Locked GLOCK (courtesy snapguide.com)

The McGruff the Crime Dog people have launched a new PSA on safe firearms storage. The accompanying “safe firearms storage for dummies” website [250 views and counting] reveals the National Crime Prevention Council’s belief that all guns should be stored with a trigger or chamber lock in place. Really? “Remember to store the key safely after securing the lock,” the site cautions. Yes, there is that. How many keys would that be? And what about the masked elephant in the room? What if you need immediate access to a [loaded] firearm in a life-or-death emergency? So, do YOU store all your guns with a chamber or trigger lock, some or none? If you’d prefer not to answer that question with a personal pronoun, how would you recommend someone else to store their guns?


  1. No

    My suggestion:

    Don’t let anyone know where you store your guns at and if you have kids, teach them firearms safety at a young age.

  2. Short answer: No. There are no children around. When someone visits with their children I move everything that isn’t in the safe or my holster into a locked room.

    • Same here. If it isn’t in my holster, it’s in the Gunvault safe in Condition One.

    • Same. Gunsafe. If I had young kids in the house and did not have a safe, I probably would use a trigger or breech lock.

  3. No – things are secured but not with a trigger or chamber lock

    If you use one of those you might as well not even store the firearm at your house.

  4. No, as well. Though I do keep a gun safe in my bedroom, even though there are no children in the house.

  5. No trigger locks. I am waiting for the electronic, biometric activated gun so I don’t have to worry about lost keys. Just change the battery every 6-mos. Locked gun safe in the meantime for guns I am not carrying.

    • And hope your battery isn’t dead when you really, really need it.

      Or spill water on it.

      Or Jihadists don’t set off an EMP leaving your electronic bio-gun as an odd-shaped (and non-reciprocating) boomerang. 😉

      • there is a way into them, I used to work where many different ones were sold and noticed there is a way around the lock.

        • Locks are to keep honest people out. Locked keys in my old Suburban twice over the years AAA took 15 minutes to get in & broke the vent window the first time. Second an “urban youth” offered to get in for me for $5.00 he was inside in a minute flat w/o doing any damage.

  6. That would result in so many keys on my key ring that I’d probably get mistaken for a high school janitor.

    • FWIW, I actually ordered a whole case of keyed-the-same trigger locks.

      All but 2 are locked – the 2 being my wife’s and my go-to self-defense pistols.

    • I wish I could break my wife of that habit. Every time I start her car the needle is on E.

      Gun/trigger locks are, at best, a poor solution. Such devices do not provide secure storage. I personally have several safes for my (many) firearms.

      • Heh. I think my wife has magically figured out how to operated a car that is perpetually on “E”, as no matter when I get in it, it is ALWAYS on “E”.

        I asked her if she could ‘magic up’ my truck like that. She threw something at me. 😉

  7. I have kids come to the house frequently, so I don’t have much choice–I HAVE to lock them up. And I can’t afford a safe. So trigger/chamber locks are the next best thing, along with putting them somewhere nonspecific.

    My home-defense gun gets locked up as well, but only for as long as the kids are here. When they’re not, it’s loaded and put somewhere I can get to it quickly.

    • We don’t have kids of our own, but family/friends’ kids are over frequently.

      When no kids around, all guns are loaded and ready to rock. The HD ones are located throughout the house and readily accessible (never more than 3-5 steps away).

      When children are present, everything* gets stored (still loaded) in the downstairs utility/storage closet, an area where no unsupervised guests have access to. That closet door is secured with a hasp and padlock, which will rip out if given a hard enough pull from an adult, but not a young child.

      *Not excatly everything: When kids are over I conceal carry an SP101 and a couple of speed loaders and there’s a quick access safe with a GP100 in the main bedroom, as well as a loaded (unchambered) shotgun in the bedroom closet, which is locked. That bedroom is locked and strictly off limits to guests as well**.

      In other words, everything super secure from curious children, but still accessible in an emergency.

      ** I know some people might balk at the idea of loaded guns being anywhere near children, but there’s basically zero chance that of one of them will: A) Break into the bedroom; B) Also break into the locked closet; C) Climb up to the top shelf of the closet to find and pull the shotgun down; D) Release the safety; E) Work the action release; and F) Rack a round into the chamber.
      I mean if they can do all of that, then no safe/trigger lock, etc is going to stop them.

  8. Re: Boating accident….. What guns?

    In all seriousness though, the answer is a resounding NO. Secondly, most trigger locks also have the pin that goes through the trigger guard so the thought of using one on a loaded weapon seems insane to me.

  9. Negative.

    When my 7 year old niece or the kids from my church youth group come to visit, I lock all my gun cases (my apartment is too small for a safe). The rest of the time, my firearms and ammo are readily available for quick access should the need arise.

  10. Nope. But I don’t have children in my house pretty much ever, and strangers are rare, as well. Most guns are cased and out of sight in various places, but there’s also an AR-in-progress spread out on the dining room table, so it’s not exactly a secret there are guns in the house.

  11. No.

    After hearing stories about accidental shootings because they thought the gun was unloaded, I keep all mine loaded so there is no question. You see a gun…it is loaded.

    ATF requires that all guns acquired from a licensed dealer have a lock with the gun. Now have a basket full of locks to store.

    • I was watching Jeff Quinn reviewing a gun once. He was showing what came with, including the gun lock. He says “You also get this nice padlock you can use on your gates or something.”

  12. No. No children. I should get a better safe in case a criminal breaks in while I’m away (it might not prevent my guns being stolen, but it will at least make it harder for a thief to walk away with them).

  13. Trigger locks on all my guns? For pete’s sake, I’d be broke buying all those trigger locks.

    And trying to put them on the guns at the bottom of that lake (because of the tragic canoeing accident) would be problematic.

    • Electronic boxes are a death trap. It is a given that at the moment you actually need it the battery will be dead, it won’t recognize your fingerprint, you’ll input the wrong code, etc.

      Thanks for the video though. The one thing I didn’t know was the Abloy locks. I’m going to grab a few of those to replace the canister locks on a few things I have.

  14. Since I home carry, yes. Locked in a closet and locked in a storage cabinet. Home carry firearm is either on me (for Shannon that means no lock) or in a non biometric small gun safe from fas1safe.com. I’m not tied to this fellow in anyway, but this is an awesome pistol safe! Not biometric.

  15. Where did we get this idea that sticking something inside the trigger guard makes it safer?

    • ^This.

      Unless you’re unloading it first, putting a trigger lock on your gun is actually a negligent discharge waiting to happen.

      And if it’s unloaded, what’s the point of the lock… prevent dry firing?

  16. Locked, (combination and optional key which I rarely use), but no trigger locks or chamber locks. I do put a yellow empty chamber indicator in them, though. Sufficient? Well, if the kids really want to kill me or each other there are sharp knives and baseball bats, along with other dangerous objects, unlocked around the house.

    Since they know how to shoot and the rules, its not a mystery and they don’t have the desire to investigate. Mostly I think kids want what they cannot have.

  17. No. I have multiple guns, loaded and ready to go, in all rooms of my house, some on the bookshelves, others conveniently propped in corners . My home remains locked and my dog keeps people at a nice distance from it. Gonna have to rethink all that though as my newborns are now 7 months old. Child safety vs home security is a tough compromise to figure out.

    • truly, I worry about other peoples kids more than mine. I know what my kids know, don’t know, their level of responsibility, and curiosity. Playdates though are another story. There are a few kids, when they come over, I take extra precautions. And by the way, not just guns. There are lots of things they could get into, from porn on the internet to alcohol. For toddlers, anything they can reach for like chemicals under the sink, even dog food (which can really hurt kids intestines because of the bone meal). Kids need to be supervised, period.

    • My daddy kept his in a wardrobe and we never messed with them without permission, which was readily given. You’ve got a few years before you need to make that decision and by that time you’ll know what you need to do.

  18. I have a stack on “safe” ie gun locker at my in-laws home. All hunting rifles and shotguns have trigger locks and are locked in that “safe”. All my fun guns and personal defense weapons are in another “safe” in my condo. Except the judge which is always loaded. I have 5 shots from revolver to get me to my gun locker where I have a rifle with no trigger lock and loaded mag on top.

  19. I use gun lock cables. Not on a firearm, though. Those locks that come with most guns are pretty handy for other things. I’ve got one locking down a cabinet, one ready to go on a bicycle I never use, etc. Guns are either on my hip, in a safe or scribbled in a wishlist.

    • Scribbled in a wishlist — that’s where almost all of my guns are. 🙂 No trigger locks on those.

  20. Trigger locks are a joke. A little kid can open one in seconds. Trigger locks have only one purpose, namely to keep the politicians happy.

      • You put a trigger lock on a bike? Dude, you are toast.

        As a cyclist, I can tell you that most bike locks are also a joke.

    • I used to have trig locks on my guns. Then the one on my .308 hunting rifle broke. A drill and two minutes were all it took to get it off.

  21. Unloaded in locked safe with ammo, loaded and ready in quick access safe, on me, or disassembled in garage being cleaned or tinkered with. Too much of the latter. Both my kids can unload, disassemble and clean them all except my long range rifle and maybe my pocket pistol which only I fool with. They get to shoot (and clean) enough that their curiosity had been extinguished.

  22. No I live alone and when I grew up my older sister and I were firmly schooled about firearms and their safe use and keeping
    I do now have a huge ex factory safe that holds my mor valuable guns etc but others are about the house and ready to hand.

    I have friend who has a few wall hangers that are actually nice guns and he has decided to remove the firing pins ( he stores the pins either under the butt cap on long arms and under the grips of the pistols and gas instructions on how to replace them rolled in a tube and put in the action chamber barrel should they pass on unrestored to firing condition after his death.

  23. Absolutely No, not and never. Guns are neither dangerous nor safe, or in fact really anything else. They are inanimate objects, it is people who are safe or dangerous for the broad spectrum of human intent and foible. Furthermore, why the focus on guns? I have a garage full of potentially deadly implements. Gas cans, diesel cans, tractor, mowers not to mention a chain saw. That being a device with which I saw a man convince a local bar owner to sell him a beer after he had been cut off. Few things say, I’ll have another like a 48″ Huska Varna fired up in your face, as it were. As for children, I don’t leave small children unattended with knives, saws, cleavers, or food processors either and to date everybody has left with all the parts they came with, and plainly living in a rural area we are about half infested with snakes of most North American descriptions and a healthy biodiversity of spiders as well. Again, family, guests and I remain somehow unscathed.

    In the end I think part of this is the fact that it is an urbanized meme, and, that people who enjoy such things virtually never think it through to it’s logical conclusions. You can just about always debunk a lefty’s conspiracy theory by starting out with,’ ok, let’s go ahead and suppose that’s true…’. They are ruled by emotion and a strange competitive need to say outrageous things, coherence and reality notwithstanding.

  24. They are useless. Just another feel good half butted action. Get a security closet or safe.

  25. Biometric safe or a locking gun cabinet.

    I toss the trigger and cable locks in the storage bin.

    I don’t leave any guns out unless they are under my immediate control (e.g. holster, range bag or whatever).

  26. No way, those are retarded. The guns I’m not using stay in a safe, and the ones that are ready for the range are unloaded and in their cases. My son is going to learn gun safety as soon as possible.

  27. No. What’s the point of those when any weapons besides what I’m using are stored in a safe? If someone can get into the safe, they can definitely beat a silly cable or trigger lock.

  28. No. Locked cabinet, locked case, or within my sight. Loaded firearms either alone in a locked box or on my person.

  29. Nope. None. Very few people I know can afford a gun safe and most of those who can choose not to buy one. Many around here have raised their children with firearms in the house… no safes, no locks; just proper training, upbringing, and common sense.

    • How old fashioned!

      My dad owned several rifles and never owned a safe. Trigger locks didn’t exist back then. I know it’s shocking, but I never shot my sister or any neighbor kids.

  30. I guess if the owner cannot afford a quality safe then the inconvenience of a trigger lock or cable lock will have to do when the firearm is stored and not in use in order to keep it from being easily misused by an unauthorized person or child.

    It’s hard to beat the security and convenience of a large, heavy high quality bolted down Burglary/Fire safe in which to keep firearms (and ammo if space permits). You can establish loaded or unloaded protocols, or a mix of the two for occasional use vs. rock-n-roll weapons.

    Much more dynamic your options are with a large high quality safe; plus more peace of mind.

  31. Same as a lot of the other posters, no trigger/chamber locks for me. I use a gun safe when I need to lock things away.

  32. No. Why would you add another step in the process of deploying your weapon from storage?

  33. No trigger lock, although I am not opposed to them for long term storage. My safe key and trigger lock keys are on the same ring, so if someone got a hold of one they have the other.

    At night, my bedside safe gun is loaded and ready to go. During the day, any gun not on my body (and there usually is one) is unloaded and made safe, even if it’s in one of the safes (I used to keep loaded magazines in the safe, but I don’t now that the kids know how to charge an AR). Knives and pepper sprays are also locked up. It’s a bit of a hassle, but not as much as going to the ER.

    I have two kids. They are trained, and I’m takin’ em shooting this afternoon, in fact. But I take no chances. There’s always a gun ready to go on or near me.

  34. No, No and No. Nein, nein, nein,

    First of all they mar your finish, and secondly they only frustrate your access to the gun when you need it.

    Trigger locks get pitched and my cable locks end up locking up bicycles, lockers, and gates.

    Most of the guns go in a safe or a sturdy closet that is locked in a way I can still get to them without a key. The loaded guns are on my person or away from where little hands can go.

    I grew up in a house that held three long guns on a gun rack high up where only Dad could reach and children dared not attempt. No safe was deployed until a valuable collection had been obtained years later. Its like bicycle helmets these days. Somehow we survived before the hypersafe fad arrived.

  35. Here is what I recommend:
    (1) Home carry: keep a handgun on your hip at home. No child is going to accidentally shoot themselves with it and it is available for immediate access if a violent criminal comes calling.
    (2) Lock up other firearms with the best locking strategy that you can afford.
    (3) Sleeping at night: store your home carry handgun on a small shelf as close to the ceiling as possible and next to your bed. No child is going to climb on your bed, stack a chair up on that, and then reach the shelf at the ceiling without waking your up.

  36. carry pistol on me, long guns in a locking case. Works to keep my toddler out of them.

  37. Everything that is not a go to gun is a in the safe and I have separate safe for ammo. Otherwise, the other firearm is available and loaded and near my hand. Nothing ever gets left out, ever!

    Chamber locks are expensive, trigger locks are easy to defeat with a simple screwdriver.

    How about, if they are really serious, have a 5 year campaign where you get tax credits of up to $2000 for a made in the USA gun safe. Allow up to $2000 per year tax credit per year for 5years. Many would purchase a new safe, many would purchase a second safe if just for ammo.

    If you want to make people do something, you have to offer incentive.

  38. No kids in the house, no trigger/chamber locks.

    I do have a gun ‘safe’ (more of a locker, really), but that’s mostly for convenience.

  39. No I do not use any sort of locking case as I do not have kids around that I would need to keep away from the guns

  40. No, for the same reasons I don’t keep unloaded guns in the house. When you need them, you need them NOW, not in a few seconds. Keep them in a safe, and train your children as soon as they can retain the training.

  41. I do use the cable lock that comes with the gun. Debated on a safe, decided not to because the safe is conspicuous whereas the guns less so. Carry piece is always on me, shotgun has the lock put behind the trigger such that it blocks the trigger from being depressed (that way I can have the tube stuffed full while still cruiser ready and I also don’t have to rack it every time I unlock/lock it before going to sleep/waking up), everything else has a lock through the chamber. Magazines are always loaded though.

    Way I figure, If someone catches me while I’m awake, I’ll have my carry piece; while sleeping, I’ll have that and my shotgun. Not really anticipating having to fall back on the rifles (a .22 and an SKS), and if I do need them I’m in for a lot more shit than I’m prepared to handle and it’ll be a matter of how many I take with me to Valhalla.

  42. Until I get a safe for my long guns, they have trigger locks on them in a locked storage closet. At least two guns at all times are stored loaded in easy access, small pistol safes. A third is kept on my body, loaded.

  43. I have most of mine buried in various stashes throughout the woods in monovaults without a trigger lock.

  44. A gun safe is much stronger than a little plastic “lock.”
    My last revolver purchase came with the exact lock in the picture above. I asked, “What the sh*t is that!?”
    The lady clerk’s response was, “It’s a crappy lock that I’m required to give you. It’s more useful if you just throw it away.”

    • They also make amusing reactive targets if you hang them from a pipe so they can spin when you shoot them. The fun lasts until they disintegrate.

  45. Nope. I keep them in locked hard cases, empty. My HD gun is kept in a locked hard case with a 30rd mag and nothing in the chamber.

    Access is under 10 sec in the dark with adrenaline pumping. Not ideal storage but also secure enough to keep kids’ fingers off them. My 5 y/o is learning the rules right now. She also got the foam AR-shaped cutout from my Pelican case for fun.

  46. Nope. Only got a shotgun right now. Kids are over 19…not worried about theft. And it has to be ready to go. The BG doesn’t even get a scary racking sound…

  47. No just no.

    HELL NO.

    That’s H, E, double L NO.

    Lock up my safety?

    The Violent Predatory Criminals Benevolent Association would have me do that, but I’m not for benevolence towards violent predatory criminals.


  48. Nope. Everything is in the safe, other than the 12 gauge on the top rack in the closet, and both of the carry pistols.
    Sadly, my carry spends most of the day in the lockbox in the truck.
    But I don’t have any kids, and I waited a long time to buy a safe, and strangely none of those guns managed to kill anybody all those years. Weird.

  49. No!!

    They are loaded, ready to defend my home and my girlfriend!!

    However, they are in a safe & only me and the girlfriend know the combo.


    This is how its done.

    Same thing, direct link. It depends on what your computer likes.


    Note my PX4 storm, ready for another day of work!! Rise and shine honey.

    Obviously, the CX4 (extreme left and back) is also ready to go since the girlfriend has adopted it as her own.

    • You let your girlfriend have the combo to your safe? If she decides to dump you, that safe is gonna be empty!

    • “Love is giving her the combination to your gun safe”. Now somebody get some ceramic and mold those little bugeyed dwarves packing and all mall ninja’d up. Tactidorable!

  50. No. G. Gordon Liddy summarized this issue wiith a simple riddle. “What do you call a person with a trigger lock? A victim.”

  51. I have a gun safe in the basement that most of my guns are in. I have a handgun in a Gun Vault next to the bed, and a couple hidden downstairs in places the kids don’t know about, and can’t reach. A shotgun and AR in the bedroom closet which is secured so kids cannot easily get into it. My kids know not to touch guns unless we are out shooting and Dad is there, and my bedroom is off limits to playing children.

    I have never used a trigger lock in my life, and don’t ever intend to.

  52. All collector & sentimental
    are in the safe everything else is hidden in plain sight. Has been since my 16 y/o was responsible enough to have access to all. He’s been competing for almost 7 years and taught his & our lives over scum. our friends don’t have small children & the ones with older kids bring them specifically too burn ammo. My Dr. wanted his teen to learn about firearms, local range guru confused the heck outta him w/tacticool ninja garbage. Spent a few hours with an equal teen shoots his 1st match tomorrow. If you must put the magazine, clip or speedloader in your pocket. Takes a few seconds to load but not close to unlocking.

  53. California requires that all handgun sales must be accompanied by the purchase of a firearm locking device–and as the FFLs interpreted the law, that meant that the one in the box with the nice company logo on it didn’t count, so you got two with every firearm. And you were required to demonstrate the proper use of the lock before you could take delivery. I used to use one on my first purchase, but quickly tired of it, and the rest have never been taken from their original packaging. The first trigger lock I ever saw was for the Kahr I purchased most recently–and I had to show the guy at the gun store how to install it. I have no idea where it is now.
    My kids are adults who have moved on, there are no grandkids. I do not own a safe, a “safe” or a gun vault, although there is a cabinet in the garage for storage of my paltry supply of ammo, some black powder substitute, cleaning supplies and now one lonely .22 pistol since I gave the XD to my son. Every other handgun is in the house, loaded, and unlocked. A ladder is need to get to the long guns.

    • The trigger lock is the equivalent of a poll tax, is extremely regressive, and impacts the poor the most. Because gun control is racist, barriers are put in place for people in the poorer neighborhoods to defend their families and property.

      Since I have a safe, I have never opened the pile of locks I own. They are worthless. I personally don’t know anyone that uses them in lieu of a safe. Politicians are worse than useless. But everyone already knows that.

  54. Yes. Trigger or chamber lock (usually whatever comes with the firearm, I’m a little partial to chamber locks though).

  55. No I do use chamber flags though on stuff in the safe. Even though there’s no way a round could possibly be in the chber with the flag in place, it serves as a reminder to check the chamber on early mornings when I haven’t had my coffee yet.

  56. Rifles in a Liberty. Floor mounted.
    Pistol per floor, quite creatively hidden out of sight, each available fast access for home protection via various Gunvault models. ALL of them firmly mounted into place with 5 screws or bolts, dependent upon where they sit.

    Biometric Gunvaults are not the way to go, unreliable, lens can get dirty easy, inconsistent…..the STD push button models are extremely reliable.

    Use case above cannot incorporate a trigger guard. If you cannot invest in safety, your are negligent….safety first is the only way for a responsible gun owner, IMHO

  57. blown away by many comments above by folks that leave guns around because “no kids, or my kids know better, or my girlfriend knows the combo, or they are in a closet and no one can see them”.

    Are you serious? This irresponsible attitude is how so many guns end up on thug hands, due to robberies, or worse yet, someone with no sense happens to find that impossible to find gun in the closet.

    • The front door is locked for the criminal’s protection he shouldn’t have kicked it in. If I am out of the house, the gun is with me. All the other ones stay in the vault. What’s the problem?

    • Yeah, I’m serious. I feel no more obligation to lock up my guns “because some thug might break in” than I do any other potentially lethal item in my home. They’re already behind a locked front door. If I got a safe to house my guns, it would be based almost entirely on my desire not to incur the financial loss of having them stolen, and have virtually nothing to do with some sense of avoiding them “falling into the wrong hands.” I don’t think I’m alone in that calculation. Most people lock up their guns chiefly and primarily to protect themselves (i.e. their investment), not out of some sense of social responsibility.

    • Mine being hidden in plain sight means that. Not the books/clocks/picture frames. My family is the only ones that know location & access. It would be easier to take the safe, when we sell the house it goes with it. Think outside the box in concealment. I’ve had 5 pistols stolen; 1 in transit FedEx back to Glock. The others stolen by movers in a security lockbox inside a tote of clothes the wife packed.

    • I agree with you.


      (and the fact that they try and justify it. piss off to you types)

      • locked front doors are impregnable. Kids know not to touch them. Its all so foolproof. I forgot. my bad.

        Q: where do the majority of the guns criminals use come from? Direct from the factory of course!

        • Yes, locked front door with me and my gun behind it. If the criminal comes through the door, I don’t need my gun locked in a safe, I need it in my hand. If I am not at home neither is the gun. It is with me, safely tucked away in an IWB holster.

          Where is the part where that you disagree with that makes me a moron?

  58. Yes. And I drain the gas from my car and return my penis to my wife’s purse each evening.

  59. If you live in an area where you actually do have to stash firearms in Condition 1 “throughout your house” to feel secure in your own home you either: (1) have to move or (2) get a prescription for medicine to treat paranoid delusions.

    • My neighborhood was peaceful quiet & all lawns & houses kept up. 18 months ago had several people pass away or lose jobs. Houses got sold to the folks that do rent to anything & 1’s that get section 8 vouchers. Since then property value in the dump & starting to look like da’ hood. 1 place caught fire due to meth lab 2 blocks from us, another has more traffic than I-95 in & out. Been raided twice. Yes our house is for sale @ a loss price in a upscale family beach community.

    • Great Idea Paul! Are you going to buy some land, hire some contractors to build me a new house, pack up my things, hire some movers, and find me an equal paying job in the new area? No? Well are you going to give me a couple hundred bucks to cover my copay for option 2? Also no? Then shut up and stop judging people.

  60. If you are older than 21, you should not own or use trigger locks. Once you are a big boy, it is time to buy a safe. Every firearm you own (if you have children) should either be on your person or in the safe.

    Since becoming a MA resident, I am continuously amazed at the Bay State gun owners’ obsession with trigger locks. It is pure, unadulterated idiocy. The crazy thing is that many MA residents think that putting a lock on a gun actually makes it legal for transport.


  61. I don’t even own one of these things. Bought a gun about 12 years ago, it came with a trigger lock in the box. On my way out the door of the establishment I tossed it in the trash can outside.

  62. Nope. No kids here. And as fun as it would be to see him shoot one of my guns, my pit bull Brewski doesn’t know how to use any of them.

  63. No.

    Any guns that are “stored” are already unloaded and locked away securely.

    Any guns that aren’t, are loaded and readily available if needed.

  64. Nope. Young kids, but guns out of reach. And long guns must be charged, so that’s out too.

  65. For me, no. When I bought my first pistol I didn’t have a safe yet, so I used a trigger lock on the gun while in its hard case (concealed inside an out of the way drawer). Now I’ll only trigger lock if I’m staying out of town, and am leaving the gun out of my control for a period of time (ex. going to a state without reciprocity, but brought the pistol to shoot at a range)

  66. Nope. I don’t have any small children in my apartment. I’m in my early twenties living with my mother and two younger bros atm while I finish up my degree.
    I don’t think I’d be comfortable living in a situation where I’d have to use a trigger lock. I live by a tree line in Indianapolis where the crime rate is soaring. I’m already worried about the wildlife… outside so I’m grateful I can trust the people I live with.

  67. Our home weapons are chambered and ready for DGU with 33 round magazines for legal use of up to and including deadly force under TX Castle Doctrine articulation.

    If necessary, I can store them securely on my person or safe.

  68. In EU there is a “constellation” of such regulations regarding the storage of firearms. Police, when they consider, can enter one’s property, without warrant or probable cause, to check if the storage regulations are respected.
    If not, you have to pay a hefty fine, you loose your weapons and your permit. Usually, forever.
    If you refuse their inspection/deny their access to your property, see the sentence above.

    If your guns get stolen, same as above, plus jail time, if possible and they find any little detail that can make you responsible for the theft. Like “You are to blame, because you got smashed down with a baseball bat, the thief got your key for the vault, and got away with your guns. Why didn’t you bought a safe with retinal scan, finger print, voice recognition and ADN scanner?…See, it’s your fault!”
    Useless to say that often a vault that is compliant (even a simple one) can cost more than the firearms inside.

  69. No!!! Absolutely NOT!!! Trigger locks almost always require you to pull the trigger putting them on which violates the #1 safety rule. Even more obviously wrong when you know the gun IS loaded defensively. The ONLY correct storage is a locked safe you can open in 5 seconds yourself.

    Besides, I don’t want my 5 year old to shoot themself while trying to load the gun…lol

  70. What the hell is a gun lock? Lol, no but seriously. I don’t even own a gun lock. Why? Because my father never did. We always had guns, and oh my god! My brother and I never shot ourselves with them! Know why? Because my dad taught us how to responsibly use them. My fiancée knows how to use guns and is versed in the four rules, and we have no children, and even if we did, I would simply train them on responsible and safe handling. So no, I do not use gun locks nor will I ever.

  71. Funny at age 5 dad showed me the light on gun safety in the house with a Razor strop as backup, every weapon except bows and arrows, sling shots, all had one in the chamber good to go, we lived in the rural areas, rabid Skunks, house entering black bear, Racoons , coy dogs etc; were all targets! once in a while an escaped Bacon, occasional gas thieves and other, our gun were not locked up nor moved if kids and grand children came over as they had to learn also!
    I carried on this Education with my sons and Daughters and they with their children,
    The Democrats caused this PC BS, A**holes who cant fix nothing but sure want too F**k the American way of life starting! With FDR, TK, LBJ, Clinton, Obama, and now the corrupt Treasonous B***H running for Pres!

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