Pink for hunting? WTF are you hunting, flamingos? (Actual joke told by men nationwide.) Bad news for male hunters in Minnesota. They’ll no longer be able to poke fun at females wanting to wear pink during hunting season. Hunting while wearing safety pink in Minnesota is officially a thing.

Apparently, the drama unfolded in the House debate and lawmakers threw out big words like “sexism” and “invocations of liberty.” New Mean Girls leader Rep. Mike Freiberg convinced Gov. Mark Dayton that those who oppose the “pretty in pink” are against breast cancer survivors (hold my beer while I roll my eyes).

Hunting is about to get more pink in Minnesota. Here’s how it became legal -“The blaze pink hunting fashion trend is about to be legal in Minnesota, and everything about it is controversial. Under a provision Gov. Mark Dayton signed Tuesday, hunters will be allowed to wear blaze pink in addition to blaze orange, starting this fall. The curious tale of blaze pink featured hunters seeking to boost their numbers, allegations of sexism and ignorance of color-blindness. much of that played out when the House approved the 145-page game and fish bill, which included the provision, during a Sunday floor debate.”

I don’t care what I have to wear to hunt at this point in my life. The addiction is real.

You shouldn’t hitchhike, especially if you’re an alligator in North Carolina. ‘Now that is a big one:’ 6-foot alligator hit by car in Union County – “A 6-foot alligator was found Monday night in the middle of Highway 74 in Union County. A driver called to report an alligator in the middle of the busy highway, just before midnight. It was about a mile outside of Marshville town limits, near Stegall Lake.

“’I had to move over a little bit, but it was still moving,’ the woman told county dispatchers. She said, ‘I wasn’t fixing to stay right there.’ Officers said the gator suffered a fatal head wound from being hit by a car.

”I’ve heard of turtles in the roadway. But you’d expect a turtle in a roadway. I don’t think you’d hear of an alligator. That’s something you’d expect in Florida, near the Everglades, not here in Marshville, North Carolina,’ Officer Steven Fultz said. Police released a 911 call from a person who saw the alligator.”  Click here for more alligator road kill carnage in Florida.

But, why did the alligator cross the road?  Maybe the six-foot alligator was trying to hitch a ride out of North Carolina to escape a uncertain future for alli’s in the state. Especially, since just recently the state began discussions about bringing back alligator hunting for the first time since 1973.

Alligator Hunting Could Resume in North Carolina –  “JACKSONVILLE, N.C. — North Carolina wildlife officials are again considering whether to allow hunters to kill alligators in the state. Officials say population control is needed along coastal parts of the state. The state Wildlife Resources Commission will hold six meetings in June about alligator hunting. The meetings will take place in Hampstead, Dublin, Bolivia, Jacksonville, New Bern and Washington.” Another state also joining the hunt for alligators: Alabama.

I’m definitely trying this! A game cam you can use with your cell phone? OMG. However, this could be bad; now we’ll be glued to our smart phones more than ever looking at deer porn. Gentlemen, be prepared to annoy the crap out of your wives.

CRUSH™ CELL CAM™ – “When you’re surrounded by the realities of day-to-day life, there’s one escape that can take you back to the woods: the CRUSH™ Cell Cam™. It revolutionizes game monitoring by granting you immediate access to view photos as they’re captured, with updates sent directly to your computer or mobile device. And when you do make it out to the camera unit to check in, you can view images and videos directly on the full-color LCD screen.”

Bullocks! This week the British have their panties in a bunch . . . again . The “cheeky” Prime Minister Teresa May is going “full monty” and move forward with her plans to scrap the fox hunting ban. No doubt the Britt’s think their leader has “gone off her trolley” since the old “fanny” hasn’t actually participated in the sport herself.

Outrage as Theresa May confirms a Commons vote on scrapping the ban on fox hunting WILL be held – “Theresa May provoked outrage today as she confirmed she would call a Commons vote on scrapping the ban on fox hunting. The League Against Cruel Sports said there was ‘no justification’ for scrapping the law against hunting with dogs. The lobby group said the controversial laws should instead be properly enforced, insisting the public as a whole did not back hunting.

Mrs May promised a free vote on Government laws for the measure – but did not put a timescale on when the vote would be held. The Prime Minister has said she would vote to lift the ban on fox hunting despite never having taken part in a hunt – insisting it was less cruel than other ways of controlling foxes.” (For British translation check out 71 Simple British Slang Phrases Everyone Should Start Using)

No, it’s not a UFO from the 80’s. It’s a hunting blind from Maverick Blinds. The 6 Shooter boasts true 360° shooting for gun and bow hunters. No blind spots! This blind can hold up to six shooters, hence the name. Even though it holds up to six, why on earth would you want to hunt with six people? Has anyone done this before? I prefer hunting in pairs and three’s a crowd, but to each his own.

Maverick 6-Shooter -“All new Maverick Blinds now come equipped with a full set of tough and durable Plexiglass Windows”

Spring bear season has come to an end but fall is right around the corner. If you’re looking to book a bear hunt you can start by looking in the top five states to hunt bear.

According to the top five states are Alaska, North Carolina, Arizona, Northern Wisconsin and Idaho. Still having doubts about taking part in this addictive and challenging hunt? This will help.

6 Reasons Why You Should Hunt Black Bears“In 2011, the latest year for which we have statistics, 11 million Americans hunted deer. That same year, only 500,000 U.S. hunters pursued black bears, despite burgeoning populations of the game animal, liberal hunting regulations, and relatively little competition in either spring or fall black bear seasons. Maybe it’s our collective fetish with antlers, or a widespread perception that bears aren’t game animals or aren’t worthy table fare, but here are six reasons you should consider hunting black bears this year.”

Hunt bear responsibly — with a side arm. Just in case.


  1. As for that last video of the grisly hunt with archery:

    * * * Spoiler alert * * *

    How do you put a poor shot on the critter when it is only 13 yards away??? I would also like to know what caliber rifle the guide used to dispatch the bear when it charged.

    • I have an even more fundamental question: What fool would want to hunt the world’s largest bear with a bow and arrow? Death wish?

      • Hunting a grizzly bear with a bow would be challenging of course. I would want to take my shot no closer than 20 yards. If you put your arrow where you are supposed to, that grizzly should go down within about 10 seconds. As far as I can tell from the video, the first arrow was too low. And the second arrow was too far back … and did not seem to penetrate very far.

        • One of those arrows seemed to go completely through the bear, or did that one miss?

  2. Regarding blaze pink for hunter safety and people who are colorblind and want to hunt:

    How do people with the variations of colorblindness see blaze pink and blaze orange?

    Better question: why are people hunting if they are colorblind?

    Best question: if you are colorblind, why would you shoot at anything unless it was standing in the absolute clear and you knew for absolute certain that it was a game animal and not a human???

    • Question: Even if you aren’t colorblind, why would you shoot at anything unless it was standing in the absolute clear and you knew for absolute certain that it was a game animal and not a human???

      Better question: how can you accurately place a shot in a deer’s vitals when you can’t even see it well enough to tell if it’s a deer?

      That said, I think the main purpose of hi visibility clothing is to keep people from shooting at game when you’re standing on the other side.

      • Yeah It alerts one to the presence of a hunter in the area, and helps you to establish a direction that may not be safe to shoot in.

  3. The extent of my hunting his sniping squirrels from my bathroom window, with a suppressed .22 PCP pellet rifle naturally.

      • Well the truth of the matter, it’s the only window that opens that provides the proper angle. It’s like the 6th floor school book depository window for squirrels, but it also happens to be the bathroom window.

  4. By the way reading about big game hunting reminded me of my recent trip to a circus: I brought my .44 Magnum revolver (with 6 inch barrel) and 305 grain hardcast lead bullets in case the elephants went nuts. I know, even the venerable .44 Magnum is underpowered for elephants … it was the largest firearm that I could carry without attracting unwanted attention.

    As for naysayers who want to mock me for bringing “elephant control” to the circus: while it is rare, elephants have actually flipped out. And having a hand cannon didn’t hurt anyone. Better to have and not need than to need and not have.

    • Yes elephants have flipped out and quite honestly, I wouldn’t go to a circus that had wild animals in captivity. That’s the main reason Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey called it quits.
      From Wikipedia: Feld Entertainment Inc., parent company of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey announced on January 14, 2017 that the iconic 146-year-old circus would hold its final performances in May 2017. Their final shows would be at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center in Providence, R.I., on May 7, 2017 and at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, N.Y., on May 21, 2017. The decision to end the circus tours was made as a result of high costs coupled with a decline in ticket sales, making the circus an unsustainable business for the company. In March of 2015, a decision was made to transition of the elephants off the circus with consumer sentiment changing on whether elephants in a circus was appropriate or whether it could be considered animal abuse. The company saw a decline in ticket sales greater than could have been anticipated as a result of this decision.

    • Toledo Ohio, about 30 years ago. Went to the circus at the Sports Arena, now gone. The bear act was barely (ha ha,) under control and my only thought was gee, if they can’t handle the bears how, pray tell are they going to manage the cats. Well they brought the cats into the ring and did not use a cage. One of the cats decided it had enough and left the ring and up to the seating area right in front of me and my 6 year old. He then turned and ran out of the arena into the concession area. The lion apparently it didn’t like crowds and ran back into the arena where they got his attention and regained control. Till this day I still can’t imagine the panic that must have went through the crowd in the concession area when the lion left the arena. Never read anything in the paper about it.

  5. “‘Now that is a big one:’ 6-foot alligator hit by car in Union County – “A 6-foot alligator was found Monday night in the middle of Highway 74 in Union County.”

    A six-footer? A “big one’?

    *Snort* That’s called a baby here in Florida.

    Not far from me, this ‘gator made national news a few months back when it took a leisurely stroll across a pathway at nature preserve.

    He-she (*YOU* go ask it what it was!) was estimated 13-15 *feet* in length:

    N-n-n-nice alligator? 😉

  6. Pink camo? Who cares and why do we need a law for or against. Let everybody wear what they want. Darwin will sort the matter out.

    And that round six person porta potty they’re selling for hunters. Can you imagine being in that thing all day with the guys I hunt with? I’d rather eat roadkill on a nice hot day. Wouldn’t smell any worse.

  7. Geez why would anyone care if gals wear pink? The point is don’t get shot(I guess). Meanwhile in Illinois they are looking for a perp who dared kill FIVE coyote pups. As they invade Chicagoland. Too stupid to understand the word VERMIN?

    • Six drown in Illinois, one injured.

      In other news:Five coyote pups have been orphaned after their mother was killed in a hit-and-run accident in South San Jose earlier this week. The pups, estimated to be about 6 weeks old, are being cared for by the Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley, a nonprofit wildlife hospital.

      That’s right, somebody hit a coyote with their car, and didn’t stop and call an ambulance, which makes it a hit-and-run.

  8. I have never lived anywhere where blaze orange was required for hunting. Seems to be an odd midwest or eastern fetish.

    Anyone actually have a definitive list of which states require it? Out west we wear cammo colored cammo.

  9. (We’re in Minnesota) My woman wants to know if muddy girl camo counts? If so, it’d triple her hunting outfits.

  10. Properly stewed bear meat is mighty fine eatin’. My parents used to take me to a wild meat roast some friends of theirs held every year. You never knew what would be that year’s big treat. Bear meat, roast wild boar (delicious), mountain goat (tasty, but VERY chewy), ram (too mutton-y for my liking), etc. The only constant was lots and lots of venison burgers and sausage.

  11. “Bullocks!”

    Is invoking Sandra and her sister an excited utterance now?


  12. On NC considering alligator hunting and the counties listed where they will be holding town hall meetings, the conspicuously left out 2 of the biggest alligator inhabited counties, Brunswick and New Hanover, 100 golf courses within 100 miles and most of them full of gators.

  13. Pink is the color of a whore. Boys always wore red and girls wore light blue. Then came the brainless, shallow, fake Barbie doll with her pink, each little girl wanted to have one and to be just like their barbie. Most of them today are exactly like Barbie…

  14. “They’ll no longer be able to poke fun at females wanting to wear pink during hunting season.”

    Oh, yeah, poking fun at women carrying .308’s. We’re gonna miss the heck out of that.

    • Knives. All the women that hunt, and some I know that don’t, carry knives. An angry woman with a .308 is dangerous.

      An angry woman with a knife is downright vicious. Just ask Bobbit.

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