You remeber Anders Breivik the headcase who used a bomb and rifle fire to murder 77 people last summer in Norway? He’s due to be sentenced on Friday. The big question: will he be declared insane or not, as that will determine where and how he’s housed for the remainder of his sentence. We say the remainder because there’s no such thing as a life sentence in Norway. Since his arrest, though, he’s been housed in Norway’s infamous hellhole, Ila Prison . . .

The virtual torture chamber where the mass murderer has been warehoused by the vengeful Norwegians, according to, has no end of torments for him:

The high-security prison offers Breivik not one, but three 86-square-foot cells. One cell functions as a bedroom, another as an exercise room, complete with treadmill, and the third is a study, where Breivik can use a laptop computer.

That’s his mini-gym, above. And if you think that’s cruel and unusual, just wait ’til he’s sentenced.

If found to be mentally fit, Breivik would face a sentence of “preventive detention.” Unlike a regular prison sentence — which can be no longer than 21 years in Norway — that confinement option can be extended for as long as an inmate is considered dangerous to society. It also offers more programs and therapy than an ordinary prison sentence.

If declared insane, the confessed killer will be the sole patient of a psychiatric ward that Norway built just for him at the prison, with 17 people on staff to treat him. It cost between 2 million and 3 million kroner ($340,000-$510,000), according to Norway’s Health Ministry.

As you’d expect, Amnesty International and prisoner rights advocates around the world are up in arms over the inhumane treatment. When pressed about the barbarity, a prison spokeswoman made a half-hearted attempt to justify the medieval conditions:

“I like to put it this way: He’s a human being. He has human rights. This is about creating a humane prison regime,” said Ellen Bjercke, a spokeswoman for Ila Prison.



  1. Wow. Much better than our prison system. Ours makes more criminals that it helps or rehabilitates. It does however, look to be a tad overboard in the luxe department. I’ve seen worse dorm rooms in college.

    • ^^^ This ^^^

      Our prison system like to pretend like “justice is served” but in fact we OVER SERVE in my opinion. How is it possession of marijuana and a pipe to smoke it out of results in Class III Possession with intent to distribute, Class IV Possession of Paraphernalia, with a 6-10 month stint hovred over your head.. Dont quote me on those classes or sentences, what I’m trying to say is that America has it’s head on backwards when it comes to “Serving Justice”

      We could go on for hours, I’ll spare the nonsense.

  2. Norway is one of the safest nations on Earth with a recidivism rate that makes the US look like a third world nation by comparison.


    • heavy – Why don’t you invite him to live with you when he gets out.
      I am sure he will be perfectly fine when that day comes.

        • Yeah, there really is no better way to fight against multiculturalism than to kill a bunch of white people. Yeah… obviously a really smart guy.

          matt, were sure you wouldn’t mind being roomies with Wade Page either, if he were still around that is. Not sure either one would like living with you though, you being a Slav and all.

        • @Jon R.

          He attacked the youth camp of the political party responsible for the multiculturalism in Norway. Not only is it a proxy attack on the politicians and their supporters, but those children were being indoctrinated in to multiculturalism, and would be future supporters of it.

          White nationalists like Wade Page generally don’t have problems with Slavs. And I never read anything about Anders Breivik having a problem with them either.


          I’m willing to bet you admire service members (arent you a ex-service member yourself)? They are mass murders too. This guy was actually fighting for what he believed in, unlike those service members who fight for whatever a politician tells them to.

          And don’t try to bring up that they are children. The military deliberately targets them as well, they were even raping them at Abu Ghraib.

        • I understand what you’re saying. Brevik was fighting against the forced multiculturization of his country.

          Last year, 100 percent of rapes in Norway were committed by immigrant Muslims. 100 percent.

          The attack on the youth camp was a political act, strange as it may seem to uninformed Americans. Brevik took out the future politicians who would continue the destruction of his country.

          Seems OK to me.

        • Jean paul…
          Are you serious? I don’t even know what to say to that. Mass murder is mass murder, political intentions be damned.

        • Jean Paul, do you have a single shred of evidence to back up your ridiculous statement or did it simply come up at your last Klan meeting?

          I know that trolling idiots like you and Matt exist, and I know there’s nothing I can do about it, but seeing unrepentant justification of the murder of children and a complete lack of understanding of the logical fallacies that lead to your simpleminded conclusions makes me sick. It must come from a really lonely, angry place – I guess I feel bad for you. It sounds awful.

          Oh, and here’s something interesting – a quick Google search indicates that not only are you wrong, you’re also a lazy idiot. 54% of rapes in Norway were committed by natives or other Europeans. Moron.

        • First of all, FLAME DELETED the translations were done by an anti-Islam group – that didn’t come from Norwegian news. Secondly, are you telling me you believe that simply because something is on the news is 100% true? FLAME DELETED apparently you don’t know the difference between Oslo and Norway – Oslo is a city inside Norway – and where does it say that all these “non westerners” are exclusively Muslim? Further, even the (probably faked) report they’re citing says that 45 of 48 rapes were committed by non-westerners… let me just crunch some numbers for you here… yup, the boys in the lab just confirmed it. 45 is not 100% of 48.

          You loose. Logic wins.

        • @Greensboro/BlinkyPete

          They were politically active teenagers, not babies. It is the same argument the supporters of Trayvon Martin use to appeal to peoples emotions. And also remember the next time you file your tax return, that you made possible, incidents like My Lai and Abu Graib whose victims both included children. Can you name a single war the US hasnt been in which didnt involve killing “children”?

        • Matt, FLAME DELETED

          Here’s your argument in a nutshell – Person A gets away with murdering a police officer, so it’s now morally acceptable and advisable for Person B to drown his children. In short, not only do two wrongs make a right, but a any wrong by anyone justifies any wrong by anyone else.


      • Apples to apples, then. I will invite Anders, who represents 0.0006% of Norway’s prison population. The United States has a population about 60 times larger, so adjust for that, then you get to invite the equivalent number of American prisoners to your house: roughly 22. Of those, roughly 15 will be hardened criminal recidivists. Anders will most likely be committed to a mental institution for the rest of his life anyway. The American prisoners mentioned will be committed simply to the streets, after they’ve been released early due to prison overcrowding. So, I will invite someone who is almost certain to be a ward of the state for the rest of his life, one way or the other. You may invite a couple of infantry squads worth of criminals instead. USA! USA!

        So, what was your point again?

  3. May be going a bit overboard in the other direction, but it’s far better than the atrocity that is our prison system.

  4. If a loved one (along with 76 of other peoples’ loved ones) was slaughtered by some murderer, I wonder how I’d feel knowing he was staying in a place like this on my dime. “Justice” is about more than rehabilitation. Where’s the punishment? Our prison system may suck and be a failure, but this is way too far in the other direction. You can’t look at their recidivism rate and say that the same sort of leniency would work with our culture.

    People may define justice differently, but to me, this is not justice.

      • An open-ended concept, like trying to define morality. Everyone has their own definition of it. What is justice in this case? I don’t know, cases could be made for lots of avenues. I can think of hundreds of better uses for taxpayer money than keeping people like this alive, let alone in the lap of penal luxury. One .30 cent 9mm round could rid society of a murderer, provide punishment that fits the crime, and save money for actual useful pursuits.

        • I don’t trust the state with the power to make those kinds of decisions.

          He should’ve been shot down when committing his crime. Now that time has passed.

  5. I actually agree, to some degree, with some of the sentiments above, but this guy is a clear exception to the rule. He’s a monster, and he deserves death or life in a cage.

    • And what would either of those things accomplish aside from making us feel better about ourselves? He’s locked up. He’s not going anywhere. Why does it have to be a cage or death? And I’d argue that death is an easy escape from punishment. It’s an easy out.

      • i have known of more than 1 inmate to be given a life sentence who have managed to kill again. the death penalty may not be a deterrent, but if properly applied it stops the convicted from killing again.

        • > And then if the wrong person is executed
          > you can’t undo it. So that’s pretty terrible.

          Are you saying you don’t trust the government to not execute the wrong person?

          Most readers of this blog trust the government to run the post office, health care, etc. Why not the power of life-and-death over individuals?

        • JWM, I’m not as against the death penalty as some people, and I wouldn’t light any candles for this guy if they put him down, but MB has a point.

          Monsters like this are rare, and frankly, life in solitary is worse than the big sleep. A dedicated unit with specialized guards would be able to handle the few that deserve to live in a cage.

          This brings me to Michael B’s comment – as I said/insinuated I’m actually fairly anti-death penalty for some of the reasons you outlined, though frankly if killing him made us feel better I’d say that’s a small price to pay in this exclusive case.

          That said my ideal punishment for people like him would be life in solitary – no visitors, no amenities. I believe in rehabilitation for most offenders, but this guy doesn’t fall into that group.

        • b.p., i worked in a prison. if you could gaurantee that a convicted murderer would never kill again i would support your ideas some. but the reality is that the other inmates and prison staff are at risk every day this man lives. and if he escapes? never has and never will be an escape proof prison. the first responsibility of the prison system isn,t punishment or rehab. it’s to protect the public at large from the predators.

        • “if you could gaurantee that a convicted murderer would never kill again i would support your ideas some.”


          Can you guarantee that The State will not execute an innocent person?

      • The death penalty absolutely, positively alleviates recidivism of any sort, and shows society that the lives of normal people are worth more than the life of a murdering psychopath. If my kids were murdered, I’d be less than pleased to house the killer in a resort for the rest of his life.

        • I wouldn’t either, but we don’t always get what we want. We give up revenge and vengeance in exchange for the state handling it. You’re a cop. You know this.

        • Seeing how many people have been exonerated by DNA evidence, it is extremely likely many innocent people have been put to death by the state in the past.

          What is the appropriate remedy for someone who has been executed in error? Should we put the prosecutor, judge, jury to death in retaliation?

        • @Dan

          I’m not talking about those cases – I’m talking about this one. And the Colorado movie theatre as well. There are some cases where it’s damn obvious that the BG is your mass murderer. It’s curious to me how many people are so assured that they could pull the trigger without hesitation in a DGU, but would not want a death penalty after months of deliberation.

    • JWM’s right. I’ve seen no evidence that behavioral rehabilitation works, either. As far as medical rehabilitation? Breivik is not insane. He’s a terrorist. You’re not going to convince him to become more tolerant or non-violent. The only thing you can do is lock him up for whatever period of time deemed necessary by the state or kill him. Option number one is the better one, IMO. But I don’t agree with the amount of luxuries he’s going to be enjoying. I also don’t think he should be thrown into a dark hole or cage.

      • A supermax type setup would likely alleviate all concerns by Michael and jwm; I don’t believe a guard has ever been killed there and the conditions are as humane as the constitution guarantees. I still don’t think they should be afforded visits or amenities, including TV, of any kind.

  6. Maybe if Norway’s prisons were more like America’s, Norway would be as safe as the United States.

    Oh, wait…

    PS — What’s this editorial about Norwegian prisons doing on a web site about guns?

  7. Their silly gun laws didn’t stop this fool from killing 77 people, and he’ll kill even more when these morons set him free. Then they can give him another twenty in the penthouse.

  8. “I like to put it this way: He’s a human being. He has human rights. This is about creating a humane prison regime,” said Ellen Bjercke, a spokeswoman for Ila Prison.
    In Norway, a monster who murders 77 people is a human being? What the actual fvck did I just read?

  9. NOTE to SELF: If your gong to go on a rampage, do it in Norway.
    WOW that looks better than what I have at home.. Geez….
    I bet you the food isn’t bad either!

    • Note to self: if economy doesn’t improve soon, move to Norway and commit a serious felony. You’ll get a stay in a luxury resort for a few years without needing to pay any bills and when you’re released, the job market will be thriving.

      • let us know when you’re ready to go totenglocke. maybe we could pass the hat and help with your moving expenses.

        • totenglocke, i don’t get offended over differences in opinion. i got thicker skin than that. your reference to leaving this country when things get tough, that’s what i was remarking about.

  10. Three 86 square foot cells? That’s more space than some Manhattan apartments. Does he have a Keurig machine, too?

    I wonder what would happen to Breivik if he had committed a really serious crime, like speaking Swedish.

  11. I think we need to stop rehabilitating and do more “re-education” for these sick fvcks.

    Either that or make the federal prisons absolute hellholes so bad that rape by the guards is government sanctioned, and you eat what the POWs in ‘Nam had to consume. This system has too much thought by Third Party human rights advocates who know or have watched/ been a victim of the crimes these people committed. Philosophy can only go so far before it becomes ridiculous, and this is one of those times. There should be NO ex prisoners that shake it off after they leave and say ,”Oh well, now it’s b1tch rapin’ time!” They should be so scared of fvcking up that they don’t go outside after 6 and crap themselves at the sight of badges. That would eliminate some large crime and criminals very quickly.

    • So for someone who has been convicted in error and gets government sanctioned prison raped, what is the appropriate remedy?

      When he is exonerated and freed from prison, does he get to rape his guards in retaliation?

      • Casualties of the ongoing war on crime will happen, and as I understand, convictions of the innocent are few and far between. This would strike fear into the vast amount of would-be criminals. We must focus on the many and not the few. Then we can improve the pre-prison justice system to decrease the probability of the conviction of the innocent.

        And quite frankly, no, the guards should not be raped back for doing their job, but the Gov’t should admit its mistake and cover court cost that were paid by the defendant and refund them the salary they had missed by being fired due to their unfortunate circumstances. There is only so much you could do afterwards, but the prevention would be the key to solving this problem.

        In the meantime, while Mr. Innocent was being violated by Mr. Guard, 100 or so would-be criminals were discouraged from commiting federal crimes every day he was there. Would it be worth it? I think it would.

        • Oh, and estimating the number of innocents in Federal lockup at 10,000 (Far higher than it really is) against the federal prison population 218,368 leave the percentage of innocents at about 4.58%. My guess, though, is that it is around 1-2%.

          500 per 10000 are incarcerated federally each year. Say 4% of inmates are released for whatever reason in one year (Mass releases and such as well) You would free 8,734 inmates, nevermind the prisoner releases with larger numbers. By doing this you clear room for 41 years, but say due to conditions, it drops to 250 per 10000 as the incarceration rate due to the fear of the lockup. At that speed, you would clear prisons and quickly start to free up part of the $6,638,000,000 just THIS year.
          I mean, you can’t really say that isn’t worth it for everyone who pays taxes.

          • So your definition of justice is driven primarily by economics. Fascinating.

            And while we’re on the topic of innocents, what is the appropriate remedy for someone innocent who is executed by the state in error?

            By your reasoning, executing innocents is justified if it deters criminals. Right?

            Sounds moral and ethical to me too.

        • Oh, and estimating the number of innocents in Federal lockup at 10,000 (Far higher than it really is) against the federal prison population 218,368 leave the percentage of innocents at about 4.58%. My guess, though, is that it is around 1-2%.
          500 per 10000 are incarcerated federally each year. Say 4% of inmates are released for whatever reason in one year (Mass releases and such as well) You would free 8,734 inmates, nevermind the prisoner releases with larger numbers. By doing this you clear room for 41 years, but say due to conditions, it drops to 250 per 10000 as the incarceration rate due to the fear of the lockup. At that speed, you would clear prisons and quickly start to free up part of the $6,638,000,000 just THIS year.
          I mean, you can’t really say that isn’t worth it for everyone who pays taxes.

    • Why stop there? You might as well re-introduce torture executions. Just imagine what kind of remedial action would burning alive, or, say, breaking on a wheel have! Especially when done in public!

      But guess what? We’ve been there, historically, for hundreds of years – and it did not deter people from murdering or raping other people. This was noticed pretty quickly, too – I refer you to “On Crimes and Punishment”, written in 1764 by a person who was a witness to all those things.

      Then realize that there is a reason why the prohibition on “cruel and unusual punishment” was written into the Constitution of the United States by its Founders.

  12. Holy crap, my condo on the lakeshore of Chicago didn’t have its own treadmill.

    If living like ‘civilized’ Europeans means giving mass murderers presidential suite accommodations, i’d just as soon move to Afghanistan. At least there bad guys in jail don’t get better living quarters than the cop who arrested him.

  13. The worst punishment for him? Obscurity. He wanted to make a big splash. Just let him wither away without any attention. No martyrdom. No big flap. Just…ignored. Considering how introverted Norwegians can be (when they aren’t drunk), I don’t think ignoring would be hard.

  14. I have just got word that he has been announced as being sane by the court, and is therefore responsible for his actions.

      • I would like to see him shot or hanging from the rafters as much as the next man. But this is what happens in Europe, where the rights of the criminal are more important than the rights of the victim/s.

        • Norway must have a bunch of cash lying around to be able to put him up in that penthouse for up to 21 years. I reload .45 Auto for around 11 cents per round. Just sayin’…

  15. A .45 in one of this animals vital organs would cost about 550.00. Including the gun, which, if they acquire more cartridges, may be used more than once thus reducing the per use cost.

    Sorry Moonshine, I just saw that I kind of duped you post. I got carried away, so to speak. I just can’t believe these ‘Vikings” would waste such money on a diseased dog.

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