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I like new and different. Genuinely new and different. Like other industries, the firearms business relies on those two seemingly innocuous words for . . . marketing. In the vast majority of cases, “new and different” firearms are simply “more of the same.” Allegedly innovative guns tend to be based on time-tested technology and well-established ergonomic / functional profiles: systems that have remained unchanged for decades if not centuries. And then there’s Glock. The Palm Pistol. Chiappa Rhino. And the KRISS Super V system . . .

The KRISS Super V system is a recoil and muzzle-flip reducing engineering marvel that has impressed the United States Army, the NRA, and gun bloggers prone to sudden infatuations with les objects des desires inconnu. That bald bloke on Future Weapons seemed to be quite impressed with it too.

The US Army’s Picatinny Arsenal instrumented bench-testing measured a reduction in muzzle climb of 90%, and a reduction in felt recoil of 60% when compared to the H&K MP5 in 9mm Luger. All of this from a firearm with a frame that is smaller and lighter than that of the MP5.

Let’s back this train up and take a hard look at what I just said. The super lightweight KRISS (5.6 – 5.8 pounds), firing 230grn .45ACP, registered 90 percent less muzzle climb and 60 percent less felt recoil when shooting against a 115grn 9mm Luger firing MP5. An Apples to Oranges test if I’ve ever seen one, but one that definitely proves a point.

KRISS’ website explains . . .

Instead of having all the recoil force slam back into the shooter’s shoulder, causing massive amounts of felt recoil and resultant muzzle climb, the KRISS System absorbs and redirects these forces downward and away from the operator thus enabling him to better control and keep the KRISS firearm on-target.

The general premise of the system is that the block and bolt recoil asymmetrical to the axis of the bullet’s trajectory – down into a relief area behind the magwell. This design feature directs the recoil away from the shooter’s shoulder and helps to hold the firearm at point-of-aim.


Effective? You bet. Check out the reult of a two-round burst fired from a KRISS SMG (the full-auto, non-civilian version). Is that it? Could it be? Holy cow it is indeed: two bullets impacting so precisely the same point that they fused together.

The folks at KIRSS USA are currently working with the US Army ARDEC Picatinny Arsenal to design a .50 caliber machine gun platform using the same technology. The goal: a platform which reduces recoil by 90 percent and weight by 50 percent as compared to the current M2HB “Ma Duece.” New and different or more of the same? How about both.

[Pictured in this article: KRISS’s Vector CRB/SO design with optional “TacPac.”]


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  1. More drooling for me today, thanks a lot buddy. Where’s that extra $2000 when you need it?

  2. .50 cal machine gun? Could a system like this work in a .50 cal sniper rifle? Because I have a dream, that one day my 12 year old will be able fire a Barrett from a standing position

    • Kriss is working ona pistol version of the super v system. it is called the Kriss Kard.

  3. This would be an SBR, wouldn’t it? Are they available in semi-auto for civilians? It would make a GREAT house gun.

    • Civilian versions come with a 16″ barrel and shroud in semi auto. There is a pic on their website of one sans foregrip and stock so there may be a ATF pleasing pistol version out there.

  4. Had one. Jamomatic. Stock broke with a 3-inch drop onto carpeted floor. Not impressed with its recoil reduction either. Three strikes. You’rrrrrrrre out!

    • I have one and i love it! I try not to drop my guns not a good practice unless you have an afinity for lead in your body, and recoil is great have you shot a tommy gun? now thats recoil buddy! Oh & they jam when they are very dirty and or not well lubed. This is a great and very accurate CQB(close quarter combat) weapon strongly recomend it!

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