Although I’m happily spoken for, I have a weakness for gun girls. Jessie Duff, for example, is one of the sexiest women alive (not to mention funniest, smartest and most intelligent). So the question is, can a woman “get” — by which I mean attract — a man by being comfortable and proficient with firearms? Did you meet your significant other through guns? Caution! There are Hollywood wanna-be’s who pretend to be alcoholics so they can meet producers at AA. Luckily, there’s a difference between pretending to be an alcoholic and shooting well. But you have been warned.


  1. It couldn’t hurt! I too am a fan of Jessie…MY love wants me to get more guns and ammo-she’s a keeper.

  2. My wife was a hunter before I met her. The best photo I had seen of her (1st date picking her up at her parents) was her wearing tight shorts and a orange sweater holding a .22 and 5 dead squirrels. So my answer is it helped for me!

  3. I’ve never understood why Irving Berlin would include that snappy little ditty in “Annie Get Your Gun.” The musical is a smugly fictionalized story of the romance between Annie Oakley and Frank Butler. In fact, Annie’s shooting prowess is exactly the reason that Butler, also an exhibition shooter, fell for her.

    So the real-life lesson of Annie Oakley is precisely the opposite of the song — you can catch a man with a gun.

  4. my wife was at best ambivalent about guns when we first met, and for the first several years of our living together. and then one day i brought home an M1 Carbine that she flat out fell in love with. I had gotten it for a steal (250$ for the gun and 200 round of ammo) at the local gun show. 15 min after i brought it home from the gun show it was hers, with no argument from me (long story there). she took that gun (it was a piece of junk at the time) and put an enormous amount of work into it (a brand new hand finished stock was just the start of it), and now she actively competes with me over who gets the next gun. She can also use it to shoot the fleas off a dogs back at 100 yards, without a scope. This had lead to her helping introduce our children (2 boys and a girl (and our daughter loves her some full auto thompson time) to the world of firearms. So I definitely got a girl with a gun, even if not quite the way the song intends

    • “I had gotten it for a steal (250$ for the gun and 200 round of ammo) at the local gun show.”

      Gun show? And ammo? You spree-shooting, macho, camo-for-brains bitter clinger, you!

  5. My girl supports the rkba. In fact, after she had a few close calls with stalkers, she says I don’t have enough. And she wants to shoot anything I own.

  6. Oh hell yes! I find proficiency with firearms to be one of the most attractive things about a woman. I go crazy for women who love firearms as much as I do. While it may not attract other men, women with the confidence and those who do not fear inanimate objects will definitely attract me.

    • You know, you can extend this out to any self-proficient female. Can she change her oil and do basic car repair? Unstopper a drain? Run a drill press? I gotta tell you, my wife is a middle school STEM teacher and it’s really attractive to know she can change a bandsaw blade, properly relieve tension on an arc cut with a coping saw, run AutoCAD Inventor and program in Python. Thank God I found her before anyone else that other suitor would have had a fight on his hands.

  7. I suppose a girl could get a man with a gun. Daddy could always hold the shotgun on the boy while they are exchanging wedding vows and handling rattlesnakes.

  8. On the 1-10 scale it grants a bonus of 3 points, or 2/3rds the distance to 10, whichever is less. A 1 becomes a 4, a 5 becomes an 8, a 6 becomes an 8 2/3rds, a 7 becomes a 9, an 8 becomes a 9 1/3… you get the idea.

    • I’ll second what SteveInCO said.

      And this isn’t just bravado. A woman who embraces firearm ownership is confident, responsible, and dare I say even adventurous. Anyone who claims that those attributes do not seriously enhance a person’s attractiveness is a few cards short of a full deck.

    • And on the flip side, one who is anti-gun probably loses 5 or 3/4, whichever is more. Obviously other variables, as some anti-gun types aren’t preachy about it and can potentially be lived with by a mutual agreement, whereas someone less virulent but won’t shut up about it or who keeps trying to use the issue as a wedge/leverage is on borrowed time no matter how much else they have going for them. I’d honestly argue that the anti factor counts for at least double the pro factor (after all, once kids/house/expenses are in the mix, you won’t have much of a gun hobby anyway, lol)

  9. I’ve been listening to Dana Loesch on the radio lately. Yeah, I know, she’s married.
    But her attitude, morals, pro2A stance….. Wow. I like that lady!

    • Tom,

      “But her attitude, morals, pro2A stance”

      And she’s not altogether unattractive. 8>)

  10. I have no use for helpless women.

    I’ve always found women who have traditionally masculine skills to be attractive. If she can shoot, bale hay, change her oil, build stuff… she automatically rises on the hotness scale.

    • Yea. The whole “helpless female” thing is waaaaay over-rated.

      So are high-maintenance women – you know, the one taken out of commission because they chip a nail.

    • I have a good friend who has no use for hunting. He’s not opposed to it, he just isn’t interested in it. His wife, on the other hand, a cute, petite gal, lives for the opening of primitive deer season. She’s a dedicated bow hunter, and generally fills her tag every year. In a classic role reversal, she gets the game (field dresses it and hauls it to the game processor), and since he’s a talented amateur chef, he cooks it.

      It works for them.

      • She keeps him barefoot in the kitchen all day? How awful!

        Sounds like an arrangement Solomon would opine that most men would kill for…

  11. When I was dating, I “red-flagged” women who were virulently anti-gun. Those who were open minded went to the range with me and had a great time. Let’s face it, conservative women are way hotter than liberal progressives.

  12. Oh yes! A woman that actually carries a fire arm for self defense, and is proficient in it’s use? sexy!

    Then, if she can actually out shoot me? (I qualify as expert), I’d ask her to marry me.

  13. Can a woman get a man with a gun? Yes!! Emphatically yes!! An average looking woman is instantly several degrees hotter when she is packing heat and showing she knows how to use it.

  14. Oh, of course. I must presume you are asking this to build up quotable quotes as fodder against the weenies.

    The whole “manly guys, into guy things, only like demure, helpless parasite girls” is propaganda. For anybody comfortable with their own self, more capable, and shared competences is gold.

    Also, thank you for reminding me of a couple most fortunate times, for me.

  15. Indeed my prospective mate checklist begins as follows:

    Female of right age


    Uses Brain (which implies Doesn’t hate guns, doesn’t think Bruce Jenner is now a woman etc)

    So yeah if a prospective wife is anti gun she’s dqed from my list.

    Why would I wan to have kids with somone not willing to help me defend them if need be?

  16. Some women don’t want a man. 🙂 I have many male friends, and shoot with a great bunch of men and women, but I don’t want to take any of them home with me. 🙂 Got enough problems of my own. LOL

        • Sane, attractive, smart, married. Pick any two.

          “I’d never advocate sex, drugs, or insanity for everyone, but they’ve always worked for me.” Hunter S. Thompson…

        • No, never put your D into, that can ruin your life in a hurry. Especially if she put pin holes in the condoms before you use your D. She can also ruin your life with a domestic violence charge even if she is the one that attacks you first, because she thinks you might be cheating, or you catch her cheating.

  17. I know one woman that got a man with a gun. It was ruled self defense and she was never charged with any wrong doing. Worked well for her and society.

  18. A little dab behind the ears with Hoppe’s #9 would have worked for me back in the day for sure. Mrs Rob C is a fine shot and a great cook. Likes the results of the harvest, but prefers the “before” and “after” pics of Bambi – just not the in-between.

    Only a fool marries for just looks and boudoir manners. I lucked out with both plus brainy and like-minded. She didn’t fair so well….

  19. 52 years ago I gave my wife to be a Ruger Bearcat & quick draw rig as engagement gift. And we still have it!

  20. I’m a serial rapist, and women who have guns scare the shit out of me. So my answer is emphatically NO. We need to do something to make it harder for people to buy guns so that I can feel safer!

  21. She probably would have way too many people lining up for the part.

    If I weren’t spoken for, I know that a girl who could shoot and do so well would be catch my attention. I also know one probably wouldn’t pay me the slightest bit of attention in kind.

    • Exactly. I know plenty of women who are into traditionally-masculine hobbies like guns, cars and whatnot, but I’ll go so far as to say that I’ve never even heard of one who’s single.

      It’s most definitely a seller’s market for these kinds of ladies.

  22. women that don’t shoot and WON’T shoot are a deal breaker. If a woman is a better shot than me ( a low bar ) I’d ask her to teach me and ask her to dinner.

  23. My wife took a police firearms course years before I met her for a job as a deputy warden. She ultimately became a biologist and did not shoot again until I started shooting in my late 50s. She now shoots pistol, carbine (AR) and shotgun, and had her carry permit. Although it wasn’t part of our courtship, firearms are an important part of our lives.

  24. Well of course finding a woman who shared an interest with me–ANY interest–is going to be a big plus. Failing that, I’ll settle for “isn’t against it”.

    Actually at this point I’m not in much of a position to be picky…

  25. I met my wife because I shot. One day at Northeastern classes were done early so I hit the range. There I met a guy, Russell who had a range in his back yard. At his range I met another guy, Don. His girlfriend and another friend were at a church lunch having an interesting discussion that attracted the attention of a woman at the next table. And here we are coming up on our 30th anniversary..

    Had I not gone to the range that particular day I would not have met Russell and the rest of the chain of events would never have happened.

  26. Of course I can. It’s up there with “I have my CCW” and “I’m getting my motorcycle license this summer” on hottest things you can say to a guy.

    Then again….

    Better question:

    Can a guy get a woman if he doesn’t like guns?

    If you pick a fight – which, I might add, started out as a casual, off-the-cuff sidenote that exploded into the verbal equivalent of Antietam – with me in the middle of brunch over gun laws and then decide to throw in that the government should hunt down and forcibly remove all firearms from its citizens, followed by a spewing of absolutely nonsensical “facts and figures” you just happened upon while reading the latest Onion article, you bet your newly-single, anti-gun tush that I will spin on my 4 inch heels and walk right out.

    And based on my latest and greatest dating experiences, I’d rather have my guns than guys anyway. Best date ever: me, my .9mm and .45 and a glorious Sunday afternoon at the range.

    • Meghan Meghan Meghan. You were doing great until that last sentence. Maybe it’s the concussion, since you know it isn’t a .9mm. Says so right on the side of your gun.

  27. I met my current GF at an entry-level pistol class. That was nearly 3 years ago. So I’d say, “Yes.”

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