no examples where armed self-defense saved the day . . .

Be that as it is, there are plenty of Americans who exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms at work despite their employer’s gun ban – risking summary dismissal and criminal charges. In theory, would you be one of them?


  1. I carry my FNS9C holstered at the office. IWB under my untucked shirt. I thank God for the day “casual Friday” turned into, just make sure you wear khakis and a polo if you have a customer meeting.

    • +2. I can neither confirm nor deny I carry a firearm at my place of work, which may or may not allow carry. That is all. Move along…

  2. I couldn’t at my previous employer, University of South Florida. Not only would I get fired but I’m sure there would be some charges too.

    • At my school, the criminal justice guys (LEO’s) all carried, of course. But so did some faculty. It was against the rules but there was a tacit “don’t ask/don’t tell” understanding that based on a mutual understanding that, if you felt the need to carry a gun, you probably had a good reason for doing so. That was true for all of the colleagues I knew who came to school armed. It’s all very discrete but it happens more often than most people think.

  3. My city allows open/concealed carry anywhere, with the exception of municipal court when court is in session. My Board of Aldermen is fully cognizant of and fully supportive of the 2nd Amendment with no reservations or “buts.” I just wish all other municipalities, counties, states and the feds recognized the 2nd Amendment as sacrosanct.

      • Battlefield, MO. A small city in SW MO, nearest city to Springfield, MO. Our State Rep, Eric Burlison, has also introduced Constitutional Carry. It didn’t pass this past legislative session so he will be re-introducing it this upcoming legislative session. Hopefully it will pass, but then it will be vetoed by the statist Jeremiah (Jay) Nixon. I only hope that the Republicans, who hold a firm majority in both houses, will gather the balls to override the almost certain (99 & 44/100% sure) veto.

  4. we talk about this all the time at my textbook-example highly-diverse workplace.
    everyone in the building carries a razor knife. we hire some serious undesirables.
    perceived and actual threats of violence have increased significantly in the last 8 years I’ve worked here.
    we work in a sparsely populated industrial park. the last instance (non-violent) that required police presence
    showcased an approx. 6 minute response time.

    but a funeral is less costly than criminal defense, right?

    Q: would you carry anyway?
    A: yep.

  5. Any State that allows an employer to ban guns should require that employer to prove armed guards or conceal carry security guards. If they are going to forbid us from self defense they should provide it.

    • I preach personal responsibility in regards to everything, so I would much rather be responsible for my own safety that entrust my life to an underpaid mall ninja with barely enough training to pass a state-mandated qualification. Armed guards are a joke.

  6. I do so every day. I work for a publicly traded company, which of course has a standard “no weapons” policy for their offices. I can’t carry my usual Walther PPQ, but I have a M&P Shield with a spare mag on me at all times.

    Being a “normal” office environment, there’s always a couple of angry people around that look like they may finally lose it and go postal. I can always get another job but I definitely can’t provide for my family if I’m dead or disabled.

    • Great choices with the PPQ and Shield. Those are my go to guns also, wardrobe dependent of course.

  7. I keep it in the car. Most don’t care but it is against policy and as with all things, there are a few who would make mountains out of mole hills.

    • I’ve never worked where I felt the parking lot was secure. I preferred going into the office intentionally unarmed to coming out of it to find myself unintentionally disarmed.

      • Several factors contribute to my decision to “park” my piece. I work for a small company in a rural town, I park in a private lot that is visible from several offices (mine included) and equipped with security cameras, no recorded break ins. It is admittedly less than ideal but a risk I’m willing to take.

  8. I worked graveyard shift at a gas station a while back. You better believe I wanted to.

    • The job market was dead in the early 90’s when I graduated from College. I had to take a job at a gas station in a bad part of town, the friend that him the job was robbed there at gunpoint. What can I say it was the best paying job I could get and I was going back for a trade degree on days, and a night job worked.

      The company policy was no guns allowed, but they did give employees a $5000 life insurance policy to pay for a funeral if you were killed on the job. Not kidding. What can I say, I didn’t honor the no self defense policy. I did have a permit to carry even then.

      I worked the night that the Rodney King verdict was announced in 1992. Violence was expected in many places. That night I brought my guitar case in with a 870 Remington Pump. I also brought a Trooper MK3 357. I was allowed to lock the doors early as it was a self serve convenience store gas station and trouble was feared by the company, I guess they wanted to minimize the chance of looting.

      Nothing happened that night but it was unusually busy all night. There were a lot of normal looking black teen kids out all night. All were polite and nothing happened in the area, which was fine by me. I just didn’t want to end up like Reginald Denny because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

      Death benefits are a poor second to the means of self defense.

  9. Worked at major, Washington based software company with diverse workplace, rampant Type-A personalities, and aggressive nut jobs with limited social skills. And, of course, a carry ban. Carried all the time.

  10. We can not claim to be for the rule of law if we do not follow the laws or the rules ourselves.

    • The social compact between the state and the people was broken a long time ago. See the recent Supreme Court “rulings” not based on the letter of the law for the most recent examples.

      • So now individuals, and not society, get to decide what is legal and what is not? Are we all to be vigilantes, against anyone whom we don’t agree?

    • I choose to do what’s right and just. Not what some tyrant overload tells me is right and just, simply because it’s the law.

      I won’t turn in my neighbor for selling dope to consenting adults, I’m not going to turn in my coworker for peaceably carrying a EDC.

      • Curiously enough the very tyrants you’re probably thinking of use your very same logic to justify their actions. From Julius Cesar to Mao, to the Supreme Court re-writting the constituion, they have used “right and wrong” as their reason for violating law and order. If y our employer has a policy, and they are paying your livelihood and putting food in your children’s stomachs then you should be following their rules. Its the “right” thing to do.

        • I might support that if my family had the right to sue them for the value of my life plus pain and suffering plus triple damages for neglecting to provide a safe environment. Say a minimum payout of 10 million USD and a cap of 100 million. Otherwise they have broken the contract at the point of hire by failing to provide a safe work environment….or they could just leave it up to the individual to determine if his safety is enhanced by concealed carry.

    • What are the rules? What some guy says? I don’t give “them” permission to write rules that get in the way of me doing what’s right. I have people that depend on me.

      “Sorry honey but daddy can’t be home for dinner tonight. I really wanted to but I had to get dead instead. You know how it is: rules are rules.”

      F that s!

    • if the letter of the law requires me to be defenseless, in a place that appropriates no defense in the event of an attack, I’m either breaking that law or not going. we use the argument all the time. if a person commits a violent attack at a public place, a laundry list of laws are already being violated.

      “he may have been shot and killed in a gun-free zone, but at least he was a law-abiding citizen. we’ll miss him”

    • re….rule of law

      1st) If SCOTUS can interpret the meanings of words to mean the opposite of what the dictionary says then I have the right to do the same. Stop=Go …..Yes=No…..Banned=Walk right in

      2nd) I love my gun and nobody has the right to say that I can’t be with the one I love. Not even you Mr. Hater.

    • I am under no legal obligation, let alone moral obligation, to follow illegal/unconstitutional “Laws”. And I won’t.

    • A problem with your reasoning is illustrated by the “underground railway” of the ante-bellum era. Federal law, absolutely justified by the Constitution, mandated that slaves be returned to their owners. Emancipationists flouted these laws and the Constitution directly. Today, we regard their violations of the law and Constitution as noble, moral and justified.

      How do we reconcile these two: respect for the rule of law; and, respect for the conductors on the underground railway? If respect for the rule of law is unqualified then we ought to be consistent and condemn the conductors. Conversely, of the conductors are worthy of our respect then the rule of law must somehow be subject to some qualifying principle.

      It’s probably difficult to clearly and completely articulate the qualifying principle. I do not undertake the task.

      Now, consider the case of the late Carol Browne of NJ. Suppose she had defied the rule-of-law and bought a gun on the black market while waiting for her pistol purchase permit to clear. Suppose she carried her illegal gun and survived her attack. No doubt she would have been tried for buying, possessing and carrying an illegal gun. Would you or I vote to convict her? Does this case help to bring the question of respect for rule of law into sharp relief?

      • The slave issue is where the Constitution by implication (3/5ths clause) violated the letter of the Declaration of Independence. All men are created equal. This is why we as POTG say that our rights are natural rights that are recognized by the Constitution, NOT dependent on it!

        • I certainly agree that the Constitution’s provisions for slavery were inconsistent with the Declaration of Independence. Nevertheless, the Constitution became the supreme law of the land when it was ratified. It’s hard to argue that the subsequent Constitution was superseded by the preceding Declaration.

          In any case, we are face – seemingly on all fronts – with conflicts between our individual interpretations of our Constitution, as amended, vs. laws that seem un-constitutional. What does this mean to our “respect” for the “rule-of-law”? Are we obliged to respect the latest dictate from a legislative body that seems to defy our individual interpretation of the supreme law of our State or Federal Constitutions?

          Should we rebel for “light and transient causes”? Or, should we endure until “. . . a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism . . .? There seems to be some wisdom in this guidance from the Declaration.

          For the emancipationists, an enduring failure to resolve the slavery issue exceeded light and transient and became a long train. What will it be for us? Registration? Confiscation? Will nothing whatsoever bring us to reign in our Federal government? Or, will we begin to do so in the blogs, by defiance and at the ballot box?

    • The right to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. All the laws about carrying are infringements and therefore unconstitutional. I don’t care what the Supreme Court says about it.
      A company can say it wishes it’s employees to not carry arms, and that should be respected, if they provide for your safety. If not, then I’d provide my own.

  11. My employer had no policy, for many years. Then we took on a contract that involved a requirement that we carry liability insurance, and the policies had no-guns provisions that did not have an exclusion for permit holders.

    I’m sure they have such requirements because they’re too by their lawyers that they’d be vulnerable to a lawsuit, if they allowed permitted carry.

    We’ve tried, from time to time, to impose strict liability on businesses who forbid carry, and had little luck. The business community comes out solidly again st it.

    But maybe if we came at it from the other side? If we passed a bill removing liability from a business for actions committed by a permit holder, unless they had a policy forbidding carry? The lawyers coul not pretend that allowing carry increased risk, and the insurance companies could no impose restrictions on carry.

    Might be the next thing to try to push, now that we’ve eliminated the last of the no-permit states.

    • I have never seen an actual insurance policy that included a no guns ban, so it was probably something in the application. I cannot imagine why it would be there–the business owner is not generally liable for the acts of third persons committing criminal acts on the premise. For example, if a disgruntled former employee/spouse/customer comes in and shoots up the place, the employer will not be held liable in tort to the victims of the shooting. In the absence of liability under the policy, the insurer should have no concern if employees are armed–for example, such as all or most guns store owners and employees. To establish this proposition, we would need to know the rate of incidence of violent confrontations in which an employee used a firearm to defend himself/others (as opposed to being the perpetrator) to do the risk/cost analysis. I cannot imagine that it is very high, and I can also assure you that the cases where the heirs of a gunman killed or sounded in an attempted robbery are rare or nonexistent. What we would be mostly concerned about would be injuries to bystanders from errant bullets.

      In any event, your idea will never fly for the simple reason that an employer is liable for the torts of its employees committed in the course of their employment. This ancient rule derives from the policy that employees act to benefit their employers, so that when an employee commits a tort (e.g., getting into a car accident), that is just a cost of doing business. But by the same token, the employer is not liable for the intentional misconduct of its employees (with exceptions), e.g., where an employee starts a fight with a customer or a fellow employee.

      • One would think that a gun store would have extremely strict insurance, even more so than almost anywhere else.

        So if the employees are allowed to carry at a gun store …

    • I worked at a large law firm in San Francisco, and I do not recall anything in the employment manual about firearms or bans. I truly doubt there was a single armed person or gun in that office, even after the massacre at the nearby Pettit & Martin Law Office in 1993. But then again, it was San Francisco, and it seems that “no body” owns guns. I later moved to a smallish firm in far northern California, and despite the fact that four out of six partners were veterans (one a combat veteran from Vietnam) only three even owned guns, and those were hunting rifles and shotguns. I don’t think that any of them had a CCW. There were a couple of associates who owned guns, but those were kept in cars in the lot. None of the staff (all female except for the office manager) had anything to do with guns.

      • First law firm I worked at: Named Partner number 2 had an 870 by his door. 2nd firm: we rented from a former judge who told me if you run a law firm, you should have a gun in the office just in case. Now: .380 in the pocket everywhere but court, Shield 9mm IWB most of the time as well.

  12. One in my car and one on body. Foreign owned and listed, publicly traded company with all the typical official policies; but routinely ignored by everyone in the North American division, including our President four office doors down the hall from me.

    If something major were to go down, it would be ended very swiftly with that many carriers on the floor.

    • This is an approach that I think works best. Most companies don’t openly encourage people to carry guns in the workplace. For those who do carry in such an environment, everyone has to act like a grown-up and that means 1. Do it quietly. Don’t tell everybody that you’re carrying a gun, 2. Give every impression that there are no guns present anywhere in the workplace, 3. If practical, let the other carriers know that you’re carrying and are ready to help if the need arises. 4. Be very discrete about the whole thing. There’s no since involving the whole company in a needless “let’s all carry guns in the workplace” kind of argument. If nobody knows that guns are being carried, the company won’t care. Out of sight, out of mind until something Really Bad happens and you need that weapon.

  13. Never have made that claim. And I choose to ignore half-baked rules that impinge upon my personal safety, just as I’m expected, as a manager, to take appropriate measures even if beyond policy to safeguard worker safety.

  14. I have considered it, although there are some additional challenges in my workplace… I work in a MN courthouse. It is “legal” to carry under the MN Permit to Carry; provided you notify the Sheriff in advance (that requirement will be going away this summer). However, the Judge has orders that carrying in the Court rooms/ court admin areas are off limits, not an insurmountable challenge as I am not int here much, but I am in and out of the jail (where it is still illegal; were I to carry, I would have to make use of the lock boxes, or commit a felony by carrying into the secured facility.). Which of course using the lock boxes it would quickly be disclosed to the Jail administration that I were carrying in violation of the County’s policy. (Which is based on a MN statute that “no persons other than cops/sheriff/security, shall be authorized to carry weapons in the performance of their duties”. )

    • The Sheriff notification requirement continues in Minnesota. Only the Commissioner of Public Safety was repealed because the DPS maintains the database anyway. btw, many Minnesota Judges have tried to ban guns not only in active courtrooms and judicial offices but entire buildings (much of downtown Minneapolis, for example).

      • ah, good thing to note…

        (2) persons who carry pistols according to the terms of a permit issued under section 624.714 and who so notify the sheriff or the commissioner of public safety, as appropriate;

        (c) For purposes of this subdivision, the issuance of a permit to carry under section 624.714 constitutes notification of the commissioner of public safety as required under paragraph (b), clause (2).

        — Not that I want to be a test case of course; but I think you could make a “legislative” intent argument. After all, the intent was the notification is redundant for the commissioner of Public Safety; – it’s also redundant to my sheriff because my Sheriff signed my permit – therefore he already know’s he’s issued the permit.

        Nonetheless; a good legal distinction — I’ll continue to “not” carry,

  15. Interesting, I’ve tried to answer you twice now crndl. I don’t know why it won’t post, but the answer to your question is Battlefield, MO.

  16. If I didn’t have to risk felony charges and a dishonorable discharge every time I travel on base I would. The Navy is too much of an enthusiastic dick stomping machine for me to risk it.

  17. I believe a wise man once said “concealed means concealed”.

    My personal policy is ” don’t ask, don’t tell”.

  18. No. I work as a teacher at a public high school. I understand the argument that my life is more important than my job but criminal charges and the complete revocation of my 2nd amendment rights is not something I would like to gamble on.

  19. Would I? Maybe. Depends on the workplace.

    Do I? No.

    Like Sean in Tampa and Pg above, I work at an educational institution where weapons of any kind are forbidden by state law. If I carried and was caught, I’d probably get fired and the state would surely revoke my license to carry forever. I don’t like it, but the odds of that are much higher than the odds of my ever needing a gun at work, so it’s a risk I can’t justify.

    I’m not completely defenseless, however. My EDC knife is always in my pocket, and I have a baseball bat in a drawer in my office. Not the ideal tools for self-defense, but better than nothing.

  20. All the jobs I’ve worked at had a no weapons policy…….and I’ve broken that rule at all of the jobs I’ve had. From simply carrying a pocket knife to make my life easier when I was young and had to open boxes all day long and stock shelves. I’ve always carried a pocket knife with no issues. Later in life I carried a firearm in my laptop bag. The bag I have is padded very well. The bag has like a false bottom for extra thick padding. I modded the padding to fit my firearm between. I go through metal detectors all the time and have it inspected all the time. The only way you are going to find it is with an x-ray machine.

      • I believe he means that with all the padding around it, even though it sets of metal detectors, it doesn’t “FEEL” like a gun, and is well hidden, so a cursory inspection sees zippers, pull tabs, etc, and just passes it through.

        On an xRay, it’ll show up like a sore thumb.

    • Where do you go that requires this much work? I am not sure I approve…I understand wanting to protect yourself but if you work somewhere like a jail, I am not sure this is the best idea…

  21. My previous employer had an ‘if I don’t see it I don’t care’ attitude, so I carried every day. My current employer prefers no guns, but doesn’t have a ban against them per se. Sometimes we are going through some rough neighborhoods and I’m glad I have it with me.

    • I forgot to mention that at my last job, the manager forbade me. The owner’s ‘if I don’t see it no problem’ policy is the one I went by. The manager never knew.

  22. Robert, I know medical people and have read medical articles by individuals who swear that CPR doesn’t work. I have determined why they feel that way. Some nurses who respond point out they work in hospice. Okay. Their patients already have do-not-resuscitate orders (DNR) in the chart. For them, death is imminent and life is mature. DNR.

    I hear from others who are sure the world they know is everyone else’s world as well: they answer that CPR only extends the misery of the dying and that CPR interferes with the natural course of things. This is how they define “CPR doesn’t work.”

    Other articles say CPR doesn’t work, and then refer to the ‘hands-only’ training and wonder why it ‘doesn’t work’.

    They are very mistaken. In my world, life is good, though depressing politically (am I right?), not medically. CPR saves lives. Guns save lives. Yet some living in a depressing, hopeless world cannot see how CPR or the armed citizen – mean life to thousands. They might as well hate organ donation or First-aid.

    CPR was not meant for the dead and dying, but the viable. The 19-year old who takes an electrical shock from his hobby bench; the 40-year old brought out of the water at the beach; the choking patient who will code on you before the Squad arrives. Like CPR, the armed citizen is meant for all in the absence of police.

    The armed citizen is not meant to kill, but to save a life. I know I sound very forgiving of those hostile to us, I’m actually intolerant of them. But the path to educating the balance of the electorate who might like clarification might be through understanding their worries and concerns which have, for them, nothing to do with guns. Their problems might be lifted if they understood the armed citizen / smaller government connection.

    They, too, are likely mistaken as the discouraged medicos are, and their objections – like doctors who are speaking out against CPR – remain unseen and unaddressed so far. They work to discourage new student CPR training just as certainly as anti-gun people work to discourage gun ownership.

  23. Question of the Day: Would You Carry a Gun At Work If It Were Banned?

    Yes and I do it now. I should think the reasons are quite obvious as to why I do. I made the decision. I stand by the decision.

  24. I am a solo and I work from my house. There is no ban here! If it’s not on me, it is within arm’s length.

  25. In general I carry wherever there isn’t a metal detector or guy doing patdowns regardless of whether state law says I can. Concealed is concealed.

  26. I would. I did. Every goddam day.

    The workplace was not posted, so I broke no law. The firearms prohibition was in the employment manual, which does not have the force of law and no cop would arrest me for violating (even in Half-Assed Mass.).

    If there was a sign on the wall, I would have done the same damn thing.

    • Oddly enough, the employee policies at my workplace say that the company *expects* you to come to work without weapons. The word “prohibits” was not used in any form in that paragraph.

      I know they know how to spell the word “prohibit”, as it was used in the previous paragraph regarding drug use on the property.

  27. We have a written policy against carrying. But there is an admin in our TX office that everyone, including the CEO, knows she carries a .38. Since I live in the Kingdom of Sir Gore, I am not allowed to defend my life. But in theory, yes I would carry in the office. Or at least in my briefcase. Maybe. Allegedly. Sort of. Not really. wink wink.

  28. Official “no weapons” policy, but a VP keeps his crossbow in his office during hunting season. I carry, and at least one other person in my department does, too. I also arranged range trips for employees when we landed a major firearms maker as a client — you know, to familiarize everyone with their products.

  29. Illinois law allows any property owner to turn a perfectly lawful activity into a Class B Misdemeanor, simply by posting a sign. That may or may not be a powerful deterrent to those wishing to carry, depending on how a criminal record might affect future employment opportunities after they get fired.

    I’m not going to take that chance. It would be different if it was nothing more than a company policy with no force of law.

  30. If it wasn’t for the fact that I work in a white lab, where traces of gun powder residue or oil could effect the results of my work I would. But instead, it goes in my locker at the beginning of the day and goes back on at the end of my day.

  31. Carry? Depends on where I work and how I get there. Obviously there are numerous accounts of a firearm stopping an incident and well documented though most go undocumented as there is nothing to document as nothing may have happened.

    I believe the issue is the insurance industry. They have chose (at least this one) to charge more for allowing people to carry rather than not too. They appear to side against the 2A and with the thinking it is better to trust a criminal than trust a lawful citizen? Yes, this is their position. In this same school of thought it is safer to smoke, drink, unbuckle your seatbelt, text and speed while driving. -idiots-

  32. Banning work would open a whole can of worms that I don’t think politicians are ready to munch on just yet.

  33. In civilian employment I have always carried and was always encouraged to do so by my boss.
    In the army, I carried on post. I’ve informed my commanders over the years that I was carrying and they were always completely good with it. If they were not good with it I could have been arrested and that’s the choice I would make again.
    If my private employment boss was not good with it I would get a new boss. Private employment is an agreed upon contract and I would stick by the agreement I made.

  34. I carry everyday of the week at work and not at work. Anyone can carry if they want to. The real issue is to match your firearm with the clothes you have on. The north America arms 22’s or a Tarus 22 or the Beretta 21a and Beretta 32 are easily consealed.

    It was a man with a 38 caliber revolver who stopped an assault on a church in South Africa. The attackers were all armed with fully automatic weapons. If the college students at Virginia Tech had 38’s or 22’s in stead of nothing most of them would be alive today.
    You don’t need a “big bad gun”.

  35. I haven’t had a regular job(in one location) in 26 years. And I didn’t care then. NOW it would depend on how I cared about said job. I have NO advice except protect yourself…

  36. I wish the pharmacist in the video had done a double-tap or triple-tap initially. It looked like he paused after the first shot and that it gave the perp a chance to pull off a shot.

    This is a good lesson on shooting at least 2 or 3 (or more) shots on an armed person to be certain he doesn’t get a shot off himself.

  37. I work on base, so no. I don’t carry. Thankfully, I’m behind SEVERAL layers of restricted access.

  38. Yes! Thankfully I work where concealed carry is not prohibited, but if it were I would still carry.

  39. Yes, I would carry. I wouldn’t tell anyone. Concealed means concealed. A friend of mine works at the main CDC campus in Atlanta and they are subject to actual vehicle searches. If not then why not.

  40. I would and I do. What’s the saying? Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

  41. I’m a delivery driver for a company that has been in the news quite a bit as of late. I carry at work and my manager has the “don’t ask, don’t tell” thing going on. Even though he knows. I’m not going to let any company policy make me a victim.

  42. It was easier to carry at school than at work. You can fit just about any gun you want in a book bag. My philosophy is that if they don’t provide any security guards or metal detectors to stop me, then it won’t stop anyone else. Therefore, my security is my own responsibility (which it is anyway, but if they’re actually willing to enforce their free fire zone with real security measures, then I’ll feal more comfortable disarming myself).

  43. If it’s illegal, no, I wouldn’t. I feel very strongly that I also wouldn’t take that job if possible.

    If it’s banned by company policy, yes. I also wouldn’t take such a job if I had the choice.

  44. Well, I have…concealed means concealed and all that. And I carried at one where I wasn’t sure whether it was banned or not, but I was in a good position to get “forgiveness” if I didn’t actually have “permission”. I might also point out it was “off-body carry” (briefcase, lunch box, PC case and such)

  45. It depends on the job, if I dealt with the public, or they had access to my area, I would carry whatever I could keep hidden, at least a small .380. If I was away from the public, and they had no access to my area, I probably wouldn’t.

  46. I have carried for 35 years or so, long before it was acceptable to do so or an issue anyone talked about. The only time I’m not carrying is when I have to go through a secure area where I’m searched. Policies and rules written by insurance companies and forced on businesses don’t trump my right to armed self defense, and I could care less what they say.

  47. My favorite “weapon free” sign the USPS where we coined the phrase “Going Postal”, where a good number of disarmed employees where military trained and anyone of them might have mitigated, or outright stopped the outrage…or Kenya (similar laws to colonial UK) but more lawless. It is better to have and not need than need and not have.
    Modern schools, churches, free speech meetings….I’m a fan of well thought out concealment and “don’t ask, don’t tell”.

  48. I wish I could. The people that my company has been hiring lately… Yeah real cream of the crop with prison tats. The type of guys that stare you down right after bumping into you and watch you very carefully when you put your wallet away at the lunch truck. Yes I wish the owners of the company I work for cared about me enough to “allow” me to defend myself.

  49. Guns and knives are prohibited where I work. But we have seveal layers of security in that we have a little gate and unarmed trailer trash working for minimum wage in the little guard house. Now, here is the mind blower; in that the same trailer court security guards are at the Urban Training Center guarding our unarmed elite forces ( such as unarmed Navy SEALS) which is about 7 miles from my place of employment.

  50. Just took a job at a small company where the owner is slightly disappointed if we DON’T carry. So, I’ve been carrying at work, daily, for about a month. I’m starting to think my carry gun is defective….not once has it jumped out and started shooting my coworkers….

  51. I have. At the City Attorney’s Office where I was Prosecutor for 71/2 years, we were not allowed to carry. I always did. Only my secretary knew. I also carried at both colleges where I was an adjunct prof, despite their “no guns” policy.

  52. I’m in the military and would like to keep my Top Secret clearance, therefore: no comment.

  53. Weapons are prohibited by the company I work for. I work at a local airport, so concealed carry laws are iffy. I mostly work in an office and am rarely if at all in controlled ramp or secure areas. With terrorism on the rise, and the glaring security gaps at most airports, I would definitely “theoretically” carry a CZ P07 with 15+1 rounds in a tucked waistband holster. I’d rather lose my job and get fined, then have my life or my co-workers lives taken by some nutjob with nothing to lose.

  54. I worked the a state government. I carried ever since I got a permit about 1983 or so. Now I work in a retirement home and carry also. I have permits (even though the 2nd Amendment is supposed to still be in effect) from WA, OR and UT.

  55. Yes, yes I would. My life is infinitely more important than any job or career, and I’m no good to anyone dead in any case.

  56. Well I don’t carry at all currently. :p I have thought about it a lot since I believe they DO ban weapons at work. But they do have the CYA language about following local laws, so I don’t know where they stand.

    I think I probably would if I thought I could do it discretely. Maybe someday I’ll work somewhere where they encourage it. Wouldn’t that be nice?

  57. We don’t have any no-carry rules; my boss stated that he always carries when he is here on weekends. The IT guy implied that he is always carrying, and specifically stated that when he goes to the co-lo (offsite), that he ALWAYS carries, and, if I go there, I should too. Both of them are range officers at one of the local ranges.

    If my workplace did not allow it, it would depend; if it had the force of law behind it, then I would not, if it didn’t, then it would entirely depend on my judgment of how difficult it would be to replace the job.

  58. The near universal ban on employees carrying while working exists for one fundamental
    reason…….money. If a bad guy runs amok killing employees or criminals the company
    isn’t liable. If ANYONE gets even a scratch and an employee with a gun was involved then
    the shysters will start circling and the company could be held financially liable. Criminals are rarely held financially accountable for the damage they do….they don’t have the resources. But companies DO have money and because of the insanity of our legal system they can be on the hook for all kinds of damages if an employee does anything but submit like a good little victim.

    Until the legal system is trashed and rebuilt into a justice system expect this insanity to continue. And unless a company that posts ‘no carry’ is forced to assume ALL liability for ANY harm caused on their premises for disarming honest people don’t expect the disarmament fever to abate.

  59. Been there, did that. Worked for an unnamed federal land managing agency that prohibited carry of any gun unless you were facing bears in Alaska. Worked (alone) in an area that was popular with meth cookers who hauled their camp trailer cooker out to the lands in question, so you never knew if you were about to meet a freaked-out cooker. Radio coverage sucked, and even if you could contact base, help was 2 hours away.

    I had a state carry permit, and an-innocent-looking royal blue belt pouch – for my Leatherman tool and “emergency supplies” – including a J-frame S&W .38 with a few reloads. Not as effective as an AR, but it sure beat praying. And I never mentioned carrying a gun to anyone, no matter how well I thought I knew them and considered them friends. Figured it was better to be fired by the employer than dead. Never needed it, but it was there just in case. “Guns are like a parachute – better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.”

  60. My boss is very liberal (a good kind of liberal! 🙂 ) about carrying a gun at work. I work for a software company. There are 116 employees; 104 men and 12 women. Almost every guy carries a gun. Strange none of the women do. We have to show HR that we have a concealed carry permit. I personally carry two guns on me at all times; a Glock 22 and 27. I usually ride my motorcycle to work so I carry my Glock 22 in a Galco shoulder rig with a quad carrier which allows 4 backup magazines. I also carry two additional magazines On my right boot. I only wear boots. Two are harness boots and one is a police boot. My Glock 27 is carried in a modified ankle holster. My boots are 14, 16, and 18 inches tall. My modifications to the ankle holster includes a 12 inch rod and a cllip that tightly holds the rig too my boot. The rod goes down the boot. I also have three ties strapping the rig to my boot. This further prevents the rig from moving around. Because I ride a GSXR 750 (sports bike AKA as a rice rocket- great bike). I carry my back up gun unloaded in my backpack. I load the gun immediately when I get to work. I also always have a Knife on me.

    In my last job we were not allowed to carry a gun. I did so anyway in the holster attached To my boot. If caught I would have been fired. That was a concern but my security is more important than any job!

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