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You do NOT want to hide guns around the house. Even if you don’t have children, unauthorized persons can find them (e.g., cleaners, friends’ kids). If cops searching your house (for some reason or another) find an “unsecured firearm” they can make your life miserable. I’m also not a fan of this magnet-activated Tactical Walls solution for reasons that readers will delineate below. [Make sure you watch the “out-take” at the end.] Suffice it to say, home carry people. Home carry.

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  1. “Even if you don’t have children, unauthorized persons can find them (e.g., cleaners, friends’ kids). ”

    Let’s face it, not having children eliminates 80% of the reasons to not have guns lying around the house.

    And I don’t invite friends over if they are bringing kids with them.

    My home is child free.

    I have to disagree with you on this one, RF. I think the above product is pretty cool.

    • Agreed. I’m not sure how I feel about the completely open ones, but the glass covered ones or the one hidden by a mirror seem perfect. I’d say close to as secure as a safe, as long as you can keep your mouth shut and not show it off.

      For people tight on space and finances, this is a great way to keep some guns secure. I really like the idea of the pictures covering the small handgun hidey-hole. You could have one in every room and it’d be hard to tell the difference.

      • Exactly.

        I will be investing in this product in a few months as well as one of those kydex holsters that screw into the bottom of a table.

        None of my guns will be loose but I’ll have them on hand if needed.

        • This actually seems like a pretty useful product. In fact, looking at the construction my biggest thought is, I could totally make one of those myself.

    • I can set an loaded gun on the table right in front if my grade school age children and they won’t touch it, or even look twice at it.

      You know why? The same reason I could put a bottle of bleach on the table and they won’t touch it or look twice at it…

      I teach them how to deal with dangerous things, not hide them from dangerous things.

      • Mmm, tasty tasty bleach.

        Go look at the warning on one of those bottles sometime. Some wit where I work penned in “lifeacidal” as an addendum to the list that Clorox provides of all the things bleach will kill.

        • Bleach is the same thing as liquid pool chlorine, kills germs, kills viruses, and oxidizes organic waste. Bleach is chlorine gas precipitated through a sodium solution to make it a liquid. It will turn a green pool to clear in a day.

      • So you like actually parent your children and teach them about stuff….that’s a novel concept to a lot of people.

        • I know, it is as if I was a child once and had parents to teach me.

          Now, I, in turn, am grown and I’m teaching my children… It’s almost as if there is some strange circle of life that guides me.

      • If the 1980s taught me anything, you should be able to just put a Mr. Yuk sticker on your guns. Problem solved.

        For the record, Mr. Yuk actually made me more inclined to pick up a chemical bottle and try to figured out what it was and why it was dangerous. I liked to read the ingredients.

      • When I was a child in Chicago many years ago my father brought home a shiny semi-automatic and put it on the hall table next to the telephone. Even with four kids in the house that pistol sat right there for 3 weeks before he gave it to me and explained that it was a replica (a very nice replica) and that he bought it for me to play with. (Imagine a ten year old kid running the streets of Chicago today playing cops n robbers with a quality replica pistol!).

        The point is, he taught us and we paid attention. Until he handed the pistol to me I had absolutely no idea it was NOT the real thing.

    • The woman who helps my wife around the house is quite well acquainted with my firearms already, no need to worry about her either.

        • What if a truck falls from the sky?

          Too many “what ifs” and the only logical solution is to hide in a bunker eating rats and stay single for life.

        • ^ this. You can undertake reasonable measures to protect against reasonable problems, but at some point you can’t control everything. If you’re so afraid of the unlikely you should wear a hardhat as you walk around just in case.

    • I can’t tell from your tone if you’re among them, but there seem to be a lot of commenters (on previous posts) who think guns are a good reason to not have kids. There are valid reasons for choosing childlessness, but having to secure your guns is a very shallow one. If you value your ability to leave a loaded 870 on your coffee table more than family, perhaps it’s time to evaluate your life priorities.

      • No that’s not me… I just don’t like kids very much. Or rather, I like kids, but I don’t like parents.

        Having disposable income, time, and not being legally and financially bound to a woman for a rest of my life if it doesn’t work out is more important to me than the continuity of my genetics.

        I have lost a lot of friends from said friends having kids. It’s sad.

      • The costs (financially and personally) of having kids is all the reason needed to not have kids. Not having assholes tell you how to store your personal property is just icing on the cake.

      • I have two kids and would never tell anyone to have or not to have kids. I guess that is my liberal thinking. Actually, not having kids is easier.

      • Kids are the reason I have guns. I want to keep mine as safe as I can. Guns and Kids. I let mine hold and handle my firearms. unloaded of course and I teach them how dangerous they are. I am doing my best to teach them to respect the firearm and not be hoplophobic.

        • I agree totally. Children are fascinated with the unknown. Teach them, let them touch them, and shoot them and there are no issues. My only problems is they like to shoot more than I do and the ammo these days isn’t cheap.

    • +1

      I keep my carry pistol in a retention holster on a high shelf in the walk-in closet (which also has a pocket door) in my upstairs master bedroom. The only child of mine big enough to conceivably get to it (6 years old) knows the 4 rules and knows not to enter our bedroom, let alone handle my guns, without permission and supervision. The other two kids (4 and 2 years old) cannot conceivably get to the gun, and also know not to enter the bedroom unsupervised. I am confident enough to bet their lives on this being safe enough for my family.

      If any other kids are over, unless they are so young as to be immobile the pistol is either on my body or in the bedside safe. I don’t trust anyone else’s kids.

      I would totally buy a secret hiding place for my guns. Heck, if I lived alone with no kids I’d rig up hidden holsters on furniture to have guns in every room. I’d do the cheesy “break glass in case of emergency” coffee table with a loaded Mosin inside. Live it up.

      • I don’t expect a lot out of people. Looking at them why would I expect them to teach a child when they probably don’t need a gun. Mine are 6 and 3, their is a bolt action .22 without the mag in it next to the back door. Either child is more likely to dig a swimming pool in the back yard than touch that gun. They have been raised not to be victims, they could not be curious about any of the guns we own. Each child has held, witnessed total stripping down of, and witnessed each gun kill something. They help clean the kill and enjoy wild game. However if another kid is coming over all guns go up, except the ones they can’t get to, that are secured lock and height. As for house cleaners and police… I can’t afford a house cleaner, and in Tennessee police don’t wonder from house to house without search warrants! The only way you can have too many guns is if you don’t have room to open the fridge or lay in your bed! These items, why not. I lock my house and if I don’t know you the worst mistake is thinking my house is where to come. There is a 6 foot tile landing before the wood starts and I Do Not want blood on my wood!

    • PFFFFFT! It’s called a “hidey-hole.” They’ve been around since about a week after the plaster wall was invented. I think they had them in the pyramids. You can rig a better one up with stuff from your local home improvement center for a fraction of the cost.

    • Agreed. The doors to my house are locked at all times, as far as I’m concerned that satisfies my due diligence in keeping my guns out of the hands out of criminals.

      I don’t keep my guns in plain site, but my carry gun generally resides in a bedside drawer when it’s not on my hip. Given that I do not yet have children, that is perfectly adequate.

      I’ve actually had my eye on one of these recessed wall-mirror cabinets, though haven’t bothered investing in one given we’ll be changing residences in the next year or so.

      I will agree that I’m not really sold on the whole magnet lock thing.

  2. Seriously? While I know you’re a proponant of home-carry, you don’t know how my house is run and you can’t really tell me or anyone else how to prepare for the unexpected.

    • Ryan,
      Not sure if you are poo pooing the idea of home carry or agreeing with RF.
      If I carry all day everywhere, why would I need to take my comfortable Infidel/Shield off when I get home?
      No change in strategy or mind set required.
      bedside table

      • I don’t wear pants while I am home so the whole home carry thing doesn’t work for me unless I want to carry around my slung Aug… and that is not gonna happen unless the zombies attack.

    • Home carry? Absolutely! To me, home carry is even more of a requirement than when I’m outside; at least when I’m outside, if I or someone else comes under attack, there are probably other people near by who might see or hear the attack and could call police for back up; once your inside your house and someone breaks in, there is no one to hear you scream.

      And then, if the predator/s have got you and your family under control; they would be free to rape, torture and finally murder you after days of the most horrendous and degrading treatment; like what happened to Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

      Yep, if you don’t have a weapon on you at all times, especially in your house; your simply prey for a predator that hasn’t found you yet.

    • I’m with Robt on this. If you have kids, grandkids, your neigbors or the maid have kids, they are at risk. Its your choice how to mitigate that risk and your consequence if you fail.

      I do train my kids. I cant control the teenagers in the neighborhood who cops say are the 70% of typical burglaries.

      In the safe or on my hip. KISS.

  3. I have several loaded guns strategically placed around the house. They are not in plain site and someone would have to dig around to find them. No kids, no friends with kids, and no one damn well better be in my house without me knowing it.

    • Bingo. Same for me. And there is nothing illegal, even in California, with having “unsecured” guns floating around your house if you have no minors or prohibited persons there.

    • I’m thinking if cops are actually searching my house, I have bigger problems than them finding my weapons.

      • I had it happen once when I had a dispute with a roommate, they asked if they could look around and I was pretty young and let them. My pistol was in its case, not locked. They said nothing about it.

    • Darn few “free states” left. I live in Texas. LEO do what they want, when they want to everyone. Good luck with that .

      Plus, do not forget the feds, of every flavor are now armed (IRS). After Patriot Act, you have NO RIGHTS.

      • Not always. Just a few days, there was a refusal to indict a ‘petty criminal’ who shot and killed a leo taking part in a no knock (or effectively no knock) raid. People are waking up.

    • And so what if I hide my shotgun? So what if they find it. It’s perfectly legal. “‘scuse me officer, would you rather I leave it out in the open in plain sight next time?”

      I LIKE the wall units though. Even though I have no kids!

  4. When our kiddos were babies, we used those same locks to secure our cabinets in the kitchen. Chemicals and such, knives, that sort of thing. They worked great. NOT suggesting that the same standard applies to firearms, but for 5 years we had zero failure of the mechanisms, and getting them open was a cinch (in addition to the sound, there’s a slight “tug” of the magnetic components you can feel quite well). I don’t believe I’d use this as a substitute for secure storage when I’m gone from the house, but it’s a visually pleasant way to keep firearms handy as a substitute for one of the quick access safes (which, frankly, I don’t think much of for secure storage of my firearms when I’m gone, either). Neat product, glad to see some development going on in this area. I think it has its place and its uses.

    • When the kids were young I put the risk of home invasion and accidental access on the scale.
      Guns parts had to be assembled from two different locked locations and Ammo retrieved from a third.
      We all survived and now I home carry.

    • You can’t ‘child proof’ a house. You can only slow the little darlings down. When my son was 18 mos old I observed him defeating the ‘child proofing’ on a drawer to get a ‘driver!!! (screwdriver he had apparently seen either my wife or I placing/retrieving from the drawer) which allowed him to defeat the ‘child-proofing’ on the cabinets under the sink. Fascinating to watch him at work at that young age. He also figured out how to unlock interior doorknobs by inserting a driver!!/pen/bobby pin/whatever worked into the little hole.

      Child locks are a great thing, but, they are an augmentation to, not a replacement for parental supervision and vigilance.

      • child locks are mostly designed to defeat stupid children. as you discovered, any smart kid can figure them out at a pretty young age.

  5. “Let’s face it, not having children eliminates 80% of the reasons to not have guns lying around the house.”

    President Obama: ‘I Don’t Want Them Punished With A Baby’

    Thank you Mr. Obama

  6. I don’t have any drawers near doors, so I just stick in a box with a fox. Or in my pocket with, um, oh forget it.

  7. The main issues I see with the design are 1) any strong magnet could
    open it, 2) the slide and design should be more robust and smooth
    to withstand shaking (seriously when he rattles the mirror you can
    hear that it’s hollow, dead giveaway) and 3) having the key/magnet
    in another location defeats the purpose of having a readily available
    safe/hiding spot.

  8. Yeah… not all of us have house cleaners. Or other random strangers wandering through our houses, for that matter.

    I have a sidearm that I keep in a small lockable cabinet (I won’t call it a safe) … uhm, somewhere unspecified. Gun comes out when I get home for nightstand duty, goes back in when I’m at work.

    It gets a little complicated when my wife and I are on different schedules, but life is messy and I figure it out. Don’t have kids. Lock up all guns when we have company that warrents it. If the cats want to kill me, I’m pretty sure they will use poison.

    Home carry is a fine thing to say, but the first damn thing I want to do when I get home is take off the boots and Carhartts.

    I’m not going to tromp around my house with an LCR in the pocket of my joggers. I know where the guns are.

    This tactical walls stuff seems like an interesting intermediate step, but it also sea like something any half competent home carpenter could kludge together in a day.

  9. If you have kids, then this is still a great solution provided you have trained said children about weapons (ie, NRA’s free Eddie Eagle program) – my two have never bothered a weapon and they know the rules. Additionally, not everyone can install a safe everywhere in the house for various reasons, including clueing people in that there is a safe which must hold something valuable. I have thought about one of these for the bedroom to replace a full length mirror. . . .

    • +1 on this too…

      I mean I know that the Sandyhook thing made non-secured weapons a very icky subject, but my dad kept all his guns in the closet while I was growing up and I knew not to touch them or tell anyone where they were.


      Do I think this is the best practice? No. However, this is why I think the above product is so neat. It gives more options to responsible gun owners to tailor to their own unique situations.

      • I tokk my two daughters to the range this week. First time for the 6 yr old. We had a very lengthy safety discussion on range rules, and the types of firearms (SA, DA, and SA/DA), etc. I explained to them they needed to know for various reasons, including if they were at a friend’s house and there was a weapon. They know the Eddie Eagle rules but what if their friend didn’t? I wanted them to know how to un-chamber, point away, put on safe, etc in addition to just leaving the room. Plus, I explained that at some point, when they were older, they would be at home by themselves and in case of break in, they needed to know how to get into the safe and use a firearm. My 8 yr old, ever the negotiator, indicated that she didn’t know the safe combo. I explained that when I thought she was old enough, she would know and then what to do if someone came into the house. I told her that we don’t defend possessions, we just defend our lives and to let the criminals have whatever they wanted in the house but to protect her and her sister. I then asked her what to do if a criminal came into the room where her and her sister were hiding while waiting on the police and she calmly said “make him have a really bad day.” I teared up at how my baby is growing.

        I could easily see putting one of these in their bedroom when they get older and responsible enough to handle guns on their own (say 13 or 14).

        • That’s pretty much how my dad did it too. Good stuff.

          I already asked my brother if he’d let me buy my niece and nephew their first guns (will probably be Cricket .22s) and he said yes. That was cool.

          While I won’t ever have any kids of my own, I will do my part to make sure gun culture does not die out in the next generation.

  10. I am glad I don’t have children. As it is, my home invasion strategy revolves around a mix of firearms that I have readily accessable when it is necessary, and the use of my martial arts abilities that I’ve picked up over the last 14 years I’ve been practicing.

    As it is, I’ve had my housing broken into before and it was my mix of strategies that really saved me, not so much my firearm alone… This guy even had a Bayonet or some sort of large dagger, but a clever strategy lead me to ambush him and disarm/disable before he even knew what was going on. (You better believe that once I had him on the floor with me, he wished he would have been shot instead.) These days I’m glad I don’t live in those bad neighborhoods.

    • So what did you use on him emfourty, martial arts or marital arts? 🙂

      Man, I miss being able to joke with people of different lifestyles/backgrounds, my current office environment is pretty bland. The Obama/McCain election was a lot of fun, I worked with some black and gay people at Whole Foods back then and we’d bust on each other all day, plenty of seemingly racist, gay, discriminatory comments and jabs back and forth that would probably get all of us fired if said in seriousness. It was like an angry, comedic Ebony & Ivory (& Purple?). Once a co-worker who wasn’t in on it walked up and her jaw dropped when I said something to one of the guys about why he was voting for Obama. We all had a good laugh at her expense 🙂

      • Lol. There is still a whole lot of that floating around my work place. You better believe I get hassled so much for being a gay and hispanic. GLAAD and the NAACP would have a fit if they stepped anywhere near here that’s for sure. In fact they’d probably catch on fire with how flamingly gay this place can be sometimes, along with how no-homo this place can be as well. Every day is something new, lol. I definitely miss the days when PC was nothing more than an afterthought.

  11. I like the concept but tactical is a misnomer. Count on running into Mr. Murphy when the SHTF and your find out the magnet is not where you think it is or the BG ends up being in between you and your tactical wall safe.. Using a securely stored firearm for self defense is a risky decision. Your average home invader doesn’t give you advanced warning and a 10 count so you can run and get your gun. Home carry is the only real way to be tactical.

  12. I like this idea, if instead of the stupid magnet they used a real lock to secure the firearm. Either put a small four button combination lock similar to a gun vault on the bottom (as that would be low profile).

    Or the mirror is on a simple catch, and when you pull it up, it exposes a small gun locker with a slide down or slide up door when it is unlocked.

    • I think they have that option (sans locking magnet) available for a simple slide up shelf.

    • PPGMD, I was thinking along the same lines. I have 3 Gunvaluts – one under the bed and one is each of two cars. I’d love to have a full length mirror version of a Tactical Wall with the four button lock. It seems the magnet might be hard to find or get lost or the slight click might be hard to feel in a stressfull situation. Watching the outtakes at the end of the clip it’s easy to see their own guy had trouble with it.
      I have a friend who is really handy. I’ll get with him.

  13. Personally I’ll stick with my handgun safes… after seeing him fiddle with the magnet trying to get the door open and then having to hold it while he removes the gun, I’m definitely more comfortable sliding a drawer open and keying in a code or holding my finger on a biometric sensor.

    But as far as this product goes, I’d find a more discreet place to hide the magnet with the black on white GUN LOGO clearly displayed on it. It also needs some sort of hydraulic mechanism to hold the door up or at least keep it from slamming shut and shattering the glass (especially when you’re under stress)… especially if you’re grabbing the gun and a flashlight.

    The whole thing seems rather awkward and could use a little more thinking-cap time.

  14. I don’t know. Tactical Walls seems to be a worthwhile product for hiding things. It’s not very secure for anything beyond a smash and grab, though. Any thief could simply jerk or pry it out of the walls if he thought it contained anything of value.

    I home–and everywhere else–carry. That said, I grew up in a home where we kept our rifles and shotguns behind the kitchen door (where everybody could find one when needed), so I don’t quite understand the “for the kids” argument. Even the toddlers knew enough not to touch them.

    Sometimes the kids are the only ones home when a firearm is needed. If yours don’t know and practice safe and proper use of firearms, that goes to your parental irresponsibility and no lock and key will overcome that.

    But, again, you are the only one who know your own kids and know what you need to do.

  15. Magnet, magnet, who’s got the magnet.

    “Honey, I gave you the magnet!”
    “You most certainly did not!”
    “Well where is it!”
    “How typical of you to start pointing fingers in the middle of a home invasion, my Mother was right about you”

    I’m not going to weigh in on the whole “home carry” thing but this “solution” is an epic fail.

  16. “If cops searching your house (for some reason or another) find an “unsecured firearm” they can make your life miserable.” Where does he come up with this projection crap?

    In my state, you can have handguns laying around in trays like after-dinner mints and the cops won’t give a shit. That what comes from living in a free state. RF, keep the liberal crap out of the “Truth” about guns.

    • I was a bit surprised by this comment as well. I know of no legal basis for a police office to “make your life miserable” as a result of you having an “unsecured gun” in your home. The whole notion of home carry is silly to me. Granted, I live in an upscale neighborhood – I might feel differently in I lived in felony flats.

      • I also live in an upscale neighborhood. A few years ago we had a wave of hot burglaries in our upscale neighborhood, well because it’s upscale and people have lots of stuff. There were 10 break ins at dinner time in a two week period. Next question about home carry.

      • For the record, and I have no statistics to back this up, but I’d bet somebody’s life savings that MOST home invasions occur in upscale neighborhoods, usually very upscale neighborhoods. It makes no sense to bust down a door in the ‘hood…unless it’s dealer on dealer crime.

        • You would be absolutely shocked. Slums get busted into all the time for the very reasons that they are a) lower quality, which means they are easier to access, b) in a bad neighborhood, which means such break ins are expected and wouldn’t arouse the suspicions of most neighbors, and c) not likely to draw intense police scrutiny. Its all about risk vs. reward.

      • I feel pretty confident that every State has a law on unsecured weapons in homes where children or unauthorized persons can get to them. Here in Texas we have that law. Occasionally a prosecutor will go after parents after a child is accidentally killed with one. Usually they don’t prosecute due to the grief being punishment enough. Robert does have a valid point. The law is there, it is just up to the officer’s/DA’s discretion as to the action to pursue.

        • “I feel pretty confident that every State has a law on unsecured weapons in homes where children or unauthorized persons can get to them. Here in Texas we have that law. Occasionally a prosecutor will go after parents after a child is accidentally killed with one. Usually they don’t prosecute due to the grief being punishment enough. Robert does have a valid point. The law is there, it is just up to the officer’s/DA’s discretion as to the action to pursue.”

          You’d be wrong, plain and simple. Where do you come up with the broad, unsubstantiated, BS statement? This blog is supposed to be The TRUTH About Guns, not The Pull-it-out-of-your-butt About Guns. The law is NOT always THERE. NH has no such statute. It’s only “secured firearm” statute reads:

          “III. Any person who stores or leaves on premises under that person’s control a loaded firearm, and who knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm without the permission of the child’s parent or guardian, is guilty of a violation if a child gains access to a firearm and:
          •(a) The firearm is used in a reckless or threatening manner;
          •(b) The firearm is used during the commission of any misdemeanor or felony; or
          •(c) The firearm is negligently or recklessly discharged.

          IV. Any person who violates paragraph III shall be fined not more than $1,000.”

          Got that? 1) it’s all about kids (under 16) and 2) Leave all the guns laying around you want, and no harm/no foul **unless** a minor gets a hold of it **AND** does something bad (defined above). And it’s a simple violation, at that. If, in the scenario described above, “cops searching your house (for some reason or another) find an “unsecured firearm, ” they CANNOT “make your life miserable.”

          PLEASE, PLEASE, facts only.

    • Even in NJ I wouldn’t worry about unsecured firearms in the home, as long as they are not accessible by minors. I have no kids and when my nieces and nephews visit I secure them either in a safe or on top of tall cabinets (since they are never here alone to explore, not that they would).

  17. A good product for apartment dwellers.A gun safe isn’t any good unless it’s bolted to the structure , which is difficult when you’re a tenant on someone else’s property.

    • I would think ripping out the wall to put one of these things in would be something the property owner would think kindly of either.

  18. RK, believe you are in left field on this one. You tried to home carry an AK? M4? Shotgun?? even with a 1 point sling the dang thing gets in the way. a tool like the tactical wall is a good hide in plain sight and not that hard to DIY. Pistol is only to help me fight to my rifle/shotgun.
    all you folks who dont want/have kids…….whose gonna get your guns when you are dead? my kids, btw sons AND daughters are all angling to get them! They were also taught long ago that they were not forbidden fruit but like RockOnHellChild said re bleach, teach!

    • My niece and nephew will get all my stuff.

      Simply having someone to will your crap to is a terrible reason to have children, especially since there is no guarantee that your kid won’t grow up to be the next Manson or die before he/she is 20.

      • TheBear. Life’s a crapshoot at best. I know a number of older people who didn’t have kids for one reason or another. Regrets are what they have. No kids, no grandkids. Alone. Friends, neighbers, extended family just aren’t the same.

        It’s a decision that has come back to haunt them.

        • I have NO regrets about not having kids. I’m 55. I’m TOTALLY fine without kids! I have a neice I love to pieces and like kids to a degree but I just don’t want my own. The world’s is too F’d up to have kids IMHO. I have far more freedom and money in my pocket as a result. Less stress, anxiety,etc. I know NUMEROUS people my age that have no kids. We’re all fine with it!

      • Or simply be a raging entitled millennial douche that will promptly turn your Les Bear Custom into the nearest Bloomberg pride rally for a starbucks gift card.

        (just to clarify, that wasn’t a dig on gays. I just like to call coerced gun confiscations ‘pride rallies’.)

        • I think the odds of kids born now turning into entitled millennial douches is pretty high.

          One of my reasons for deciding never to have kids is that the world has changed significantly enough that it is no longer possible as a parent to monitor what kids consume. Well, actually I suppose it’s possible by homeschooling and not allowing them to develop in a timely manner, but that has its drawbacks too.

          Truth: all the girls in college who were the biggest party animals and most promiscuous were the ones daddy never allowed to leave the house or date until they were 18. The biggest druggy guys were similar.

          I would not want to have a child and stifle him or her, nor would I want my 8 year old watching porn on his smart phone. So… I chose to avoid the issue entirely.

          Best decision of my life.

          • I basically feel the same way. I’m 55. I’ve never had a desire to have kids.
            In any case, to me the world is FAR too screwed up to be bringing kids into it. Look how messed up kids are in the past 30 years. It’s pathetic. The art of parenting is a lost art for the most part. I see a VERY tiny bit of good parenting every now and then but mostly zero parenting. Makes me sick.

  19. What is illegal about having firearms not locked up on one’s house? I know CA has laws about that, but is that common?

    How many locks does a gun have to be under? The house, with an alarm not enough? Need a safe? is that enough? Does it need a trigger lock in a lock box, in a safe, in your house, with an alarm?

    I mean, shit… lock boxes all the way down, no end to it.

  20. It’s called a safe, bolted to something secure in strategic areas around the house.

    The wall safe seems cool….but I would have an issue with its security from unintended access.

  21. A couple of comments, I have a small North American .22 Magnum in my pocket 24/7, It’s no .44 Mag, but it’s not something you would want to get hit with at 3 feet!
    Something else to be considered, or not. What chance of a “cook off” in case of a fire, from a loaded gun laying around??

    • if your house is burning down, a stray bullet from a gun in your house is probably WAAAAAYYY down your list of priorities.

    • If the rounds in your guns are going off from heat, the round you have laying around in boxes probably are too.

  22. My name is BillF. I hide guns around my house.

    I have no children and don’t invite children into my home. I don’t like carrying while watching TV in my pajamas. But I want a gun nearby within easy reach. On the rare occassion that someone visits with children, I carry one gun concealed and lock up the rest.

  23. This makes me long for the days when fancy guns were shown in a display cabinet and a shotgun was kept in the closet.

  24. I don’t need a hidey hole in my house. My guns, with the exception of those I conceal carry, stay locked up when I’m not using them. I can leave them on the coffee table and leave the house and never worry about my daughter getting them. She has her own and doesn’t need mine.

  25. would tend to bolt a safe down even in a rental property, not that hard to do or fix.
    my kid uses a cable system to her bed frame not as secure but she worries about the apt deposit.

  26. My church has one of those magnet things to open a couple cabinets at the welcome center. They don’t always work as well as shown. Just from my experience with the magnetic cabinet latch (plus others’ stories of trying to get into it as well) I’d never count on that to quickly get to my gun.

  27. “Suffice it to say, home carry people. Home carry.”
    yep – all you have to do is research a few home invasions to know this simple truth.
    if wearing your jammies while you watch the boob tube is more important than substituting a comfortable pair of jeans or shorts to keep your weapon usefully at hand, you’re failing yourself (and your family).

  28. Q: What is the one thing that is not stolen in a home robbery?
    A: The furniture.

    Have you seen the size of the arms on a regular sofa or comfy chair? I could hide a case of beer in just one arm of my couch. It’s all style, and mostly empty space.
    Two words: articulating hinges. Yep, the hinges you find on most of today’s modern kitchen cabinets. Invaluable for creating secret swinging doors and covers. The best concealed space is one that only you know about, not one that untold thousands can know about.

  29. “You do NOT want to hide guns around the house.”

    No, YOU do not want to. Some of us not only want to, but do, and have, and will continue to do so. Do us the courtesy of assuming we are adults, with reasons. Less projecting, more truthing.

  30. One thing that I saw is that the mirror could come down while trying to retreive firearm causing a discharge, The mirror should stay up on its own power. Magnet release also seems to have a problem activating near the end of video. Just c=some thoughts

  31. I am NOT willing to take a chance with my grands (or children) lifes. I want protection for them, a safe way to hide a gun(s), & also be able to easily access my gun for safety reasons. Yes- we teach & always will teach & preach gun safety, but children are curious & unpredictable. Something like these products seems very helpful for what my family needs.This also goes for Pit bull dogs, they may be sweethearts to others, but I am not willing to take the chance that my loved ones could get hurt.
    Why would anyone take a chance with their loved ones lives??? Think about all the things adults do to protect their children, car seats, pool fences, yard fences, alarm systems, so much more. How is this any different? Of course, totally different if you never have children in your home.

  32. NEVER trust cleaning people, baby sitters etc. One case I worked comes to mind. The former baby sitter told her boyfriend about valuables in a house. The day he burglarized it, the brothers skipped school and were home. One of them was able to escape but the other was murdered by the boyfriend. A few years later, the other brother (older brother) committed suicide.

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