There’s not a lot that’s newsworthy going on in the Trayvon Martin case these days. George Zimmerman’s out on bail and, you’d have to assume, preparing for his trial with his attorneys. With so little happening in such a high profile case, what’s a news organization to do? Well, decided to fill up some column inches with an exposé of the gun Zimmerman was carrying that dark and stormy night, a Kel Tec PF-9. Somehow they managed to get through the entire piece without asking the gun what it thinks about its role in history . . .

They do get the impressions of a number of people, though, like someone who actually makes PF-9s for Kel Tec.

“I like the way it feels. I like the way it shoots. It’s comfortable in my hand,” said Nikki Epps, a supervisor who works on the Kel-Tec assembly line and has used one for three years.

As the author notes ominously, the gun was designed to be hidden.

“It is not a police-duty gun. It is not a target pistol. It is not made for hunting,” said Sean Caranna, executive director of Florida Carry, a nonprofit group that lobbies for the right of gun owners to carry sidearms in the open. “It is a self-defense firearm.”

Translation: It’s designed to shoot people at short range.

Problem with that?


  1. Because the Sentinel is pushing the meme that the Second Amendment is all about target shooting and hunting, all with prior police approval. Self defense isnt part of that silly constitution stuff; it will be unnecessary anyway once the lion lies down with the lamb, I mean, once we’ve made guns illegal.

    • Yeah, now thanks to the Orlando Sentinel, Kel-Tec production just nose-dived another 15%.

      Now I’ll *never* get my sub 2k…

      • LOL

        That’s the one thing I don’t understand with them. They make guns that a lot of people want, but they always seem to have production issues.

        • “That’s the one thing I don’t understand with them. They make guns that a lot of people want, but they always seem to have production issues.”

          The impression I get is that the firearms side is a hobby for Mr. Kelgren. Either that, or he’s very wary of using other people’s money to expand.

      • Got mine about three weeks ago. I was VERY lucky to find one in a store in central PA. They had two at 11 am when I called, zero by the time I got there to pick mine up around 4pm.

    • we should show them pics of the bull-pup shottie. that will get peoples’ panties in a bunch

  2. Prime example why the gun grabbers will never be satisfied and why the eventuality of their logic is total disarmament.

    There is no gun that is just right. There will always be something to nitpick about any gun. “Assault clips” have too much ammo and kill as many people as possible. Kel Tec (and similar) are too small and easily hidden. “Sniper Rifles” have too much range and power. Hi Points and “Saturday Night Specials” are too cheap and disposable. Semi-autos fire too quickly (see “assault clips”)

    On a sidenote, I was thoroughly impressed with the articles use of proper lingo. Chamber, magazine, trigger pull, round…

  3. Nope…no problem with that. I’m good with it. Although I’ll never buy a PF9. I prefer my other concealed carry guns that are meant to shoot people in self-defense at short range.

  4. Translation: It’s designed to shoot people at short range.

    Translation of translation: All law-abiding citizens who carry for self protection are murderers.

  5. Considering the increase in gun ownership and application for cc permits, the OS’s non-creative and biased approach to providing meaningless filler for its paper probably either bored most people (enough of TM stories already) or slightly insulted its readers that own guns or want to buy one or two.

  6. IT’S A SWORD, said the Hogfather. THEY’RE NOT /MEANT/ TO BE SAFE.’

    –Terry Pratchett

  7. My 1911 is also meant to shoot people at short range with added bonus that If I only wound them I don’t have to waste another round because I can bludgeon them to death with it.

  8. “It is not a police-duty gun. It is not a target pistol. It is not made for hunting,” said Sean Caranna, executive director of Florida Carry, a nonprofit group that lobbies for the right of gun owners to carry sidearms in the open. “It is a self-defense firearm.”

    So, am I reading this right? This guy, ostensibly a gun rights advocate, is crapping all over this gun because it’s a small gun, so that ideally he can say, “This is why open carry should be legal, because then people wouldn’t squirrel away these little sneaky ones,” thus furthering his cause? That’s what I got out of this quote. Was I supposed to get something else?

    • I don’t think he’s “crapping all over the gun”. He’s just describing- accurately- what kind of gun it is.

  9. “Zimmerman wore it on a holster…”
    I usually wear my guns in a holster. Maybe I am doing it wrong.

  10. “It is not a police-duty gun. It is not a target pistol. It is not made for hunting,” said Sean Caranna, executive director of Florida Carry, a nonprofit group that lobbies for the right of gun owners to carry sidearms in the open. “It is a self-defense firearm.”

    Translation: It’s designed to shoot people at short range.

    An unwanted dangerous gun with no socially redeeming values! Ban them all now!

  11. BREAKING NEWS: small guns can kill as well as big ones!!

    “a gun so small and light you can carry it in your pocket undetected”

    omg the sky is falling.

  12. Pretty darn bulky in the average pocket. W/out a pocket holster which adds bulk, it prints quite readily.

  13. Will the Orlando Sentinel be profiling weapons used in all crimes or just the racially charged events?

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