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The LaserLyte’s center mass laser sights have been out for some time. Now the company would like it to be known that the U.S. Patent Officer has finally blessed their invention with a patent. Press release after the jump. And speaking of jump, that’s my main problem with laser sighting systems: the dot (now dots) jump around. That’s especially unavoidable when you’re aiming the dot (now dots) in a hurry like, say, in a defensive gun use. Here’s the thing . . .

During an adrenaline dump, shooters have a tendency to fire the instant they see the dot (now dots) on target. That does NOT guarantee a result. You have to put the dot (now dots) on the target and KEEP THEM THERE as you pull the trigger. If you yank the trigger you get the pleasure of seeing the dots move off target an instant before the lead arrives. Off-target.

In other words, laser sights are awesome for training yourself NOT to yank the trigger, but problematic when push comes to shove; when a steady hand and shot timing are mission critical and triggers are (let’s face it) yanked. Not a problem if you understand laser sights’ limitations and you’ve trained to use laser sights, especially while moving. (Force-on-force training is ideal for that.)

How many people who put laser sights on their gun get the general concept of controlling the bouncing dot (now dots) under pressure and train for it? Not many. Are standard sights better if you don’t? I’m looking to test the theory with some volunteers. Meanwhile, you tell me.


LaserLyte Center Mass Laser
LaserLyte Center Mass Laser

Cottonwood, Ariz. (, innovators in firearms laser technologies, is proud to announce that the Center Mass laser has been assigned a US patent.

The Center Mass laser system offers users a choice between two laser patterns: single dot or the popular Center Mass pattern.

The Center Mass laser projects a ring of eight laser dots with one dot in the center as the aiming laser. The circle grows at one-inch per yard, approximately the same configuration as a shotgun aimed at a moving target. The laser gives the user the advantage of a wide field-of-view while using both eyes for aiming.

The Center Mass laser fits AR-15, AK-47’s, and rifles and shotguns with at least a 3-inch Picatinny rail. The popularity of the Center Mass laser system has leading manufacturers including the Center Mass system as part of a firearm package. Mossberg ships the Center Mass laser on their 500 Cruiser and 500 Persuader Tactical Tri-Rail shotguns making it the ideal home defense weapon.

LaserLyte Center Mass Laser on Shotgun
LaserLyte Center Mass Laser on Shotgun

Since the 2013 introduction of the industry-first laser system featuring a ring of laser dots with a center aiming laser for rifles and shotguns, LaserLyte has expanding the Center Mass offerings to include handgun versions, lasers in red and green and Center Mass housings produced in black and tan colored polymers. Additional models within the Center Mass laser line will soon be available from LaserLyte.

LaserLyte continues to get sport shooters and professionals on the target faster, increasing accuracy and overall hits with affordable and fun laser training tools.

For more information, visit

About LaserLyte:

LaserLyte, the leader in laser technology for over 26 years. Our mission is to heighten the experience of shooting. LaserLyte offers a 3-year warranty for all products sold new. For additional information about LaserLyte, visit Visit the LaserLyte YouTube page for all the latest LaserLyte action.

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  1. “How many people who put laser sights on their gun get the general concept of controlling the bouncing dot (now dots) under pressure and train for it? Not many. Are standard sights better if you don’t?”

    Train with the sights, then add the laser. once you’ve got muscle memory on your presentation, when you add the dot, there’s no hunting for it. You know where it will be within a couple of inches. It turns point-shooting into fast-aim, with your irons as backup.

    All that said, the Center Mass laser is something else entirely, and seems optimized for point-shooting from the hip. It’s a totally different application.

  2. It isn’t the laser that yanks your shot. The laser just shows that you did. At least with a laser, a person may actually aim the gun in the first place rather than bring it up and shoot. I only use my sights for ranges longer than 10 yards anyway.

  3. I bought one of the smaller, pistol models (it was the only one I could find at the time) for my Saiga 12 bullpup but could never get the thing to adjust anywhere near the aim point of the gun. I’m not saying it wasn’t any good… but it wouldn’t work for me.

  4. I don’t run a laser on anything I own but have been tempted to buy one. Would gladly be a guinea pig in your test. Have had years of shooting targets while on the move playing paintball.

  5. The laser per se will not improve your shooting. They don’t turn bullets into laser-guided missiles.

    They are good training aids to show you what you are doing with your trigger control and help teach better trigger control.

    Properly used they can help with point shooting and shooting from unconventional positions.

    They don’t replace iron sights, they are just different.

  6. Would be much more interested if it was a true circle but doing a true circle with a laser is a really bitch engineering wise.

    • Eh. Its just the etch pattern on a cover slip.

      Personally I’d go for a big “X”. Line generation is easy and gets the point across.

  7. I like the idea of a laser for slow, precision shooting. For sudden dynamic combat, I don’t like lasers of any kind. For one thing, lasers (which include batteries) have a much higher failure rate than iron sights or point shooting. Of potentially greater importance, a laser can give away your position or element of surprise.

    I think they can be an excellent training aid. Beyond that, no thank you.

  8. Due to eye issues I tried out a laser. I already have a background in shooting so it worked well for me. I ultimately went to a red dot on my pistol. My only dislike of lasers are having to use a special holster for my particular guns. Lasers are “use within context” accessories. Have good shooting fundamentals THEN add a laster IMHO.

    • “Lasers are ‘use within context’ accessories. Have good shooting fundamentals THEN add a laster IMHO.”

      +1 !!!!!

    • “This should NOT have received a patent.”


      They’ve been selling similar screw-on lenses that produce heart/flower/star/smiley face etc. shape patterns with those $4.99 keychain lasers sold at gas stations for 15+ years. Why is it now a unique patentable concept?

  9. So, if you were in a confrontation with someone and they pulled a gun of knife, would a laser showing up in their face panic them. Lasers are not a dot to the recipient, you can see them several feet off the centerline if they are pointed in your direction.

    Intimidation. . . . . I’d move if someone were pointing it at me in a gun or knife fight.

    • If they’re close enough to pull a knife, the laser probably isn’t going to help. You’re going to need to shoot – immediately. The guy that is going to threaten you with a knife is going to get as close as he can before you see it.

      An idiot with a gun, on the other hand, just might reconsider his career choices if he sees that little red dot drift across his center mass.

      We own a couple of lasers, specifically in case we need to confront looters. I’d rather not have to shoot someone, and the laser makes having to shoot them that much less likely.

  10. I don’t see Jerry Miculek rocking a laser. They certainly have their uses, such as in Tasers and laser designation, but I’ll pass for my self defense rig.

    A good light with a central hotspot, on the other hand, is awesome for low light shooting.

    • Agree. With NV gear a good IR light and NV-capable EOTech suffice. No chasing the far-off dot. In ambient but low light, a good gun light well-adjusted to put the hot spot where it belongs….and fast sighting device …suffice. I do like visible lasers for checking pistol trigger control, with somebody standing behind me to tell me what the dot did through the last instants of the shot.

      I can see value in the NV gear/IR laser pair under some circumstances, but can’t think of a situation in which I could use those but also invoke my right to use lethal self-defense. If culling laws allow in one’s jurisdiction, that’s different, perhaps.

  11. Was it just me, or did it look like he was jerking to the left on every shot? Seemed to me the laser circle moved abruptly to the left on most of his shots & sort of bounced back as the sound of the shot occurred. I’ll watch it again later, but at first glance it seems like this dude needs some dry-fire practice with that laser thing.

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