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  1. I guess I agree with crazy coyote lady that killing for no reason is wrong, but there clearly is a reason in this case, as ranchers are losing livestock, so game on

  2. If there is an established season, then there is reason to hunt them. It means the state sees reason to control the population. I’m guessing, also that like many states, NM coyote season is 24/7/365 with no bag limit. Thats whats called a clue, lady.

    • The only restriction i could find is that there can be no night time hunting nor can you use any artificial light and you can go to jail if you are found shining a light into a hunting area and also have a “hunting implement”. Other than needing specific permission to hunt on private land, you are good to go. While there are no season restrictions, the state Fish and Game seems to like it if you would hunt them during the winter season.

      • Sounds a lot like here (RI- we and MA are LOADED with em). They’re right about the winter months. It’s breeding season, and last years pups are already out on their own a while at that point,
        I have zero compunction about hunting coyote, but it can be tough to determine gender in the field, and I’d lose a fair bit of sleep if I killed a female that was still nursing/raising pups.

  3. Do what you have to to protect your livestock and livelihood. As an old farmboy I look at any predator as potential trouble.

  4. I’ve never understood the rabid insistence of some people that humans must be the only predators on this earth, and that while we can kill indiscriminately and without censure (and very often without really needing the killed animal’s meat or fur for our own survival), if a wild animal also kills (for its own survival, or the survival of its young), that wild animal must be killed immediately, as if its natural disposition were evil or surprising. A rancher loses a calf to a wolf or a coyote, and you would think that he was the victim of a home invasion. Ridiculous.

    • OK, so let’s say I bring this home to you in a way you can understand:

      I show up and steal $150 to $1000 from you. And you can’t respond.

      There, does that make it a tad more clear why ranchers shoot predators?

  5. As someone who has shot dozens and dozens of coyotes, with everything from a .17 HMR up to a .338 WM and 12 ga., she’s a typical city-dwelling animal activist. Clueless.

  6. In Florida they are viewed as invasive species to be exterminated from the state, just like Nile monitors, boas, and various plants. After the $800 vet bill a couple of them left me, I will certainly do my part if sighted on my place.

  7. I’ve taken two this year. The yotes have taken nearly a dozen of my animals. Just trying to even the score.

  8. I follow a simple rule of thumb for dealing with nuisance species. Unless they pose a threat to humans on public lands leave them alone. However coyotes on private lands are a threat to the livelihood of farmers and ranchers and as far as I and the law are concerned it’s open season.

  9. They will quit hunting coyotes under one condition, the crazy lady should be held financially liable for all those farmers losses due to coyote predation, after all, fair is fair.

  10. I never saw a dead coyote I didn’t like. Whack em and stack em, they serve no purpose to justify their existence.

  11. So she has been a friend of coyotes for the last 150 years of her life and she still knows nothing about them.

    “Screw you ranchers. Coyotes are warm, fuzzy, and love to cuddle. They are nothing like the Roadrunner says.”

  12. I wonder if she would be okay if gov hunters went into the same area without all the fanfare of this event and did the same?
    Many protestors of these contests are content to allow government hunters to thin predator numbers but get jack-jawed when private citizens do the same activity.
    There’s a mindset being revealed…….government allowed…..private citizen not allowed.

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