The New Zealand Herald is horrified by American “gun porn” posts on Instagram. And they make sure to sprinkle plenty of it (i.e. chicks with guns in bikinis) throughout their article on the phenomenon.
According to (Washington Post Magazine writer Simon) van Zuylen-Wood, there are “thousands” of people in the tactical community who post similar content on their platforms each day — especially scantily-clad women like Casey Cook (aka @buff_cookie), and entire accounts dedicated to showcasing women with guns, like @machinegungirls and @bunswithgun.
The comments on these accounts are overwhelmingly positive and most likely moderated.
Ms Robbins’ account, for example, is filled with glowing praise about her looks, style and agenda.
“Wow I think I love you” is one of many gushing comments left on a picture of her firing a gun into a desert sunset in heels, while the most critical comments news.com.au found on Mr Best’s account was that “a real man doesn’t need a gun”.
But that doesn’t mean the trend doesn’t have its share of vocal critics.
– Alexis Carey in Instagram ‘gun porn’: The hashtag that’s glorifying lethal weapons on social media
I don’t know who the other people mentioned are but Mat Best is hilarious.
I think his cynical humor and his parody of gun porn went over their heads. Liberals don’t have a sense of humor after all.
Communism is a cult that replaces religion with politics. The closest religious parallels would be Scientology and the Taliban.
Fun is frowned upon. ALL your efforts are to be in support of those beliefs.
well,..they obviously know what guys like…
Gotta get the mob riled up and clip those wings. How dare other people be/like/do/look anything/way I either cannot or am too much of a lazy self-hating piece of shit to be/like/do/look.
Is this real one or fake.
Classic newspaper gambit; whip up something mundane as an unspeakable taboo in order to pique the reader’s curiosity, then reward it with pictures & discussion of said taboo. Instant little adrenaline & dopamine rush for bored, dumbass readership.
Matt Best is a tier one beta male🤣
Matt was a solid shooter in the Ranger Battalion, and an all around fun dude that doesn’t take himself too seriously. About as far from beta as it gets.
All I know is, I take this woman seriously :
Yowzer! 😉
Meh. The Kriss does nothing for me. Interesting sub gun rack holding it out of the snow.
That poor dear could catch a cold, dressed like that!
Uh, he was a Ranger.
That qualifies as Alpha.
What are you, a SEAL, MARSOC, or a Combat Controller?
I hope these NZ’ers never do an Internet search for “gun porn” ’cause if they do they’ll probably have heart attacks or spontaneous brain aneurysms…
Girls with Guns films and video appeared about as soon and the medias were invented. Computer files with brief videos of a bikini-clad beauty lasciviously shooting a small machine gun could be had on 5 1/4″ floppy disks in the early 1980’s.
If it took the Kiwi’s this long to figure out the mix of luscious girls shooting covetable firearms was an inevitable prurient combination, one has to wonder what else they’ve missed…
We got booth babes (electronic arts expo / E3), Car babes, racing babes, military babes, gun babes are only natural.
People (Liberals / kiwis / aussies / etc) need to get over themselves and their own indoctrination. Spit out the koolaid SPIT IT OUT! SPIT IT OUT NAAAHHHOOWW!!
lol i have no problem with porn of any sort (excepting rape, snuff, and other similar) however i have never had any real interest in any of it myself. One partner said at the end of the relationship that they had been a good partner as they had allowed me to have my guns. My reply was “you should have said you did not like me having them sooner. it would have saved us both a lot of shit!”
If a partner (even an otherwise perfect one which is basically impossible) was to attempt to make me choose between them and my guns i would be straight out the door. Same with my other interests in blacksmithing, machining and fabrication. If govt got in the way of any of them i would simply disapear and do it far from the public eye.
I bow to no one
2/3rds of gun deaths are suicide and gun control has no impact on suicide. There are 33 countries with higher suicide than the US, all with fewer guns and stricter laws.
80% of gun violence and murders in the US are gang related.
So take your nearly 40K in 2017 and cut it down to about 3K if you want an accurate picture of your odds of being murdered by a gun in the US
No one has ever been murdered ‘by’ a gun. With yes, by no.
it is not 80% gangs, but it is over 90% criminal on criminal. eh US doesn’t have a higher proportion of none criminals being murder per capita than the average developed nation;.
“The New Zealand Herald is horrified by American “gun porn” posts on Instagram.”
Someone, somewhere is ALWAYS going to be “horrified”, offended, disgusted, etc at just about every hour of every day all yr ’round…they’d better learn to get over it, OR just go hide in a hole somewhere…
This culture of “sensitivity” is getting ridiculous…
So. Much. Journalisming.
Oh my God, pictures of guns!!
Run for your life!! 😂
Which reminds me, I am running low on Black Rifle Coffee.
“The comments on these accounts are overwhelmingly positive and most likely moderated.”
Yup, surely so many people can’t like firearms, it’s preposterous, must be moderated. If not then it should be. Because all things should be moderated. Let’s pass a law so the government can moderate it, that’s the best thing to do in any situation. Can’t trust regular folks, so lets trust folks voted in by regular folks who will appoint other folks to carry out their wishes by means of folks those appointed folks hired.
Or perhaps they’re just seeing things put into perspective and it makes them uncomfortable. How can there be thousands of people posting guns and several thousand times more people liking the content? All guns are bad. Or are they? There’s so many people that like and own firearms and yet a fraction of a fraction of a percent of them have ever done anything violent with them against another person. Even a fraction of a fraction of those people have ever done it unlawfully.
Go figure.
It’s the next Satanic panic. Gun porn on instagram! OMG, ban it! Ban it all for the children!
Annnd… the problem is ?????????
Alert!!! ( Sorry for thread “Hijack” )
I believe FBI to possibly Try and stage Hoax mass “shooting” attack today!
Why do I believe That?…https://www.blacklistednews.com/The_FBI_Appears_To_Be_Involved_In_Staging_Or_Covering_Up_Active_Shooter_And_Terror_Hoax_Events_Every_Six_Weeks/31624/0/5/5/Y/M.html The FBI is known to Try and stage or cover-up, active shooter and terror Hoax events every six weeks…Today is the six week anniversary of the arrest of alleged “Domestic Terrorist” and U.S. Coast Guard Officer Christopher Hasson!
I believe that the arrest of Hasson, was entirely staged and fabricated by the FBI for public consumption, to Try and further Demonize wrongly: White, Conservative, Christian, Firearms owners and Veterans falsely, as the “Number One Domestic Terror Threat” in the United States, to help Try and “Grease the skids” for passage of the Orwellian: ‘HR 4918 Domestic Terror Prevention Act’ in the United States House of Representatives.
I believe it is imperative, to Try and call out these events before they happen, in order to “Throw a Monkey Wrench” into the globalists plans and to possibly get them to stop or change the timing of these events.
FWIW: Wonder how long it will take for this post to be removed?
You’ve been wrong every single time you post this crap. It’s nothing more than spam.
that dude really needs to seek help…
remember 3 layers of tin foil is best or use the ‘pro-grade’ stuff in 2 layers…
Oh noes we can’t let the DHS have a specific office to handle domestic terrorism that’s orwellian!
Sorry for thread hijack? No, you’re not. If you were, you wouldn’t keep doing it.
I hope it’s not removed Mark. It serves as an identifier as to who the complete wackos are for those who don’t know.
Thanks for self-identifying.
They’d be speaking Jap if it wasn’t for America.
That’s why we are citizens and they are subjects.
Celebrities and Youtubers are one thing. But any private citizen who posts their firearms on social media is foolish.
Instagram is cancer.
Act now & invest in manufacturing “fainting couches” for shipping to foreign climes where American mores are incapaciting the delicate all over the world!
They post the scantily clad women and TTAG posts a dude. #BOOOOOOO
Well, NZ better hurry up and lock down the internet, like they do in other communist countries!
Why do Liberals and the Left like pictures of people with sex toys but they don’t like pictures of people with guns???
In California it was illegal to post a picture of a gun for the public to see in a store window.
But there are plenty of pictures of people holding sex toys, some of them naked, in California store fronts for the public to see.
Actually, the law against handgun signs in California store windows was struck down as unconstitutional just last September; it only took them 95 YEARS to realize that, I guess.
As you stated California never made it legal to display a photograph of a gun in public. The court Struck the law down. However they did make it legal to walk around naked in public with sex toys. Like a strap on dildo well fitted for public attire. Those are the priorities of Californian law makers and voters.
they struck the law down *decades later*
As a woman gunshop owner I am not at all a fan of the demeaning gun porn. It is, in my opinion, very disrespectful to the hardworking women in the firearms business. All of us from the Olympic shooters and NRA execs to women gunsmiths, shooting competitors, instructors, hunters and LEOs. I do not and will not follow Instagram for this reason. My mother didn’t raise me to be a whore.
First off, congratulations and thank you for being a woman gun shop owner. We need more like you.
Anyways –
A picture of a handsome man holding a gun doesn’t raise your blood pressure even a *little* bit, Marcia?
Guys are ‘wired’ differently than women. We respond to visual stimuli differently than women do. It’s biology in action.
Viva la difference!
Geoff: That photo at the start of this article in an example of what turns me off totally. I despise tattoos. When I was younger I liked 007 in a tuxedo with his PPK.
I’m shocked, shocked ! Go round up the usual suspects !
I am sure Mat #GAF about what these buffoon tyrants think.
NZ is under the the British Flag …. the scoundrels we kicked out of America and we see what open borders did for them!
Looking for platonic companionship. Must own and ride a Harley and at least one papered automatic weapon. Please include pictures of ride and rod in first correspondence. F-K-A.
Whoa — if the guns are in bikinis, what are the chicks wearing?
It is about time the people in favor of liberty stand up and tell a fair portion of the world to go to hell, especially those who want to replace politics with religion.
Some people just need to grow a pair.
“Some people just need to grow a pair.”
The Leftists won’t let you. As far as they are concerned, that’s ‘toxic masculinity’ and must be crushed dead like a bug…
I wonder why Matt Best went with a left handed AR. I’m left handed and don’t really see the need.
That mirror, tho….
The pic is reversed. I have no idea why, though.
So, global-socialist are offended by the display of freedom. Is that news?
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