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Chicago’s been out of ideas for a long time. “More gun control!” Yawn. That’s so 1974. Apparently acknowledging that fact, they’re appealing to Chicagoans for advice on dealing with the city’s massive gun violence problem. “The city of Chicago is asking residents with ideas on how to solve the problem of illegal guns to share them – in 140 characters or less on Twitter. The initiative grew out of preparations for Chicago Ideas Week, an annual forum for innovators, artists, scientists and others to share ideas and inspire action. Those who think they know how to cut off the flow of illegal guns into Chicago’s streets are being asked to tweet them with the hashtag (hash)whatifchicago.” We’re sure they won’t mind a little input from non-residents, too,  so what suggestion will you be tweeting to Hizzoner?

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  1. The majority of responses are spot on. People advocating for CCW. Good job. Now watch as Rahm laughs and passes another anti-gun law.

  2. Nothing for 2 reasons. First, I know my pro 2A, CCW comments and ideas would be dismissed out of hand. Second, and most importantly, I’m not a member of the Twatter community.

    • Thank you for not being a Twit. A part of my soul dies every time that Twits talk about Tweeting…it serves no purpose whatsoever. If you have something worth saying, it can be said without an arbitrary character limit that forces you to murder the English language.

      • I can give you a real-world counter-example. I live on a dirt road with a hill so steep that sometimes chains on all fours don’t do the trick. Sometimes we get four feet of snow in one day or weekend, other times just six inches.

        There are about 5 houses on this road. I go out of town a fair bit, and sometimes come back to unknown conditions, especially if the phone lines are down. I’d love to set up a twitter account for this road and get the four other occupants on it, then we could tweet road conditions from some pretty dumb cell phones.

        Just because your imagination is too limited doesn’t mean things have no use.

        • I will reply to myself instead of @Bill because I don’t get a Reply link on his comment.

          One text to Twitter beats texting everyone individually.

          Tweets don’t interrupt the recipients. They hang around until people want to look for them.

  3. “I can see why you aren’t solving this problem, Rahm. Every one that dies, violently or otherwise, is a guaranteed, permanent addition to the voter rolls.”

  4. Rahm, buy an apartment in the worst area of the city and live out if it without security.
    Live the way you force a large section of your law-abiding population to live.

    After a month or two, perhaps you’ll understand the problem isn’t the guns on the street but the intentions, motives, and actions of those who were willing to obtain and use them illegally. Perhaps you might even think the law-abiding having the means to defend themselves would be a good idea.

    Disarming the victims never reduces crime, it only makes it easier for the criminal.

  5. Increase social programs to keep kids off streets (which keeps kids out of gangs) and encourage concealed carry. Ohh, and quit sending cops to conventions when you have a CRIME PROBLEM.

  6. Mayor Rahm,

    Why are you trying to keep people from owning and having access to a practical tool to defend themselves and their family from aggressors who seek to rob and murder them? We are both Jewish men and we both know the history of what happens to unarmed weaker people from aggressors whether they are a foreign power or the domestic government, gangs and individual criminals. You cannot create a security state here as exists in Israel. The politics, populations, demographics, diversity, and cultural values are vastly different. Any nanny-police state overseeing a disarmed diverse multi-national America will eventually collapse. Then street crime will become more akin to massacres and genocides group against group. Take the right honorable act and honor the ancient codes that call for every family to own and use arms for self-defense of themselves and other innocent people.

    • Good message, but loo long. Twitter messages (tweets) must be no more than 140 characters in length. Of course, that means that intelligent conversation on Twitter is prohibited, by the very nature of the medium.

      • True about Twitter. I actually just wrote it for you all having no intention of giving the Chicago government my contact information. Did you notice how the the question was how to get illegal guns off the street rather than reduce crime?

  7. Personally, I expect the mayor to advance his megalomaniac, dictatorial agenda. (And I expect Chicago to collapse and burn.) To that end would encourage the Mayor to declare Martial Law and absolute curfew from sunset to sunrise. “You’ve got SWAT! So USE them!!!” and “Show the Gangs who’s really in charge!!!” That should unite the gangs nicely.

    I would add, “NYC uses Stop-and-Frisk and so should Chicago”.

    And more fuel to the fire… “Seize the assets of all Gang members and their families and those who house them. Then kick them all out of town.”

    After that, “Declare an emergency situation and suspend Due Process.” And “Issue Shoot-on-Sight orders to all police on all gang members.”

    Followed by “Suspend elections until the gang/crime crisis is past.”

    After the city burns to the ground due to these top-down controls, Chicago can be a warning on how NOT to run a city.

    • Don’t kick ’em out of town! We’ve got too many of those scumbags emmigrating from Chicago into my town already.

    • Don’t kick ’em out of town! Already have too many of those scumbags emmigrating from Chicago to my city.

  8. This is the first time I have actually considered getting a Twitter account. I’d likely also tell hizzoner to live in a low income project without security and see what it’s like.

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