The anti-gun documentary Bowling for Columbine was a huge hit—in its small little way. The documentary cost $4 million. It grossed nearly $60m. More than that (so to speak and if such a thing is possible) BFC earned director Michael Moore an Oscar, making him the darling of Hollywood’s liberal elite. And now Moore’s shot his mouth off (so to speak and if only) on the LAX shooting. At LAX airport. What’s interesting about this clip: TMZ producer Harvey Levin argues that the type of gun doesn’t matter. One of his minions argues that it does, due to the “assault rifle’s” capacity (vs. a shotgun). Harvey’s got nothing, which goes to show the importance of firearms education. As for Moore, I’d love to debate that.


  1. The guy is literally delusional. I had a professor last year who loved him… And hated me for refuting moore’s ridiculous claims.

    • He knows exactly what he’s doing, don’t kid yourself. Knows who he’s doing it FOR, as well. Nice, fat, taco-scarfing lapdog that he is.

  2. Wow! Moore said the NRA has something right, well half right, that’s a banner day.

    Btw, does this guy own anything other than sweat pants and hoodies? Good God, you’re a millionaire, quit dressing like a broke college student.

  3. Sir, I’m going to need to see a license for all those hamburgers you’re carrying concealed in your fat gut.

  4. Michael Moore is a crased communist lover. Remember he is the one who went to cuba to bash America.

  5. everything I have heard about the man matches perfectly with the description of Goering found in the tomb “The Gestapo”

  6. Michael Moore’s established reputation is that he shoots from the hip and asks questions later. His “exposes” are prime examples of coming to conclusions first, then “proving” those conclusions with biased information from sources he has picked out, with no dialogue or chance for opposing opinions. But….no surprise….this is how liberals and the liberal media work.

    Sadly, far too many people are ignorant, uneducated and as a result are too easily-influenced by such “luminaries” as Moore, who is nothing more than a lightweight liberal with a Hitlerian mission.

    I would love to see Moore soundly trounced in a debate with Dr. John Lott, the author of “More Guns, Less Crime.”

      • Yes! Love his work, but he needs to stay away from TV and radio debates. Anything that forces him to think on his feet. And let’s face it, he’s a little creepy looking.

    • I’m with you on this. I just couldn’t bring myself to click on the little spot that would make his lips start moving. I just couldn’t…. sob….

  7. I was about to listen to Moore’s latest soapbox rant, but then I noticed half an apple sitting on my counter and decided that watching it turn brown would be a much better and more productive use of my time.

    When the big one finally hits him, someone please let me know. Until then, I’d rather not be reminded that this fat piece of sh*t is still wasting our perfectly good air on idiotic drivel like this.

  8. I’ve actually known people who’ve met Moore before he was “famous.” You don’t want to be in the same room as him. Also, you don’t “debate” him. You sit there as he calls you names and pulls “statistics” out of his more than ample ass, and then you get yelled at by the moderator if you even attempt to politely disagree.

  9. Can anyone link to the Southpark where 500pd Moore yells ineligibly at the kids and spilling over his pants? Its a good representation of the type of idiocy were dealing with.

  10. there are 1,942,931 valid canadian firearms licences as of september 2013 according to the RCMP website. Out of a country of nearly 35 million that is not 7 out of 10. Also I can own all the glocks I want and plenty of assault rifle models. Some one needs to teach these ppl how to do a simple web search.

    • He might have been referring to total firearms count vs citizens, but you’re right: 70% of Canadians are NOT licensed gun owners.

  11. Be sure to ask Mikey Moore how the illegal weapons charges worked out for his armed body guard or if Bloomer was able to take care off it, one armed hypocrite to another.

    • Yep, Anti-gun Rosie O’Donnel and her armed body guard, Feinstein and her CC permit, Sylvester Stallone and his CC permit; we just don’t understand, they can handle the responsibility of that kind of power; they are the “elite” after all. We on the other hand need to be told how to live and just look to our god, I mean our government to protect us.

  12. Coming soon from Michael Moore, a documentary about crazy gun owning Americans. No doubt the film will feature some insanly cartoonish OFWGs talking about Jews, blacks, Hispanics, and the new world order.

    • Basically he’ll go to the KKK compound out in Dawson Springs KY and film half his stupid film there then jet off to some crazy backwater militia compound and film the other half while eating both groups out of house and home.

  13. I’m starting a group called the foundation to save Michael Moore. I put forward that we ban high capacity select fire utensils, ban Mr. Moore from all fast food joints and convenience stores, and mandate that he get in shape before lecturing anyone anywhere on anything under penalty of being tarred feathered and deep fried extra crispy with a secret blend of 11 herbs and spices.

  14. Moore is a fat pig,and Bowling for Columbine was a typical liberal ambush style, classless reporting.Don’t listen to any FACTS,just point the finger.

  15. What is that word that best describes Michael Moore?…

    pretender?… no, liar?… no, sanctimonious person?… no, plaster saint?… no (I do like this one)
    informalphony?… no, fraud?… Michael Moore a fraud?!, sham… or a sham!? *scoffs*, fake?… no.

    DOUCHEBAG, that’s the one I was looking for.

  16. In Bowling for Columbine, “American gun culture” may have been lampooned, but the availability of guns was pretty explicitly ruled out as the cause of our embarrassingly high murder rate. (He blamed American militarism, in case anyone here forgot or didn’t watch the movie.) In the clip he says essentially the same thing: it’s not the guns.

    Whatever else he is, he’s right on this. Americans kill for money, for turf, for pride, or maybe because they are just plain nuts. We don’t kill because we have the right to bear arms, and Canadians are not safer because they do not.

    He may have said that the NRA is only half right, but he is making the exact same argument. There is no difference between saying people kill people and saying Americans kill people.

    Why not just take this as a win and move along.

    • This. I think he’s still a douchy millionaire acting like he has something to say, but at least in this clip he’s taking the tired old “Oh grr, how bad America is, grr!” argument, instead of the smirky “Oh well you know it’s all cause of those widely available assault clips. America needs to rethink the 2nd Amendment.”

  17. I think Michael Moore was best represented on “Team America; World Police.” Too bad real life can’t mirror the hollywood ending of his life.

  18. Moore approached Pete Townsend about using “Won’t get fooled again” as the theme song for F911 and Pete told him no because he had seen BFC and was disgusted by it.
    This POS should stay in his multimillion dollar cabin in upper MI where he belongs.

  19. Unlike all the bullshit in “Bowling for Columbine”, at least he’s technically correct this time: USA does have a higher per capita homicide rate than any other Western country, except for a couple of Eastern European countries that used to be Soviet republics.

    Of course, this has virtually nothing to do with gun control or lack thereof, and everything with the fact that USA also happens to have the biggest wealth disparity, the lowest social mobility (i.e. chances of a poor person to “work his way” to a higher class), and the worst social services for the lowest strata – no affordable health insurance, super-expensive education etc.

  20. If you look up the numbers, in all of North and South America, including all the various island nations, America has the 4th lowest murder rate. Safer countries include Canada (duh), Chile (not sure why) and Cuba (there is no fucking way their self reported data is correct). So I guess a way more accurate statement would be “Guns don’t kill people, Greenlanders kill people.”

    • It’s a largely meaningless comparison, because you’re comparing a developed first world nation to a bunch of third world shitholes – they differ on much more than gun control, just look at their GDP.

      For a meaningful comparison, you need to take countries with similar levels of economic developments across the globe.

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