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If hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, a disappointed grandparent isn’t far behind. Troy Don Gibbs of Chandler, Oklahoma attended his granddaughter’s softball game earlier this week, but the little slugger ended up riding the pine pony all day. After a couple of attempts to express his displeasure to the kid’s coach – in which other parents had to intervene to keep the peace – Gibbs made a third attempt to help her with her lineup card decisions . . .

“When the softball coach was going to her vehicle, he approached her again at her vehicle and began the argument again about his granddaughter not getting to play,” Mattheyer said.

That’s when witnesses said another parent jumped in and claimed he “tried to calm Gibbs down by saying that his daughter does not get to play at times,” but Gibbs told police that parent threatened to beat him up.

The report stated another parent tried to break up the argument when Gibbs pulled out a loaded gun and pointed it at his face as well as other people including children.

The plucky kid will no doubt turn out to be the next Jennie Finch one day. We’re also sure that right now, no one in the world embarrasses her more than her grandfather. So Troy Don will be receiving some commemorative hardware to remind him to keep his cool at her future sporting events, assuming he’s allowed to attend any of them. 

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  1. “[insert name here] will be receiving some commemorative hardware [insert snark here]”

    I’m just curious, do y’all ACTUALLY send these goobers a plaque or trophy or… hell, ANYTHING when you award them this “honor”? I’m not trying to be a smart-ass, I am actually curious. Oh, I said that already. I guess my “Redundant Over and Over Again” trophy will be sent soon?

  2. Wait, so the girl’s parents paid for her to play softball, and she was on the bench the whole game? Unless it’s a competitive traveling league, most youth sports organizations require a coach to play a player, no matter how bad, at least half the game.

    Irresponsible gun owner of the day, for sure, but the coach sounds dumb enough to have pushed his buttons, since he left and then came back with his gun.

    You have the right to be an asshat, but you don’t have the right to be free of the consequences.

    • You absolutely do have a right to be free from having a gun stuck in your face when you’ve done nothing violent or threatening to warrant it.

      • It doesn’t happen a whole lot, but I have to go with Grindstone on that one. Unless there is a significant part of the story we aren’t seeing (and there well could be), that kind of gun-waving is inexcusable.

  3. I want to know how that guy could possibly be old enough to have a granddaughter playing organized sports. He looks like he might be 40 years old. Did he father a child when he was 15 years old, that child bore a child when he/she was 15 years old, and now the grandchild is 10 years old???

    • It’s certainly possible. I have a friend that’s 32 with a 16 year old son. His father is 48…and I believe his grandfather is 64. They pack them close together, apparently.

    • I worked with a guy who married his wife when they were 17, the reason for the early marriage got pregnant when she was 15. Being the snide guy I am, I pulled him aside later on in the shift after he got the phone call he had a healthy granddaughter and actually asked him (he was then 32 years old) with a smile on my face how he liked sleeping with grandma. He burst out laughing and said “Just fine!”

      Finishing up shift paperwork later he said (while smiling) “You know, you can be kinda evil…”

      I had to agree… 🙂

      What they say about Florida is true.

  4. If it is valid and proven that he pulled a gun, rather than some anti-gunner just saying so, he needs to do some HARD prison time! This is NOT the kind of person the 2nd Amendment community needs in our ranks!!!

  5. I took a tour of the other day. The only aggrevated assaults in my neighborhood were at the local park where they host little league events. I am sure these parents and grandparents will claim it is for the children. What is it about parenthood where they lose touch with what it means to be men and women?

  6. This right here is the perfect example of why they want firearms banned at sporting events. Yes, I realize that a spree shooter would ignore the sign. However, a lawful carrier, especially in a constitutional carry state, where no licensing and self-selection takes place, could still be there armed and emotional.

    Now, with all the baseball bats lying around and infinite other potential appliances of aggression, I’d want to have my own self-defense firearm at the ready. Still, the point remains that sometimes people do snap and a high tension venue like a sporting event, school, or courtroom is fertile ground for it.

    Bring on the counterargument s, stats, and various treatises upon the rights of Man and Citizen, and I’ll agree with them all. Shall not be infringed means what it means. That one side wins the debate does not necessarily mean that the other side never had a valid point to make along the way.

    • Shall NOT be infringed- if the tense agony of watching kids play sports is cause to trample civil rights, then they should be trampled everywhere.

  7. Meanwhile,the Chandler High school Marching band is earning money for camp, by crafting the poster boards, for the Chandler city police booking department.

  8. Things have really changed. I was at a ballgame the other day for grandson’s team. His team was in the field, he was pitching. And I was down the left field fence past the dugout. And as we use to do, was cheering them on with a “Batter Batter swing” chant. They actually stopped the game to tell me to be quiet, or they would call the game causing forfeit for our team. I ended up leaving. Back when I played both teams got snow cones, now even the kid that rides the bench gets a trophy.

  9. As soon as I saw that his name was Troy Don, I knew that we were venturing into “Florida Man…” territory.

    I’m not sure if it is the telltale trademark of a certain “House with an axle” upbringing…..or maybe my perception that guys who wear black shirts with skulls on them ONLY own black shirts with skulls on them……

    …but I swear that there is a phenomenon where guys whose middle name is Don or Wayne are 79x more likely to be spotted on an episode of COPS or similar program.

  10. When the revolution comes all people with those douchbag t-shirts will be the first to go.

  11. I suggest some anger management…maybe a lot of it. Assuming he is a lawful gun owner, he can kiss his gun rights goodbye.

    He’s the type of person who shouldn’t even have a dog if he can’t control himself any better than that.

    Way to go douche!

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