LANTAC’s Dragon muzzle brake has proven extraordinarily popular. In fact, when a bit of a miscommunication led to the absence of a Dragon in the 5.56 Muzzle Device Shootout, it immediately became the #1 most-requested “please include it in the next test!” muzzle device. Yes, it will be in Shootout Part Deux and we hope to also include LANTAC’s new Blast Mitigation Device, aka BMD, seen above and after the jump. A handful of other AR-15 parts that are new for 2015 from LANTAC also follow. . .

BMD — Blast Mitigation Device
The BMD is a quick-detach cover for LANTAC’s 5.56 Dragon. It controls side blast, sends gasses forward while disrupting flow and reducing signature through the teeth machined in the exit aperture, and combats muzzle rise via the diffuser grids and ports.
E-BCG — Enhanced Bolt Carrier Group
The E-BCG is on LANTAC’s website already and available for pre-order. Definitely check the site for full specs, but on a high level this BCG certainly appears to have many innovative features all in one place. Unique gas porting, coating, anti-tilt flared boss, domed cam pin, etc.
RAVEN AR Barrels
It looks like we can expect a line of 4150 CMV, nitrided barrels from LANTAC in various lengths and calibers. The one shown is chambered in .223 Wylde.
SPADA-S Freefloat Handguard
Little in the way of details — other than what’s in the photo above — on the SPADA-S is known to me at this time. No protrusion on the rear means it will mount to basically any upper receiver. The internal-locking Rail Extension System looks pretty slick.
UAR — Upper Advanced Receiver
The UAR is also on LANTAC’s site already and is available for pre-order. A super smooth, burnished bore and blended cam recess designed specifically for LANTAC’s domed cam pin (included w/ the upper) are intended to offer ultra smooth operation with less wear.
I wonder how much a fully Lantac’d out AR would run…
Lantac BMD and the Ferfrans CRD whats the true difference? I look forward to a test from the woods of Nidaho 🙂
N’Idaho! 🙂 …I’m hoping it’ll catch on haha
Im pretty confident in your excellent articulation and entertaining personal style (the trademark shades while inside during the Sig Brace video specifically) that the N’Idaho! can catch on! VIdeos/articles like the muzzle device competition have further cemented this idea to me at least, the rock and pen of science took quite an effect on me personally(in the most humorous way possible). A most humorous effect to say the least, not to mention the dual wielding in said woods 🙂
Looks like biggest difference (only?) is that the BMG works with the Dragon brake, reputed to be the “best” out there. And maybe price, when released??
You had me with the .223 Wylde chambered, nitrided 4150 cmv barrel until the picture confirmed the twist rate is 1×7 instead of 1×8.
You think it matters much? Honest question, as I haven’t experimented personally. I’ve shot 40 grain varmint .223 out of my 1:7″ twist, 5.56 chambered AR, though, and it has proven very accurate. Maybe it would be even more accurate with a slower twist rate but I don’t think I have the rifle-from-a-sandbag skill level to know, as the groups I’ve shot with it are about as tight as I’m personally able to hit… at least with the optics I have. It also shoots fine with ammo up to 77-grain, which is as high as I’ve shot, and basically everything possible in the middle. I know 1:8 is like “the compromise” twist that’s supposed to work with all projectile weights, but I’m not sure I’ve seen 1:7 failing me with really light, really high velocity stuff either…
It may matter for thin skinned varmint bullets. For instance, Hornady 55gr SPX (“explosive” soft point) stayed together and shot great out of my 16″ RRA 1-9″ twist but disassembles itself after leaving the end of my 16″ Bergara 1-8″ twist. I got huge groups and some keyholed.
Basically the extra twist was enough to actually throw the jacket off of the bullets as they spun faster than their construction allowed.
I had the same results. When ammo was so hard to find in 2013, I bought some odd ball weights and loaded them. I played around with 50gr Hornady ballistic tips, 60gr Hornady ballistic tips, and 77gr Nosler Custom Comp HPBTs. Basically, the 50grs disintegrated out of 1/8 and 1/7, and were meh out of a 1/9. I thought the 60gr would do better, but the only improvement was that the bullets didn’t vaporize. Ladder testing with the 60gr out of all twist rates barely achieved 3-4 moa, even out of a match barreled 20 rifle with a 1/8. By far, the best results were with 1/7 and the 77gr CC HPBTs, to the point that a 16 in barrel was almost cloverleafing 5 round groups at 100 yds with just a 1-4 scope. Anymore, if i’m just plinking, i’ll use cheap 55gr ball out of a 1/7, but if I really want results, stick with the 77s. Fun side note. I took that same 16 in barreled gun with a BDC 1-4 scope (Burris fullfield tac-30, awesome!) to a local 600m shoot. I did it just to tweak the noses of all of my old timey buddies at the range, and how much they hate “mouse guns”. Once I figured my hold-over, I was pretty consistently dinging a steel torso at 600m. 🙂 Of course, YMMV.
Take my money!
Are they ever going to make a suppressor that easily mounts to the Dragon? Years ago they said yes but now it seems like they’re making almost everything except suppressors.
Their brakes look nice, but I was unhappy paying $80 for my YHM QD can mounts. $140 for a brake that can’t mount a suppressor, screw that. I may change my mind down the road when that BMD comes out. It’d be great on a short barrel.
Yes, the “push the blast forward” designs (Ferfrans, KX3/5, this BMD) are great on non-suppressed shorties.
Our Products are the best out there, anything else is second rate.
The only thing Lantac has made is the little muzzle brake
everything else is just concepts they have been promising but never produced
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