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Kim Jong Un, the despot of the ironically-named Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, has something in common with Hillary Clinton, Michael Bloomberg, and Shannon Watts. No, not a predilection for narcissism and egomania, but rather the fact that he hates America’s Constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms. Kim Jong Un’s state-run news service made this clear in recent a video. Thee Washington-based has the translation, and the story . . .

North Korea’s state-run Korea Central Television slammed U.S. citizens’ right to keep and bear arms…as the “corrupted American way on protection of human rights.”

The about 10-minute-long video, entitled “Who is the criminal against humanity? Human rights’ hell” was uploaded on YouTube last Saturday.

The first half of the video shows a compilation of recent human rights abuses by U.S. police officers, arguing that “U.S. citizens’ are suffering from the state’s horrible human rights violations….”

The second half of the video consists of North Korean TV’s view of U.S. citizens’ right to keep and bear arms and the ongoing debate over gun control in the U.S.

“The man-hating ideology and widespread law of the jungle in the U.S. has turned its people into violent executioners where one may live by killing another,” reads the North Korean commentator.

“One can only exercise his/her political, social, cultural and all other human rights if one can be assured of the safety to live,” said Ro Keum Chul, faculty from the law department of Kim Il Sung University.

“The U.S. law that allows citizens to keep and bear arms shows the corrupted American way of protection of human rights.”

Ro also explained that the national law should ensure and respect people’s human rights but the U.S. right to keep and bear arms is hampering the process of ensuring the safety of people to live, resulting in gun crimes every day.

“Only the lawfully, culturally and morally stable society where the country protects its people’s lives can guarantee the true human rights,” said Ro.

The video also displayed how U.S. politicians are reacting to the evolving discussion on gun control law….

“U.S. the murder kingdom, the habitat of racism and the worst state for violations the human rights,” said the commentator.

According to a 2012 article from the (South) Korea-based Yonhap News Agency, North Korea enacted a gun control law in 2009…”in what was seen as an effort to tighten control over the society at a time of power succession.”

The law, which comprises of five chapters and 42 articles, “aims to contribute to the guarantee of social safety and the protection of the people’s lives and property by setting up the strict system” on registering, storing and using firearms, the North states in its legislation.

Under the regulations, guns are allowed only for its “primary purposes” including executing official duties such as keeping guard and training.

Institutions, businesses, groups and the public are prohibited from possessing or transacting firearms according to the law, which also banned lending, smuggling, destroying and self-producing firearms.

Those who violate the rules, resulting in “stern consequences,” are subject to administrative and criminal liabilities, the North says in the law….

“North Korea appeared to have tried to strictly regulate firearms under the circumstances where former leader Kim’s stroke in 2008 could lead to a chaos in the society,” said Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies.

Unless you’re Dennis Rodman, you probably are aware that North Korea is one of the last remaining communist dictatorships, and is such an economic basket case that, had he seen it, even ol’ Nikita Khruschev might have given capitalism a try. It is interesting that the Norks have enacted what appears to be Michael Bloomberg’s dream gun control legislation.

I know that many in the gun control crowd have often scoffed at the notion that widespread firearms ownership serves as a useful check on government power. I wonder how that’s been working out for the Norks?

Oh. Right.

The North Korean government abuses its people for even the smallest criticism of the state, according to a new United Nations report released on Monday.

The report, based on survivor and witness testimony gathered by a human-rights commission over the past year, said the atrocities arise from policies set “at the highest level of state.”

Rape, torture, forced abortions, starvation, enslavement and murder are part of the North Korean government’s effort to control its people and crush dissent, the commission found. It said it planned to refer the allegations to the International Criminal Court.

“The key to the political system is the vast political and security apparatus that strategically uses surveillance, coercion, fear and punishment to preclude the expression of any dissent,” the report said….

Kim Jong-un, who succeeded his father Kim Jong-il in 2011, has continued his father Kim Jong-il’s brutal policies, punishing political offenders by sending generations of their families to prison camps, and kidnapping and torturing defectors.

As many as 200,000 people are believed to languish in North Korean prison camps, accused of betraying the regime. Many were caught trying to defect or were overheard criticizing the current leadership. Others were imprisoned just for being related to someone the state considered a threat. The U.N. commission found that while many abuses happen in these camps, “gross violations” also happened in the ordinary prison system.

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  1. One can only exercise his/her political, social, cultural and all other human rights if one can be assured of the safety to live,” said Ro Keum Chul, faculty from the law department of Kim Il Sung University.
    Like all the inmates in North Korea in their relationship with their government.

  2. “The man-hating ideology and widespread law of the jungle in the U.S. has turned its people into violent executioners where one may live by killing another,” reads the North Korean commentator Michael Bloomberg.

    • “…where one may live…”
      You can tell that’s the part that just burns his ass. Only Kim may decide who lives or dies (and by which anti-material heavy weapon, to boot!)

    • 52% of all murder in America is “black killing black” & the rate was 42% back 30-40 years ago!!!!!

  3. Hillary and Bernie also explained that national law should ensure and respect people’s human rights but the U.S. right to keep and bear arms is hampering the process of ensuring the safety of people to live, resulting in gun crimes every day.

    • IIRC, “Great Leader” == his grandpa, Kim Il Sung

      “Dear Leader” == his dad, and Team America : World Police star Kim Jong Il.

      I don’t think Un has a ironic title like that.

      • I thought Kim Jong Il was “Divine Leader” not Dear…? Not that I care one way or the other, but I’d hate for us to insult people held in such high regard.

      • Supposedly, Kim Jong Il was a fan of the movie, btw (apparently he was quite the film-buff, kind of like Marcos and her shoe collecting)

  4. Coming from a country with a leadership that I consider criminal, I’ll continue to be a proud supporter of the “corrupted American Way”.

    • So does ISIS (No keeping and especially no bearing arms unless you are with the “leadership”) according to an article on here back a few pages.

  5. In Stalinist DPRK…

    Anti-aircraft guns, and mortars-methods of judicial murder (oh, and starving dogs).

    This guys a bloody car crash, I want (and need) to turn away, but I just HAVE to click on every story.

    • He’s been rocking….whatever that is…..for a while now. He’s probably just one or two crappy haircuts away from filling up his card and getting a free crappy haircut. Can’t stop now.

  6. Okay, so the Chief Hermit hates our freedoms. Should I give a rodent’s flea bitten posterior? As if. Seeing some legislators in DC agreeing with him………………

  7. I will watch those videos because I’m sure we’ll hear these words soon from the anti-gun side and I will then be able to properly attribute their quotes.

  8. These sound a lot like the executive orders Obama would love to enact here. What level of “sensible gun laws” will satisfy our own ruling elite? I think this article outlines their end game to a T. They have removed their masks, and they look remarkably like the guy in the picture above.

  9. No possessing, lending, or transacting firearms? Stern consequences? Criminal liabilities? Sheesh.

    You know, for a great big ol’ roly poly fat faced guy in December, he’s not very jolly, is he? I’m just sayin’.

    • I’m so glad the DPRK was here to film that, and get the truth out! Now, where do I go to get my free daily cup of hot snow? I’ve very hungry and cold, from sitting in the snow with my body-bagged friends.

      • You lucky bastards. We don’t even have snow down here in AZ. I’ll have to let some of the refrigerant out of my air conditioner and run it, even though it is winter, just to ice over the pipes enough for a cup of joe. The humanity!

        • Don’t forget how Spotted Owl tasted a lot like Bald Eagle when we used to cook it over Redwood fueled camp fires. Damn those were the days. Well I gotta go now, time for me to take up my turn holding up the center beam of our multi family tent.

    • I knew it!!!

      Those people are grateful for their ‘hot snow’…

      Thank God North Korea provides those people with that Snow Coffee.

    • Sitting on the bench with their friends in blue body bags! Hahahahahahahahahaha. This is HILARIOUS! Thanks for sharing. ?

  10. “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?”

    — Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    • Where did that quote come from. I’ve read The gulag archipelago, and a day in the life of Ivan denisovich and I don’t recall that. great quote

  11. You know, if you just included the transcript without revealing where it’s from, it wouldn’t surprise me if this was a statement issued by Hillary or Sanders or perhaps one of the Bloomberg-sponsored anti-gun outfits.

  12. Hm. North Korea’s intentional homicide rate (At least what they’ll admit to): 5.2/100k (not counting democide)

    USA homicide rate: 3.8/100k

    Murder Kingdom indeed.

  13. And this is from the inside of the asylum, where the inmates are so institutionalized they forget they are in a prison writ-large. The crime is life, and so is the sentence.

      • camp guard, “what’s your sentence prisoner.
        Dolgun, “25 Years labor, 5 years exile, and 5 years loss of citizenship.”
        camp guard, “what was your crime?”
        dolgun, “I committed no crime”
        camp guard, “LIAR! The sentence for nothing is ten year.”
        paraphrased from An American in the Gulag. One of my favorite books. I’ve read it a dozen times.

  14. The fact that a communist dictator shares the same point of view as the democrats and anti-gunners should tell anybody with even half a brain that the gun control crowd only cares about control. The fact that not one but three presidential candidates share the same ideology is frightening.

    • Was that a Grok 19?

      I’d hate to have been the guy who had to hide behind the target and poke a hole in the 10 ring every time the Fearless Leader missed it.

  15. I wonder if Rodman has a pencil and paper ready so if the clown makes some comment, he can be sure and write it down.

    • Mark, black folk to them a pencil/pen & paper to write on is “oppression” !!!!! You know black Africa had no ethnic groups that had a written language before the white man came! The black man much rather listen to the radio, watch t.v., be on the computer & text on the cell phone, forget that pencil & paper biz! They hate their “school-daze” except the p.e class, recess, lunchtime, music & dance class, movies shown in class, sports activities & the 3 p.m. bell that rings “it is time to go home” yippy !!!!!!!!

  16. Good quote Ralph. At a certain point people need to rise up and stop this shite. I would think when even fat boys close relatives are given the cannon treatment someone would do a Roman emperor regime change-you’d think…

  17. As many as 200,000 people are believed to languish in North Korean prison camps, accused of betraying the regime.

    So they may have been on the “No fly list”. Where do we go from here!!

    • “What, Lana? It’s none of those things; it’s not a republic, it’s not democratic, it’s not for the people, and it damn sure isn’t ‘glorious!'”

  18. I think US citizens should own mortars so they can execute each other like the dear leader executed his own uncle.

  19. How about this old chestnut:
    Q: What did Kim Jong Un say to Kim Jong Il when he died?
    A: “Your Korea is over.”

  20. The man-hating ideology and widespread law of the jungle in the U.S. has turned its people into violent executioners where one may live by killing another,” reads the North Korean commentator.

    Coming from them that’s rich

  21. Why do so many people in this world think that George Orwell’s 1984 was some sort of instruction manual?

  22. ” the U.S. right to keep and bear arms is hampering the process of ensuring the safety of people to live”

    Exhibit A, in that you can have the illusion of safety or freedom.

  23. Stuff like this should show the antis how wrong they are…. This is exactly what they want but “this” guy is evil THEY would do a much better job of controling the masses.

  24. “guns are allowed only for its “primary purposes” including executing official duties…”

    OK, so is it wrong that I initially read that as “including executing officials duty?” Because I’m pretty sure that’s what they meant.

  25. I’m offended that they called the U.S. a kingdom. If you’re going to mock us at least get your facts right. Is that too much to ask?

  26. In the communist worker’s paradise of North Korea, it is illegal to stay the night & sleep-over at a friend’s or other family member’s home! The common folk almost cannot get a bicycle let alone a motorcycle or car! The common person cannot learn music or paint art! The common folk can eat only certain foods! THE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT OF N.K. IS THE BIGGEST MURDERER OF ITS OWN PEOPLE SINCE 1945 & THEY WILL NEVER ADMIT THAT!!!!! BTW N.K. was a Soviet-Union satellite state like Cuba until 1992 & that is when the hunger/malnutrition/starvation started & been ongoing since !!!!!

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