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“’We’re starting a new group,’ said Coy Tolonen, who lives in unincorporated Clackamas County. ‘We don’t feel neighborhood watch is sufficient, and we don’t feel the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office is sufficient.’ Tolomon and a group of Jennings Lodge neighbors say they’re responding to escalating crime on their block by also making fliers that read ‘This is a Glock block. We don’t call 911.'” That, from on the latest trend in law (self) enforcement — those unwilling to wait the minutes (or more) it can take for the local 5-0 to make the scene are providing for their own common defense . . .

The KOIN story makes it sound like it’s only a short step from there to shoot, shovel and STFU. And they dutifully advise that “Police, of course, caution against any vigilantism.” Because who wants another Trayvon-like media circus on their hands? Still, that’s always good advice. Let your conscience (and your attorney) be your guide.

But in light of local budget cuts and correspondingly longer response times, especially in larger, more rural locales, people like Tolomon figure, if not us, who? If not now, when? Have you banded together with like-minded neighbors to keep an eye on things? Would you? Do you live on a Glock (or Smith or Kahr) block?

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  1. That sign might as well say “This is a block where everyone has cool guns to steal when we’re not home.”


    “This entire block is now at increased liability for a civil suit in case of a DGU.”

    • Not hardly. It’s more like “Go ahead, make my day”. It’s a know and documented fact that this will deter far more criminals than not; and very unlikely that a prosecution for self-defense will take place. Remember, that Trayvon, the teen-aged black criminal case is only a result of Obuthead getting involved, false media coverage, and minority groups claiming racism, much like the OJ trial!

      • A gang operating in north Minneapolis has been targeting homes with American flags, they feel that is an indicator of individuals who may own guns. So yeah, they look for that stuff. OTOH, if they think that they’re being observed by the neighbors, who may be armed, that could be a deterrent.

  2. Well, we People of the Gun are always saying that more guns equal less crime. If the Glock Block suddenly has zero crimes after they’ve been escalating we’ll know for sure.

    What the Glock Block people need to do on their flyers is to outline neighberhoods where the people are outspoken against guns. That could be the control group.

  3. I don’t know about Glock Block, but I passed 4 streets named, Rifle, Revolver, Shotgun, and Barrel in the beautiful Gate City, Virginia today.

  4. Stay away from Double Barrel Road, you are likely to be shot though a door without the person even looking.

  5. No Glock Block here. My area is so peaceful that it’s boring. No crime, no registered sex offenders, nothing. Strangers actually say “hello” to each other on the street. In Massachusetts! It’s amazing.

    A black neighbor who I don’t know saw me carrying a huge load of groceries one day and asked me if I needed a lift home. Inconceivable! A white neighbor — a woman — did the same (I prefer to walk to the grocery store).

    Since I’m retired and single and can go wherever I want, I wouldn’t live in a place that had to be a Glock Block. So, no. I wouldn’t band together with neighbors in a troubled area, because I wouldn’t live there. Not everybody has options, but I’m glad that I do.

  6. If citizens that sit on juries would support this, I imagine it would work splendidly.

      • His labradoodle has the hots for my redtick. He’s cool about the local dogs. When one of the neighbors complained about the racket that my dog put up during her outdoor tea he told her dogs bark, live with it.

  7. MDE is right on target because if any of these fools ever shoots someone, they’ll end up like that dope Zimmerman.

  8. My neighbors have an unwritten, unspoken rule: don’t ask about mine and I won’t ask you about yours.” Other than, “how’s it hangin’?”, I mean.

    I have a neighbor in the next building I’ve seen with a .45 ACP in a holster, sparking a brief conversation about gun shows, which he attends. But I haven’t in a dozen years or more.

    And except for my daughter, who’s looking to buy sometime.

  9. I walk into a local sporting goods store the other day (looking for some practice ammo) and saw an assortment of signs anyone could place on their door, in a window, whatever….. My favorite was “Intruders will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.” It felt like a deterrent to me!

  10. Well no, since I don’t live on a block. Nor have any neighbours……..I can vaguely see a house from mine, if the corn doesn’t get too high… So quiet……. So lonely ;_____;

  11. Every home on the gravel road I live on is family, so if you drive up here hunting trouble you might not make it back to the Asphalt.

  12. In the local media there’s been a lot more made of the group’s emphasis on petty property crimes. Not robberies. Not rapes. Not home-invasion burglaries. Petty property crimes.

    If you’re willing to shoot someone over that you have no business being anywhere around firearms.

    • If you’re willing to commit petty crimes at the risk of being shot, then you have no business in the gene pool.

      It’s not uncommon for petty crimes to evolve into major crimes when left unchecked.

  13. Well, not a Glock Block. More like Kalashnikov Kamp, a few odd ducks with Mossbergs rounds it out.

  14. I love how articles such as these conveniently and consistently forget that SCOTUS has ruled (at least twice IIRC) that the PD has NO duty or obligation to defend any single individual person, but rather society as a whole. In the same breath, though, they demonize people who are aware of that and are not willing to blindly hope that the cops will show up and save the day when schit gets real. These people need to wake up and understand that the LE in LEO stands for “Law Enforcement” meaning that (generally speaking) a crime must have already occurred before they step in. If they had a significant role in preventing bad things form happening, LEOs would then be eligible to be called “Crime Prevention Officers”. But that’s not reality.

  15. The crime rate here is so low that I’m reasonably sure that one could enforce the law sans weapons a’la Andy Griffith. Then again, the village is so small that it’s common to refer to the mayor as ‘Dick’ (his name, not an epithet) and the chief of police as Dennis. I don’t use a password at the bank, I say hello and they pull up my account using personal recognition technology (ie they know me). In any conversation with a ‘stranger’ lasting more than 5 minutes you’re apt to discover that you’re either related, have a friend in common, or both. That said, the whole village is essentially one big Glock Block. We actually investigate car alarms going off in the night, with guns as opposed to the Mayberry method.
    Just across the river from us sits one of the poorest cities in the country with 25% of it’s population below the poverty line and unemployment at staggering levels. Virtually every business over there is a pawnshop, bar, video gambling parlor or strip club. Meanwhile we have no crime. Across the river there is a common perception that our village is policed by xenophobic brutes and that people will call them to any suspicious looking situation. This is cultural dissonance; it’s just that thugs look funny in a village of less than 1000 voters who are essentially all related. Perhaps there is something to having the BGs know that you’re armed and organized.

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