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Illinois State Police are investigating the shooting death of a 40-year-old eastern Illinois man by a Vermilion County sheriff’s deputy.  Police say Michael J. Brandel was shot three times Saturday night by an unnamed deputy at Brandel’s apartment. Three deputies were called to the apartment by the landlord who reported that Brandel was damaging the property. Brandel reportedly refused to comply with their commands and jabbed at deputies with a sharp piece of wood after being shocked with a stun gun.

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  1. Who named this article? You heartless bastards! He wasn't looking for a fight….he was in HIS HOME!!! He was not expecting to die at the hands of law enforcement… And he NEVER owned a gun and he NEVER looked for a fight…he died because some trigger happy (and most likely) rookie prick, who had no idea that my husband suffered from Bi-Polar disease.
    This wasn't a fight…this was a tragedy. Mike has four children that are now without a father…

  2. Ralph, thank you for speaking up! Mike had actually been tased (3 times) and beaten about the face and head before he was shot to death, cornered in a 9'x5' bathroom, IN HIS OWN HOME!

  3. I am James S. Cooley. I graduated from High School with Mike Brandel. He was one of my very dearest friends in those days. I cant believe I do the writer of this article justice by simply agreeing with Mike’s “widow”. Callousness is not a requirement of “free speech”. The idiot that wrote that article SHOULD BE FIRED.

  4. michael is my nephew i talked w/him a lot just before we saw his grandfather in reno nv. laying on his death bed, this person that shot my nephew is a coward ,also helped destoy the rest of my mothers@fathers heart i hope he lives w/this

  5. i spen 4 yrs in the milatary,born in detroit mi. grew up in chicago 9 yrs in los angeles,5 yrs in new orleans i have never wanted to shoot someone who pointed a stick at me

  6. just craig here mike really hope your family gets all that cop gave you so sorry i could not help wanted you here lots of luv nephew god bless

  7. One lol at Thomas Cruppenink’s history of lawsuits , no immunity, the counties record of non disclosure agreements to hide abuse, as well as Thomas trying to murder me Michael Hoit on 09-19-09 while I was handcuffed as he tried to suffocate and choke me, putting his tazer on my jugular vein and repeatedly pulling the trigger , punching me repeatedly, breaking my ribs all prove this was a cover up of a cold blooded murder by public officials here in Vermilion county and the state of Illinois.
    They spin this story to justify their use of excessive violence everyday in this county. Almost 11 years now and the county is still retaliating upon my family for trying to expose this. One of the deputies involved in this peter miller recently brutality beat my wife as she was having a seizure. They are working to cover that up as well.
    This isn’t about a stick it’s about a violent cop murdering a man after getting away with hurting numerous citizens before and after Michael Brandel’s MURDER.

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