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Reader Matthew L. writes:

If crime and murders are at a 30-year low, shouldn’t the gun control crowd be happy?  Why aren’t they touting that existing gun laws have led to these historic low violent crime rates? Why aren’t FBI crime stats not the main headline for gun controllers?  “See see, the gun laws we advocated lead to a lower crime rate!” Doesn’t this expose their real objectives like a flashlight on roaches?

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  1. The best thing about anti-gunners is the extreme lengths they go to lie. They become self-exposing. Only the dumbest of the dumb don’t see through it at this point….

  2. I remember anti gunners tried this in the 90s. Crime was supposed to be at Mad Max levels by the end of the 90s, but things turned around and crime fell. The antis tried claiming it was the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban responsible for this. However this argument fell apart when it was pointed out that crime started falling in 1991, before those bills went into effect.

    • don’t forget that the same AWB that they claimed lowered crime was also made toothless because manufacturers took advantage of “loopholes” in the law to keep selling “assault weapons”.

  3. Gun banners have an irrational fear of a tool. I Don’t think it’s ever going away. Relativism rules our lives today, and as long as there is no objective right or wrong, emotionalism will rule.
    “I feel guilty and fearful about guns, therefore they must be eliminated.”
    You can argue with an overly emotional person until your blue in the face. The truth will never light their intellect. In the meantime living a good happy life by example might actually make them think.

    • Exactly. Guns are extremely fear-inducing to them, and long as said fear exists, they will strive for civilian disarmament with all their might.

  4. Gun control advocates or anti-civil rights bigots will never be satisfied just as a child throwing a tantrum over some trivial incident cannot be reasoned with. Those who are intolerant of natural rights or constitutionally protected rights want what they want just because they want it. If you give in to them, they will just want something else.

  5. Sure. They’ll be happy when we’re dead. Along with our white privilege, our male privilege, our pro-Americanism, our religions, our Constitution and our votes.

    You really don’t think that gun control has anything to do with guns, do you? I mean, do you really?

    • I’d bet that once they get what they really want from us (which is pretty much the list you just gave). they’ll turn on each other.

      • Probably right. Revolutions have a way of devouring their own, especially when they themselves are illegitimate.

  6. The anti-gun crowd will be happy with gun control once only bad people are harmed, only inner-city people are harmed, only gangs and thugs are harmed, only people living in slums are harmed. Not good people who live in nice neighborhoods where they can feel safe and un-threatened. Bad people with guns harming bad people in bad places is just the cost of freedom in America.

  7. No, they will only be satisfied when they feel 100% safe 100% of the time. That is one of the key tenants of the impossible fantasy utopia they have in their heads.

    • Interestingly enough even in those bastions of “perfect” gun control – jails and prisons – where even the most hardened of criminals are prevented from exercising their natural right to own firearms, NOBODY ever feels 100% safe or secure. Imagine that.

      • How many of these gun grabbers live in inner-city or gang-controlled neighborhoods? The grabbers all live in a world (and neighborhoods) where crime is almost non-existent. They are only concerned about themselves and those like them. The racism and haughtiness of the “superior” people like gun grabbers is astounding. And think about it….where do most of these people find their kindred spirit? In the Democrat Party (and the like). Which political party hosted the most aggressively racist members….Democrat Party (btw, they are called Democrats, not Democratics).

  8. No way, Jose. I wouldn’t be surprised that in an entirely [impossible] gun free world, when non-gun violence is rampant, the anti-gun folks will STILL be unable to grasp what has happened. They will be floating down that river in Egypt.

  9. No, because it’s exactly like that scene in the Matrix where Morpheus is explaining the Matrix to Neo that leads to the Red and Blue pill choice.

    “It’s the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.”

    Aka, everyone is a nice person and nothing bad will ever happen to me mentality. It’s juvenile and pervasive today. Sadly among many adults that live in gated communities.

    It’s mostly a result of the 21st century where everything is given to us on a silver platter and everything is instant gratification. Wars are fought on distant lands and they never affect the majority of the population, much less the vocal priviledged minority that don’t have a stake in anything substantial because they just focus on getting rich.

  10. The true believers? No, whether they are the rank-and-file irrational gun-o-phobes, or the top-tier nanny-statists, at least not until we are all in a government-run gulag masquerading as a kind of giant day-care center. And maybe not even then. The empty-nester “moms” who need a cause to keep occupied? Maybe when they find another cause that offers a little more positive reinforcement. The Andy Parker attention whores? not as long as they keep getting attention or think they can keep getting attention. The Ladd Everitt donation-beggars? Not as long as they can squeeze a buck out of some gullible true believer. Have I left anyone out?

  11. BTW, that’s just a mean picture up top; those poor folks couldn’t even find enough people to hold up all their signs at once. If I thought about it long enough, I might start to feel bad for them. Then again, maybe not…

  12. They will not be satisfied until all citizens are unarmed and completely dependent upon the Government. Hopefully, it will be a cold day in Hell before this happens.

  13. Of course they won’t. They are r-selects that don’t want anyone to be as vulnerable as they are. K-selects think nothing of defending themselves, and that means fewer K-selects victimized which means more K-select babies. r-selects do just fine living under predation because they can breed faster to replenish whatever the predators take. K-selects not so much because they have to spend so much effort on each child and have fewer of them. What we are witnessing are two diametrically opposed gene-sets as an undercurrent to literally everything in human society. r-selects are completely self destructive, and cannot survive without K-selects, and in fact require K-selects to create the conditions for r-selects to even arise. The r-selects have successfully destroyed every advanced civilization in history at the height of it’s power.

    • Of course they won’t. They are r-selects that want anyone to be as vulnerable as they are, because they can take the hit better than K-selects. K-selects think nothing of defending themselves, and that means fewer K-selects victimized which means more K-select babies. r-selects do just fine living under predation because they can breed faster to replenish whatever the predators take, so take away the K-selects main ability to defend itself and it will slowly die out. What we are witnessing are two diametrically opposed gene-sets as an undercurrent to literally everything in human society. r-selects are completely self destructive, and cannot survive without K-selects, and in fact require K-selects to create the conditions for them to even arise. The r-selects have successfully destroyed every advanced civilization in history at the height of it’s power.

      If you don’t have any idea what I’m talking about, search Youtube>Stefan Molyneux> gene wars. It’s a couple hours out of your life, that will change the way you view politics completely.

  14. No they won’t be satisfied,because gun control isn’t about guns.

    When they’ve outlawed guns they will move on to knives, or motorcycles or video games or something else.

    It’s about control.

    • AND…

      If they ever run out of things to control they will lose their “hipness and edginess” and the organization heads will lose their fat paychecks.

  15. Nope, because ‘trigger events’ will always happen, just like they still do in strict gun control countries (France, UK, Australia, Norway) and every time they will call for more restrictions, more bans, and more control. It will never stop.

  16. There are only two kinds of anti-gunners, the Elitists that want the unwashed masses disarmed, and the cowards who are afraid to embrace their own self-defense, so they want the option completely off the table. Neither will rest and we will have to continue the fight for freedom.

    • There’s actually more going on than that. The elitists tend to be highly educated professionals who are convinced that highly trained professionals are superior humans and therefore only highly trained professionals should be allowed to do anything. I’ve encountered this with hunting, people who think that if numbers of deer need to be controlled, then the state should employ professional hunters and allow no one else to hunt. They’re the same kind of people who end up giving us laws that won’t let anyone but a professional electrician even change a light switch cover plate.

      This group overlaps with a group many call cowards, but they aren’t, really; they’re just not adults, regardless of the age of their bodies. They were raised by parents determined to make sure their little darlings never had to suffer from ANYTHING that they had to face, and so protected their kids from any kind of adversity. That gave us an educational system devoted more to protecting fragile egos than imparting problem-solving skills. The result is a vast section of the population that believes deep down that they should never have to face adversity, and they respond to anything that smells of adversity the same way their parents responded to any potential threats to their little darlings: take it out of the environment!

      The problem is that with this course in life, they never had to learn to actually deal with people — someone else always solved conflicts for them, making sure everyone “plays nice”. So they learned that only objects can be threats, never even becoming capable of understanding that objects are just objects, things grown-ups have to learn to handle safely, or that people can be threats — and indeed that people are always the most dangerous threats. At gut level, where they don’t even realize they’re doing it, they believe in a higher power, a giant version of the parents who took all dangerous objects out of their environments. Since those parents were the ones who made the rules for them, they instinctively regard the institutions that make rules as the “mega-parents” who are expected to keep objects that could hurt them out of their lives.

  17. No, they won’t be satisfied until all regular citizens are disarmed. There are two basic groups at work here. The first are the “true-believers” who actually think that taking guns away will make things all better. They are the face of the anti movement. The others are the ones who, for purposes of politics and control, want the citizenry disarmed so as to aid their power grab. The second group uses the first as a shield and a propaganda tool. The true-believers, while they are the ones who are most visible, are the less dangerous of the groups. It’s the big-power players in the back that fund this stuff and that’s the people you should keep your eye on.

  18. Gonz480 has it right. It’s not about guns, it’s about control and I hope that is never forgotten. The antis want the guns and control. Check out the dictatorships in the world.

  19. In short NO. Gun control advocates will never be satisfied because they don’t see their rainbows and unicorns version of utopia, so they think they didn’t go far enough. Even a “final solution” to law abiding firearm owners will not achieve their desired results so they will continue the persecution of all other perceived threats, with the sole exception of criminals.

    In the Marxist dialectic, criminals are considered ideaologically close, and citizens are considered to be ideaologically apart.

    • The libbies will never be satisfied until all weapons-owners, homeowners, cissexuals, heteronormatives, males, whites, Xtians, members of the bourgeoisie, and PC-users are rounded up and sent to the death camps, and then said libbies will OD on narcotics and boxed wine, anyway.

  20. No.

    It’s the never ending battle between tyrants and dictators with their useful idiots and those that they try to enslave.

    It’s the battle between good and evil. People that desire to be free will need never ending vigilance in defending against the evil in the hearts of men that will never accept anything but absolute obeisance to thier sick need for total control.

  21. In a word, no.

    To quote John Philpott Curran, “It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which Man hath been given liberty is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt.”

    It is always the goal of those in power to acquire ever more power, and they care not that it always comes at the expense of The People. In fact, they actively demand it. Ceding our liberty to them — the State — they say, will enable them to provide us with more security. Except that, both historically and in modernity, we lose both to those wholly uninterested in delivering on their false promises. They are always active in their quest for expanding their control and authority over their fellows, and are always demanding that all statutory prohibitions be struck down, whether by law or by court ruling. Notice, now, that I fail to mention any moral scruples against them; they have none, having long-abandoned what they had on entering their stead.

    This is the principle upon which skeptical minds build their inherent mistrust of governments, and indeed of all authority: public office only attracts they very worst of us, no matter how refined, intelligent, well-spoken, and charismatic they appear to us.

    It’s truly ironic to see, then, those that favor an ever more powerful and centralized State authority cite this evil, this dishonesty and deception, and this corruption, as the very reasons why an ever more powerful State is needed. They either fail to realize or willfully remain blissfully unaware that the State is corrupt, untrustworthy, and evil. That no number of elections, already out-right purchased with their own dollars by those entities they see as their allies and “representatives”, will ever reverse this trend. That “the right people” for the office, whatever position this may be, do not exist; those so qualified do not want that power, and they do not seek it, either.

  22. I am an Australian and can tell you right now they are never satisified.

    They have effectively banned all semi auto long arms and pump action shotguns. They are constantly going after the handguns we are allowed to own under very strict conditions.

    Recently they have started their attack on lever action firearms and pump action rifles.

    So Americans if they ban your semi autos that the great thing you have to look forward to them attempting to ban next.
    It never ends, only once all the guns are gone and even not then. They also target crossbows and compound bows as well. Crossbows are already licensed items in most of the coubtry and they keep pushing to restrict compound bows as well.

  23. I am an Australian and can tell you right now they are never satisified.

    They have effectively banned all semi auto long arms and pump action shotguns. They are constantly going after the handguns we are allowed to own under very strict conditions.

    Recently they have started their attack on lever action firearms and pump action rifles.

    So Americans if they ban your semi autos that the great thing you have to look forward to them attempting to ban next.
    It never ends, only once all the guns are gone and even not then. They also target crossbows and compound bows as well. Crossbows are already licensed items in most of the country and they keep pushing to restrict compound bows as well.

  24. If crime and murders are at a 30-year low, shouldn’t the gun control crowd be happy? Why aren’t they touting that existing gun laws have led to these historic low violent crime rates?

    Of course not! And, it’s because their goal has NOTHING to do with reducing crime or even eliminating crime. Rather, they aim to eliminate lawful ownership of guns as THE way to CONTROL citizens. It’s got nothing to do with crime…. or “safety.” It never did. It never will.

  25. Never, ever, ever. In Australia they’ve banned pump-action and lever-action guns as “rapid-fire” murder machines. I can imagine even single-shot rifles being banned eventually. “Why do you need a sniper weapon that can kill someone a mile away? Can’t you use a bow? Not a crossbow or compound bow, those are too deadly, but we’ll let you have a traditionally-made wooden recurve bow or longbow if you agree to be monitored by the government like a convicted rapist of children.”

  26. The gun grabbers will never stop until you (individually and collectively) become as submissive, controlled and government-dependent as they are. You must decide to give-up your guns voluntarily for “the greater good” (as they define it) and accept your role as a compliant subject of the State whose existence is only permitted by and useful to the State. Your liberty, life and self-determination have no value, except as allowed, dictated and sustained by the State.

    The gun grabbers are the stooges and useful idiots of those who actually hold power and control resources. The truly powerful see a World where more and more people are vying for resources becoming dangerously stretched to the Planet’s limit. The only answer they see is to control, homogenize and render the populous incapable of refusing to comply with what must be done to manage the growing crisis. The old ideas of the American Republic: life, liberty and the pursuit of (individual) happiness and self-determination no longer serve the present situation. The paradigm that made the American Republic into the greatest, most prosperous Nation the World had ever seen is now no longer useful, or sustainable, and must be discarded. It must be replaced with a new paradigm wherein privately Armed individuals are more dangerous to the new iteration of the necessary State than can be permitted or is useful.

    Hence, the relentless calls for more and more “gun control” leading to eventual banning of the private possession of firearms, then other Arms, until the majority of the population is effectively disarmed is financed and pursued. Meanwhile, our next generation is thoroughly indoctrinated into a new view of what the World must be like and duped into thinking they are fighting the good fight while actually being trained to fit the new paradigm.

    This is a long game because we have a few score years before we reach “critical mass” between population and resources. Those who hold the real power in the World have played the “long game” for centuries and understand far better than us peasants for whom the long game is measured by our lifespans.

    As the man says, “Smoke ’em if you got ’em.” while you can.

    So, “No” to your first question and “Yes” to your last question.

    Oh, and if in the meantime we should happen to kill-off 3 or 4 billion people, the paradigm will change to whatever is needed and useful in the new situation.

  27. Antigunners will one day be satisfied, because guns will be obsolete compared to lasers and nobody will care about them anymore just how nobody really cares about regulating halberds anymore. Until then, they can only be truly satisfied by the confiscation of all guns from civilian hands.

    It starts with the machineguns. They have too much firepower. So you surrender them. And there is peace again.
    Then they come for the shorties. They are too concealable. So you surrender them. And there is peace again.
    Then they come for the suppressors. They are too quiet. So you surrender them. And there is peace again.
    Then they come for the explosives. They are too dangerous. So you surrender them. And there is peace again.
    Then they come for the magazines. They are too big. So you surrender them. And there is peace again.
    Then then come for the large bores. They are too fearsome. So you surrender them. And there is peace again.
    Then they come for the semiautomatics. They are too similar to machineguns. So you surrendder them. And there is peace again.
    Then they come for the pistols. They are too compact. So you surrender them. And there is peace again.
    Then they come for the 22’s. They have much too numerous ammo. So you surrender them. And there is peace again,
    Then they come for the revolvers. They are much too discrete with casings. So you surrender them. And there is peace again.
    Then they come for the repeaters. They are too swift. So you surrender them. And there is peace again.
    Then they come for the rifles. They are too accurate. So you surrender them. And there is peace again,
    Then they come for the shotguns. They are too imprecise. So you surrender them. And there is peace again.
    Then they come for the muzzle loaders. They are too dangerous. So you surrender them. And peace rains forevermore, now that there is nothing left to lose.

    They will never ban your machinegun. They will ban your bullet hose.
    They will never ban your concealed carry piece. They will ban your assassin pistol.
    They will never ban your wilderness handgun. They will ban your hi-powered assault pistol.
    They will never ban your modern sporting rifle. They will ban your assault weapon.
    They will never ban your full-size handgun. They will ban your military sidearm.
    They will never ban your magazines. They will ban your high capacity assault clips,
    They will never ban your big bore rifle. They will ban your antitank rifle.
    They will never ban your shotgun. They will ban your animal cruelty lead sprayer.
    They will never ban your 22. They will ban your cheap murder training gun.
    They will never ban your black powder. They will ban your dangerous obsolete musket.
    They will never ban your rifle. They will call it a high power sniper rifles.

    No gun is small enough for the antigun crowd. No gun is big enough for the antigun crowd. No gun has enough safety features for the antigun crowd. No gun is complicated enough for the antigun crowd. No gun is simple enough for the antigun crowd.

    If they ban small handguns first, they will ban big ones next for being powerful and accurate.
    If they ban large handguns first, they will ban small ones next for being quiet an concealable.
    If they ban high power/low ROF rifles first, they will ban lower caliber/high ROF rifles next for being tactical.
    If they ban low caliber/high ROF rifles first, they will ban high power/low ROF rifles next for being too strong.
    If they ban automatic operation first, they will ban manual operation next for allowing stronger, sharper guns.
    If they ban manual operation first, they will ban automatic operation next for allowing faster cycling.

    To them, every big gun is meant only to murder from a mile away. To them, every small gun is meant to kill in a crowd. A weapon meant just for hunting is unacceptable, because it is more powerful than the weapons used by security forces for fighting. A weapon meant for tactical use is unacceptable, because it resembles service weapons used for killing.

    They do not look rationally at firearms. A weapon too large, heavy, and expensive to be practical for hoodlums to hold up stores with is meant to wreak havoc from over the horizon where the shooters are safe. A weapon too small, light, and inexpensive to be much more than a last ditch backup option is the perfect weapon for using secretly for robbery and murder.

    No gun will ever be okay with them. They will be satisfied with civilian gun laws when there are no more civilian guns.

    • guns will be allowed in the bad sections of town, because those guns are used to kill the right kind of people. people the gun grabbers do not care about, do not want to live near, do not want to visit, do not want in the wonderful world of adult size children happily frolicking in their nice safe neighborhoods.

  28. I’m pretty sure that gun grabbers will only ever be truly happy once guns are completely eradicated from the Earth. So. No.

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