Necessity is the mother of invention. In other words, if the civilian disarmament industry thinks it can regulate guns to death, they’re wrong. The same ingenuity that created the bullet-button AR for California will find a way to keep the customer satisfied. Ish. Equally, if the gun grabbers eventually outlaw every damn thing with a trigger that looks scary, a large percentage of scary black gun owners (the guns not the owners although that, too) will simply buy black market firearms and/or keep their newly illegal guns. You know, kinda like booze and prohibition. Or the war on drugs. And all those other government programs that turned millions of otherwise law-abiding Americans into felons. [h/t JMS]


  1. Yep. We all draw lines in the sand. Am I gonna let a stoner or junkie outdo me in standing up for my rights? Hell No! To steal a line from a bumper sticker, that’s when I turn outlaw.

    • +1, truly an exercise in adaptability and ingenuity. Very slick.

      Also excellent proof that we mechanically-inclined types will find ways to get the job done under any circumstances short of a total confiscatory ban. First time one of these gets used in a crime, though, I’m sure Parliament will add a few new clauses onto the UK Firearms Acts.

    • I think an even better design is if the level mechanism were actuated by the trigger. Pros: Each round fired would require 2 pulls of the trigger;
      this would do away with the semiauto, one pull per shot
      it would simplify the action by not having to use your thumb.

      I can even think of how this could be modified to essentially an open bolt mechanism with 1 trigger squeeze per round when you move jurisdictions.

      The Con, of course, is that one would argue that the trigger should be for firing only, and that adding a functionality could increase risks of AD. I would say that if you feel the need to slam the bolt forward, your next move would be to pull the trigger anyway.

      In any case, I like the idea

  2. Forgetting the lever thing, I like that upper and lower a lot! I’d love to put together a suppressed 9mm carbine with those. It’s a nice looking build. “lever action” aside haha

    BUT… I could see this very thing (the lever) getting around all of the restrictions that only apply to semi-automatic firearms. Good for plinking and range time. I’d have to assume you could remove the lever, laws be damned, if SHTF.

  3. Hmmm I wonder if you can force the lever down so the BCG completes the cycle without any action from the user?

    • Perhaps with something as simple, and immediately removable, as a rubber band providing downwards tension on the lever?

    • Comments in the video answer this exact question – no, you can’t do it, it won’t properly cycle and may damage the mechanism, and in fact it doing so will void the warranty on the rifle.

  4. That may actually be better than a bullet button. In my mind a bullet button completely disqualifies a rifle from serious use. That though…certainly no worse than a lever action, and quite a bit better actually.

  5. I’d be tempted to buy one. Safer to teach people to shoot with that without the downside of only putting one round in the magazine at a time.

  6. I just don’t see why the grousing. There’s no flipping’ mechanical timer, after all; once a bloke is familiar with this beastie, it should be possible to reflexively tap the lever about as rapidly as one can pull the trigger.

    It’s cerainly no Berdan single shot.

  7. Is this a .22LR chambered rifle? If so then we have no need for straight pull in the UK, we can have semi autos (self loading) in .22 rim. Only centre fire rifles must be straight pull. Looking at the mag it is a .22 so I can’t see the point of this design for the UK.

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