“How young is too young to learn to shoot?” the text under the ABC News Nightline video asks, rhetorically. The talking head introducing this report on 10-year-old Shyanne Roberts’ shooting ability clearly signals the news org’s disapproval. As does the reporter. “Trust me,” she tut-tuts, “it seems like a lot for a little girl to handle.” And then . . . bruises! OMG! She’s bruised by a gun. Time to bring out an anti who fingers the evil gun industry for the young ‘uns ballistic proficiency corruption. The Uzi tragedy is duly trotted-out. Still, all in all, it’s a win! Yes?


  1. Man, they were pulling out all the stops to turn that into as much of an anti-gun piece as possible, huh?

    • Yeah they have to. Guns have went mainstream. Black Friday gun boom after the republicans took control is proof of that. It is getting harder and harder to convince men and women that guns are a bad thing. So they have to find as many kids as possible that have been hurt by a new family fun activity. The problem is that it is still hard to find because people are extra safe with guns around kids. So you have the kid with the uzi, this kid that ended up with a bruise, and ……………… well that’s it. They are grasping at straws. Make sure you put hearing protection on your kids otherwise you will be the next piece “Guns: destruction through hearing lose”

  2. I set my grandson up shooting when he was 6 years old.
    About the same age as I started, 72 years ago.
    He is 34 today and neither of us has shot ourselves or anyone else as yet.

  3. It was something of an uphill battle to turn that young girl into an unwilling dupe of the firearms industry and gun culture. She did a wonderful job of educating, calming and comforting her “adult” interviewer. Looked like a win for our side.

  4. My opinion is that as long as everybody uses common sense, what’s the problem? I was driving on private property as soon as I was big enough to steer, see, and reach the pedals, same thing. The antis don’t want kids to learn gun safety and the proper safe way to use and handle them, it might reduce child gun death statistics even further and then what excuse will they use to disarm the patriots? All I know is God willing my daughter will be shooting long before she starts dating… talk about birth control! LOL

    • Unnecessary regulation sometimes leads to unintended consequences. One of my first introductions to this was going boating at the lake as a kid, probably 14 or 15 years old. It was myself, dad and probably 6 year old sister at the time. California law required the flagger (the person who watches the skier and notifies the driver and puts up a flag when they fall) to be at least 12? years old. Dad wanted to get an early ski in while the water was glassy so out we went. While boating regs said my sister was to young for the responsibility of waving a flag when dad fell in the water, it was perfectly ok for her to drive the 460 cubic inch jet boat while towing dad, leaving me to man the flag.

  5. That crazy chick with the “gun violence” website ought to be happy that a smart, mature kid is well-trained and non-violent, but it was plain that wasn’t where her interests lie. Oh well.

    The other eye rolling moment: “But we’re talking about GUNS”.

  6. Reporterette never heard of football and basketball players dying from heat exhaustion? I took a dozen stitches in my upper lip from a soccer game; don’t think I’ve even had to use a bandaid after shooting, ever.

  7. I wonder how fatalities and injuries in organized shooting sports
    compare against, say, high school football or baseballs injury rate ?

    • Over 700 people were killed on bicycles last year with about 20 percent of those children.

      About 140 kids each year killed riding a bike.

      When are we going to finally have the conversation and put an end to the senseless slaughter of children on bicycles?

      When are we going to demand common-sense bicycle control?


  8. When you think about it, the young Miss Roberts represent a lot of things the liberals and the media (redundant I know) absolutely hate and fear. Let’s count them:
    1. GUNS!!!! It’s a miracle the gun didn’t kill everyone during the filming of that piece.
    2. A strong minded girl with a gun. How dare she do anything that doesn’t involve turning to government for permission or dependency. She’s supposed to be no weaker than a male and so fragile that only a big government can protect her from not being able to obtain birth control, boorish cat calls, and domestic abusers.
    3. She’s 10 and mature about guns. The only maturity she should be displaying is about sex. By 10, she should know the Kama Sutra by heart, how to change a condom in 2 seconds flat, and preferably have had at least one fetish encounter.

    At least, that’s how the most liberals view it.

    • And nonetheless, they just can’t say again and again that she’s just a “old fat misogynous south racist christian republican uneducated white men with a small penis”… as they often like to describe “gun owners” 🙂

      Also, it goes even further. Gun Control is all based on “emotions”, not fact. That’s why we see “Moms” demand action, not “Dads”. Because in population mind, the “Moms” are supposed to be the emotional person.

      But the more women and young girls will shoot, the more population mind will change regarding guns, often depicted as a “dangerous male toy”. Because, now will have some “Moms” that demand to have guns and use them to protect themselves. And THAT is what the whole Gun Control lobby is afraid of.

      Because, the more we will see women, young girls, black, hispanic, asian, muslims, jews, buddhists, atheists, liberals, etc… being part of the “gun culture”, the more diverse it will be and appears to the general opinion. Therefor, the more people will start to realise it’s actually for everyone. The US Constitution is there for everyone, and Guns are not a matter of race, religion, politics, gender, etc…

      In a long run, it will be more important to educate people about guns. Because the more they will know about guns, the more they will realise that Gun Control is a pure non-sense and we don’t need it. And that’s actually what they are really afraid with some young women shooters like Shyanne Roberts.

  9. Definitely a win any time responsible gun use is portrayed to a broader audience.

    Any kid who can compete on a national level is clearly doing something right. I’m glad she unabashedly responded to the leading questions from the journalist.

    • She answered all of the questions excellently. Unfortunately that’s not what most people will take away from this. The point of the whole piece is to push for age limits at ranges and even just using a firearm.

      OMG! Save the children from irresponsible adults.

  10. I think the contrast between the prissy “gun violence” activist and the women and girls being active and having fun outside worked to our side’s favor. I’m biased though.

    • You beat me to it! I remember cat stories ever since I faced one down while deer hunting in Oregon’s coast range. I wasn’t as close as she was, happily, so I didn’t have to shoot it. But I did advise the property owners of its presence, and three days later after I saw both it and its mate, we reported it to the wildlife folks — they like to know where new mated pairs are settling in.

      Then we sat down and designed hiking staves for cat defense.

      Both these girls should be talked about in schools. They say kids today don’t have any heroes — how about some their own age?

  11. A very impressive young lady. Calm, mature, and very well spoken. Said all the right things about proper training, and ably promoted shooting sports for youth. I wish her dad had responded better about team sports–boy would I have given that reporter and earful! Concussions, sprains, broken arms, collarbones, legs, ankles, ribs, etc., blown out knees, bad elbows from throwing too hard too young, you name it. And that is to say nothing about accidental deaths in gymnastics and baseball or lacrosse, broken necks from diving into swimming pools from a platform or board, and so on and so forth. Both of my kids were athletic. My son had his knee rolled up twice in football, has had two surgeries and needs a third–and he is only 23. My daughter was a swimmer, and she needs a shoulder surgery. Sports in high school and even more in college are dangerous. Shooting hardly ticks the danger meter.

    • Yes, apparently the reporter cannot understand the bruises from guns versus playing Football, Soccer or OMG Field Hockey! My niece has plenty of bruises from Field Hockey. And it is even worse when they practice indoor in the winter.

      • Ah, soccer — the sport where the high schools in the league I briefly assistant coached for ran about one broken leg per school per year. At least they didn’t get concussions ofter, which happened in American football.

  12. The hunter safety course in my state is geared specifically for 9-15 year olds
    They have been doing this for 40 years without a stink.

    It is basically a firearm instruction test with a live fire component.
    To top it off – it is the state government providing it free of charge to any child who wants to take it. Heck it is REQUIRED if you are going to hunt.

    Did they cover this at all?

    • When I took my hunter safety class in Colorado, I hauled along three teens from the local church — 13, 13, and 14. When it came to live fire, the best shot in the class beat them out — 12 years old, and outshot only by the range deputy and out instructor (pissed off a lot of out-of-state hunters!).

  13. I shot at 10. And I wish MY dad had taken us out more…great little girl. Nothing better than a girl who can take care of herself…

    • Yup. I took the WA Hunter Safety course with my 10yo daughter in April. She pulled 94% on the written final and killed (figuratively) on the practical. My grin went from ear to ear. So, so flippin’ proud. She shoots like a demon with her Savage Rascal so now we’re (collectively) working on her 7yo sister. Hoping to take the WA Hunter Safety @ 8 or 9. More girls need to be told this is not the exclusive domain of boys and they’re as welcome as anyone. Performance is king and if you kick a boy’s butt in the process, so be it.

  14. When she tells the reporter lady “Girls can do anything boys can.” SWOOSH. That one will have their progressive heads spinning. Oh wait, “But we’re talking about guns!”

    • Girls can do almost anything boys can do, but not everything. For example four boys can pee in one bucket at the same time. 🙂

  15. She’s awesome!
    10 years old and shoots a 12 gauge.
    Mature, articulate, an awesome ambassador for shooters.

  16. maybe 4th grade my famiiy took nana’s ’68 lesabre out to scottsdale. no way they were putting up with my hyperactive antics for that kind of mileage. putting scraps of paper into the ac vents was only going to entertain me for so long. and they had paid 30 dollars to have the radio removed (considered too distracting). ymca had a camp echo in michigan so off i was bussed. one of the electives was firing a .22 single shot bolt action from prone. no ear or eye protection. just straight fun. wish i knew what model rifles those were.

  17. I sure hope my spawn turn out this well. That kid has great parents, doing an excellent job raising her.

    Also, that anti gun violence lady. Jeeeeeeezzzzzzzz…… Last name gunn barrett too. I enjoyed her views immensely.

  18. Seems like our side could admittedly do a better job of educating people about WHY it’s good for kids to learn to shoot, besides the obvious fact that it’s a fun and useful skill.

    Responsibility. I leaned to shoot when I was 6 (as I’m sure many of TTaG’s readers did as well), and my father impressed upon me the responsibility inherent in the activity. The bullet that leaves the gun when you pull the trigger is your responsibility, and it cannot be recalled or taken back.

    That sense of responsibility is applicable literally everywhere in life, and there are too many people (adults and children) who sorely lack that sense. And shooting is arguably the best way to learn it.

  19. That young girl handled herself with stunning and precocious aplomb. Not only was she articulate, she looked that journalist STRAIGHT IN THE EYE. Truly remarkable maturity and confidence in such a young person. I’m not her dad, but I felt that “dad pride.”

  20. “Aren’t guns more of a boy thing?” That reporter just lost her membership in the feminist movement.

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