Home Shotguns MTs-255 Tactical Revolver Shotgun: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Shotguns MTs-255 Tactical Revolver Shotgun: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? By Robert Farago - November 12, 2010 3 Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Email RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Savage Adds Two New Color Options to the Model 42 Takedown Defender Tactical Mini-Pro Lifter and Cartridge Arrestor System for Mossberg Shotguns KelTec KSG410 Trigger Time at SHOT Industry Day at the Range 3 COMMENTS Yosemite Sam, please claim your pistol at Lost and Found… I have the money and I want one! This is my DREAM GUN! I was going to have one custom made but would settle for this! Does ANYONE know how I could get one??? Looks like Hellboy’s gun, the Samaritan! http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y91/shadoblak/hellboyGun.jpg Comments are closed.
I have the money and I want one! This is my DREAM GUN! I was going to have one custom made but would settle for this! Does ANYONE know how I could get one???
Looks like Hellboy’s gun, the Samaritan! http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y91/shadoblak/hellboyGun.jpg
Yosemite Sam, please claim your pistol at Lost and Found…
I have the money and I want one! This is my DREAM GUN! I was going to have one custom made but would settle for this! Does ANYONE know how I could get one???
Looks like Hellboy’s gun, the Samaritan!
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