Mike Feuer is the former Los Angeles City Attorney and current California State Assembly member. He’s also rabidly opposed to gun rights, doing everything in his power to infringe on Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. We’re talking permits for ammo purchases, getting rid of The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, an “assault weapons” ban, etc.

Speaking at the Coalition Against Gun Violence’s 22nd Annual Fundraiser, Mr. Feuer railed against concealed carry reciprocity. And tried — well, succeeded I’m sure — to pass a fast one.

In the clip (not magazine) above, Mr. Feuer leads his audience to believe that national concealed carry reciprocity would allow gun owners in states with constitutional carry to carry in any other state without a permit.

As much as I hate permits (a.k.a., government permission slips to practice a Constitutionally protected right), no one is suggesting this. Texas Senator John Cornyn’s bill would require all states to recognize any other state’s carry permit. Anyone without a carry permit would be SOL.

Does Mr. Feuer know this? Of course he does. Initially, he uses the word “permit” when describing the bill. But the idea that national concealed carry reciprocity would require all states to recognize each other’s permits isn’t quite awful enough for his anti-gun narrative.

So he lies and leaves the impression that the bill would mean that gun owners in “free states” could carry a firearm in “slave states” (my words) without a permit.

Expect more of the same if and when the national reciprocity bill ever makes it out of committee. [Bonus points for anyone who somehow manages to listen to the rest of his bloody shirt waving rant and the Q & A.]


  1. Feuer is a FORMER Assemblyman, becoming City Attorney when he termed out. He was a politician then and now, and a liar then and now. Unfortunately, we will not be rid of him soon; unless he does a lousy job as City Attorney and gets fired, he could be around for a long time. Sad, very very sad indeed.

      • If at first you don’t succeed….You amended the text but got it backwards. He is NOW the LA City Attorney, and is a FORMER Assemblyman. Fortunately, he is less powerful as city Attorney, but I would assume that as a life long politician, he will run for mayor and eventually governor.

        • Communist POS named M. Feurer, with twice the mustache. Hmm.

          F all of CA, not just L.A., un the next civil war, we’re going to get our real estate back.

    • LA City Attorney Mike Feuer prosecuted me for a crime I did not commit. Divine Saviour Catholic church members, 90065 lied. I was maliciously prosecuted by the City Attorney for a crime I did not commit. It was to take away MY first amendment right. I went to a jury trial and was found not guilty. Of course, because it was all a lie. Shame on Mike Feuer for prosecuting me with no witnesses and no evidence. Bullies lost. Liars lost.

  2. Just a little hypothetical: would these constitutional carry states need to enact their own new form of carry permit? Or would there be a mandate for a new federal conceal carry permit? National reciprocity sounds awesome, but I don’t want to screw any of our friends over in the states that have been doing it the right way for some time. Likewise, I don’t want to be boxed into a crap process like the one in California and be deprived the ability to get a permit from a state that I am not a resident of (read multi state ccw i.e. Utah).

    • Do any permits CCW states other than VT not already have CCW permits for those who want reciprocity with other free states?

    • Constitutional carry states could simply designate their driver’s license and state ID cards as carry permits, putting that text on the cards. Anyone wishing a sticker to get that text on their current card could just drop by their DMV and picking one up.

    • Constitutional carry states all have optional permits. Most folks get them because they are honored in other states currently. Minnesota has considered constitutional carry. If it passes I’d keep my permit anyway because it’s honored in 20 other states.

      • I will always keep my permit up to date, good for around 40 states (one comes & goes).

    • Arizona does not require permits for open or concealed carry. It does offer a concealed carry permit so that AZ residents can carry in states that have reciprocity with AZ. Just being a resident of AZ isn’t enough. There is a course to be taken and passed.

  3. LOL…he lied? Doesn’t that pretty much come with the gun-grabber job description these days?

  4. Why are they so concerned with people who passed background checks and/or demonstrated proficiency with a firearm carrying them? They consider us no different than criminals who carry, and carry illegally whereever they damn well please.

  5. If state DOTs can put organ donor status on driver licenses, why not use licenses and non-driver but state issued photo IDs to certify that the carrier has that state’s recognition of his gun rights? Wouldn’t that satisfy the requirement for recognizable permit?

  6. To us he lied, to him and his constituents he told basically the truth because getting a permit in a gun-friendly state is as simple as filling out some paperwork and not being a convicted criminal. Compare that to getting a permit in states that don’t believe in self-defense.

  7. As much as I hate to admit it he didn’t really lie. There is/was one proposed reciprocity bill that would allow anyone with an ID or driver license from a free state to carry in any state that had a procedure in place to issue CCW’s to its residents.

    • As it well should be. My home state doesn’t require me to get a carry permit (or any waiting period for any firearm purchase) so why should I be forced to get one to travel into a less free state?

  8. I don’t know where this guy thinks that police officers are psychic about who has permits and who doesn’t (or even who is carrying concealed) when they meet them on the street.

    It must be somewhere in Liberalania just west of Utopia.

    I would be interested to know what percentage of criminals convicted of an armed robbery in California are also convicted and sentenced to additional prison time for violating the concealed carry laws in the state. My guess is that percentage would be extremely low.

    If I’m right, this means that the only people who enjoy Constitutional Carry rights in California today are armed felons.

  9. I have lived in California all my life and when I watch this video it makes my skin crawl that these nuts are fighting against my constitutional rights. What’s most disturbing is the questions he gets from the audience and the disinformation he feeds them. The level of stupidity here I cannot comprehend and it is very sad indeed.

    • My youngest daughter & her husband are leaving commie Cali this vary night for Montana. He was born there & can’t wait to get out. First thing on the shopping list in MT is a firearm. BTY, my daughter is a deadly shot, she simply does not miss.

  10. “[N]o one is suggesting this. Texas Senator John Cornyn’s bill would require all states to recognize any other state’s carry permit. Anyone without a carry permit would be SOL.” This is just plain wrong. A lot of people are suggesting this. Both reciprocity bills would mandate this. Plenty of people without a carry permit would not be SOL.

    Cornyn’s S.466 says “an individual who is not prohibited by Federal law from possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm, and who is carrying a government-issued photographic identification document and is entitled and not prohibited from carrying a concealed firearm in the State in which the individual resides otherwise than as described in paragraph (1), may possess or carry a concealed handgun (other than a machinegun or destructive device) that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce in any State.” This paragraph is talking about concealed carry. Paragraph (1) referred to above is about permits.

    Hudson’s H.R.38 states “a person who is not prohibited by Federal law from possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm, who is carrying a valid identification document containing a photograph of the person, and who is carrying a valid license or permit which is issued pursuant to the law of a State and which permits the person to carry a concealed firearm or is entitled to carry a concealed firearm in the State in which the person resides, may possess or carry a concealed handgun (other than a machinegun or destructive device) that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, in any State.”

    The “or is entitled to carry a concealed firearm in the State in which the person resides” is referring to permit-less carry.

    Both bills allow a person from a Constitutional Carry state to carry in any state. Now a straight reciprocity bill that only mandated reciprocity would not allow people from a Constitutional Carry state to carry in any state.

    If anyone wants me to break my reasoning down step by step, I will.

  11. He’s not lying. Both bills allow constitutional carriers to carry in any state. Specifically, the house bill says: “and who is carrying a valid license or permit which is issued pursuant to the law of a State and which permits the person to carry a concealed firearm or is entitled to carry a concealed firearm in the State in which the person resides, may possess or carry a concealed handgun . . .”

    See the part that say “or is entitled to carry a concealed firearm in the State in which the person resides”? That means constitutional carry.

  12. When will the American voters step up to the home plate, and start tearing these tassle-loafer Totalitarians from office ! When are “We the People” going to make it a “Capital Crime” for any government official, Law enforcement agency , Self-proclaimed private business, or organizations practicing authoritarianism, judiciary branch , etc…To infringe upon any US Constitutional-Bill of Rights guaranteed to the US citizenry…Especially, The 2nd Amendment……

  13. Most of commie kalli is run by control freak A-HOLES such as feuer. Put into and kept in power by a brain stem only voter block. Kallifornia is truly a lost cause. A state, where FREEDOM and LIBERTY comes to die.

  14. Say it ain’t so. He lied? Seriously, a Progressive is nothing without his/her lies. If they told the American people the truth about their platform and agenda, the Democrat Party would dissolve in a matter of hours. Many people are too lazy to look up the facts, to find the truth on their own, which is the only reason the Progressives are still a threat to our freedoms.

  15. Here I thought only one California Democratic legislator ever lied. You’re telling me more have? Maybe Yee will have a buddy with him soon.

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