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  1. What would it be like to insert a holster in that front abs position if a woman had rolls of fat hanging over her gut? Would a woman be able to reach, draw, and aim her piece in time? Inquisitive minds want to know. Seriously, there is an obesity epidemic in America. Most models or women shooters that demonstrate guns and holsters online are more on the slender side and don’t look like Rosie O’Donnel.

  2. Let me get this straight: you don’t want free your hand anywhere near the muzzle while reholstering, but once it’s holstered, carrying it pointed at many important bits of yourself is okay? And yes, she was printing pretty badly. I carry AIWB, but only consider it acceptable because I have a looser cover garment and also a *belt* with a relatively large buckle which looks actually like a buckle. She didn’t even have a belt.

  3. man, i’m just happy to see women involved in cc and gun ownership. they have the numbers we people of the gun need to push our rights ahead.

  4. I saw two problems. First, the gal’s support hand interfered with her ability to draw the revolver up high enough to clear her holster. Second, once she held the revolver out in front of her, it looked like her weaver stance was wrong — something with her left arm/hand in a position as though it were holding the gun. It’s hard to describe but I know it when I see it.

  5. She WAS a guy but while making an earlier unreleased video of the same techniques had an unfortunate accidental discharge.

  6. I didn’t see anything wrong. If I was the trainer I would have first had the student mount the holster a few times without the gun, but that is preference, not problem.

    I did think she wa printing, but easily solved and again not a training problem.

    I think Ms. New at Gunsite is a pro and I’d be surprised if she made an egregious error.

  7. The part I would have changed (again, a matter of preference, but what I’ve taught my spouse) is that if she is going to do the body turn while unholstering the weapon, don’t waste time turning back again, and then again while pushing the weapon out in front. Practice firing while turned with the firearm at aproximately chest height, arms not stretched forward. Of course, this method works better when the target is within aprox. 6 yards.

  8. Appendix Carry? No thanks. There’s already a ballistic launcher down there, and id like to keep it that way.

  9. If I hear “you don’t want to cover any part of your body” with a loaded gun one more time I’m gonna effing scream. Here let me hold my holster at eye level while inserting a loaded (potentially) gun and sweep EVERY freakin thing in the house from the cat to the baby sitter to the big screen tv in the den. Get the hell over it people. If you’re so damn worried about shooting off one of your digits carry a stick. This new found obsession of not “sweeping” yourself with the muzzle of a loaded gun is really getting out of hand. There is being safety conscious and there is being paranoid. Keep your F-ing finger off the F-ing trigger until you’re ready to shoot and you will be fine.

    • I agree. Any sort of carry be it OWB, IWB, SOB, ankle carry or whatever will at some point cover some part of your body.

      Your advice to keep your effin finger off the effin trigger is paramount.

    • I tend to agree. Sweeping yourself is gonna happen, and there are other adverse effects if you follow the rule too closely without keeping other discipline in mind. However, when you’re training someone who is new to firearms, it’s not a bad idea to impress on people that they should be extra careful about it. It’s how you build good handling habits. A better rule is just to avoid sweeping yourself when it’s possible and the environment allows it. But those are things that you learn with experience over time, and can’t easily convey in a rule.

      It’s definitely true that keeping your finger off the trigger is more important.

    • At first that bothered me, too. After several reviews, I’m just not sure that her finger was on the trigger or being forced along the cylinder as she was pushing the gun into the holster. I can’t call a foul if it’s not clear, but we can call a caution. In fact, whenever I place my CCW piece in its holster, I pause to make sure I am 100% focused on my motor skill and the task. A little bit of a “pucker moment,” if you will, for safety.

  10. I think it’s great more women are carrying. We need more “good guys” and gals out there on the street. Let’s keep the nitpicking on how someone looks to ourselves. I’m sure there are very few people that are perfect looking enough to be on video and not illicit a few snide comments about how we look – these folks are typically called actors or models. The rest of us are just average folks. For what it’s worth, I think she looked fine. Remember what out parent’s told us: “If you don’t have something nice to say….”

    • “…say it really loud and make sure they understand they are doing it wrong.”

      Giving someone a pass on something that can the learner killed or worse yet, others, just because you think it’s rude makes you wrong person to give instruction on handling firearms. And makes the one who’s learning hapless, through no fault of their own. Maybe you should consider selling guns instead of teaching. You can be nice and not rude all day long with sales.

      She didn’t look fine and that needed to be drilled out of her. A softer, kinder approach about safety does no one any favors. Everyone starting with firearms needs to understand the absoluteness of proper handling, presenting and using their firearms for whatever purpose it’s intended. Not opinions. There are no exceptions for safety with guns, EVER. It’s clear you have forgotten that. If they decide to disregard the training afterward, that’s not on you. May they only inflict suffering to their own person should something go wrong.

      If you’re forgiving in teaching on this subject, stop teaching. Because two can fail harder than an individual.

      I DON’T apologize if this SOUNDS “rude”. If you were in my charge, I would make or break you during training for proper gun handling in a loud military manner. It’s THAT important!

  11. Yeah maybe there are issues with the training points but a big +1 for Ruger to host this. Who would have thought they would be doing this 5 years ago?

  12. Kind of hard not printing when wearing tight fitting pants, shirt. Part of the class would have to include suitable clothing.

    Of course, in some states printing is not a problem, and so if you don’t care whether people can detect the firearm, that’s your choice.

    In this case, a little extra “padding” could help by “swallowing” the firearm. I have a whale of a hard time not printing, precisely because I have a slender built. The flip side is, I have no gut or love handles to interfere with my drawing.

  13. The lady in purple couldn’t have a more wrinkled shirt if she tried is my vote on what’s wrong here. I mean really!? Get an iron!

  14. Part of carrying concealed is getting past the idea that you can continue to wear what you are used to. Things like belts, baggy clothing that hides the gun print, or fanny packs are essential to not only “concealing” but also effectively drawing. The instructor should have been honest with her about her outfit and then moved on. Instead she just avoided it.

    Don’t want to change your clothing and you just risk a unfounded paranoid 911 call. Speaking from experience, answering a 911 call about a “person” with a gun is tense. It’s an avoidable situation and one a responsible gun owner should avoid. Otherwise just go open carry and wear you short shorts.

    • What state do you live in? I am curious because I hear people talk about the unfounded 911 call all the time.

  15. Totally agree with Gunfighter 2012: As a fat guy, I didn’t think IWB would work for me. But after buying a Supertuck by Crossbreed, I was totally wrong. Now, it’s my primary way to carry. So just because your fatter, doesn’t mean it’s not an option.

    Gunfighter 2012, is right. Yes, I have a gun pointed at my body. But, as we know, guns don’t “just go off”. You have to pull the G Damn trigger! If your a moron and don’t take training or presentation seriously and never practice, then carrying appendix carry or IWB may not be for you. Just like people who loose their car keys, wallets and purses, should NEVER off body carry!

    I mention the Supertuck, because if your not willing to spend the money on good quality gear, like a real gun belt thats not flimsy and holsters like Crossbreed, or Galco, then your doing yourself an injustice.

  16. I have a Ruger LCR .38 and am a chick! Would never buy a man’s holster for a CCW. Hips/waist totally different in men & women.

    Holsters designed by a woman for women can be ordered from

    Also for cargo pants unisex holster can be ordered at That one is more wallet style. Love them both and since Ruger LRC .22 & 357 calibers are the same size/shape, either holster would accommodate all Ruger LRCs.

    Would make a nice present for the ladies, one or the other or both will be my Christmas present this year : )

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