Uvalde shooting FBI
Law enforcement personnel, including the FBI, gather near Robb Elementary School following a shooting, Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in Uvalde, Texas. (AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills)

Since [Heller], the Second Amendment has become gospel — literally. In a recently filed amicus brief, Texas Governor Greg Abbott argued that “Texans have long cherished the right that was confirmed by the Second Amendment, but conferred by God.”  (Actually, Jesus said, “Put your sword back in its place, for all who live by the sword shall die by the sword.”  [Matthew 26:52] But whatever.)

In fact, any day now, the Supreme Court is set to (probably) strike down a New York policy that issues “concealed carry” permits only to people who show that they need a gun for self-defense.

The tragic irony, as The Onion noted eight years ago, is that we know how to stop this from happening.  While we don’t yet know what could have prevented this particular attack, the advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety lists 37 solutions on its website, from background checks to waiting periods, prohibiting ‘open carry’ to repealing ‘stand your ground’ laws, banning high-capacity magazines and assault weapons to holding the gun industry accountable. 

It’s not rocket science, and while there remains significant disagreement on some of these policies, there’s enormous, widespread support for many of them. But God help any Republican who has the courage to stand up to the NRA, gun manufacturers, and the rage of the populist Right. (Indeed, almost no such Republicans exist anymore.)  For profound, deep, even spiritual reasons, many white Americans do exactly what President Obama infamously said in 2008: “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them… as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Our collective refusal to do anything about these horrifying mass shootings is not the Second Amendment’s fault. It’s white supremacy’s fault. It’s Republicans’ fault. It is that simple.

— Jay Michaelson in The Right-Wing Lie That’s Killing Our Children


  1. Wow, Jay Michaelson, whomever he is, has downed the liberal Kool-aid. Just another Communist sympathizer, who may be too stupid to know he is one, as many are, spouting the racist dogma of the Left. If people REALLY wanted to do something about these shootings, we’d re-open our mental health institutions and bring back the laws that used to protect us. We’d also institute mandatory mental health exams at the ninth grade level for ALL.

    • “Wow, Jay Michaelson, whomever he is,…”

      A writer for ‘Rolling Stone’…

      • Look up the Rolling Stone article of “the power of a .308 semi-automatic rifle”.

        It showed the entry would in the front of a body and the massive exit wound in the back. Note only ONE wound on the body.

        However they failed to mention the type of bullet and the distance the shot was taken.

        Disinformation at its finest.

    • Wow, simply noting that the writer of that article writes for ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine triggered banishment to comment moderation?

      What the actual fuck?

      • No actual fucks are given. The agenda must be advanced, the narrative must be observed.

      • Geoff, TTAG uses W0rdpre$$ (there aren’t a lot of choices for this type of site) and they are staffed by the left-wing techies that help pollute California politics to the point that the state is unliveable. Criticizing one of their sacred cows isn’t allowed. I am a bit surprised they still allow TTAG to use their software, except ownership is based on profit.

        • My advice to anyone within a 100 mile radius of jay michaelson is run purchase a firearm and get a restraining order against that pathetic, history rewriting slanderous libelous pos.

      • jay michaelson is the kind of of pompous pasty mouth pervert whose Gun Control rot supplies insane individuals with soft targets consisting of innocent, unarmed, defenseless men, women and children.

        jay michaelson beats the very same Gun Control drums that made it easy for the socialist nazi party to roundup defenseless Jews like cattle and put families on freezing trains headed to freezing concentration camps, etc. Or the Gun Control military wing of the democRat Party known as the kkk used to terrorize unarmed Black Americans.

        My advice to anyone within a 100 mile radius of jay michaelson is run purchase a firearm and get a restraining order against that pathetic, history rewriting slanderous libelous pos.

      • I’ve had so many of my own comments held for moderation – or even outright deleted shortly after being posted – and I can never understand why. The only “answer” I ever got was from TTAG contributor Jeremy S. who sarcastically told me/us to deal with it. So I do, and over the past few months have reduced my visits to TTAG and read only perhaps half the articles now. It’s not worth my time to write a comment/reply to participate in the conversations, only to have them withheld from view. Frustrating.

  2. This jerk is so full of crap. Criminals, punks, thugs, BLM, Antifa, Left Wing Socialists, Illegal Aliens, Terrorists are the problem, not the Law Abiding American Citizen.

    Take down the Criminals, punks, thugs, BLM, Antifa, Left Wing Socialists, Illegal Aliens, Terrorists and the problem is solved. To do this we must Arm Up all Law Abiding US Citizens and give them unfettered access to their weapons of choice wherever and whenever they may be. Home, Office, School, Government, Bank, ANYWHERE! If you can use your legal weapon to take out an illegal use of a weapon, total grant of immunity! Can we all just get together and remove all these Criminals, punks, thugs, BLM, Antifa, Left Wing Socialists, Illegal Aliens, Terrorists from society?

    • Their argument boils down to: If 100 million law-abiding Americans did not own 400 million guns then the criminals and wackos would not be able to buy or steal them in order to commit these crimes. Problem solved.

      That’s like saying if hard-working Americans didn’t have jobs they wouldn’t have any money or property for criminals to steal and so the crime rate would drop. Problem solved.

      • That’s the Dacian solution. Since criminals and crazies are getting guns in untracked private sales from legal gun owners, you solve the problem by taking guns off legal guns owners.

        But Supreme Commissar Dacian and his Caravan of Death want to inflict further punishment (execution) in the name of s0cial justice.

  3. I know a JAN Michaelson (a great American and former conservative talk radio host on WHO radio). Screw this phoney POS Jay Michaelson. Whomever he is.

    FJB – dancing on the bodies while still warm.

  4. They’ll all be dead in 8 years anyway due to climatic disaster.
    Late term abortions.

    Why the left so upset? Their wishes are being fulfilled. Every lefties “dream board” is a collection of chopped up fetuses, arid landscapes and eunuchs clad in rainbow short-shorts twerking over dead children.

  5. I clicked on the link and read the actual article and think that I should touch on a few of the topics that the author mentioned. The second amendment was not about protecting States slave hunting militias. States does not have slave hunting militias. Slave hunters were typically privateers the way bounty hunters are today.

    The claim by the left that the Second Amendment meaning was distorted to mean an individual right is easily disproven by reading the transcripts from when Congress debated the National Firearms Act in 1933. Every single member of Congress explicitly understood and stated that the Second Amendment is an individual right. No court ever had to make a ruling saying that it was an individual right because it was as plain as the nose on everyone’s face that it was. It wasn’t until the left decided it would be politically advantageous to disarm everyone that people began to whisper and later roar that the Second Amendment only granted rights to the government.

    On the list of every towns 37 actions that can be taken that would prevent violence being committed with a firearm not a single one of them would do anything. They’re just whittling away on a fundamental right and doing their ever-loving best to infringe upon it by making felonies out of nothing.

    • “37 solutions” sounds a lot like the political philosophy of another leftist totalitarian group. Michaelson IS the extremist that he’s allegedly trying to warn us about.

  6. There is a whole lot of B.S. in Michaelson’s screed.

    According to this schmuck there are no white supremacists that are Progressive Democrats…only Republicans. Yet, when policies and actions are examined under a lens, the Democrat’s appear to lead the pack in discriminatory practices.

    Everytown’s end goals are to “fundamentally change” the USA into a watered down version of the cuckolded U.K….a nation that we divorced ourselves from approximately 246 years ago. The fact that the UK and the USA are friends and trading partners today is a good thing, but, to emulate their expensive, failing experiment in Socialism and group think is a giant step backwards.

  7. …and moderated yet again…for a post that is pretty tame.

    TTAG’s / WordPress’s net nanny protocols are a (blanking) joke.

  8. First, Jesus also said, “if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

    Second, when he told his disciple to put his sword away (there is no way he didn’t know he had the sword in the first place which brings up another point but I digress), he had a mission to accomplish and wouldn’t be able to do so if his disciples defended him from the unlawful arrest.

    Third, the only people who “live by the sword” are those who do violence for a living (ex: police, military, and obviously criminals).

    Forth, those who do not live by the sword can still die by them. Which is why everyone else who carries a weapon does so.

    In short, f-off you lying b*stard!

    • Thank you for the other biblical reference. I was surprised that I had to scroll so far down to find it.

    • Well said. I was hoping someone had already made those points.

      Even so, I don’t expect any different from someone belonging the Father of Lies.

  9. As deeply twisted as all this is, it’s just an example of how the left is increasingly losing their minds as we get closer to the election. There is no recognition given to the fact that this lunacy is the very reason they are in danger of losing their control.

    Yahoo is a leftist propaganda arm. This is part of why so many in the general population are going crazy.

    • I’m surprised Yahoo is allowing comments again. Maybe it’s their way of begging people to come back to their site. Articles like that used to get hundreds of comments.

      • A quick check of the site shows they’re allowing comments on most articles now. There’s one Trump article without the ability to comment. They did away with their comment section after people started calling out the nonsense in 2020.

        • Was on the site maybe an hour ago only something like one in ten articles allowed comments.

      • “Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting”

        didn’t last long

  10. First, Jesus also said, “if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

    Second, when he told his disciple to put his sword away (there is no way he didn’t know he had the sword in the first place which brings up another point but I digress), he had a mission to accomplish and wouldn’t be able to do so if his disciples defended him from the unlawful arrest.

    Third, the only people who “live by the sword” are those who do violence for a living (ex: police, military, and obviously criminals).

    Forth, those who do not live by the sword can still die by them. Which is why everyone else who carries a weapon does so.

    In short, f-off you lying @#$&$!

  11. Actually, the correct quote is:

    He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.” The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.” “That’s enough!” he replied.

    — Gospel of Luke 22:36-38, NIV

      • It’s not a personal limitation, just a realization that all 12 of the apostles didn’t need to be armed. They could, but two was enough to provide the appropriate protection for the group.

    • I was tempted to read the full article until I saw that he is using The Onion as source material… what, couldn’t find anything useful from MadMagazine?

    • possum,

      Doesn’t that get confusing, when ALL the pieces on the board are black? Or do possums play chess by scent?

  12. Well said — Jay Michaelson , well said. The average decent, humane non racist gun owner has become ashamed to even admit to his friends and relatives that he eve owns a gun because of all the mass shootings that happen now on a regular basis. This mass mayhem and murder has no become “the Norm”.

    As I have said before this forum in no way represents the average gun owner. The majority of people who hang out on this forum are mentally ill people suffering from advanced paranoia and practicing sickening racism and intolerance of other peoples political views, ethnicity, and religion. It is right out of Hitler’s Germany.

    I used to think as a young boy when learning of the behavior of the German Nazi’s that they were an aberration of the human race. Later in life after completing my university studies much to my horror I began to realize that the Far Right are the same in all countries and all races, they are hateful, sadistic, ignorant and very disturbed people and blasphemers of their own religions. I have met more atheists, and agnostics that were more decent people than I have from the Far Right Religious Fanatics, many of which belong in mental institutions.

    The old cliché “The moral majority is neither” certainly fits the Far Right Fanatics. Greg Abbott the great hypocrite puffed up his chest when he screamed his rape of women’s right to chose was because he had saved the lives of the yet unborn was a total hypocrite when he made it easier for those born and living children to be gunned down in a pool of blood and carnage because Abbott made it easier for lunatics and criminals to buy guns in Texas.

    Eventually and soon the mass murder will become so bad, so prevalent that when the corrupt Republicans, prostitutes of the gun lobby, have their children gunned down at school then something will finally be done to stop it. Other countries have accomplished this decades ago, Britain being a very good example so it can be done because history has already proven it.

    So think about this if you are sane enough, you or your loved ones may be next to have the cross hairs on them when out shopping, going to school, going to the movies or anywhere else and when the madman has on a bullet proof vest and is using a high powered assault rifle your tiny pop gun pistol will cause the depraved gunman to laugh at you while he cuts you down in a hail of deadly high powered assault rifle fire. You will be dead meat because you never supported the legislation necessary to but an end to the ongoing everyday madness and murder. Again history has proven because we can stop this but only the Far Right Mentally ill Fanatics stand in the way of getting it done.

    • Mentally ill, that’s coming from a guy who is 74 years old and ” likes toying with people’s minds.”
      dacian your a joke.

      • lol, dacian claims he “likes toying with people’s minds”?!? Isn’t that a bit like a guy in a wheelchair threatening to beat people up?

        • Nah, Tim, I’d say it’s more like an unarmed man challenging you to a duel. And if he WERE armed, the most likely outcome would be him shooting himself.

    • “The average decent, humane non racist gun owner has become ashamed to even admit to his friends and relatives that he eve owns a gun ”

      OMG, I can’t stop laughing. That right there was some of the funniest shit I have read in ages. D, I remember in the early 90’s when were cautious about talking about guns. I lived through it. You have no idea. We were never ashamed. But we had to be pretty sure someone was OK with guns before we would talk about them.

      Now we are out and proud. Everyone who knows me knows I’m a gun guy. I haven’t met anyone in decades who was nervous about talking about guns. People come to me and ask me to introduce them to guns and take them shooting. Hell, I used to hand out PA gun law fliers at work.

      The world you imagine is only in your mind. Thanks D, I needed that laugh.

    • “The majority of people who hang out on this forum are mentally ill people suffering from advanced paranoia and practicing sickening racism and intolerance of other peoples political views, ethnicity, and religion.”

      This, ladies and gentlemen, is what is known as a “self-own.”

      • Of course the majority of people who hang out on this forum are intolerant of other peoples political views, ethnicity, and religion!

        Why can’t you white privileged, baby murdering, nazis who have a different political view than me understand how you all deserve to die?!?!?

        • Well I have news for you. We ARE all going to die. No need to hope for it. It will happen.

    • “The majority of people who hang out on this forum are mentally ill people suffering from advanced paranoia and practicing sickening racism and intolerance of other peoples political views, ethnicity, and religion.”

      That’s pretty funny considering that you hang out here every fucking day. You must have a mirror next to your monitor.

    • In a gunfight you should always aim for the pelvis. There’s not much body armor on the market that protects that and even when I was fighting in an era where body armor was not prevalent I still aimed for the pelvis if it was visible.

      The laws in Texas do not make it any harder or any easier for a Madman or a lunatic to buy a firearm. When purchasing new firearms the law is the exact same in every US state and territory. After the initial purchase from FFL the gun moves beyond the control of the federal government and then it is up to individual states what restrictions they want to put on purchases as long as those restrictions are still compliant with federal law.

      The rifles typically referred to as assault rifles are woefully underpowered. My first year in combat I carried an M14, my second two tours in combat I carried an M16. I much preferred the M14 despite the heavier ammo and firing it in full auto being effectively useless.

      You and the other people on the left are mistaken when it comes to the gun lobbyist groups. They reflect the will of their members and not the other way around. The same can be said of the politicians that support the Second Amendment. They reflect the will of the people that put them in office and frequently they were also firearms enthusiasts themselves prior to taking office.

      • Look, I’ve decided that the law abiding gun owners are responsible for what criminals do. Even though the subway shooter is a self avowed leftist who passed a background check, it’s still your fault for allowing private sales of firearms and not passing Safe Storage Laws.

        You personally are a paranoid, mentally ill, hateful, sadistic, ignorant and very disturbed, religious fanatic, hypocrite nazi and the blood of every person ever shot in the world is on your hands.

        You, like most people on this site are practicing sickening racism and intolerance of other peoples political views, ethnicity, and religion.

        If you only you could be a better human like miner and myself

        • Question: How many mass shooters as defined by the FBI (as stated in an article yesterday, excluding domestic violence and gang violence, obtained their firearms illegally? And also exclude those who did purchase with a background check who passed because of some screw up by a government official in failing to forward the disqualification to the FBI. (E.g. the wife beater in Texas who shot up a church, and that kid in the Carolinas who shot up a church.)

      • Background checks are looking at a person’s past. They are not “Minority Report” predictors of the future.

    • The Nazis weren’t really “right-wing” in the conventional way we understand it today. There were very economically socialist Nazis, whom Hitler’s variant killed off, and Hitler’s variant on economics seemed to vary between being what today would be called centrist to center-left. They were not economically right-wing libertarians. There were three definitions of right vs left:

      1) The French Revolution definition, which basically meant wanting to create a new type of human or society. By this standard, both Nazis and communists were thoroughly left-wing

      2) The late 19th to early 20th century socialist definitions, in which left-wing meant economic socialism (“Workers of the World, Unite!”) and right-wing meant racial socialism, which is what the Nazis were. The Nazis were thoroughly right-wing as far as socialisms go, being all about racial purity and racial brotherhood, the nation united by blood and race and an organic whole, in which the individual’s greatness is expressed in their being a part of the nation. Again, a form of collectivism. This is what Nazi philosophers meant when they called themselves “right-wing.”

      3) The modern definition, which is dependent on economics and which is what most people understand the world “socialism” to refer to today. The understanding of the word as referring to different forms of collectivism, one based on economics and the other on race and national unity, has been forgotten. Based on the modern definition, some Nazis were left-wing economic socialists while others were fine with a market system, but I don’t think any Nazis were what one would call “right-wing” by modern standards of economics.

      • to Herr Hauptman Kyle

        Sorry but most of your post is just a lame excuse to defend the Republican Party of today which is lock step with Hitler and the Nazi’s.

        Both the Republicans and the German Nazi’s were:

        Hitler was Anti-Union and he tried to break the Unions and Republicans have been doing the same for decades.

        Hitler’s Nazi’s were racist in the extreme just as Republicans are today. Both hated blacks , Jews, Muslims and anyone who was not blond, blue eyed, Anglo-Saxon and Christian.

        Hitler and the Nazi’s and the Republicans tried to privatize public utilities and other governmental institutions and programs. Republicans have been trying to destroy Social Security for decades and ever since it was passed by Congress.

        Hitler was an extreme paranoid when it came to Socialistic countries like Stalin’s Russia as was many other European countries who actually had thousands of young men fight in Hitler’s Foreign Legions against Russia in WWII. It became almost a religious crusade.

        Hitler murdered liberals, and socialists in Germany often engaging in shooting street battles with them. Republicans have vowed to do much the same here in the U.S.

        Hitler established a jackbooted ultra Nationalist one party state, exactly what Trump and the Republicans tried to do on Jan. 6th. in the U.S.

        Hitler banned freedom of speech and his private press belched out hate propaganda against minorities, immigrants and refugees , exactly what Fox News and other right wing news media outlets are doing today.

    • Lol
      If the average gun owner were ashamed of owning guns the WHY own them? Why buy them? Why have anything to do with them. Including you.

      It’s not like anyone is FORCED to own them.

    • dacian the stupid liar,

      “Later in life after completing my university studies . . . “. Lying liar. You NEVER “complet[ed] [your] university studies”. I highly doubt you ever attended “university”, but if you did, you either dropped out, flunked out, or got kicked out. You spout enough Leftist twaddle that you MIGHT have been subjected to “university” Leftist propaganda, but you are so inept at it that you OBVIOUSLY didn’t learn it. You are an America-hating Leftist/fascist, but that’s no accomplishment.

      Quit lying, dacian the stupid liar. You have no “education”, you know nothing about guns, you are a totally brainwashed Leftist/fascist bag of douche. Go rejoin your circle jerk, Leftist/fascist c***holster.

      • If he did, any bets the course had the words s0cial, gender, and studies in the title?

    • No, >YOU PEOPLE< are responsible. YOU blame everything except the individual who commits' these acts. YOU blame the boogeyman racists who exists only under your bed or some object for the actions of depraved people YOU helped create by not making people responsible for their actions.

      YOU PEOPLE are not a race, YOU PEOPLE are the deviants and the far left wing minority screwing with the social order because of your Nazi theories of social evolution. Just the Nazis were not as extreme as you and I hate Nazis.

      Got a problem with anything I said? I am in Stow OH and just arrived for a 5 day project. Feel free to prove your credentials. Put up or shut up.

    • dacian, the Dunderhead, If Michaelson is “ashame of owning his guns. I am sure there are plenty of people who would be happy to relieve him of his “burden”. It’s dummies hike him and you that think that guns are the problem. Can you please tell me when the last time was that a gun killed anyone. How about was convicted of a crime? As I’ve pointed out to you on numerous occasions guns don’t kill, people do. We have a violence problem; not a gun problem.
      This forum does represent the average gun owner. The average gun owner does not go out and shoot people. Violent people do. And you Lefties refuse to do anything about mental health issues. A man much wiser than I said, “Empty your state hospitals, fill your prisons.” And it was you Leftists who emptied those state mental hospitals in the “name of humanity”.
      You have to be a special kind of mentally ill to think that an inanimate object can kill. You ahve to be very paranoid to think that an inanimate object can be “evil” or kill. Gun owners are not any more racist than any other group of people. There are plenty of “people of color”(you Leftists favorite expression to identify people who are not white) who own firearms and do so responsibly.
      Learning about Nazi Germany? There you go again, trying to blame guns on Nazi Germany. The aberration is thinking that an inanimate object is “dangerous”. Completing your “university studies”? LOL, you do mean the completion of your indoctrination. This perverted indoctrinators tried to tell you how ever people are. They are right to a point. There are evil people in the world. Problem is you Lefties think that you can cure the world’s problems with the elimination of private ownership of guns. You refuse to address the real issue. Violence.
      The fact is that the “moral majority” has more on the ball than you and your Leftist cohorts. We realize the real problems can’t be solved by banning an inanimate object and thinking that the bad guys will comply because you got a law passed. The real “fanatics’ are you Leftists. For your edification, Greg Abbot was 100% correct. A woman does NOT have the right to kill an unborn child just for her own convenience. Gov Abbot did not make it easier for demented to purchase guns. You Leftists did when you passed the HIPPA Law preventing such information to be put in the NICS system.
      Mass murder will continue to be “so bad” as you put it until you Leftists wake up. If you like Britain so much, leave us. We will not feel any loose.
      Again, you come up with “assault rifles” to blame. Again, an inanimate object. For a “gun expert” you don’t know that a .223 or a 5.56 is NOT a “high powered” cartridge? Oh I almost forgot. You don’t even know the firing sequence of a cartridge.

  13. Interesting, isn’t it, that the same people that believe the 2nd A only covers blackpowder flintlocks type out their screed on the latest. I-phone and send it out at the near speed of light to literally millions of people over the internet.

  14. Keep talking like that. Surely such insults will get us to lay down our firearms.


    • The Republicans can filibuster those bills, effectively killing them, which the Dems expect, but hope to be able to use against the Rs in the next election cycle.

    • RINOS will falter and let the line break. We must keep pressure on them because they will be getting threats from the leftists about their votes and families safety.

      • This time Herr Hauptman Storm Trooper this last slaughter of children may just be the straw the broke the camels back especially if it is a recorded vote where Republicans will not be able to lie their way out of how they voted at election time. When you attack and slaughter a nations children even Republican lies and corruption will not be able to hold back common sense gun laws that are long overdue to be passed. The American people are fed up with the daily slaughter by assault rifle on our nations children and so are the majority of gun owners who support Universal Back Ground Checks and safe Storage laws and more restrictions on assault rifles.

        After all many gun owners have children in school and know that their children too are all living on borrowed time because of the gangster criminal corrupt Republicans, who are prostitutes of the gangster criminals in the NRA.

        • Dacian the Dunderhead, you have lost your mind. The American people are fed up with you and your boisterous nonsense about how guns kill. for your edification for about the 10th time, guns are inanimate objects incapable of action on its own.
          What is your solution for VIOLENT PEOPLE?

    • Hey we Jews can read your Bible too. For instance here is another for the originator of the article. Matthew 10:34.

  15. Well, if you want to call me a racist, you better be speaking from the back of the bus.

  16. The photo included with this story. Some chick in platform shoes, wearing an FBI blazer. Jesus. That just kills me. Platform shoes. At an active shooter crime scene. Platform shoes. When the bad guy appears, she’s going to ask him, “Hold on a minute, while I change my platforms for tactical boots!”

    Sweet Jesus. Obviously the FBI has lowered their important standards, so they can be fashionable.

    • Paul, they did that a long time ago. The entire development of the .40 S&W was spurred by the inability of physically smaller, especially female, agents to handle the 10mm when the FBI adopted it after the 1986 Miami/Dade shootout.

      Can’t pick on the wimmins too much as 9mm is about my maximum effective caliber. Then again, I never tried out for the FBI and would never have passed the physical aspects if I did. I would not have expected them to change their standards to accommodate fat asthmatics. But they changed them for the wimmins.

    • She probably has her tactical boots in her go-bag… just hasn’t had time to put them on yet while in a rush to have the requisite 250 agents on site after the shooting is done.

  17. To ALL the anti-gun supporters and their common sense BS. Quit beating around the bush.

    I say put gun ownership in the US to a vote. A Constitutional Amendment and the process behind it/ratification. This is the proper way according to everything I’ve studied about our system.

    Otherwise shut up.

    • It would be interesting to see how something like that could be worded. Self defense is a natural right that can’t be taken away by the govt. People would try to enumerate what weapons would be allowed, if any, and that could lead to making the militia ineffective or disarming them completely. Add to that the states that have the right to own arms in their constitutions. It would be interesting indeed.

      • If the 2A was repealed (as unlikely as that is) you would still have the natural right of self defense, etc., just no guarantee that the government would not try to limit or infringe upon it.

    • Should we put freedom of speech/press/religion to a vote as well? God-given rights are not subject to the whims of a popular vote. That’s why they are in the Constitution to begin with.

      • Yet somehow some states do not treat gun ownership as a God given right. They pass anti-gun laws (maybe based on whims) by anti-gun politicians elected by popular vote…..

      • The document has been amended how many times? Now understand that there is no way in h3ll that the States would ratify an amendment like that, which is my point. However, an amendment is the proper process, not using the courts to circumvent the Constition or G-d given rights as the anti-gunners do.
        ..and yes, the entire Constitution was voted on/ratified..and yes, it is possible, not at all probable that many Rights could be done away with if that was the will of the people.
        It would start a Civil war I’m sure…

        • I don’t think it would happen either. Crime on the rise and the defund the police bullshit have strengthened the desire for more gun rights in the country. Constitutional carry in half the states, the makeup of the SCOTUS, and Dems probably getting clobbered in Nov make the future of gun rights in the US look pretty good IMHO.

    • Blah blah blah…yer raciss. Was that mexican boy raciss for murdering his fellow Mexicans??? Slow Joe & the Dims just sold a million gunz😎

  18. We used to teach safety and respect for your fellow man in school. Shop classes had films about using tools the correct way(so no one got hurt). They had driver’s education, which tried to teach safe operation of vehicles and the laws of the road. If we could teach gun safety at the high school level(complete with pictures of victims of violence), things might change.
    The solitary shooter will always be with us as long as we do not treat those with mental issues. Even 2 parent families are too busy to help shape a teen’s life, they are too busy trying to work the jobs that keep them in the lower middle class, the kid has no one to talk to. Bless those with families, so a 16 yo has somebody(an uncle or aunt to talk to), but what about the family where mom and dad just work and do not break bread with family members?
    These people are too busy for regular church, but there are not many churches that can help a kid with those problems. Much of these problems are from kids with little support at home who have been bullied all their lives, most youth ministers would rather deal with a group of kids that have positive outlooks.
    The solution is in weeding these kids out when they are in elementary school(the signs are there, someone has to see it). As long as we throw these kids away, we will see a few come back for vengeance.

  19. 2022
    racist black guy does mass shooting but kills no one ✔
    racist white guys kills 10 African Americans✔
    nutty Hispanic boy does a mass shooting and kills 20+ mainly hispanic children and women✔

    Look OUT Chinatown!…Alaska eskimos!…Native American reservations!!….Thyey are checkin boxes!!

  20. People by Jay Michaelson were created by racist white h0m0sexu@ls like Tom Ammiano. Ammiano got himself elected to the San Francisco School Board. For the stated purpose to stop all Second Amendment education in the schools. And end the rifle competition program in the district.

    The goal of the Liberals and the Left is to ensure the greater American society is de-educated about its history in regards to Second Amendment civil rights. So there are a lot of Americans who actually do not know what the Second Amendment means. We used to teach it in school. But we don’t now because of the Liberals and the left. Who almost always don’t have children of their own.

    But they want to tell you how to raise your kids. And what they can and cannot learn in the public school system.

  21. In a gunfight you should always aim for the pelvis. There’s not much body armor on the market that protects that and even when I was fighting in an era where body armor was not prevalent I still aimed for the pelvis if it was visible.

    The laws in Texas do not make it any harder or any easier for a Madman or a lunatic to buy a firearm. When purchasing new firearms the law is the exact same in every US state and territory. After the initial purchase from FFL the gun moves beyond the control of the federal government and then it is up to individual states what restrictions they want to put on purchases as long as those restrictions are still compliant with federal law.

    The rifles typically referred to as assault rifles are woefully underpowered. My first year in combat I carried an M14, my second two tours in combat I carried an M16. I much preferred the M14 despite the heavier ammo and firing it in full auto being effectively useless.

    You and the other people on the left are mistaken when it comes to the gun lobbyist groups. They reflect the will of their members and not the other way around. The same can be said of the politicians that support the Second Amendment. They reflect the will of the people that put them in office and frequently they were also firearms enthusiasts themselves prior to taking office.

  22. Jesus instructed Peter to sheath his sword in context of Jesus’ determination to submit to crucification. Keep in mind that Jesus had the authority to call down legions of angels from heaven to defend him if he wished. The fact that Peter was carrying a sword reveals much about Jesus’ attitude towards self defense and the right to keep and bear arms. The fact that it was not legally problematic for Peter to carry-on;4. G3 a sword reveals that not even the Roman Empire would deny conquered subjects much less Roman citizens the right to keep and bear arms.

  23. God help any Democrap who has the courage to stand up to the abortion lobby, Planned (Un)Parenthood and the rage of the lunatic left. (Indeed, almost no such Democraps exist anymore.)

  24. “…we know how to stop this from happening…”

    Oh really? They finally figured out that if you let people shoot murderers they will not only cease murdering immediately, and not re-offend later, but other potential murderers will be influenced to maybe not start murdering in the first place? I kind of doubt they did…

    The anti-American crones are literally now chanting “It is known” before listing their wish list of mystical knowledge. That makes it official, leftists are now a paleolithic cult…

  25. “It’s white supremacy’s fault. It’s Republicans’ fault.”

    And yet, the punk who killed those children in Texas was a Hispanic transsexual. A white supremacist Republican Hispanic tranny. The mind boggles.

  26. “Michaelson” eh? What is it with a majority of the members of the “Twelve (12) Tribes” and their rabid anti-firearm stance, haven’t they learned the lessons, there are history books they could avail themselves of.

  27. Anti-gunners have the mechanism to make private ownership of any firearm illegal (confiscating is another matter). All they have to do is amend the Constitution. But like another time in our history, they don’t have the votes. So, they want to try to achieve the same thing through simple legislation, for which they don’t have the votes, yet.

    We, the nation, apparently have reached the same impasse regarding what the future of the nation would be (unalterably opposed vision), the minority got lucky and their opposition went too far. After a devastating war, an amendment to the Constitution was possible (and for some reason, after the carnage, an amendment was deemed necessary).

    Wish I could determine who said, “We can’t let the las/constitution stand in the way of doing what is right.” Researched it a bunch of times, but no reference found.

  28. “37 solutions,” none of which would have addressed the killing he’s complaining about. The killer wasn’t a prohibited person, so background checks, ghost gun bans, etc wouldn’t have had any effect. What would have had an effect are increased physical security at the school (strong locked doors, windows with lamination to prevent entry even when shattered, etc) that would have prevented his entry. We know the massacre was ended by a good guy with a gun (BORTAC member). It could have been ended earlier if the school wasn’t one of the 60% in Texas that ban staff from possessing guns on campus.

  29. The bastards that want to do “something” to stop all this, need to start by dealing with the people. Provide mental health to people instead of leaving them run loose in society. Prosecute those who violate the existing laws. If someone murders someone, execute them. Simple fix. They will never do it again. Oh, they might suffer while being executed you say? Who cares? Their victim suffered more and the surviving families do every day. You say minorities suffer in abnormally high numbers? Answer me this, why? Gang on gang violence? Listening to people like Lightfoot in Chicago? You will not be able to take everyone’s guns. Physically impossible. Even if you did people have been killing people for THOUSANDS of years. Relatively speaking, only in recent history have they had firearms. More people die from diseases and accidents than firearms. You got all those diseases eliminated yet? Eliminated cars? Banned swimming? Did anything about drug use? They need to get their priorities straight. The militia, (that’s you people) being necessary to a free nation, (the United States) the right to bear arms (to defend the nation against ALL aggressors foreign and DOMESTIC) SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. There is nothing racist about owning a gun, Michaelson and Obama and all the rest are lying to you. It is all about controlling the people and taking over the country. If you have guns and can fight back, they cannot do that. Educate yourselves. Look stuff up, do not believe everything you hear from either side. Trust but verify the truth.

  30. The FOUNDERS, if alive today, would no doubt VOMIT if they gazed upon their progeny in America. 246 years ago, MEN fought and died to liberate themselves from a tyrant and his criminal cohorts. THEIR blood was payment for the freedom they valued above all else, and THEIR blood is what all of us have been living off for over 2 centuries. Well now, guess what ? The wheel is about to complete a full turn, and when it does, we will find ourselves right back in the same place that the FOUNDERS did. Only this time, the TYRANTS are MUCH more sophisticated and ruthless, and willing to SLAUGHTER millions upon millions without so much as a tear of remorse. Remember goy, once 2A is dead, 1A is on the firing line, and when that goes, “EVERYTHING YOU SAY OR SAID (AND THINK OR THOUGHT) CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU”. Best re-read 1984. You’re just about there.

  31. Jesus also said to his disciples about to go forth and proselytize: If you do not have a sword, sell your clock and buy one. (Luke 22:36)

    His admonishment to (Peter?) sheath your sword was because that wasn’t the time or place when He was arrested.

  32. avatar ทํานายฝัน แบบไหน เล่นสล็อต แล้วปัง

    ดูดวงรายวัน เล่นสล็อตโชคดีขึ้น เรื่องของดวงมัน อยู่ที่รากฐานของแต่ละคนด้วยนะ pg-slot.game จะดวงดีโชคร้ายก็ไม่สามารถ ที่จะบอกได้ ด้วยเหตุว่าโน่นเป็น “ดวง” ดังการลุ้นโชคเล่นพนัน

  33. “Excuse me, but can we have a translation?”

    ‘I’m making $2000 an hour working from home….’

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