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The Maine Sunday Telegram reports that Pine Tree residents are packing heat in record numbers. “The number of people seeking concealed gun permits from the state police in 2009 was 5,706, an increase of 40 percent over 2008. Portland, the state’s largest city, saw a 60 percent increase . . . State police have issued roughly 17,000 of the 29,000 active concealed firearms permits in Maine, 37 percent of them to nonresidents.” The rest is the usual analysis from the usual suspects. Without crime stats, strangely. In that regard, Google is our friend, as isĀ . . .

Public safety officials say crime in Maine fell last year by 1.8 percent.

Department of Public Safety Commissioner Anne Jordan said today that robberies, burglaries and arsons went up in 2009, but every other crime category fell or was virtually unchanged.

Reports of aggravated assault fell by nearly 9 percent, car theft by 13 percent and larceny by almost 3 percent.

There were 26 homicides during the year, down from 31 in 2008.

Crime statistics are tabulated every year based on reports from local, county and state law enforcement agencies.

The department says the crime rate in Maine is about 25.3 offenses per 1,000 people, compared to the national rate of 45.4 offenses per 1,000 people.

And yet Chicago has a handgun ban. Figures. Either way you look at it.

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  1. I have had to increase the amount of classes i hold as more and more people want to get their permit. Granted many of them are women and there are men of course but all of those who want to protect them self and their loved ones take it responsibly.

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