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CBS News: “Congressional candidate Samuel Wurzelbacher – who is better known as ‘Joe The Plumber’ – is defending a controversial campaign video that suggests gun control led to the Holocaust.” And why wouldn’t he? Joe makes an entirely accurate (if brief) connection between disarmament and mass murder. In fact, it’s a fact. So why is this even a story? “National Jewish Democratic Council President and CEO David A. Harris criticized the spot Tuesday and called on Wurzelbacher to apologize. ‘Using the memories of the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust to make a political point is never appropriate, under any circumstances,’ he said in a statement. ‘For Ohio Republican House candidate Samuel Wurzelbacher to imply that these innocent lives were taken because of gun control laws is simply beyond the pale.'” As a Jew I am ashamed and appalled by Harris’ comment. When it comes to never again, gun control is as good a place to start as any.

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  1. Wurzelbacher seems to be a guy that is going to actively try to rollback the usurpation of our 2nd Amendment rights. I live in Colorado, but am supporting him with my campaign donations. I can do that because ‘Campaign Finance Reform’ has so far failed to take away my 1st Amendment rights. If you are serious about the 2nd Amendment, this is the kind of guy to support.

  2. He could have just as easily used any of the dozens of genocides in this last century, each was preceded by disarmament. He probably would have been better off showing the pattern of genocides than invoking a single event.

    • He mentioned two genocides…..

      Turkey vs Armenians and then the Holocaust, everyone just focused in on the Holocaust because it is more well known.

  3. My parents migrated to the US. I remember this story clearly up to today:

    “After the dictator declared martial law and suspended so many civil liberties, the first announcement to come after that declaration was the requirement for all licensed gun owners to ‘surrender for safekeeping’ all their firearms. If they didn’t surrender their weapons, THE MILITARY POLICE WILL GO TO YOUR HOUSE AND TAKE IT FROM YOU (emphasis mine). Thousands died in the years following that.”

    I don’t need the theoretic arguments of anti-gun people like Mikeb, because we as a family have lived through the reality of state disarmament of its populace. No anti will EVER convince me that banning guns will be good for a people. Far too many have already died proving otherwise.

  4. Robert,

    You are preaching to the choir. Have you informed Mr. Harris of your displeasure? Mr. Harris might be just ignorant. Enlighten him!
    Are you a member of Jews F0r The Preservation of Firearms Ownership?

    The current president of jpfo is Charles Heller, who is a local talk show host in my town. Maybe you two can work togather on an education project.

    • I sent him an e-mail last night. I would encourage everyone to do the same. I would recommend that we not call him names or rant, but be reasonable and calm. I encouraged him to explore the issue a bit more, get the historical facts and perhaps he could then see that Hitler, Stalin, the Young Turks, Pot Pol, etc. all used the same techniques. One of those techniques for enslavement and mass murder has always been disarming the general population.

  5. What was that about correlation is not causation? Gun control(whatever that may be) does not cause genocide. It may be a factor, but not the deciding one in the mass killing of certain people.

    Banning guns may not be good for people, but it does not cause genocide.

    Phil, where did your parents migrate from?

    • It doesn’t cause genocide or tyrannical control, but disarmament of the populace is the most significant variable in being able to implement that control.

    • Any Jewish person can correct me if I have misunderstood.
      It is my understanding that some Jewish folks (especially those wise enough to be against disarmament of the people) believe that if the Jewish people didn’t allow themselves to be disarmed preceding WW2, those Jews could have resisted. If that true or not we will never know; however I am pretty sure the cost to murder millions of Jews would have been exponentially higher for the Hitler and his Nazi’s.

      • The Poles didn’t get the memo to turn in their guns and fought bravely in Warsaw. Better to die a free man than live as a slave.

  6. Israel is a gun control nation, don’t fall for the stories on the net about Rabbis packing UZIs, only certain people get gun permits in Israel. Jews fundamentally hate guns.

    • Which is ironic. You’d think after the atrocities of the holocaust they would have a greater appreciation for a population at arms.

    • I don’t think anyone mentioned Israel. We are talking about the US (which has a slightly higher Jewish population than Israel) where we have a fundamental, inalienable right to bear arms. I do not believe this has ever been the case in Israel.

      Furthermore I think it’s wrong to say “Jews fundamentally hate guns” as you are generalizing for an entire race of people. You could say Jews are fundamentally peaceful which can probably be said about 99% of the world’s population. I doubt an entire race of people are against the tools necessary to defend their lives which is allowed in their religion and actually encouraged.

      • “I don’t think anyone mentioned Israel. We are talking about the US (which has a slightly higher Jewish population than Israel) where we have a fundamental, inalienable right to bear arms. ”

        I get your point, but everyone, everywhere, has a fundamental, inalienable, (G-d-given? F-ying-spaghetti-monster given? D-rwinian necessity given?) right to to self defense and the tools necessary to do so.

    • While it is true that Israelis don’t have many personal firearms, the country has universal military service and its citizens have access to a wide range of firearms. If the Rabbi serves a community on the frontier with Syria, the West Bank or Gaza he will have easy access ot an Uzi, Galill or M-16,

  7. ‘Using the memories of the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust to make a political point is never appropriate, under any circumstances,’

    That’s a very interesting statement considering how often it happens.

  8. Funny how antis will dance in waist-deep blood after any far more recent tragedy, claiming that GUNS GUNS GUNS were the cause of crimes, shootings, etc. Yet when someone accurately and factually states that a 70 year old tragedy was aided by gun control, suddenly their false moral outrage at such inappropriateness is inflamed.

    Antis are despicable hypocrites, every last one. Though I’m sure that’s no surprise to anyone here.

  9. If we can’t even agree that we want to make sure our laws do not lead to a situation in which 6 million of our citizens are mass murdered by our government for their race creed or religion, I do believe the Republic is lost.

  10. Not to belabor the point, but the Nazis exterminated 13 million “undesirables.” Jews amounted to a bit less than half of them. This ad was never about the Jews, so stop trying to make it so. The holocaust was just one of many race and class based exterminations in world history. Of course if you’d rather people pretend it never happened I’m sure there are many who would gladly accommodate you so be very careful what you ask for.

  11. I’ll bet Mr. Harris has never even been to a gun range. Maybe Joe W. should take him…

    So, there.. You can completely disregard what ever that libtard jew said.

    ‘For Ohio Republican House candidate Samuel Wurzelbacher to imply that these innocent lives were taken because of gun control laws is simply beyond the pale.’” As a Jew I am ashamed and appalled by Harris’ comment.

    AS A JEW I AM – Glad he freaking said it.

  13. What is probably more important than the right to bear arms, is the ability or disability of a population to think clearly about issues and not be swayed by the bu!!sh!t peddled by the people they put in charge, or let rise to power.

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