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Ever notice how just plain old feelings can sometimes be a helpful guide in life?

At the NRA convention last month, I had a chat with RF over lunch about the anti-gun folks, and I said words the effect of: “Bloomberg’s a smart man. I just don’t understand why he keeps Shannon Watts around.” There’s lots of stuff I could’ve used to back that statement up. Her attempt to jump-start a grass roots anti-gun movement is on life support, its thready pulse kept going only by Mike’s millions and an obliging media. The “victory” her movement won last year in Nevada by the skin of their teeth is already unravelling.

But things like that weren’t prominent in my mind. The thing that was? Just a feeling that there’s something….not there about the former Monsanto propagandist. Feelings I definitely don’t get when I see Bloomberg himself (say what you will about his politics, he is a force to be reckoned with,) or even folksΒ like Nancy Pelosi or the late Sarah Brady.

A news storyΒ today just puts more confirmation toward my own feelings. TheΒ Daily Caller’sΒ Kerry Picket reports that Everytown is racked by internal dissention. The cause? Shannon Watts herself.

After multiple staff departures from gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety and its spinoff Moms Demand Action, activists say a top decision-maker at both groups is making life difficult for those in the movement.

According to sources close to Everytown, Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action and advisory board member of Everytown, remains a problem within both groups.Β Watts, while not a staffer with either organization, is a full-time volunteer who lives in Colorado. Critics of Watts say that despite that status, she is involved with all major leadership decisions.

That wasn’t the most damning quote. Here’s the money shot:

β€œStaff who worked for Shannon quit or are fired faster than the organization can replace them. She’s a nightmare,” the source told TheDC.

Another source close to the organization said in a written statement, β€œTwo beliefs unite nearly all gun control supporters: background checks save lives, and Shannon Watts is a self-promoting tyrant.”

The two staffers who are leaving are Debra Rosen, Managing Director, and Isaac Bloom, Deputy Organizing Director.

Of course, this could just be my mind looking for ways to confirm what I already want to believe. Maybe the DC’s anonymous source is just a malingerer with an axe to grind. Maybe these two were the dead weight holding Everytown back, and now it’ll turn into some amazing NRA-pwning force.

But…I’ve learned to trust my feelings in such matters. And it’s just as possible that Mike B. is not as quick on the draw as The Donald when it comes to sacking people.

I wonder how much longer Shannon will last?

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    • Every time I see it I wonder if it’s just a bad pic taken from an awkward angle or if she really did have a safe dropped on her head roadrunner-style. That is a really crooked head. Kind of drooling, stroke-like.

      • It’s the lens used. You will get that effect using a fisheye lens. Plus the fact that it wasn’t a very flattering pose of her in the first place. The end result is an image we users of TTAGs LOVE.

    • “That photo is just priceless.”

      When TTAG posted that pic a number of months back, I commented that’s the face Shannon made when Dirk un-zips…


      • that image could have been the template for dory, from finding nemo.

        seriuously though, are we supposed to look her in the big eye or the little eye?

    • She looks like she should be chasing gophers on a golf course with Bill Murray in Caddyshack.

    • I’d agree, but when have they listened to us the countless other times we warned them?

  1. As long as she is dragging the outfit down, let her stay. Nothing beats internal destruction.

  2. Compare this to all the internal turmoil we are.constantly hearing about inside the NRA or GOA.

    Or not.

    But if it were there at any significant level, you’d better believe the MSM would be reporting on it. On the other hand, the MSM actively tries to protect and coddle MDS, EGS, MAIG, etc, so if something like this comes out, if anything I tend to think it’s deemphasizing the severity.

  3. I have always been kinda waiting for her to leave the group, and in her saltiness reveal that her and Bloomberg were having an affair and she is suing for harassment, etc. The odds on this can’t be all that long. Is this a cynical view? yes. yes it is.

    • Do you really think even a scumbag like Bloomberg would bang that chick? YUuuuchGod it makes my skin crawl.

  4. “Two beliefs unite nearly all gun control supporters: background checks save lives, and Shannon Watts is a self-promoting tyrant.”

    Let me get this straight: a self-promoting tyrant is working a civilian disarmament organization hard. Why doesn’t that surprise me?

  5. If this all true, sounds like I wish Shannon Watts a long tenure at those organizations. If they’re going through people like that, then they’re not out trying to brainwash people.

  6. Well, the trajectory for many of Bloomberg’s lackeys – like those who were in his now defunct “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” – is arrest, prosecution and conviction.

    So the question I would throw to this group would be “What felony will Watts ultimately be convicted of? /;-)

  7. at the current annual rate of gun homicides in America, it’ll take approximately 1,000 years to rack up the body count that Stalin racked up during his reign. of course, guns were very tightly regulated in Russia when stalin took over.

  8. I know she was shot in the head and all, but every time I see that pic…it just makes me giggle.

    Lord, I apologize for that one there, and please be with all the starving Pygmies down there in New Guinea! Amen!

    • Strych9 has mentioned he has seen her when he was out-n-about, and he’s in Colorado…

  9. For the same reason that Churchill vetoed an assassination plan on Hitler in 1943, the best thing is for Shannon to stay in place and do her thing. She may only be venting at staff over her frustrations with the big cheese moneybags who pays the bills, but still, what a bitch! Irony would be an anti gun staff member getting so pissed off with her that she ends up taking a bullet and the staffer goes to jail, undermining the whole enterprise.

  10. All u gun worshippers are just jealous of me and my fame. My husband thinks im beautiful and thats all that matters, although the majority of the time i have a tight, leather gimp mask on, and have him at my mercy with a 24 inch black dildo. Bloomy and i will soon have all the power. Ha, ha, ha

    • 24 inches? That’s it?

      Come back when it’s a 30-inch draconic phallus and then I might be impressed, until then you’re merely pedestrian.

  11. I for one am going to have huge celebration dinners when Soros and Bloomberg die. Tick tock, tick tock… Old age is a blessing….I also welcome pancreatic cancer to speed things up.

  12. No matter how much you urinate on it, it is VERY hard to get Astroturf to grow. Blimpberg is very full of it and himself but in the end is just a legend in his own mind.

  13. β€œBloomberg’s a smart man. I just don’t understand why he keeps Shannon Watts around.”

    She does things his wife won’t do.

  14. Well then, geee….

    I had no idea Shannon Watts was doing such a fine job. She seems like she deserves our reconsideration, folks. I’d like to wholeheartedly support Shannon “the Cannon” Watts, and I hereby nominate her for Lifetime Empress of Moms Demand Whatevs.

    Her fresh ideas are obviously valid, consistent, and wholly substantial… just plain *right*… and that rationality really shows in that nationwide productivity. You go girl!

    Plus, she’s kind of cute (in a Moms Demand You Know What kinda way)… assuming that photo is even a reasonably accurate depiction of Shannon, IRL. You know what they say, about “crazy is as crazy does” and all that… Mama mia. Or, something.

    Keep up the good work, Shannon! Be sure to tweet to your little big heart’s content, every single day– and don’t you dare let those Negative Nellies getcha down. You tell ’em who’s boss around there, babe! Especially behind the scenes…. let ’em have it! You know as well as I do: They can’t win without you, and they’ll only win because of you. Amarite?

    Be safe. #MomsDemandtobeInvited #MomsKnowCaliberMatters

  15. Holy shit.

    She looks like slightly younger (or better photoshopped) version of M. Zaharova, that du…uh, excuse me, I meant mentally challenged female press-secretary of Russian Foregin Ministry. Oh, the irony of the Universe.

  16. I hope she stays with them forever.

    Hell, I’d like to HELP keep her in that position forever.

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