The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) is the Lone Star State’s eighth largest university, spread out over 747 acres. A student just outside the sprawling “gun free” campus (firearms rules after the jump) came a cropper Tuesday night when he encountered a car thief. “The teen allegedly saw the man breaking into his silver Toyota in the 300 block of Allendale Oaks near the UTSA campus around 11 p.m.,” reports. “San Antonio police [say] the thief shot the man in the hand when confronted and then drove away in the stolen vehicle.” No he didn’t bleed out . . .

“The victim ran to a nearby house and banged on the door to try and get help, police said, but the thief returned and shot him again. He died on the doorstep.” Assuming the car thief/murderer didn’t know the victim, the incident highlights the fact that passivity in the face of a lethal threat is no guarantee of survival. Neither is having a gun. You load your bullets you take your chances. Or not . .  .

According to the UTSA Student Code of Conduct, possession or use of firearms, imitation firearms, explosives, ammunition, hazardous chemicals, or weapons as defined by state or federal law on University premises or on any property or in any building or facility owned or controlled by The University of Texas System is strictly prohibited unless authorized by the Vice President for Student Affairs and by federal, state, or local laws. The possession or use of imitation firearms, BB guns, Air-soft guns, or similar simulated firearms is prohibited in all campus housing areas.


  1. Crap, I know it’s San Antonio but it still highlights the fact of gun free zones. I just started to go back to a traditional college here in Texas after some-odd years in the Army. Sucks being disarmed all day.

  2. You guys should ad a link to the old article (I think it was here) showing how armed resistance lead to victims being injured less than anything else.

  3. I’m letting my college kid know about this ASAP. Doesn’t go to school anywhere near Texas, but can always use a reminder to be alert.
    Pray for this kid’s family.

    • As a Texan, I have to tell you — this is not a Texas thing, this is a more nation-wide thing. Most schools do not allow firearms on campus. Hopefully the recent shootings will make the state enact legislature to reverse these decisions and reduce the number of gun-free zones in the state.

  4. This is a damn shame, I work minutes away from where this happened (I was long gone by 11PM though) and it’s unsettling that something like this happens in the first place. More so unsettling because the killer came back! Whether or not this student wanted to be armed or not he didn’t have the option to begin with nor did any other good Samaritan who may have otherwise stepped up to defend this man.

    San Antonio, despite our mayor, as an otherwise gun-friendly town (I know, Texas, but Houston and Austin would surprise you) so I can only hope that this shows the necessity of allowing students to be armed if they so choose.

  5. Again confirming what we all know, creating a “Gun Free” zone does not ensure a “Gun Free” zone. Sheesh…

  6. RF, Texas is neocon land. It is not that pro gun of a state. Even Rhode Island has open carry. It can’t pass in Texas. Go to Arizona instead.

  7. 18-20 year olds can’t get carry licenses in Texas unless they’ve served in the military. Young men and women off on their own for the first time are so vulnerable.

    TSRA is going to push for campus carry again in this year’s legislative session. It’ll only apply to CHL holders, so most students won’t be able to carry.

    • I wish we could get campus carry here in Florida. It would eliminate the only part of Florida gun laws that is annoying to me. My 20-year reunion is coming up next month, so it’s really !@#$% annoying to me that I have to (theoretically) disarm just because I want to take a night class or two.

  8. Why college students should get the most concealable handgun they can and find a way to carry inconspicuously, despite school laws.

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