“Cuomo said in a radio interview Thursday that the one-day buying spree at gun stores would have turned into three if he hadn’t asked lawmakers to shortcut the usual waiting period for acting on new legislation.” God forbid Americans have an “extra” 48 hours to exercise their Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.  Or that a pro-gun control politician should ever tell the truth about his motivations.


  1. Ditto
    Obama has finialy found his Jew,,I mean Scapegoats and the Crypto-Commies are jumping on the train that always leads to the smoke stacks. It’s Two, Two, Two genocides in one!

  2. What an azzhole. I’m sorry for you folks in NY, you have an uphill legal battle ahead. But how many of your brethren voted for this pig?

  3. Question for the attorneys in the house:

    Do the circumstances for the passage of the law constitute any basis for challenging it?

    In particular: does the suspension of the normal process, with the result that those with interests at stake were prevented from representing those interests, provide any legal basis for arguing that this law is invalid?

    • Yeah. Violating the 3-day rule may provide an avenue of attack in addition to the 2nd Amendment.

      • Probably not grounds to challenge. It appears to be one of the Governor’s powers to waive the ripeness requirement.

  4. You mean New York still had inventory on the shelf…

    You really wish the press would fact check this guy.

    • On our local news there were people lined up to buy what was left. I think only the most expensive models were still on the shelves.

  5. scum…amazing the lemons that follow people like this, hope the payoffs, bribes and recreation centers were worth it.

  6. Someone make Cuomo face on toilet paper for us. We can put what he deserve on his face after every meal!

  7. The guy admits to deliberately circumventing the legislative process to prevent people from exercising their legal rights. Either he is a moron or thinks he is untouchable. Just wow.

    • I’m sure they won’t be long in coming. Better delay a few days and cover the bases than rush in and be dismissed with prejudice.

  8. What a ball eater. I hope the NRA sues them. Oh wait. This is the same area that you cant buy a large drink but the unlimited refills were not banned at most resturants. Fire all the New York leadership and start again. This cant be what the people want.

  9. Nothing short of an evil tyrant. No hyperbole. He deserves a traitor’s end.

    There’s really no old veteran out in NY who killed some Nazis 60 years ago and wants to rid his nation of one last one before he heads up to the gates?

  10. How much will you bet that the Liberal media and Liberal government don’t do squat about this? Let me make a note that New York’s gov’t receives an F on both respecting citizens’ rights and general intelligence.

  11. Coumo is a tyrannt. He who passes a law to infringe on people’s rights without a democratic discussion is tyrannical. I cannot believe there are people who will be ok with this. This has gone behind gun rights. You have a politician passing laws while completely ignoring our check and balance system!

  12. What a jerk, I hope he gets rabid butt cancer and falls down the stairs ugly-mug first. If I was in NY, I’d be packing now.

  13. So now, with the LEO amendment in play, does that mean the NY politicians get to take a fresh look at this?

  14. Million Mag March.
    Arrive in Washington by box car.
    Wear a Star of David, I mean a Pmag around your neck!

  15. You mean politicians should read a bill they are passing? That would be a novel idea. I’m beginning to think most are actually illiterate

  16. what a peice of garbage the the gov is. One would think that a former atty general would have more respect fot the law. Just goes to show you that you cannot trust a snake such as him. Big thumbs down for a blatent disregard for the free Americans and democracy.

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